Senate Research Center   S.B. 699
By: Carona
State Affairs
As Filed


In 1839, the Texas Homestead Act was enacted to protect Texans against
foreclosure and to protect their cherished private property rights.
Homeowners associations (HA) first appeared in New England in the
mid-1800s, and have begun to encroach on Texans' private property rights.
Since 1987, HAs have been able to foreclose on property. 

Currently, approximately 42 million Americans are governed by over 205,000
HAs and Texas is one of the three states where HAs are most commonly found.
Citizens turn to an HA as an auxiliary to provide traditional municipal
functions such as police protection and trash collection, for which the HA
collects fees in the form of assessments.  Additionally, detailed codes of
behavior and property maintenance are enforced through fines and liens on
residents' homes.  However, some HAs aggressively enforce restrictions on
items such as swingsets, clotheslines, and wreaths, and even ban children
and pets.  Community code enforcement of such ambiguous subjective
provisions has been found to be arbitrary and varies according to the
current HA board membership. 

While Article 1396, V.T.C.S., governs HAs, there is no state agency that
monitors or regulates violations of this Act.  The only homeowners'
remedies provided under this Act require the homeowner to employ a private
attorney to pursue a grievance against an HA board.  This bill creates
rights, obligations, and procedures for property owners and homeowners and
property owners associations and HAs with mandatory membership. 


As proposed, S.B. 699 creates rights, obligations, and procedures for
property owners and property owners associations with mandatory membership. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to a property owners' association, acting
through its board of directors, in SECTION 1 (Sections 207.020(7) and (13),
Property Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Title 11, Property Code, by adding Chapter 207, as



Sec.  207.001.  SHORT TITLE:  Texas Planned Community Act.

Sec.  207.002.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "association," "board," "builder,"
"declarant," "declaration," "dedicatory instrument," "lienholder," "owner,"
"petition," "property," "real property," "lot," "tract," "property owners'
association," "real property records," "regular assessment," "residential
subdivision, "subdivision," "restrictions," "restrictive covenant," and
"special assessment." 

Sec.  207.003.  APPLICATION.  Provides that this chapter applies only to
the following:  a residential subdivision burdened by restrictions or
provisions in a certain declaration; a property owners' association (POA)
requiring mandatory membership; and a POA as defined by Section 207.002,
Property Code, regardless of a different name in the restrictions or
dedicatory instrument.  Provides that this chapter does not apply to
certain condominium developments. 


Sec.  207.010.  RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS.  Sets forth provisions regarding
nonunanimous POA decisions.  Sets forth the conditions under which the
provisions of Sections 207.011 (b) and (c) prevail. 

a POA to circulate and approve a petition concerning changes to existing
restrictions, under certain conditions.  Sets forth conditions under which
a petition becomes effective.  Sets forth the required majority for
approval of a petition involving a residential subdivision consisting of
multiple sections.  Provides that the petition is binding if approved.
Requires a POA circulating a petition to notify certain entities in writing
of the proposed changes to existing restrictions.  Sets forth notification
procedures.  Authorizes the signature of a single co-owner to indicate
approval of multiple owners of a property.  Requires a challenge to a
dedicatory instrument adopted by a POA to be brought by a certain deadline.
Provides that a lien recorded before the adoption of a dedicatory
instrument is subject to the dedicatory instrument when the instrument is
recorded in the real property records. 

Sec.  207.012.  TEXAS NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION.  Requires the provisions of
the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act to apply to a POA that is concurrently
a Texas nonprofit corporation, and provides an exception to this provision. 


Sec.  207.020.  POWERS OF PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION.  Sets forth the
powers of the POA acting through the POA board, including rulemaking
authority.  Prohibits a dedicatory instrument from imposing certain
limitations on POA powers to deal with the declarant.  Prohibits a POA
bylaw or rule from being arbitrary or capricious.  Sets forth the required
procedures for notifying an owner, and requirements of the notification,
before a POA is authorized to take certain actions against an owner.  Sets
forth requirements of an owner's request for a hearing, and hearing
procedures.  Prohibits Subsection (d) from applying to the filing of a suit
with simultaneous application for a temporary restraining order or a suit
which includes foreclosure as a cause of action.  Provides that suits
involving foreclosure are subject to Subchapter E.  Sets forth the content
of required written notice from the POA to the owner, before the POA is
authorized to charge the owner certain fees. Authorizes a POA to collect
costs it incurs while attempting to collect money from a violating owner,
under certain conditions.  Prohibits attorney's fees incurred by the POA
prior to owner notification from being charged to the owner, and sets forth
a condition under which this restriction does not apply.  Authorizes the
POA to give a copy of the required notification to an occupant of the
property.  Requires the POA to give the owner notification of penalties by
a certain deadline. 

Sec.  207.021.  ASSESSMENTS.  Authorizes a POA acting through the POA board
to impose and increase complying regular assessments.  Authorizes a POA to
adjust the assessment to reflect certain increases within a certain time
frame.  Requires the POA to take index numbers from the Consumer Price
Index (CPI), in accordance with Subsections (c) and (e).  Sets forth
required procedures for determining the regular assessment adjustment.
Requires owners to pay the greater of two amounts as the regular assessment
until the next adjustment, under certain conditions.  Prohibits the regular
assessment from adjustment under certain conditions, and requires owners to
pay the maximum fixed dollar assessment. Prohibits the POA from adjusting
the regular assessment more than once annually.  Sets forth provisions for
determining adjustments if certain publications currently used are
discontinued.  Sets forth provisions authorizing the POA to assess
accumulated assessments. 

Sec.  207.022.  ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL.  Authorizes the POA board to serve
as an architectural control committee with the power to approve or deny
applications for proposed construction and modifications.  Sets forth
conditions under which the architectural control authority automatically
vests in the POA.  Provides that the POA retains architectural control
until the restrictions are modified to reflect otherwise, or the
restrictions are terminated. Authorizes certain entities to enforce a
restrictive covenant on a lot contained in the dedicatory instrument. 

Sec.  207.023.  MEETINGS.  Requires a POA meeting to be held at least
annually. Authorizes certain entities to call a special POA meeting if a
dedicatory instrument fails to provide less restrictive requirements.
Requires POA meetings to be open to owners, except for the board's right to
adjourn and reconvene in a closed session.  Requires the general nature of
business to be divulged at an open meeting before its consideration in a
closed session.  Sets forth provisions regarding board meetings.  Requires
notification of POA meetings.  Requires notification of board meetings.
Requires the POA to inform an owner of regular and special meetings, upon
written request. 

Sec.  207.024.  VOTING AND PROXIES.  Limits one vote to multiple owners of
a lot. Requires unanimous owner agreement on such a vote, unless an
exception is provided, and sets forth provisions for voting by one lot
owner of a multiple owner lot.  Sets forth provisions regarding voting by
proxy, and the void or termination procedure for the proxy. Prohibits
cumulative voting. 

Sec.  207.025.  ASSOCIATION RECORDS.  Requires the POA to keep certain
records. Requires the POA to provide an owner with certain documentation,
upon written request of, and at the expense of the owner, within a certain
time frame.  Entitles an owner to examine and copy relevant POA books and
records, at the owner's expense, with the exception of an attorney's
documentation relating to the POA.  Requires the POA to obtain accounting
services and provide copies of reports to owners.  Sets forth guidelines
for the financial records based on subdivision size.  Requires a declarant
to provide required information to the POA by the time the first lot is

Sec.  207.026.  MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATES.  Requires a POA to officially
record the counties in which portions of subdivisions are located, and sets
forth information to be contained in the certificate.  Sets forth required
deadlines for the POA to record a management certificate.  Provides that
POA staff are not subject to liability for delay or failure to record a
management certificate, unless such delay or failure is willful or caused
by gross negligence. 


Sec.  207.031.  RESALE CERTIFICATES.  Requires an owner to provide a
potential purchaser with certain information before executing a contract or
conveying the lot.  Sets forth requirements regarding the resale
certificate's delivery to the purchaser.  Requires the POA to issue a
resale certificate and sets forth certificate requirements.  Requires the
POA to provide the resale certificate within 10 days of receiving a written
request by the owner. Excludes the owner from liability for erroneous
information in the certificate provided by the POA.  Sets forth affidavit
provisions if the POA fails to provide the required certificate. Provides
that the POA is not liable for delay or failure to provide a required
resale certificate, unless it willfully refuses, or is grossly negligent in
its failure.  Provides that failure to provide a resale certificate does
not void a purchaser's deed.  Provides that a purchaser is not liable for a
previous owner's delinquent payments, under certain conditions.  Provides
that an owner is not liable to a purchaser for a POA failure or delay to
provide the certificate in a timely manner.  Sets forth debts, claims, and
liens which a resale certificate does not affect. Provides that certain
entities are not liable for undisclosed debts and claims in the
certificate. Prohibits the POA from denying any statement in the
certificate.  Provides that an owner is not liable for erroneous
certificate information.  Authorizes a POA to charge a fee for the
preparation and update of a resale certificate prior to a closing of a

Sec.  207.032.  PURCHASER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL.  Sets forth conditions under
which, and deadlines by which, a purchaser is authorized to cancel a
contract regarding the failure to receive a resale certificate and related
documents.  Sets forth the required cancellation procedure and requires
payments made by the purchaser before cancellation to be refunded.
Prohibits a selling owner from requiring a purchaser to close prior to
being furnished with certain documentation, to the extent they exist.
Provides that after a sale's consummation, failure to provide a resale
certificate is not grounds for recission of the sale. 

