SRC-JBJ H.B. 3191 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 3191 By: Moreno, Joe (Ellis) Intergovernmental Relations 5/12/1999 Engrossed DIGEST Currently, counties may regulate the use of county parks. However, the statutes that authorize the counties contain no provisions for enforcement of these rules. H.B. 3191 would a create a Class C misdemeanor offense for a violation of a county park rule. PURPOSE As proposed, H.B. 3191 amends regulations regarding the imposition of a criminal penalty and the use of fines for a violation of a rule concerning the use of county parks. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 320.045, Local Government Code, as follows: Sec. 320.045. New heading: RULES; PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS. Provides that a person commits a Class C misdemeanor offense if the person violates a rule approved by the commissioners court under Subsection (a). Requires the collected fines to be deposited in the county's general fund. SECTION 2.Effective date: September 1, 1999. SECTION 3.Emergency clause.