Senate Research Center   H.B. 3821
By: Salinas (Zaffirini)
Intergovernmental Relations


The juvenile board of Duval County (board), which will oversee the new
county juvenile justice facility opening in 1999, needs an additional
member to increase local participation and facilitate a quorum.
Additionally, the statute governing the board should be specific to Duval
County.  This bill would add a citizen member selected by the county judge
and district judge to the Duval County Juvenile Board and would establish
the new member's term of office, designate the board chair, set a salary
range for board members, and require the board to appoint an advisory


As proposed, H.B. 3821 adds a citizen member selected by the county judge
and district judge to the Duval County Juvenile Board (board) and
establishes the new member's term of office, designates the board chair,
sets a salary range for board members, and requires the board to appoint an
advisory council. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 152D, Human Resources Code, by adding Section
152.0721, as follows: 

Sec.  152.0721.  DUVAL COUNTY.  (a) Establishes that the Duval County
Juvenile Board (board) is composed of the county judge, the district judge
in Duval County, and a citizen of Duval County appointed by the county
judge and district judge in Duval County.  Provides that the citizen member
of the board serves the same term of office as the district judge in Duval

(b) Establishes that the district judge is the chairman of the board and
its chief administrative officer. 

(c) Authorizes the commissioners court to pay the juvenile board members an
annual salary set by the commissioners court between $1,200 and $3,600 for
the added duties imposed on the members.  Requires the salary to be paid in
equal monthly installments from the general fund of the county. 

(d) Requires the board to appoint not more than five persons to serve on an
advisory council. 

(e) Provides that Section 152.0002, and Sections 152.0004-152.0008, of this
code do not apply to the board. 

SECTION 2. (a) Effective date: September 1, 1999.  Creates the board as of
that date. 

(b) Requires the county judge and district judge in Duval County to appoint
the citizen member of the board by October 1, 1999. 

 (c) Requires the board to appoint an advisory council as required by
January 1, 2000. 

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.