SRC-JJJ S.B. 1387 76(R)BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research CenterS.B. 1387 By: Shapleigh Intergovernmental Relations 6/23/1999 Enrolled DIGEST Currently, the Section 8 rental voucher program and rental certificate programs administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs are the federal government's major programs for assisting very low-income families, the elderly, and the disabled in their attempts to rent decent, safe, housing in the private market. Since the rental assistance is provided on behalf of the family or individual, participants are not limited to rental units located in subsidized housing. S.B. 1387 will establish conditions regarding restructuring contracts for certain low-income housing assistance. PURPOSE As enrolled, S.B. 1387 establishes conditions regarding restructuring contracts for certain lowincome housing assistance. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Requires the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs to contact owners of property who have contracted to provide certain housing assistance and whose contracts have expired or will soon expire, in an attempt to restructure the contracts with those property owners to ensure permanent affordability for those properties, under authority granted by certain federal law. SECTION 2. Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage.