Senate Research Center   S.B. 1346
76R6629 JMC-FBy: Ellis
As Filed


Currently, Sections 33.01 through 33.04, Government Code, maintain several
inconsistencies and incongruities regarding other provisions of Chapter 33,
Government Code, and other law.  S.B. 1346 would clarify Sections 33.01
through 33.04. 


As proposed, S.B. 1346 clarifies certain provisions of the law regarding
the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 33.001, Government Code, to define "censure,"
"chairperson," "clerk," "examiner," "formal hearing," "formal proceedings,"
"review tribunal," "sanction," and "special court of review."  Redefines
"judge."  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 33.002(a), Government Code, to make
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 33.005, Government Code, to require a report to
be distributed to the editor of the Texas Bar Journal, rather than cause
the report to be printed in the Texas Bar Journal. Requires the Texas Bar
Journal to publish the received report.  Deletes text regarding proper and
improper judicial conduct.  Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 4.Amends Chapter 33C, Government Code, by adding Section 33.006, as

Sec. 33.006.  IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY.  Sets forth persons and agencies to
whom this report applies.  Provides that a person to whom this report
applies is not liable for an act or omission committed by the person within
the scope of the person's official duties.  Provides that the immunity from
liability is absolute and unqualified and extends to any action in law or
in equity.   

SECTION 5.  Amends Section 33.021, Government Code, to provide that the
State Commission on Judicial Conduct (commission) may provide compensation
to special masters.  Deletes text regarding special masters. 

SECTION 6.  Amends Section 33.022, Government Code, as follows:

Authorizes the commission to conduct a preliminary investigation of the
circumstances surrounding an allegation or appearance of misconduct or
disability of a judge to determine if the allegation or appearance is
unfounded or frivolous.  Requires the commission to dismiss an
investigation of an unfounded or frivolous claim.  Provides that the
commission shall conduct a full investigation and notify a judge if the
claim is not unfounded or frivolous, and may request the judge to take
certain action or order the deposition of a person other than the judge.
Requires the commission to serve an order issued by the commission under
Subsection (c)(2)(B) on the person who is the subject of the deposition and
the judge who is the subject of the  investigation.  Requires the order to
be served within a reasonable time before the deposition. Authorizes the
commission to file an application in a district court to enforce the order.
Requires the commission to notify the judge of the deposition of the full
investigation.  Requires notice of the institution of formal proceedings to
be served, rather than issued, on the judge. Requires the notice to specify
the standards, rather than the statute, that the judge violated. Requires
the person serving the notice to notify the clerk, rather than commission,
when the notice was served.  Provides that a judge is not entitled to a
jury trial in certain proceedings. Deletes requirements regarding the
conduct of an investigation by the commission.  Deletes a provision
authorizing a written notice to charge more than one violation.  Deletes
text regarding the conduct during an investigation and formal proceeding.
Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 7.Amends Section 33.023, Government Code, as follows:

Authorizes the commission to petition a district for an order compelling a
judge who refuses to submit to a physical or mental examination. 

SECTION 8.  Amends Section 33.024, Government Code, to authorize a
commission member, special master, or member of a special court of review
in conducting a formal proceedings before a magistrate court of review, to
administer oaths, order inspection of books and records, and issue certain

SECTION 9.  Amends Section 33.025, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 33.025.  New heading:  ENFORCEMENT OF SUBPOENA.  Authorizes the
commission to file an application in a district court or special court of
review to enforce a subpoena. Authorizes a special master or special court
of review to enforce a subpoena issued by certain persons.  Deletes
authority for certain persons to compel a person other than the judge to
testify. Deletes requirements in an order compelling someone to testify.
Deletes provisions  regarding subpoena requirements and power of contempt. 

SECTION 10.  Amends Section 33.026, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 33.026.  New heading:  WITNESS IMMUNITY.  Authorizes a special master,
a special court of review, the commission, or special court of review to
compel certain  persons to testify. 

SECTION 11.  Amends Section 33.027, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 33.027.  New heading:  DISCOVERY.  Requires discovery to be conducted
in a practicable manner in certain proceedings.  Requires a special master,
the commission, or a special court of review to expedite discovery in
certain proceedings.  Sets forth discussions and identities that may not be
the subject of a discovery.  Deletes the authority for certain persons to
order the deposition of a person in certain proceedings, and requirements
for the order. Deletes the authority to make a petition regarding
testimony, and other provisions regarding the petition.  Deletes the
authority to order a person to testify through the petition, and other
provisions regarding testimony through the petition.   

SECTION 12.  Amends Section 33.028, Government Code, to authorize a peace
officer, an employee of the commission, or any other person whom the
commission, a special master, or a special court of review designates to
serve process or execute an order.  Deletes a provision making valid a
process issued in an investigation or formal proceeding anywhere in the
state.  Deletes a requirement for a sheriff to serve a process on the
request of certain persons.   

SECTION 13.  Amends Section 33.029, Government Code, to entitle a witness
called to testify by the commission to certain reimbursements. 

SECTION 14.  Amends Section 33.030, Government Code, as follows:

SPECIAL COURT OF REVIEW.  Requires certain officials to cooperate with a
special court of review concerned with the investigation, special master,
or special court of review. 
SECTION 15.  Amends Section 33.031, Government Code, to authorize court
costs or attorney's fees to be awarded in a proceeding.  Deletes a
prohibition against the commission, a special master, or a district court
awarding certain court costs. 

SECTION 16.  Amends Section 33.032, Government Code, as follows:

PROCEEDINGS.  Makes certain papers public on the convening of the formal
hearing. Provides that the disciplinary record and sanction of a judge is
admissible in certain proceedings. Authorizes the commission to release
certain information regarding a complaint against a judge, based on a
request by a judge.  Makes conforming and nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 17.  Amends Section 33.033, Government Code, to authorize the
commission to inform a complainant that a public sanction has been issued
by the commission.  Prohibits the commission from informing the complainant
the name of a judge, unless a public sanction has been issued  or formal
proceedings have been instituted.  Requires the notice to include a copy of
the public sanction if a public sanction has been issued.  Deletes a
provision regarding judicial conduct in a complainant. 

SECTION 18.  Amends Sections 33.034(a), (d)-(f), and (h), Government Code,
to provide that this section does not apply to a decision by the commission
to institute formal, rather than removal, proceedings.  Requires the
commission to file with the clerk, rather than the petitioner and each
justice on the court, a charging document that includes a copy of the
sanction issued and any additional charges to be considered in the de novo
proceedings.  Makes the document public on its filing with the clerk,
rather than the court.  Requires the clerk to send the document to the
judge who is the subject of the document and to each justice on the court
of review.  Makes any evidence during a hearing public information.
Provides that the procedure for the review is governed to the extent
practicable by rules of law and procedures that apply to the trial of civil
actions generally.  Requires the clerk, rather than the court, to perform
certain tasks regarding the document.  Authorizes the court to grant a
continuance. Deletes a provision requiring the document to contain the
commission's findings and other information. Deletes the authority for the
commission to employ a special counsel to represent the commission at a

SECTION 19.Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 20.Emergency clause.
  Effective date:  upon passage.