Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.S.B. 89
By: Madla
Land & Resource Management
Committee Report (Substituted)


During the 75th Legislative Session, the Legislature  reviewed more than 70
bills directed at changing current statutes regarding municipal annexation.
These bills included measures to: increase the unannexed area's negotiating
leverage with the municipality; give citizens of areas proposed for
annexation the ability to veto annexation; redefine boundaries and powers
within the ETJ; change the time within which a municipality must provide
services to an annexed area and the level of services to be provided; and
to disannex one or more areas.  Also many home buyers do not realize the
extent to which they are subject to annexation.  
C.S.S.B. 89 seeks to address the wide range of issues surrounding
annexation, balancing the interests of landowners and residents within a
city's ETJ and the needs of cities to manage growth in unincorporated areas
within the ETJ.  The Act attempts to accomplish this balancing of interests
by including provisions related to the creation of three-year annexation
plans by municipalities, the level of services to be provided in annexed
areas, alternatives to annexation, arbitration procedures and


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 


SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 42, Local Government Code, by
adding Section 42.0225, as follows: 

OWNED PROPERTY. Provides that, for an area owned by a municipality that is
not contiguous to other territory of the municipality, the extraterritorial
jurisdiction (ETJ) of the municipality is expanded to include only the area
located within one mile of the boundaries of the annexed area,
notwithstanding the limits on ETJ enumerated in Sections 42.021(2)-(5)
(Extent of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction), Local Government Code.  Provides
that a municipality's ETJ is not expanded if the area annexed under this
section lies within the municipality's existing ETJ. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Subchapter A, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by
adding Section 43.002, as follows: 

Sec. 43.002.  CONTINUATION OF LAND USE.  Prohibits a municipality, after
annexing an area, from prohibiting a person from continuing a legal land
use in effect on the date annexation proceedings were instituted; or
beginning a land use for which one or more licenses, certificates, permits,
approvals, or other forms of authorization were required, and for which a
completed application for initial authorization, which includes all
documents and information required, was filed with the governmental entity
90 days before the date annexation was effective. Provides that this
section does not prohibit a municipality from imposing a regulation
relating to: 
_the location of sexually oriented businesses as that term is defined by
Section 243.002 (Definition); 
_a municipal ordinance, regulation, or other requirement affecting colonias
as that term is defined by Section 2306.581 (Definition), Government Code; 
_preventing imminent destruction of property or injury to persons;
_public nuisances;
_flood control;
_the storage and use of hazardous substances;
_the sale and use of fireworks; or
_the discharge of firearms. 
SECTION 3. Amends the heading to Subchapter C, Chapter 43, Local Government
Code, as follows: 


SECTION 4.  Amends Sections 43.052 and 43.053, Local Government Code, as

Sec. 43.052.  MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION PLAN REQUIRED.   (a) Defines "special

(b)  Authorizes a municipality to annex an area identified in the
annexation plan only as provided in this section. 

(c) Requires a municipality to prepare a plan that specifically identifies
annexation that may occur beginning on the third anniversary of the plan's
adoption.  Authorizes the municipality to amend the plan to specifically
identify areas that may be annexed beginning on the third anniversary of
the amendment. 

(d)   Prohibits a municipal utility district or other special district that
will be abolished as a result of the annexation, excluding an emergency
services district, in which the area is located, from: reducing the tax
rate applicable to the area below the effective tax rate or the rollback
tax rate calculated under Chapter 26 (Assessment), Tax Code;  voluntarily
transferring an asset without consideration; or entering into a contract
for services that extends beyond the three-year annexation plan period,
other than a contract with another political subdivision for the operation
of water, wastewater, and drainage facilities, without the consent of the
municipality at any time during which an area is included in a
municipality's annexation plan. 

(e) Authorizes a municipality to amend its annexation plan at any time to
remove an area proposed for annexation.  Prohibits a municipality from
including an area in its annexation plan, if the plan has been amended to
remove the area from the plan within the 18 months after the month the area
is included, until the first anniversary of the date of such an amendment.
Prohibits a municipality, if it has amended its annexation plan to remove
an area from the plan within 18 months after the month the area is included
in the three year annexation plan, from including the area in its
annexation plan until the second anniversary of the date of the amendment.  

(f) Requires the municipality to give written notice, before the 90th day
after the date a municipality adopts or amends an annexation plan under
this section, to each property owner in the affected area that the area has
been included in or removed from the annexation plan; to each public
entity, as defined by Section 43.053 (Period for Completion of Annexation;
Effective Date); and each railroad company that serves the municipality. 

(g) Provides that if an area is not removed from the municipality's
annexation plan, the annexation of the area under the plan must be
completed before the 31st day after the third anniversary of the date the
area was included in the annexation plan. Prohibits the  municipality, if
the annexation is not completed within the period prescribed by this
subsection, from annexing the area proposed for annexation before the fifth
anniversary of the last day for completing an annexation under this

(h)  Provides that this section does not apply to an area proposed for
annexation if: 

(1)  the area contains fewer than 100 separate tracts of land on which
residential dwellings are located; 
(2)  the area will be annexed by vote or petition of the qualified voters
or property owners as provided by Subchapter B (General Authority to
(3) the area is included within the boundaries of a special district and
the area is annexed at the request of the district; 
(4)  the area is the subject of an industrial district contract under
Section 42.044; 
(5)  the area is located in a colonia, as that term is defined by Section
2306.581, Government Code; 
(6)  the area is annexed under Section 43.026 (Authority of Type A
General-Law Municipality to Annex Area it Owns), 43.027 (Authority of
General-Law Municipality to Annex Navigable Stream), 43.029 (Authority of
Certain Small Municipalities to Annex Unoccupied Area on Petition of School
Board), or 43.031(Authority of Adjacent Municipalities to Change Boundaries
by Agreement); or 
(7)  the municipality determines that the annexation of the area is
necessary to protect the area proposed for annexation or the municipality
from imminent destruction of property, or a condition that constitutes a
public or private nuisance. 

