Senate Research CenterS.B. 982
By: Madla
Health Services


In 1997, the Legislature passed S.B. 163 to require health plans to provide
certain benefits to persons suffering from diabetes, including diabetes
equipment, supplies, and self-management training. The Texas Diabetes
Council estimates that there are 1.6 million Texans suffering from
diabetes; 920,000 diagnosed and 680,000 not diagnosed. Diabetes is the
sixth leading cause of death in Texas, claiming 12,299 individuals,
according to the Bureau of Vital Statistics reports. S.B. 982 will
authorize dietitians to provide nutritional diabetes counseling and related
diabetes information, and to be reimbursed for that service. 


As enrolled, S.B. 982 clarifies authorization of certain persons allowed to
receive reimbursement for diabetes self-management training. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the licensing board of practitioners or
providers in SECTION 1 (Section 4(d), Insurance Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1. Amends Section 4, Article 21.53G, Insurance Code, to require
diabetes selfmanagement training under this article to be provided by a
health care practitioner or provider who is licensed, registered, certified
in this state to provide appropriate health care services, acting within
the scope of practice authorized by the license, registration or
certification of the practitioner or provider. Requires a health benefit
plan to provide diabetes self-management training or coverage for diabetes
self-management training for which a physician or practitioner has written
an order to each insured or the caretaker of the insured from a certain
diabetes self-management training program, including a multidisciplinary
team to assist in the coordination of certain persons. Defines "nutritional
counseling." Authorizes the appropriate licensing board of practitioners or
providers authorized to provide diabetes self-management training in
accordance with this section, by rule, to determine the recent didactic and
experiential preparation in diabetes clinical and educational issues
required by this section to qualify licensees of the National Certified
Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE) to provide the training, and, by rule,
to determine and define the component or components of diabetes
self-management training authorized by Subsections (ii) and (iii) of
Subsection (b), in consultation with the Texas Diabetes Council. Makes
conforming changes.  

SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 1999. 
           Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 3. Emergency clause.