Sec.  207.033.  OBLIGATIONS OF PROPERTY OWNERS.  Sets forth requirements of
owners in addition to obligations of the declaration, bylaws, and rules of
the POA.  Requires an owner to provide the POA with certain information by
the 30th day after acquisition of subdivision property, and authorizes the
POA to charge the owner for costs incurred while obtaining such required
information if the owner fails to provide the information by the deadline. 


 Sec.  207.041.  DEFINITION OF ASSESSMENT.  Defines "assessment."

Sec.  207.042.  ESTABLISHMENT OF LIEN.  Provides that a POA assessment
against property is a personal obligation of the owner, and sets forth
provisions regarding a continuing lien.  Sets forth conditions under which
a lien does not attach to property until the lot ceases to be the homestead
of the owner on January 1, 2000.   

Sec.  207.043.  PRIORITY OF LIEN.  Provides that a POA assessment lien has
priority over other liens, and provides exceptions to this provision. 

Sec.  207.044.  PERFECTION OF LIEN.  Provides that a POA lien is perfected
by the enactment of this chapter or by recording a certain declaration.
Provides that additional record or notice of a lien is not required, unless
the declaration provides otherwise. 

Sec.  207.045.  POWER OF SALE.  Sets forth the procedure for an owner to
grant a POA a power of sale in connection with a lien.  Authorizes the POA
to appoint certain entities to exercise the power of sale under Section
207.047, Property Code. 

Sec.  207.046.  EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION.  Authorizes a lien holder to
provide information regarding an owner's debt, at the POA's request.
Authorizes the POA to provide information regarding the property and
owner's obligations, at the lien holder's request. Authorizes the POA to
notify lien  holders of an owner's default regarding obligations to the
POA, and the POA's intent to foreclose.  Requires the POA to notify certain
lien holders who provide written request for notification, of POA
foreclosure intentions and owner default. 

Sec.  207.047.  FORECLOSURE OF LIEN.  Entitles a POA to foreclose its lien
under power of sale created by certain provisions, and sets forth those
provisions.  Requires the POA to send written notice to an owner prior to
foreclosure on an owner's lot, and sets forth information required to be in
the notification.  Limits the POA to foreclosure in the manner elected by
the owner, under certain conditions.  Authorizes the POA to foreclosure
options available under Subsection (a) if the owner fails to provide notice
of election in a timely manner.  Authorizes an owner to avoid foreclosure
by paying all amounts due the POA, including foreclosure-related costs
incurred by the POA.  Authorizes the POA to purchase foreclosed property,
and subject to Section 207.049, Property Code, authorizes the POA to
administer that property.  Prohibits a court from taking certain actions
based on insufficient purchase price at a foreclosure sale.  Prohibits a
POA from a foreclosing a lien based solely on fines.  Provides that this
section does not prevent an owner from filing certain wrongful foreclosure

Sec.  207.048.  NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE.  Requires a POA to notify an
owner  of redemption rights within 14 days of foreclosure sale.  Sets forth
the required notification procedure. 

Sec.  207.049.  RIGHT OF REDEMPTION.  Authorizes an owner to redeem
foreclosed property within 90 days of the POA mailing notification of the
foreclosure sale.  Prohibits a foreclosed property purchaser from
transferring ownership of that property to a redeeming owner during the
redemption period.  Sets forth required POA payments for an owner wishing
to redeem POA property.  Sets forth procedures and payments for property
purchased by a non-POA entity.  Requires a foreclosed property purchaser to
immediately execute and deliver a deed to a owner of that property.
Provides that the owner's right of redemption expires after the 90-day
redemption period, under certain conditions regarding failure to complete
certain actions.  Requires certain monies to be credited to the POA, if the
POA purchases foreclosed property, and that excess proceeds be refunded to
the owner, and sets forth provisions if a non-POA entity purchases the
property.  Provides that redeemed property remains subject to all
encumbrances before foreclosure.  Sets forth provisions regarding the right
to occupy redeemed property. 

this subchapter does not prohibit a POA or owner from exercising other
lawful remedies. 

Sec.  207.051.  EFFECT OF TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE.  Provides that foreclosure
of a tax lien does not release the owner of all obligations due to the POA. 

FEES.  Provides that any victim of a violator of this chapter has a claim
for appropriate relief.  Entitles the prevailing party to certain costs of
litigation from the nonprevailing party.  Authorizes the court to assess a
maximum $1,000 civil penalty against a POA that commits a violation to the
owner's detriment. 

SECTION 2.Effective date:  January 1, 2000.
  Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 3.  Emergency clause.