Deletes existing Section 43.052 (Annexation Hearing Requirements). Deletes
existing text as follows: deletes provision that the governing body of a
municipality must conduct two public hearings conducted after the 40th day
but before the 20th days before  it may  institute annexation;  deletes
provision that, if 20 adult residents file a protest, the municipality must
hold at least one of the public hearings in the area; deletes provision
that the municipality must publish notice of the hearings in a general
circulation newspaper in the municipality and the area to be annexed
between the 20th and the 10th day before the hearing, and provide written
notice to each railroad in the proposed annexation area.  

Defines "public entity" for the purposes of this section. 

(b)   Requires a municipality to compile a comprehensive inventory of
services and facilities provided by public and private entities, directly
or by contract, in each area proposed for annexation, after adopting an
annexation plan or amending an annexation plan to include additional areas
under Section 43.052.  Provides that the inventory of services and
facilities must include all services and facilities the municipality is
required to provide or maintain following the annexation. 

(c)  Requires the municipality to request, in the notice provided under
Section 43.052(f), the information necessary to compile the inventory from
each public or private entity that provides services or facilities in each
area proposed for annexation.  Requires the public or private entity to
provide to the municipality the information held by the entity that is
necessary to compile the inventory not later than the 90th day after the
date the municipality requests the information, unless the entity and the
municipality agree to extend the period.  Sets forth the required content
for the information provided under this subsection.  Provides that a
municipality is not required to include the information in an inventory
prepared under this section if a service provider fails to provide the
information required within the 90-day period.   

(d) Requires that the information required in the inventory be based on
services and facilities provided in the year prior to the adoption of the
annexation plan or its amendment to include additional areas. 

 (e) Provides that the inventory for utilities, roads, drainage,
structures, and other infrastructure provided by public or private
entities, must include an engineer's report describing the condition of all
infrastructure elements, and a summary of expenditures on that

(f) Provides that for police, fire, and emergency medical services, the
inventory must include for each service the average dispatch and delivery
time, a schedule of equipment, including vehicles, a staffing schedule that
discloses the certification and training levels of personnel, and a summary
of operating and capital expenditures. 

(g) Requires the municipality to complete the inventory and make it
available for public inspection before the 60th day after it receives the
required information from the service provider under Subsection (c). 

(h) Authorizes the municipality to monitor the services provided in the
area proposed for annexation and verify the information provided. 

Deletes existing Section 43.053.  (Period  for Completion of Annexation;
Effective Date). Deletes existing text as follows: deletes provision that
annexation must be completed within 90 days after the governing body
institutes annexation proceedings, excluding any period during which a
court enjoins or restrains the municipality, or the annexation proceedings
are void; deletes provision that the governing body of a municipality with
a population over 1.5 million may make the annexation effective within 90
days after the date of the adoption of the ordinance providing for

SECTION 5.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by
adding Section 43.0545, as follows: 

Sec. 43.0545.  ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN ADJACENT AREAS.  (a) Prohibits a
municipality from annexing an area within its ETJ only because it is
contiguous to municipal territory that is less than 1,000 feet wide at its
narrowest point. 

(b) Prohibits a municipality from annexing an area in its ETJ only because
the area is contiguous to municipal territory annexed before September 1,
1999, which was in the ETJ at the time of annexation only because it was
contiguous to municipal territory that was less than 1,000 feet in width at
its narrowest point.  

(c) Provides that Subsections (a) and (b) do not apply to an area
completely surrounded by incorporated territory of one or more
municipalities, where the owners of the area have requested annexation,
that is owned by the municipality, or that is the subject of an industrial
district contract under Section 42.044 (Creation of Industrial District in
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction). 

(d) Provides that an area, which is in a municipality's ETJ only because it
is contiguous to municipal territory annexed only because it was contiguous
to municipal territory less than 1,000 feet in width at its narrowest
point, may be annexed, if the area which was less than 1,000 feet in width
at its narrowest point at the time of the previous annexation is more than
1,000 feet in width at its narrowest point as a result of the previous

(e) Provides that for purposes of this section, roads, highways, rivers,
lakes, or other bodies of water are not included in computing the 1,000
foot distance. 

SECTION 6. Amends Section 43.056, Local Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 43.056.  PROVISION OF SERVICES TO ANNEXED AREA.  (a) Requires the
municipality, rather than its governing body, proposing the annexation to
complete, rather than direct its planning department or other appropriate
municipal department to prepare, a service plan that provides for the
extension of full municipal services to the area to be annexed, before the
first day of the 10th month after the month in which the inventory is
prepared as provided by Section 43.053, rather than before the publication
of the notice of the first hearing. 

(b) Provides that a municipality's service plan must include a program to
provide full municipal services in annexed areas no later than two and
one-half years after the effective date of annexation, rather than four and
one-half years, unless that period is extended by an arbitration decision
issued under this chapter (Municipal Annexation) or by agreement between
specified parties.  Provides that on, rather than within 60 days after,
the effective date of the annexation of the area under the program the
municipality must provide certain services in the area, including emergency
medical services, and the operation and maintenance of  water and
wastewater facilities in the annexed area that are not within the service
area of another water or wastewater utility, roads, streets, and their
lighting, parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, and any other publicly owned
facility, building, or service.  

Deletes Subsection (b-1) which provides that a municipality with a
population over 1.5 million must provide:  full municipal services within
four and one-half years after the effective date of annexation; police
protection and solid waste collection on and after the effective date of
the annexation; emergency medical service and fire protection within 30
days if contracted;  within 60 days, maintenance of water and wastewater
facilities not within the service area of another water or wastewater
utility; roads and streets, including road and street lighting; parks,
playgrounds, and swimming pools; and any other publicly owned facility,
building or service, and if service is provided by municipal personnel and
equipment, emergency medical service and fire protection.  

(c)  Redefines "full municipal services."

(d) Created from existing text.

(e) Requires that the service plan include a program to initiate after the
effective date of the annexation, the acquisition or construction of
capital improvements necessary for service to the area.  Requires
construction to be substantially completed within two and one-half years
after the effective date of the annexation unless extended as provided by
Subsection (b), rather than beginning within two years of the effective
date and being substantially completed four and one-half years after that.
Redesignated from existing Subsection (d).  Makes conforming change. 

(f) Prohibits a service plan from providing services in the area in a
manner that would have the effect of reducing by more than a negligible
amount the level of fire and police protection and emergency medical
services provided within the corporate boundaries of the municipality
before annexation.  Redesignated from existing Subsection (e). Makes
nonsubstantive changes. 

(g) Provides that if the annexed area had a lower level of services,
infrastructure, and infrastructure maintenance than those within the
corporate boundaries of the municipality before annexation, a service plan
must provide a level of services, infrastructure, and infrastructure
maintenance comparable to other areas of the municipality similar in
topography, land use, and population to what is reasonably projected for
the annexed area. If the level of services, infrastructure, and
infrastructure maintenance is equal it must be maintained.  If the level of
services, infrastructure, and infrastructure maintenance in the annexed
area is superior to the service level within the municipality, the service
plan must provide a service level comparable to other areas of the
municipality with topography, land use, and population density similar to
those reasonably contemplated or projected for the annexed area.  If the
annexed area had a higher level of service for maintaining the
infrastructure in the area, including the facilities described in
Subsections (b)(5)-(8), than in the municipality, the service plan must
operate and maintain infrastructure at an equal or higher level of
services, infrastructure, and infrastructure maintenance in that area.
Provides that in a municipality with a population of 1.6 million or more,
if the annexed area has a level of services superior to those provided
within the corporate boundaries  before annexation, a service plan must
provide the area with a level of services comparable to the level that
existed in that area previous to annexation. Makes nonsubstantive changes. 

(h) Prohibits a municipality with a population of 1.6 million or more from
imposing an additional fee, over and above the ad valorem taxes and fees
within the municipality before annexation, in order to maintain the level
of services that existed before annexation. Provides that this subsection
does not prohibit the municipality from imposing a fee for a service in the
annexed area if the same fee is imposed within the corporate boundaries
before annexation.   

(i)-(k) Redesignated from existing Subsections (f)-(h).  Makes conforming

(l)  Redesignated from existing Subsection (i).  Authorizes a person
residing or owning land in an annexed area to enforce a service plan by
petitioning the municipality for a change in policy or procedures to ensure
compliance with the service plan. Authorizes the petitioner,  if the
municipality fails to take action with regard to the petition, to request
arbitration of the dispute.  Deletes text authorizing a resident or
landowner in an annexed area to enforce a service plan by applying for a
writ of mandamus. 

(m)  Redesignated from existing Subsection (k). Provides that this section
does not require that a uniform level of full municipal services be
provided to each area of the municipality if the governing body of the
municipality determines that different characteristics of topography, land
use, and population density are considered a sufficient basis for providing
different levels of service.  Authorizes a person aggrieved by a
determination made by a municipality under this subsection to request
arbitration. Specifies that nothing in this subsection modifies the
requirement under Subsection (g) for a service plan to provide a level of
services in an annexed area that is equal or superior to the level of
services provided within the corporate boundaries of the municipality
before annexation.  Provides that Subsection (g) prevails to the extent of
any conflict between this subsection and Subsection (g). Deletes existing
Subsection (j) requiring a municipality that annexes an area to provide the
area or cause the area to be provided with services in accordance with the
service plan for that area. 

SECTION 7.  Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by
renumbering Section 43.0561 as Section 43.0566 and Section 43.0565 as
Section 43.0567 and by adding Sections 43.0561, 43.0562, 43.0563, 43.0564,
and 43.0565 as follows:  

Sec. 43.0561.  ANNEXATION HEARING REQUIREMENTS.  (a) Provides that, before
annexation proceedings may be instituted, the governing body of a
municipality must conduct two public hearings at which persons with an
interest in the annexation are given an opportunity to be heard.  Provides
that the hearing must be held not later than 90 days after the inventory is
available for inspection. 

(b) Provides that, if a suitable site is reasonably available and more than
20 adults who are permanent residents file a written protest with the
secretary of the municipality within 10 days after the date of the
publication of the notice, containing the name, address, and age of each
signatory,  the municipality must hold at least one of the public hearings
in the area to be annexed.  Authorizes the hearing to be held outside the
area proposed for annexation at the nearest suitable public facility if no
such facility is available within the area. 
(c) Provides that the municipality must publish notice of the hearings in a
general circulation newspaper in the municipality and the area to be
annexed between the 20th and the 10th day before the hearing.  Provides
that notice by certified mail must be provided to each public entity and
utility providing service in the area proposed for annexation, and each
railroad company serving the municipality and paying taxes in the
municipality and with right-of-way in the proposed annexation area.  

 Sec. 43.0562.  NEGOTIATIONS REQUIRED.  (a)  Requires a municipality and
the property owners of the area proposed for annexation, if the
municipality has a population of less than 1.6 million, to negotiate for
the provision of services to the area after annexation or for the provision
of services to the area in lieu of annexation under Section 43.0563, after
holding the hearings as provided by Section 43.0561. Requires a
municipality and the governing body of the district, if a municipality
proposes to annex a special district as that term is defined by Section
43.052, to negotiate for the provision of services to the area in lieu of
annexation under Section 43.0751, after holding the hearings under Section

(b) Requires the commissioners court of the county in which the area
proposed for annexation is located to select five representatives to
negotiate with the municipality for the provision of services to the area
after annexation, for purposes of negotiations under Subsection (a)(1).
Requires the commissioners court of the county in which the greatest number
of residents reside to select three representatives to negotiate with the
municipality, and the commissioners courts of the remaining counties
jointly to select two representatives to negotiate with the municipality,
if the area proposed for annexation is located in more than one county. 

(c)   Authorizes the governing boards of the special districts to jointly
select five representatives to negotiate with the municipality on behalf of
all the affected districts, if more than one district is located in the
area proposed for annexation.  

Authorizes the governing body of a municipality with a population of less
than 1.6 million, to negotiate and enter into a written agreement with
representatives designated under Section 43.0562(a)(1) for the provision of
services and the funding of the services in the area.  Authorizes the
agreement to also include an agreement related to permissible land uses and
compliance with municipal ordinances.  Provides that an agreement under
this section is in lieu of annexation by the municipality of the area. Sets
forth the terms the parties are authorized to agree to in negotiating an
agreement under this section. 

Authorizes either party, by majority decision of the party's
representatives, to request the appointment of an arbitrator to resolve the
service plan issues in dispute, if the municipality and the representatives
of the area proposed for annexation cannot reach an agreement for the
provision of services under Section 43.0562 or if the municipality and the
property owner representatives cannot reach an agreement for the provision
of services in lieu of annexation. Provides that the request must be made
in writing to the other party before the 60th day after the date the
service plan is completed under Section 43.056.  Prohibits the municipality
from annexing the area under another section of this chapter during the
pendency of the arbitration proceeding or an appeal from the arbitrator's

(b)  Authorizes the parties to the dispute to agree on the appointment of
an arbitrator. Requires the mayor of the municipality to immediately
request a list of seven neutral arbitrators from the American Arbitration
Association or the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, or their
successors in function, if the parties cannot agree on the appointment of
an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date arbitration is requested.
Sets forth residency requirements for the arbitrator.  Authorizes the
parties to agree on the appointment of an arbitrator included in the list.
Sets forth the method of striking potential arbitrator appointees if the
parties cannot agree on the appointment of an arbitrator before a specified
date.  Defines "business day." 

(c)  Requires the arbitrator to set a hearing to be held not later than the
10th day after the date the arbitrator is appointed, and to notify the
parties to the arbitration in writing of the time and place of the hearing
not later than the eighth day before the date of the hearing. 

(d)  Provides that the authority of the arbitrator is limited to issuing a
decision relating only to the service plan issues in dispute. 
(e) Authorizes the arbitrator to receive in evidence any documentary
evidence or other information the arbitrator considers relevant, administer
oaths, and issue certain subpoenas.    

(f)  Requires the arbitrator to complete the hearing within two consecutive
days unless the parties agree otherwise.  Requires the arbitrator to permit
each party one day to present evidence and other information. Authorizes
the arbitrator, for good cause shown, to schedule an additional hearing to
be held not later than the seventh day after the date of the first hearing.
Provides that the arbitrator must issue a written decision and deliver a
copy to the parties by a specified date. 

(g)  Authorizes either party to appeal any provision of an arbitrator's
decision that exceeds the authority granted under Subsection (d) to a
district court in a county in which the area proposed for annexation is

(h)   Prohibits the municipality from annexing  the area proposed for
annexation before the fifth anniversary of the date of the arbitrator's
decision, if the municipality does not agree with the terms of the
arbitrator's decision. 

(i)  Requires the municipality to pay the cost of arbitration except as
provided by this subsection.  Authorizes the arbitrator to require the area
proposed for annexation to pay all or part of the arbitration costs if the
arbitrator finds that the request for arbitration submitted by the area was
groundless, in bad faith, or for purposes of harassment. 

Provides that a person requesting arbitration must request the appointment
of an arbitrator in writing to the municipality. 

(b) Provides that Sections 43.0564(b), (c), and (e) apply to appointment of
an arbitrator and the conducting of an arbitration proceeding. 

(c) Provides  that in an arbitration proceeding, the municipality has the
burden of proof. 

(d) Authorizes the municipality to disannex the area before the 31st day
after receiving a copy of the arbitrators decision, and authorizes the
arbitrator to require the municipality to comply with the service plan
before a reasonable date; require the municipality to refund the collected
for services to the landowners of the area to be annexed; and require the
municipality to pay the cost of arbitration, including reasonable
attorney's fees, if the arbitrator finds the municipality has not complied
with the service plan requirements. 

(e) Authorizes the arbitrator, if the arbitrator finds that the
municipality has complied with the service plan, to require the person
requesting arbitration to pay the cost of arbitration to the municipality,
including reasonable attorney's fees 

 Sec. 43.0566. Redesignated from existing Section 43.0561.

Sec. 43.0567. Redesignated from existing Section 43.0565.  Increases the
minimum population of a municipality required to develop a service plan for
the provision of water and sewer service to 1.6 million from 1.5 million. 

SECTION 8. Amends Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by adding Subchapter
C-1,  as follows: 


Sec. 43.061.  APPLICABILITY.  Applies this subchapter to an area proposed
for annexation that is not required to be included in a municipal
annexation plan under Section 43.052. 

 Sec. 43.062.  PROCEDURES APPLICABLE.  Applies Sections 43.051 (Authority
to Annex Limited to Extraterritorial Jurisdiction), 43.054 (Width
Requirements), 43.0545 (Annexation of Certain Adjacent Areas), 43.055
(Maximum Amount of Annexation Each Year), 43.0567 (Provision of Water or
Sewer Service in Populous Municipality), and 43.057 (Annexation That
Surrounds Area: Findings Required) to the annexation of an area to which
this subchapter applies. 

Sec. 43.063. ANNEXATION HEARING REQUIREMENTS.  (a) Provides that the
governing body of the municipality must conduct two public hearings at
which persons interested in the annexation are given the opportunity to be
heard, before a municipality may institute annexation proceedings.
Provides that the hearings must be conducted on or after the 40th day but
before the 20th day before the date of the institution of the proceedings. 

(b) Specifies that at least one of the hearings must be held in the area
proposed for annexation if a suitable site is reasonably available and more
than 10 percent of the adults who are permanent residents of the area file
a written protest of the annexation with the secretary of the municipality
within 10 days after the date of the publication of the notice required by
this section.  Specifies that  the protest must state the name, address,
and age of each protester who signs. 

(c)  Provides that the municipality must publish notice of the hearings in
the manner specified by this subsection, and must give notice by certified
mail to each railroad company with right-of-way property in the area to be

that the annexation of an area must be completed within 90 days after the
date the governing body institutes the annexation proceedings or those
proceedings are void. Provides that any period during which the
municipality is restrained or enjoined by a court from annexing the area is
not included in computing the 90-day period.  Authorizes the governing body
of a municipality with a population of 1.6 million or more to provide that
an annexation take effect on any date within 90 days after the date of the
adoption of the ordinance providing for the annexation, notwithstanding any
provision of a municipal charter to the contrary. 

governing body of the municipality proposing the annexation to direct its
planning department or other appropriate municipal department to prepare a
service plan that provides for the extension of full municipal services to
the area to be annexed, before the publication of the notice of the first
hearing required under Section 43.063.  Requires the municipality to
provide the services by any of the methods by which it extends the services
to any other area of the municipality. Provides that Sections 43.056(b)-(m)
apply to the annexation of an area to which this subchapter applies. 

SECTION 9.  Amends Section 43.0751, Local Government Code, by amending
Subsections (b) and (k) and by adding Subsections (o) and (p), as follows: 

(b) Authorizes, rather than requires, the governing bodies of a
municipality and a district to negotiate and enter into a written strategic
partnership agreement for the district by mutual consent.  Requires the
governing body of a municipality, on written request from a district
included in the municipality's annexation plan under Section 43.052, to
negotiate and enter into a written strategic partnership agreement with the
district. Deletes existing text relating to the requirement for the bodies
of a municipality and the district to evidence intentions to negotiate. 

(k) Authorizes a municipality that has annexed all or part of a district,
rather than a district, to impose a retail sales tax within the boundaries
of the part of the district that is annexed for limited purposes.  

(o)   Authorizes the municipality and the district to seek binding
arbitration of the issues relating to the agreement in dispute under
Section 43.0752, if a municipality required to  negotiate with a district
under this section and the requesting  district fail to agree on the terms
of a strategic partnership agreement.  

(p) Prohibits an agreement under this section from requiring the district
to provide revenue to the municipality solely for the purpose of obtaining
an agreement with the municipality to forgo annexation of the district.
Provides that an agreement under this section must provide reasonable and
equitable benefits to each party, including revenue, services, and
regulatory benefits.  

SECTION 10.  Amends Subchapter D, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by
adding Section 43.0752, as follows: 

Authorizes either party, if the municipality and the district cannot reach
an agreement on terms of a strategic partnership agreement, to request the
appointment of an arbitrator to resolve the issues in dispute.  Sets forth
the requirements of such a request.  Prohibits the municipality from
annexing the district under another section of this chapter during the
pendency of the arbitration proceeding or an appeal of the decision. 

(b) Sets forth the sections that apply to the appointment of an arbitrator
and the conduct of an arbitration proceeding. 

(c) Provides that the authority of the arbitrator is limited to determining
whether the offer of a party complies with Section 43.0751(p). 

(d) Authorizes the arbitrator to issue a decision that incorporates the
offer as part of the strategic partnership agreement if the arbitrator
finds that the offer complies with Section 43.0751(p). 

(e) Requires the municipality and the district to equally pay the costs of

SECTION 11. Amends Subsection (a), Section 43.121, Local Government Code,
to delete the provision relating to municipal authorization under a
home-rule charter. 

SECTION 12.  Amends Subsection (c), Section 43.141, Local Government Code,
to prohibit a disannexed area from being annexed again within 10, rather
than five, years.   Deletes existing text relating to a service plan for an
area that has been reannexed within seven years of disannexation. 

SECTION 13.  Amends Subchapter G, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by
adding Section 43.148, as follows: 

Sec. 43.148.  REFUND OF TAXES AND FEES.  Requires a municipality that
disannexes an area to refund to the landowners of the area the amount of
money collected in property taxes and fees during the period the area was
part of the municipality less what the municipality spent for the direct
benefit of the area during that period.  Requires the municipality to
proportionately refund the amount to the landowners by a method  to be
developed by the municipality, that identifies each landowner's pro rata
payment of taxes and fees being refunded.   Requires a municipality to
refund money to current landowners in the area by a specified date. 

SECTION 14. Amends Subchapter Z, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by
adding Section 43.905, as follows: 

a municipality that proposes to annex an area to provide written notice of
the proposed annexation to each public school district in the manner
provided. Sets forth the required content for a notice to a public school
district. Prohibits the municipality from proceeding with the annexation
unless the municipality provides the required notice. Requires
municipalities that annexed an area between December 1, 1996, and September
1,  1999, to grant a variance from the municipality's building code for
that facility if the facility does not comply with the code. Authorizes a
municipality that, as a result of annexation, provides utility services to
a school district to charge the district for utility services at rates that
are the same or lower than the district was paying before annexation.
Provides that such a rate is effective until the first day of the school
district's fiscal year that begins after the 90th day after the effective
date of annexation. 

