Senate Research Center   S.B. 1487
By: Armbrister
As Filed


Currently, the Texas Turnpike Authority of the Texas Department of
Transportation lacks the authority to implement an automated enforcement
system on toll facilities.  Certain photography and video surveillance
system can be used as enforcement tools, as it has been for several years
in many countries. These methods can positively and without discrimination
identify a violator's vehicle, and eliminate the need to build expensive
enforcement.  S.B. 1487 would implement an automated enforcement system,
including photography and video surveillance, on toll facilities on the
state highway system, and make it an offense to operate a vehicle on a
state highway facility without paying the proper toll. 


As proposed, S.B. 1487 authorizes the Texas Department of Transportation
and the Texas Turnpike Authority Division to implement an automated
enforcement system on toll roads, and creates criminal penalties. 


This bill does not grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 224.156, Transportation Code, as follows:

Provides that a person commits an offense if the person operates a vehicle
on a state highway facility without paying a proper toll.  Provides that
the offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.
Deletes a prohibition that limits a toll fine to $250.  Makes conforming

SECTION 2. Amends Section 224.157, Transportation Code, by amending
Subsections (a), (c), and (d), and adding Subsection (e), to establish
proof of a vehicle passing through a toll facility without proper payment,
to include proof by video, photographic, or electronic recording, against
an offense under Section 224.156, rather than Sections 224.155 and 224.156.
Provides that it is a defense to prosecution of a violation under Section
224.156 that the vehicle was stolen prior to the offense, rather than prior
to failure to pay the proper toll.  Provides that an owner who is a lessor
of a vehicle involved in an offense under Section 224.156 is not liable, if
the lessor provides to the court or the Texas Department of Transportation
(TxDOT) proof of the lease.  Requires the lessee to be liable for
prosecution, rather than for failure to pay the proper toll.  Requires
TxDOT to send a notice of nonpayment of the proper toll to the lessee.
Provides that it is a defense to prosecution of a violation under Section
224.156 that the motor vehicle was a used vehicle transferred before the
offense occurred, in accordance with Section 520.023, Transportation Code.
Provides that the transferee is considered as the owner of the vehicle for
purposes of this chapter and to is subject to prosecution.  Makes
nonsubstantive and conforming changes.  

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 224.158(b), Transportation Code, to delete text
giving the authority to an officer of the Department of Public Safety to
seize a stolen or insufficiently funded transponder and return it.   

SECTION 4.  Amends Chapter 224F, Transportation Code, by adding Section
224.160, as follows: 

 Sec. 224.160.  AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY.  Authorizes the Texas
Transportation Commission to use certain photographic and electronic
technology to aid in the collection of tolls and enforcement of toll
violations, including temporary toll projects authorized by Section

SECTION 5.  Amends Section 361.253, Transportation Code, as follows:

Provides that a person commits an offense if the person operates a vehicle
on a turnpike project without paying the toll.  Provides that the offense
is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $250.  Makes conforming

SECTION 6.  Amends Section 361.254, Transportation Code, by amending
Subsections (a), (c), and (d), and adding Subsection (e), to provide that
it is a defense to prosecution of a violation under Section 361.253, rather
than prosecution for nonpayment under Sections 361.252 or 361.253 that the
vehicle was stolen before the offense occurred.  Provides that an owner who
is the lessor of a vehicle involved in an offense under Section 361.253 is
not liable, if the lessor provides to the court or the Texas Turnpike
Authority (TTA) proof of the lease.  Requires TTA to send a notice of
nonpayment of the proper toll to the lessee.  Provides that it is a defense
to prosecution of a violation under Section 361.253 that the motor vehicle
was a used vehicle transferred before the offense occurred, in accordance
with Section 520.023, Transportation Code.  Makes nonsubstantive and
conforming changes.  

SECTION 7.  Amends Chapter 361G, Transportation Code, by adding Section
361.2545, as follows: 

Sec. 361.2545.  AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY.  Authorizes TTA to use
such technology, including automatic vehicle license tag identification
photography and video surveillance, either by electronic imaging or
photographic copy, that it deems necessary to aid the collection of tolls
and the enforcement of toll violations.   

SECTION 8.Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 9.Emergency clause.
  Effective date: upon passage.