SRC-ARR S.B. 1450 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center S.B. 1450 By: West Education 4/6/1999 As Filed DIGEST Currently, Texas law provides for teacher certification. S.B. 1450 would issue different levels of certificates to public school teachers as a basis of establishing compensation and to attract new teachers to work in public elementary and secondary schools. PURPOSE As proposed, S.B. 1450 issues certificates to public school teachers as a basis of establishing compensation levels and to attract new teachers to work in public elementary and secondary schools. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY Rulemaking authority is granted to the State board of Education in SECTION 1 (Section 21.057(g), Education Code) of this bill. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 21B, Education Code, by adding Section 21.057, as follows: Sec. 21.057. CERTIFICATION CLASSIFICATIONS USED IN ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION LEVELS. Requires the State board of Education (board) to issue certification for certain classifications of certifications, as a basis for establishing compensation levels for teachers under Subchapter I. Requires the board to issue a teacher certificate to a person who has satisfactorily completed an educator preparation program and the internship requirements prescribed by the board and performed satisfactorily on an examination under Section 21.048 or who has satisfactorily entered an alternative certification program. Requires a person to take certain actions, before a person to whom the board has issued a teacher certificate is eligible for a staff teacher certificate. Requires the board to issue a staff teacher certificate to person who, as a teacher, satisfactorily completes the requirements under this section and those prescribed by the board. Requires the board to issue a senior teacher certificate to a person who meets certain requirements. Requires the board to issue a master teacher certificate to a person who meets certain requirements. Provides that the classification of certificates under this section is for purposes of compensation under Subchapter I only. Provides that a certificate issued under this section does not satisfy certification requirements or qualify a person to teach a particular course. Requires the board to propose rules as necessary. SECTION 2. Amends Section 21.044, Education Code, to require the board to propose rules establishing the training requirements a person must accomplish to obtain a certificate, enter an internship, or enter an induction program, rather than induction year program. SECTION 3. Sets forth certain goals of the legislature. Sets forth certain requirements for achieving goals. Requires the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) to monitor the success of efforts of the board and the Texas Education Agency under Subsection (a) of this section and efforts to provide loans for persons enrolled in educator preparation programs and shall report to the legislature and school districts in this state not later than January 31 of 2001, 2003, and 2005, concerning the success or lack of success of those efforts. Requires SBEC to make each report available, on request, to a member of the public. SECTION 4. Emergency clause. Effective date: upon passage.