SECTION 15. Amends  Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Property Code, by adding
Section 5.012, as follows: 

a person who sells an interest in real property in this state to give to
the purchaser of the property a written notice  regarding possible
annexation and sets forth the content of such notice. Requires the seller
to deliver the notice to the purchaser before the date the executory
contract binds the purchaser to purchase the property.  Authorizes the
notice to be given separately, as part of the contract during negotiations,
or as part of any other notice the seller delivers to the purchaser.
Provides that this section does not apply to certain transfers described by
this section. Provides that the seller has no duty to provide additional
information regarding the possible annexation of the property by a
municipality, if the notice is delivered as provided by this section.
Authorizes the purchaser to terminate the contract for any reason within
the earlier of seven days after the date the purchaser receives the notice,
or the date the transfer occurs, if an executory contract is entered into
without the seller providing the notice required by this section. 

SECTION 16.  (a)  Provides that this Act takes effect September 1, 1999,
except that Section 15 of this Act takes effect January 1, 2000. 

(b)  Requires each municipality to adopt an annexation plan as required by
Section 43.052, Local Government Code, as amended by this Act, on or before
December 31, 1999, that becomes effective December 31, 1999. 

(c)   Provides that  the changes in law made by Sections 2 through 7 and 9
through 13 of this Act apply only to an annexation included in a
municipality's annexation plan prepared under Section 43.052, Local
Government Code, as amended by this Act,  except as provided by Subsection
(d) of this section.  Authorizes a municipality, except as provided by
Subsection (d) of this section,  to continue to annex any area during the
period beginning December 31, 1999, and ending December 31, 2002, under
Chapter 43, Local Government Code, as it existed immediately before
September 1, 1999, if the area is not included in the annexation plan, and
the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. 

(d)  Makes application of Sections 43.002, 43.0545, 43.056(b), (c), (e),
(f), (g), (l), and (m), 43.121(a), 43.141(c), 43.148, and 43.905, Local
Government Code, as added or amended by this Act, prospective. 

(e)  Makes application of Sections 43.002, 43.0545, 43.056(b), (c), (e),
(f), (g), (l), and (m), 43.121(a), 43.141(c), 43.148, and 43.905, Local
Government Code, as amended by this Act, apply only to the annexation of an
area that is not included in a municipal annexation plan under Section
43.052, Local Government Code, as added by this Act, if the first hearing
notice required by Section 43.063, Local Government Code, as added by this
Act, is published on or after September 1, 1999. 

(f)  Provides that the change in law made by Section 1 of this Act applies
only to: 

_an annexation plan prepared under Section 43.052, Local Government Code,
as amended by this Act; and  
_an annexation of an area that is not included in the municipality's
annexation plan during the period beginning December 31, 1999, and ending
December 31, 2002, if the first hearing notice required by Section 43.052,
Local Government Code, as it existed immediately before September 1, 1999,
is published on or after that date.  
(g) Provides that the change in law made by  Section 15 of this Act applies
only to a transfer of property that occurs on or after January 1, 2000.
Provides that a transfer of property occurs before January 1, 2000, for
purposes of this section, if the executory contract binding the purchaser
to purchase the property is executed before that date. Provides that
application of this Act to property transferred before January 1, 2000, is

SECTION 17. Emergency clause.


The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 2 (proposed Section 43.002,
Local Government Code) in proposed Subsection (c) to provide that this
section does not prohibit a municipality from imposing a regulation
relating to flood control, in addition to other specified regulations and
ordinances.   Redesignates proposed Subdivisions (5)-(7) as (6)-(8). 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 4 (Section 43.052, Local
Government Code), as follows: 

The substitute redesignates Subsections (a)-(e) of the original to
Subsections (b)-(f) and Subsection (f) of the original to Subsection (h).
Adds new Subsection (a), to define "special district."    

The substitute modifies the original in Subsection (d) to exclude an
emergency services district in which the area to be annexed is located,
from the list of districts prohibited from taking certain actions without
the consent of the municipality.  The original bill would have also
excluded a county and an independent school district, and did not refer to
the consent of the municipality. The substitute adds the provisions that
these entities are prohibited from reducing the tax rate applicable to the
area below the effective tax rate or the rollback tax rate calculated under
Chapter 26, Tax Code;  or entering into a contract for services that
extends beyond the three-year annexation plan period other than a contract
with another political subdivision for the operation of water, wastewater,
and drainage facilities.   
The substitute modifies the original by adding new Subsection (g) to
provide that if an area is not removed from the municipality's annexation
plan, the annexation of the area under the plan must be completed before
the 31st day after the third anniversary of the date the area was included
in the annexation plan.  Prohibits the municipality, if the annexation is
not completed within the period prescribed by this subsection, from
annexing the area proposed for annexation before the fifth anniversary of
the last day for completing an annexation under this subsection.   

