Senate Research Center   H.B. 3822
76R10679 DB-DBy: Telford (Ratliff)
Intergovernmental Relations


Currently, there are no county court at law in Bowie County.  Subsequently,
all cases resulting from an infraction of the law must be scheduled in
district courts or higher courts.  As a result, these cases are backlogged
in the district  courts or higher courts.  H.B. 3822 would create one
County Court of Law in Bowie County. 


As proposed, H.B. 3822 creates the County Court of Law in Bowie County.


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 25C, Government Code, by adding Sections 25.0211
and 25.0212, effective January 1, 2001, as follows: 

Sec. 25.0211.  BOWIE COUNTY.  Establishes that Bowie County has one
statutory county court, the County Court at Law of Bowie County. 
Sec. 25.0212.  BOWIE COUNTY COURT AT LAW PROVISIONS.  Provides that a
county court at law in Bowie County has, concurrent with the district
court, the jurisdiction provided by the constitution and by general law for
district courts, providing certain limitations.  Sets forth conditions for
which a county court at law does not have general supervisory control or
appellate review of the commissioners court or jurisdiction.  Requires the
judge of a county court at law (judge) to have the same qualifications as
those required by law for a district judge.  Sets forth conditions
regarding the salary and fund from which the salary will be taken for the
judge.  Prohibits the judge from engaging in the private practice of law.
Authorizes the commissioners court to authorize the judge to set the
official court reporter's salary.  Sets forth requirements for regularly
impaneled jurors.  Provides that the district clerk serves as clerk of a
county court at law in matters of concurrent jurisdiction with district
courts, and the county clerk serves as clerk of the county court at law in
all other matters. Requires each clerk to establish a separate docket for a
county court at law. 

SECTION 2.  Sets forth the requirements for electing the judge.

SECTION 3.  Emergency clause.
  Effective date: 90 days after adjournment.