Senate Research CenterS.B. 1690
By: Bernsen
Natural Resources


Currently, coastal erosion affects the Texas coastlines. S.B. 1690 creates
a Coastal Erosion Response account whereby a permanent source of funding
will be created to address the coastal erosion problems. 


As enrolled, S.B. 1690 regulates coastal erosion.


Rulemaking authority is granted to the commissioner of the General Land
Office in SECTION 5 (Section 33.602(c), Natural Resources Code) of this


SECTION 1. Authorizes this Act to be cited as the Joe Faggard Coastal
Erosion Planning and Response Act. 

SECTION 2. Sets forth certain findings regarding public beaches and bays.

SECTION 3. Amends Sections 33.136(a)-(e), Natural Resources Code, to
prohibit a person from undertaking an action on or immediately landward of
a public beach or submerged land, including state mineral lands, relating
to erosion response that will cause or contribute to the shoreline
alteration before the person has filed a certain survey and has obtained
any required lease or other instrument from the commissioner of the General
Land Office (commissioner) or School Land Board, as applicable. Provides
that a person is not required to obtain a lease or other instrument from
the commissioner or School Land Board if the action is confined to land
owned by a navigation district or municipality. Provides that on the filing
of the survey, the shoreline depicted on the survey is a fixed line for the
purpose of locating a shoreline boundary subject to movement, rather than
erosion, landward of that line. Sets forth the statement that the survey
must contain. Requires the commissioner to provide notice of approval of a
survey in certain publications. Requires a person who claims title to
permanent school fund land as a result of accretion, reliction, or avulsion
in the coastal zone on or after September 1, 1999, rather than on a public
beach on a certain area, to take certain action  in order to prove certain
conditions exist. Provides that an upland owner who, because of erosion
response activity undertaken by the commissioner still holds certain

SECTION 4. Amends Section 33.203(10), Natural Resources Code, to define
"critical erosion area." 

SECTION 5. Amends Chapter 33H, Natural Resources Code, as follows:


Sec. 33.601. DEFINITIONS. Defines "account," "beach nourishment," "coastal
erosion," "critical coastal erosion are," "erosion response project," "hard
structure," "institution of higher education," "local government," "project
cooperation agreement," "public beach," "qualified project partner," and
"shared project cost." 
Sec. 33.602. COASTAL EROSION DUTIES AND AUTHORITY. Requires the General
Land Office (land office) to implement a certain program, rather than act
as the lead agency for the coordination of coastal erosion duties. Requires
the commissioner to publish and periodically update a coastal erosion
response plan. Requires the commissioner to develop the plan and provide
for public input on the plan. Requires the plan to prioritize coastal
erosion response studies and projects so certain actions are taken.
Authorizes  the commissioner to adopt rules necessary to implement this
subsection. Deletes text regarding certain recommendations and guidelines.  

Sec. 33.603. New heading: COASTAL EROSION STUDIES AND PROJECTS. Requires
the land office to undertake coastal erosion studies and response projects
if the land office receives legislative appropriations or other funding for
that purpose. Requires the land office to work with other government
agencies or other qualified project partners in undertaking those studies
and projects, if reasonable and appropriate. Requires the studies to
address certain issues. Requires an agreement between the commissioner and
a qualified project partner to undertake a coastal erosion response study
or project to take certain action. Provides that this chapter does not
authorize the construction or funding of  a hard structure on or landward
of a public beach.  

Sec. 33.604. COASTAL EROSION RESPONSE ACCOUNT. Provides that the coastal
erosion response account is an account in the general revenue fund that may
be appropriated only to the commissioner and used only for the purpose of
implementing this subchapter. Sets forth the items of which the account
consists, including all money received by this state from the sale of
dredged material. 

Sec. 33.605. USES OF ACCOUNT. Authorizes money in the account to be used
for any action authorized by this subchapter. Requires the commissioner to
approve an expenditure from the account. Requires the commissioner to
consider certain conditions, in determining whether  to approve an
expenditure for a study or project.  