The substitute modifies the original in proposed Subsection (h) with
respect to the following provisions setting out areas proposed for
annexation to which this section does not apply, as follows:  
_in proposed Subdivision (1) by replacing the condition if the area has
fewer than 250 residents with, if the area contains fewer than 100 separate
tracts of land on which one or more residential dwellings are located;  
_by adding a new Subdivision (3), if the area is included within the
boundaries of a special district and the area is annexed at the request of
the district;  
_and adding a condition in proposed Subdivision (7),  regarding the
municipality's determination that the annexation of the area is necessary
to protect the area proposed for annexation or the municipality from
imminent destruction of property, or a condition that constitutes a public
or private nuisance. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 4 (proposed Section 43.053,
Local Government Code) in Subsection (c) by providing an exception to the
requirement to compile the inventory of services and facilities not later
than the 90th day after the date the municipality requests the information,
if the entity and the municipality agree to extend the period.  The
substitute replaces a  provision authorizing the municipality to impose an
administrative penalty of $200 for each day the service provider is in
violation, and requiring the municipality to prescribe procedures to
provide for due process in the imposition of an administrative penalty
under this subsection, with language stating that, if a service provider
fails to provide the information required by this subsection within the
90-day period, a municipality is not required to include the information in
an inventory prepared under this section.  The substitute adds proposed
Subsection (h) to authorize a municipality to monitor the service provided
in an area proposed for annexation and verify the inventory information. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 5 (proposed Section
43.0545, Local Government Code) to delete language from proposed Subsection
(e) providing an exception to the provision that roads, highways, rivers,
lakes, or other bodies of water are not included in computing the 1,000
foot measuring distance for annexation. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 6 (Section 43.056, Local
Government Code), in the following ways: 

The substitute modifies the original in Subsection (a) by deleting
reference  to the governing body of the municipality and  its planning
department or other appropriate municipal department in the original bill,
so that the substitute requires the municipality to complete a service plan
that provides for the extension of full municipal services to the area to
be annexed by a specified date.   

In Subsection (b), the substitute replaces a provision in the original bill
creating an exception to the requirement that full municipal services be
provided in a specified time unless such services cannot reasonably be
provided and the municipality proposes a schedule for the extension of
services within  four and one half years, with the provision unless the
period is extended by an arbitration decision or an agreement between the
parties under this subchapter. 

The substitute modifies the original in Subsection (c) by redefining "full
municipal service" to include water and central wastewater services and to
exclude gas or electrical service funded in whole or in part by municipal

The substitute modifies the original in Subsection (e) by replacing the
provision in the original bill requiring construction to be completed
within the period provided in the service plan, or alternatively,
authorizing the service plan to be amended to extend the period for
construction if the construction is proceeding with all deliberate speed,
with the requirement that the construction be substantially completed
within 2-1/2 years after the effective date of annexation unless that
period is extended as provided by Subsection (b).   Makes conforming

The substitute modifies the original in Subsection (f) by providing that a
service plan may not reduce the level of fire and police protection and
emergency medical services provided within the corporate boundaries of the
municipality before annexation by more than a negligible amount 

The substitute modifies the original in Subsection (g) by adding reference
to infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance and topography in
considerations that must be taken into account in assessing the level of
service provided by a municipality to an area after annexation.  Adds new
language providing that in a municipality with a population of 1.6 million
or more, if the annexed area has a level of services superior to those
provided within the corporate boundaries before annexation, a service plan
must provide the area with a level of services comparable to the level that
existed in that area previous to annexation. 

The substitute modifies the original by adding new Subsection (h) to
prohibit a municipality with a population of 1.6 million or more from
imposing an additional fee in order to maintain the level of services that
existed before annexation.  Provides  that this subsection does not
prohibit the municipality from imposing a fee for a service in the annexed
area if the same fee is imposed within the corporate boundaries before

The substitute modifies the original by redesignating Subsections (h)-(k)
of the original to Subsections (i)-(l) of the substitute. 

The substitute modifies the original Subsection (k), redesignated as
Subsection (l) of the substitute (Subsection (i) of existing law), by
replacing a provision authorizing a person residing or owning land in an
annexed area to apply for a writ of mandamus not later than the second
anniversary of the date the person knew or should have known that the
municipality was not complying with the service plan and placing the burden
of proof on the municipality, with text authorizing  such a person to
enforce a service plan by petitioning the municipality for a change in
policy or procedures to ensure compliance with the service plan  and seek
arbitration under Section 43.0565.   
The substitute modifies the original by removing Subsection (l) of the
original, concerning a writ issued by the court.  Language deleted from
this subsection concerning remedies imposed by the court if the
municipality does not meet the conditions of the service plan is
incorporated into proposed Section 43.0565 of the substitute, with the
authority to impose these remedies vested in the arbitrator. Adds language
to proposed Subsection (m) authorizing a person aggrieved by a
determination made by a municipality under this subsection to request

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 7 (proposed Section
43.0561, Local Government Code) in Subsection (c) to provide that the
municipality must give notice by certified mail to each public entity and
utility service provider that provides services in the area proposed for
annexation, in addition to each railroad company that serves the
municipality and is on the municipality's tax roll if the company's
right-of-way is in the area proposed for annexation. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 7 (proposed Section
43.0562, Local Government Code) as follows: 

The substitute modifies the original in proposed Subsection (a) to require
a municipality with a population of less than 1.6 million and the property
owners of the area proposed for annexation, after holding the hearings as
provided by Section 43.0561, if the municipality has to follow the
procedure set forth in proposed Subsection (a) of the original bill.  The
substitute adds a new Subsection (a)(2), requiring a municipality and the
governing body of the district, if a municipality proposes to annex a
special district as that term is defined by Section 43.052, to negotiate
for the provision of services to the area in lieu of annexation under
Section 43.0751.  The substitute makes conforming changes to proposed
Subsections (b) and (c). 

The substitute modifies the original in proposed Section 43.0563, Local
Government Code, to make conforming and nonsubstantive changes. 

The substitute modifies the original in proposed Section 43.0564, Local
Government Code, by changing the title to "Arbitration Regarding
Negotiations for Services" from "Arbitration Required."  The substitute
modifies the original in Subsection (a) to authorize either party, by
majority decision of the party's representatives, to request the
appointment of an arbitrator to resolve the service plan issues in dispute,
if the municipality and the representatives of the area proposed for
annexation cannot reach an agreement for the provision of services under
Section 43.0562 (Strategic Partnerships for Continuation of Certain
Districts) or if the municipality and the property owner representatives
cannot reach an agreement for the provision of services in lieu of
annexation, under Section 43.0563.  The  substitute removes the reference
to Section 43.0751. 

 The substitute modifies the original in proposed Section 43.0564, Local
Government Code, in Subsection (b) to provide that  if the parties cannot
agree on the appointment of an arbitrator before the 11th business day
after the date arbitration is requested  the mayor of the municipality is
required to immediately request a list of seven neutral arbitrators from
the American Arbitration Association or the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service, or their successors in function, and appoint a person
who is not a resident or property owner of the municipality or the area
proposed for annexation to serve as arbitrator.  The substitute sets forth
residency requirements of the arbitrator; authorizes the parties to agree
on the appointment of an arbitrator from the list provided; sets forth the
method of striking potential arbitrator appointees if the parties cannot
agree on the appointment of an arbitrator before a specified date; and
defines "business day."  In the original bill the chief administrative
district judge in a county with jurisdiction over either party was required
to appoint a qualified person as arbitrator if the parties cannot agree on
the appointment before a specified date. 

The substitute modifies the original in proposed Section 43.0564, Local
Government Code, in proposed Subsection (f), by replacing a provision in
the original bill, requiring the arbitrator to complete the hearing within
one day; authorizing the arbitrator, for good cause shown, to schedule an
additional hearing to be held not later than the seventh day after the date
of the first hearing, and providing that unless otherwise agreed to by the
parties, the arbitrator must issue a decision in writing and deliver a copy
of the decision to the parties not later than the 14th day after the date
of the final hearing.  In the substitute the arbitrator is required to
complete the hearing within two consecutive days unless the parties agree
otherwise.  Authorizes the arbitrator to schedule an additional hearing to
be held by a specified date. Provides that the arbitrator must issue a
written decision and deliver a copy to the parties by a specified date. 

The substitute modifies the original proposed Section 43.0564, Local
Government Code, of the original in Subsection (i), to add language
authorizing the arbitrator to require the area proposed for annexation to
pay all or part of the arbitration costs if the arbitrator finds that the
request for arbitration submitted by the area was groundless, in bad faith,
or for purposes of harassment. 

The substitute amends Subsection 43.0565, Local Government Code, (not
addressed by the original bill) by redesignating existing text to 43.0567,
Local Government Code.  Adds a new Section 43.0565, as follows: 

Provides that a person requesting arbitration must request the appointment
of an arbitrator in writing to the municipality. 

(b) Provides that Sections 43.0564(b), (c), and (e) apply to appointment of
an arbitrator and the conduct of an arbitration proceeding. 

(c) Provides  that in an arbitration proceeding, the municipality has the
burden of proof. 

(d) Specifies the actions that may be taken by a municipality or the
arbitrator if the arbitrator finds that the municipality has not complied
with the service plan.  This is similar to authority granted to a court
issuing a writ of mandamus under Section 43.056(l) of the original bill. 

(e) Authorizes the arbitrator, if the arbitrator finds that the
municipality has complied with the service plan, to require the person
requesting arbitration to pay the cost of arbitration to the municipality. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 8 (proposed Section 43.064,
Local Government Code) to provide that any period during which the
municipality is restrained or enjoined by a court, rather than a court of
competent jurisdiction,  from annexing the area is not included in
computing the 90-day period in which the municipality is required to
complete annexation.   
The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 9 (Section 43.0751, Local
Government Code) by amending Subsection (k) to authorize a municipality
that has annexed all or part of a district, rather than a district, to
impose a retail sales tax within the boundaries of the part of the district
that is annexed for limited purposes, rather than within the district.
Subsection (k) was not addressed in the original bill. Adds proposed
Subsection (p) to prohibit an agreement under this section from requiring
the district to provide revenue to the municipality solely for the purpose
of obtaining an agreement with the municipality to forgo annexation of the
district and to provide that an agreement under this section must provide
reasonable and equitable benefits to each party, including revenue,
services, and regulatory benefits. 

The substitute modifies the original by redesignating SECTIONS 10-16 to
SECTIONS 11-17. 

The substitute modifies the original by adding a new SECTION 10 to amend
Subchapter D, Chapter 43, Local Government Code, by adding Section 43.0752,
as follows: 
Authorizes either party, if the municipality and the district cannot reach
an agreement on terms of a strategic partnership agreement, to request the
appointment of an arbitrator to resolve the issues.  Sets forth the
requirements of such a request.  Prohibits the municipality from annexing
the district under another section of this chapter during the pendency of
the arbitration proceeding or an appeal of the decision. 

(b) Sets forth the sections that apply to the appointment of an arbitrator
and the conduct of an arbitration proceeding. 

(c) Provides that the authority of the arbitrator is limited to determining
whether the offer of a party complies with Section 43.0751. 

(d) Authorizes the arbitrator to issue a decision that incorporates the
offer as part of the strategic partnership agreement if the arbitrator
finds that the offer complies with Section 43.0751. 

(e) Requires the municipality and the district to equally pay the costs of

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 13 (proposed Section
43.148, Local Government Code) by adding Subsection (c) to require a
municipality to refund money to current landowners in the area by a
specified date. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 14 (proposed Section
43.905, Local Government Code) to delete proposed Subsection (d) and adds
proposed Subsection (e) to authorize a municipality that, as a result of
annexation, provides utility services to a school district to charge the
district for utility services at specified rates.  Adds proposed Subsection
(f) to provide that a set rate is effective until the first day of the
school district's fiscal year that begins after the 90th day after the
effective date of annexation. Makes a nonsubstantive change. 

The substitute modifies the original in SECTION 16 to make conforming