Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 1063
76R11093  AJA-DBy: Fraser
Economic Development
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, health care providers and physicians in rural areas may choose
an alternative, the Rural Health Care System, from an urban-based
management care organization or hospital network.  An area may receive
eligibility for the system if the area is considered rural as determined by
its population (less than 50,000 persons), delineated by the U.S. Census
Bureau, or declared by the commissioner of insurance.  The criteria used by
the commissioner may be amended to consider other factors when declaring a
rural area.  C.S.S.B. 1063 would require the commissioner to consider
certain criteria in designating rural areas, amend language regarding
prepaid health care services, and authorize the commissioner to provide, by
rule, exceptions to the application of the Texas Health Maintenance
Organization Act.  C.S.S.B. 1063 also would amend regulations governing the
board of directors of the statewide rural health care system and the
advisory committee of the board of directors. 


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 1063 makes changes to the operation of a statewide
rural health care system. 


Rulemaking authority is granted to the commissioner of insurance under
SECTION 4 (Article 20C.04(c), Insurance Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  (a)  GOALS OF SYSTEM.  Provides that the statewide rural health
care system established under Chapter 20C, Insurance Code, is designed to
incorporate consumer-oriented attributes considered important to a
successful health care organization.  Sets forth what is included in
consumeroriented attributes. 

(b)  PATIENT RIGHTS POLICIES.  Sets forth patient-focused considerations
intended to be incorporated into the statewide rural health care system. 

(c)  PATIENT-PHYSICIAN RELATIONSHIP.  Sets forth the assurances for which
the statewide rural health care system is intended to preserve significant
traditional and ethical relationships between a patient and the patient's
health care provider. 

(d)  PUBLIC HEALTH AND PREVENTION.  Provides that the statewide rural
health care system is intended to use incentives to promote healthy
communities and individuals by using a public health model that focuses on
health promotion, illness prevention, patient self-care education, and
incentives that encourage positive health behavior. 

(e)  CREDENTIALS AND PEER REVIEW.  Provides that the statewide rural health
care system is intended to focus on processes for obtaining credentials and
performing peer review that take into consideration the unique nature of
rural communities and that track processes required under federal and state
law to ensure enrollees will receive quality health care. Provides that
local physicians and hospitals are intended to retain responsibility for
these processes and that these processes are not intended to exclude
otherwise qualified practitioners from participating in the system. 

(f)  QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND MANAGEMENT.  Provides that the statewide rural
health care system is intended to utilize standard guidelines established
by the National  Committee on Quality Assurance and other recognized
accrediting organizations to ensure that the program achieves its
objectives of providing quality patient care and to emphasize establishing
benchmarks to measure program outcomes that will be made available to the
public through proper reporting procedures. 

SECTION 2. Amends Article 20C.02, Insurance Code, to redefine "rural area."
Requires the commissioner of insurance (commissioner), to consider areas
regarding the designation of any area that is delineated as an urbanized
area by the federal census bureau and meets certain specifications.   

SECTION 3. Amends Article 20C.03, Insurance Code, to establish a statewide
rural health care system to provide health care services to rural

SECTION 4.  Amends Article 20C.04, Insurance Code, to provide that, except
as provided by Subsection (c) of this article, if the system arranges for
or provides health care services to enrollees in exchange for a
predetermined payment per enrollee on a prepaid basis, the system must
obtain a certificate of authority under, and meet each requirement imposed
by, the Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Insurance
Code), as if the organization were a person under this Act. Authorizes the
commissioner, if the system seeks certificate of authority under the Texas
Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Insurance Code), to
provide exceptions, by rule, to the application of provisions of Chapter
20A, Insurance Code (Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act), relating
to mileage, distance, and network adequacy and scope.  Requires the system
to meet all reserve requirements required by the commissioner under the
Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Insurance Code), if
the system seeks certificate of authority under the Texas Health
Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Insurance Code).  Makes
conforming changes. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Article 20C.07(a), Insurance Code, to provide that
members of the board of the statewide rural health care system (board)
serve staggered terms expiring December 1 of each evennumber year, rather
than February 1 of each odd-numbered year. 

SECTION 6.  Amends Article 20C.08(f), Insurance Code, to authorize, rather
than require, the board to appoint an advisory committee to represent
certain health care services.  Requires the advisory committee to meet at
the will of the board and advise the board on any matters as directed by
the board. Deletes composition requirements of the advisory committee. 

SECTION 7.  Amends Article 20C.14, Insurance Code, as follows: 

Art. 20C.14.  New heading:  MANDATED PROVIDER.  Requires the system, to the
extent the system operates under a certificate of authority issued under
the Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act (Chapter 20A, Insurance
Code), to be reimbursed by the Medicaid contracting agency at the
state-defined capitation rate for each service area in which the system
operates. Deletes existing Subsection (b).  Makes conforming changes.  

SECTION 8.(a)  Effective date: September 1, 1999.

(b)  Makes application of this Act prospective for the expiration of a
board members term to December 1 of the year before the year the term was
to expire under Chapter 20C, Insurance Code. 

SECTION 9.Emergency clause.



Adds Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f), regarding goals of
system, patient rights policies, patient-physician relationship, public
health and prevention, credentials and peer review, and quality
improvement, respectively. 


Redesignated from proposed SECTION 1. Amends Article 20C.03, Insurance
Code, to require  the commissioner to consider areas regarding the
designation of any area that is delineated as an urbanized area by the
federal census bureau and meets certain specifications. 


Redesignated from proposed SECTION 2.  Amends Article 20C.03, Insurance
Code, to establish a statewide rural health care system to provide health
care services to rural enrollees. Deletes text establishing a statewide
rural health care system to provide health care services, including
services on a prepaid basis, to rural enrollees. 


Redesignated from proposed SECTION 3. Amends Article 20C.04, Insurance
Code, to provide that, except as provided by Subsection (c) of this
article, if the system arranges for or provides health care services to
enrollees in exchange for a predetermined payment per enrollee on a prepaid
basis, the system must obtain a certificate of authority under, and meet
each requirement imposed by, the Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act
(Chapter 20A, Insurance Code), as if the organization were a person under
this Act.   Authorizes the commissioner, if the system seeks certificate of
authority under the Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act, to provide
exceptions, by rule, to the application of provisions of Chapter 20A,
Insurance Code, relating to mileage, distance, and network adequacy and
scope, rather than to accommodate special circumstances surrounding rural
service areas.  Requires the system to meet all reserve requirements
required by the commissioner under the Texas Health Maintenance
Organization Act, if the system seeks certificate of authority under the
Texas Health Maintenance Organization Act. 


 Redesignated from proposed SECTION 4.


 Redesignated from proposed SECTION 5.


 Amends Article 20C.14, Insurance Code, regarding mandated providers.


 Redesignated from proposed SECTION 6.


 Redesignated from proposed SECTION 7.