Sec. 33.606. GRANTS AND GIFTS. Redesignated from Section 33.603.

commissioner, in consultation with the Bureau of Economic Geology of The
University of Texas at Austin and coastal and county and municipal
governments, to monitor historical erosion rates at each location along the
shore of the Gulf of Mexico. Requires the commissioner to make historical
erosion data accessible, through the Internet and otherwise, to the public
and persons receiving the notice required under Section 61.025.  Requires
the Bureau of Economic Geology of the University of Texas at Austin to make
historical erosion data relating to a critical coastal erosion area
available to each state agency, local government, or other person
responsible for, or with jurisdiction over, the area.  Encourages a local
government subject to Chapter 61 or 63 to use historical erosion data to
prepare a plan for reducing public expenditures for erosion and storm
damage losses to public and private property, including public beaches, by
establishing and implementing a building set-back line that will
accommodate a shoreline retreat. Requires the local government to hold a
public educational meeting on the plan before proposing to implement it
through the plans, orders, or ordinances provided by Chapter 61 and 63.
Deletes text regarding reporting back to the legislature with

Sec. 33.608. REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. Requires the commissioner, each
biennium, to submit to the legislature a report listing certain

Sec. 33.609. LANDOWNER CONSENT. Prohibits the commissioner from undertaking
a coastal erosion response project on certain property without taking
certain actions first. Provides that if the commissioner cannot determine
the identity of or locate a property owner, consent is considered to have
been given if certain action is taken. 

Authorizes the commissioner to notify in writing  the appraisal district
that  appraised the land for ad valorem tax purposes and each taxing unity
that imposes taxes on the land, if the commissioner determines that land
has become submerged by erosion subsidence and as a result is dedicated to
the permanent school fund. Requires the notice to include a legal
description of the land. Requires certain action to be taken on receipt of
notice under Subsection (a). 

Sec. 33.611. IMMUNITY. Provides that this state, the commissioner, and land
office staff are immune from suit for damages and from liability for an act
or omission related to certain actions. Provides that the immunity granted
by this section does not apply to an act or omission that is intentional,
wilfully or wantonly negligent, or committed with conscious indifference or
reckless disregard for the safety of others. 

Sec. 33.612. JUDICIAL REVIEW. Provides that review of rights affected by an
action of this state, the commissioner, or land office staff under this
subchapter is under the substantial evidence rule. Requires a person
seeking review, in order to prevail, to prove that the action complained of
was arbitrary, capricious, or otherwise not in accordance with law.
Provides that the venue for an action relating to this subchapter is in
Travis County. 

SECTION 6. Amends Sections 40.151(a) and (b), Natural Resources Code, to
provide that the purpose of this  subchapter is to provide immediately
available funds for response to all unauthorized discharges for erosion
response projects. Provides that the coastal protection fund is established
in the state treasury to be used by the commissioner as a nonlapsing
revolving fund only for carrying out the purposes of this chapter and of
Chapter 33H. 

SECTION 7. Amends Section 40.152(a), Natural Resources Code, to provide
that money in the fund may be disbursed for certain purposes, including an
amount not to exceed the interest accruing to the fund annually, erosion
response projects under Chapter 33H. 

SECTION 8. Amends Section 40.153, Natural Resources Code, to provide that
this section does not apply to sums expended under Section 40.152(a)(10). 

SECTION 9. Amends Section 40.161, Natural Resources Code, to provide that
this section does not apply to a sum expended under Section 40.152(a)(10). 

SECTION 10. Amends Section 61.025(a), Natural Resources Code, to provide
that the purchaser is hereby notified that the purchaser should determine
the rate of shoreline erosion in the vicinity of the real property. 

SECTION 11.Effective date: September 1, 1999, except as provided by SECTION
12 of this Act. 
  Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 12. Provides that this Act takes effect only if a specific
appropriation for the implementation of this Act is provided in H.B. 1,
Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999.  Provides that, if no
specific appropriation is provided in H.B. 1, this Act has no effect. 

SECTION 13. Emergency clause.