Senate Research Center   S.B. 10
By: Bivins
As Filed


Currently, Texas has no Public Education Scholarship program.  S.B. 10
would create of a public education scholarship program for certain
educationally disadvantaged children in certain school districts. 


As proposed, S.B. 10 creates a public education scholarship program for
certain educationally disadvantaged children in certain school districts. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the commissioner of education in SECTION
1 (Section 29.364(b), Education Code) and to the comptroller in SECTION 1
(Sections 29.366(a) and (b), Education Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 29, Education Code, by adding Subchapter J, as

 Sec. 29.351.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "free school," "parent," and "private

forth conditions for a child's eligibility, except as provided by Section
29.368, for a public education scholarship under this subchapter.  Provides
that after a student has used a public education scholarship to attend a
free school, the student remains eligible for the scholarship until the
student again enrolls in public school.  Defines "alternative education

Sec. 29.353.  PARENTAL CHOICE.  Requires a school district to notify the
parent of each child eligible for a public education scholarship that the
child is eligible to attend a free school.  Provides that a child may
attend a private school, but may not receive funding from state and local
sources for that purpose.   

Sec. 29.354.  FINANCING.  Entitles each school district to receive state
funding.   Requires a child eligible to attend school in a school district
but who attends a free school and registers that free school choice with
the school district to be considered in determining the district's average
daily attendance.  Requires the commissioner of education (commissioner) to
adopt a procedure for free schools to use in order to report the average
daily attendance of students receiving public education scholarship funds. 

Sec. 29.355.  PUBLIC EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP.  Provides that a child's public
education scholarship is the sum of state and local revenues per student in
average daily attendance under the Foundation School Program, except as
provided by Subsection (b). Requires the district that the child attending
a free school would otherwise attend on the basis of residence to pay
certain funds to the free school.  Prohibits a free school  from sharing
with, refunding to, or rebating to the parents or child the remainder of
the public education scholarship fund.  Entitles the school district that
the child would have attended to the remainder. 
Sec. 29.356.  TRANSPORTATION BY DISTRICT.  Requires a school district to
offer each child attending a free school transportation free of charge to
and from the public school the child would otherwise attend to the extent
the district would be required to provide transportation if the child were
attending that public school. 
the selected free school to certify to the comptroller that the school has
complied with certain conditions, in order to receive a child's public
scholarship fund.   

Sec. 29.358.  ACCREDITATION.  Requires a free school included in the public
education scholarship to be accredited by a private organization recognized
by the commissioner, except that a newly established  free school may
operate without such accreditation if the school applies for accreditation
before accepting students under the pilot program.  Prohibits a newly
established free school from participating in the public education
scholarship pilot program, if it is not accredited by the second
anniversary of the date the school begins operation.   

Sec. 29.359.  ADMISSIONS.  Prohibits a free school from refusing to enroll
a child based upon certain personal characteristics.  Prohibits a free
school from considering athletic ability or the amount of a public
education scholarship in any admissions process.  Authorizes a free school
to refuse to enroll a child who has been expelled from a school district.
Provides that a free school with more scholarship applicants than positions
must give priority to students at risk of dropping out of school, and must
fill other positions by lottery.  Requires a free school to declare the
number of available positions and conduct the lottery for the next school
year not later than July 1 of each year.  Authorizes a free school to give
admissions preference to enrolled students and siblings or other children
residing in the same household of enrolled students for the convenience of
parents of those children. 

Sec. 29.360.  SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES.  Entitles a child who is eligible
under the law to receive special services and a public education
scholarship to receive those services from the state or the school district
the child would otherwise attend. 

Sec. 29.361.  BILINGUAL EDUCATION SERVICES.  Entitles a parent to request
that a free school provide bilingual education services or address the
language needs of a child, that are not unreasonable.  Entitles a free
school to certain allotments for providing bilingual education. 

Sec. 29.362.  TUITION; ADDITIONAL CHARGES AND FEES.  Sets forth certain
charges and assessments prohibited for a free school. 

Sec. 29.363.  EXPULSION OF STUDENTS.  Prohibits a free school from
expelling a student unless the student engages in  activity for which the
student may be expelled under Section 37.007. 

Sec. 29.364.  ACCOUNTABILITY.  Requires each free school to report to the
commissioner concerning the school's performance on the academic excellence
indicators.  Requires each free school to administer, in the same way as
public school students, the appropriate required assessment instruments for
each student in each grade.  Requires the commissioner to adopt rules and
procedures for the administration of state-required assessment instruments
in free schools.  Requires the commissioner to report and publish student
assessment results in a manner that allows comparisons between students
attending free schools and students attending public schools.  Requires the
report to show statewide, district, and campus results. Prohibits
identification of students in the commissioner's report.  Requires copies
of the commissioner's report to be made available to the public at each
free and public school. Authorizes the commissioner to determine that a
free school is not eligible to continue  receiving public education
scholarship funds if the percentage of students attending the free school
who perform satisfactorily on the assessment instrument is considered
lowperforming if it were a public campus.  Requires the commissioner to
promptly notify the comptroller of the commissioner's determination. 

Requires the State Board of Education to designate an impartial
organization with experience in evaluating school choice programs to
annually evaluate the public education scholarship program.  Sets forth
requirements for an evaluation.  Requires the organization conducting the
evaluation, not later than September 1, 2004, to file a written report
stating the results of the evaluation with certain government officials.
Provides that this subsection expires January 1, 2005.   

Sec. 29.366.  DUTIES OF COMPTROLLER.  Requires the comptroller to adopt
rules, procedures, and forms for the payment of public education
scholarships to the free schools on behalf of the parents of the students
attending free schools.  Requires the comptroller's rules to include
conditions of payments made with respect to public education scholarships.
Requires the comptroller to adopt rules, procedures, and forms for a free
school to permit review of the financial operations of the school.
Authorizes the comptroller to determine that a free school is not eligible
to continue receiving funds if the school fails to satisfy generally
accepted standards of fiscal management. 

 Sec. 29.367.  STATUS OF FREE SCHOOLS.  Provides that a free school is not
a government agent or instrumentality, and the conduct of a free school is
governed by law governing private conduct rather than by law governing
state action.  Establishes that the purpose of this subchapter is to allow
maximum freedom to the private sector to respond to educational needs
without excessive government control, and requires this subchapter to be
liberally construed to achieve that purpose.  Prohibits the State Board of
Education, the commissioner, or the comptroller from regulating the
educational program of a free school, except as necessary to ensure the
school's compliance with this title. 

Sec. 29.368.  PARTIAL TERMINATION OF PROGRAM.  Requires the commissioner,
not later than July 1, 2005, to compare the average performance of each
free school's students to the average performance of students in public
schools who are of similar age, background, and school district.  Sets
forth requirements for a school's acceptance of and a student's attendance
of a free school.   

SECTION 2.  Effective date: September 1, 1999.

SECTION 3.  Requires the State Board of Education to implement the public
education scholarship program, as added by this Act, beginning with the
2000-2001 school year. 

SECTION 4.  Emergency clause.