SRC-JBJ H.B. 3277 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 3277 By: Cook (Armbrister) Natural Resources 5/3/1999 Engrossed DIGEST Currently, the agriculture industry contributes significantly to the economy of the Gulf Coast region. An advisory committee to the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station could advise the station concerning research on agricultural production and its effect on water use and availability and wildlife habitats in the Gulf Cost region. The Experiment Station would administer the research program and solicit and create funding programs for agricultural and wildlife research. H.B. 3277 would establish the Agriculture and Wildlife Research and Management Advisory Committee and would direct the Experiment Station to administer certain research programs. PURPOSE As proposed, H.B. 3277 creates the Agriculture and Wildlife Research and Management Advisory Committee and directs the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station to administer certain research programs. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 88C, Education Code, by adding Section 88.216, as follows: Sec. 88.216. AGRICULTURE AND WILDLIFE RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE; OTHER AGENCIES. Provides that the Agriculture and Wildlife Research and Management Advisory Committee (committee ) is an advisory committee of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (station), and sets forth the composition, terms of office for members, and meeting requirements of the advisory committee. Prohibits the advisory committee from exceeding 20 percent of the total amount of funds available for expenditure by the advisory committee. Provides that the members are not entitled to compensation for service on the committee or travel reimbursements, except that a member who represents a university or state agency may receive any reimbursement for travel expenses to which the member is otherwise entitled. Sets forth duties of the advisory committee and the station. Requires the Texas Agricultural Extension Service to provide educational programs relating to agriculture production, water use, and wildlife habitats, and relating to public awareness of those activities. SECTION 2. Amends Title 3, Agriculture Code, by adding Chapter 46, as follows: CHAPTER 46. AGRICULTURE AND WILDLIFE RESEARCH PROGRAM. Sec. 46.001. PROGRAM. Requires the committee and the station to develop and administer a program to finance agriculture and wildlife research that the station determines to be of the highest scientific merit and to offer significant promise in providing new directions for longterm solutions to continued agriculture production, water availability, and wildlife habitat availability. Sec. 46.002. TERM OF AWARD. Requires an award under Section 46.001 to be granted for a two-year period and to be extended at the end of that period after review. Sec. 46.003. FUNDS. The station may solicit and accept gifts and grants from any public or private source. Provides that the use of the gift or grant is subject to the limitations contained in the gifts. Sec. 46.004. ANNUAL ACCOUNTING. Requires the station to provide an annual accounting of all money received, awarded, and expended during the year to certain legislative committees. SECTION 3. Requires the station to provide a report to the lieutenant governor, speaker of the house of representatives, and certain legislative committees, by a certain date. Sets forth information that must be contained in the report. SECTION 4.Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage.