Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 1787
76R12877  PB-DBy: Bivins
Economic Development
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, Texas motorists are required by law to carry automobile
liability insurance or otherwise establish financial responsibility.  In
addition, all persons operating a motor vehicle are required to show valid
proof of financial responsibility when requested by a peace officer, when
involved in an accident, or when obtaining certain registrations,
inspections, or licenses.  The number of drivers in this state who still do
not comply with the law is estimated to be between 20 to 23 percent.  The
ability of some motorists to circumvent the law by purchasing automobile
insurance policies for the purpose of obtaining the required licence and
registration, and subsequently canceling their policies until verification
is required again is one of the enforcement problems cited by the Senate
Interim Committee on Civil Justice (committee).  Automobile insurance
availability and affordability were also cited by the committee as factors
contributing to the number of uninsured motorists.  C.S.S.B. 1787 would
regulate and set forth requirements regarding motor vehicle insurance,
establish business offenses, and provide penalties. 


As proposed, C.S.S.B. 1787 regulates and sets forth requirements regarding
motor vehicle insurance, establishes business offenses, and provides


Rulemaking authority is granted to the Texas Department of  Transportation
in SECTIONS 1.01, 3.01, and 4.02 (Section 601.502(d), Chapter 601,
Transportation Code;  Article 5.06-7(a), Insurance Code; and Section 2(c),
Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code) and to the commissioner of insurance in
SECTION 2.01 (Article 5.06-1 (f), Insurance Code) of this bill. 



SECTION 1.01.  Amends Chapter 601, Transportation Code, by adding
Subchapter N, as follows: 


 Sec. 601.501.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "department," and "verification date."

THROUGH RANDOM SAMPLING.  Requires the Texas Department of Transportation
(department) or an agent of the department to randomly select samples of
registrations of motor vehicles subject to this chapter, or samples of
owners of motor vehicles subject to this chapter,  to verify whether the
owner has established financial responsibility in accordance with Section
601.051.  Prohibits a sample selected under this section from being
classified on the basis of the owner's race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, economic
status, or geographic location.  Authorizes the department, in addition to
the general random sampling of motor vehicle registrations, to randomly
select other persons to verify that the person has established certain
financial responsibility.  Sets forth the established financial
responsibility criteria.  Requires the department to send a request for
information about a motor vehicle and an owner's method of establishing
financial responsibility to the motor vehicle owner.  Sets forth the
required  information to be included in the request. Requires the
department, by rule, to prescribe the methods employed for the random
selection of samples and the procedures necessary for implementation of the
verification process.  Authorizes the department to require the information
provided by the owner to include a statement by the owner that the owner
had, as of the verification date, established certain financial
responsibility.  Sets forth the established financial responsibility
criteria.  Requires the owner to whom notice is sent, not later than the
30th day after the verification date, to furnish the requested information
to the department in the form prescribed by the department, accompanied by
the owner's signed affirmation that the information is true and correct.
Provides that an owner whose response indicates that the owner had not
established financial responsibility in accordance with Section 601.051, or
who fails to respond to a request, is subject to suspension of the owner's
motor vehicle registration in the manner provided by Section 601.505.
Authorizes the department to conduct a verification investigation as
provided by Section 601.503, if the owner responds to a request for
information by asserting that the owner had, as of the verification date,
established financial responsibility in accordance with a method authorized
by Section 601.051.  

Sec. 601.503.  VERIFICATION INVESTIGATION.  Authorizes the department or an
agent of the department, to verify a response received from an owner under
Section 601.502, to furnish necessary information to the insurer, surety,
or officer named in the response.  Requires the insurer, surety, or
officer, not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt of the
information, to inform the department whether, as of the verification date,
financial responsibility had been established for the affected motor
vehicle in accordance with Section 601.051.  Requires the department to
examine the department's records to verify that a certificate of
self-insurance has been issued in accordance with Section 601.124, if a
response received from an owner under Section 601.502 states that financial
responsibility has been established through self-insurance. 

Sec. 601.504.  WARNING NOTICE.  Requires the department to issue a warning
notice to an owner, if an owner response under Section 601.502 that the
owner has not established financial responsibility or the owner fails to
respond in a timely manner, or if the department otherwise determines that
an owner has registered or maintained the registration of a motor vehicle
without establishing financial responsibility in accordance with Section
601.051.  Requires the warning notice to inform the owner that the owner is
not in compliance with Section 601.051 and that the owner's motor vehicle
registration is suspended on the 45th day after the date on which the
warning notice is mailed unless the owner complies with the requirements
described by Subsection (c) for deferral of the suspension.  Requires the
warning notice to include a statement informing the owner that the
department shall defer the suspension of the owner's registration if, not
later than the 30th day after the date of the mailing of the warning
notice, the owner establishes financial responsibility in the manner
prescribed by Section 601.505. 

Sec. 601.505.  SUSPENSION; REINSTATEMENT.  Requires the department to
suspend the registration of an owner to whom a notice is issued under
Section 601.504, unless the owner submits to the department, within the
period provided by Section 601.504(b), proof of financial responsibility
evidenced by a motor vehicle insurance policy, the premiums of which have
been prepaid for a term of at least six months.  Requires the department,
for a first violation, to terminate the suspension on payment by the owner
of a $100 reinstatement fee and submission of proof of financial
responsibility as prescribed by the department.  Requires the department,
for a second or subsequent violation within the preceding four years, or a
violation of Section 601.507, to terminate the suspension on the 120th day
after the effective date of the suspension on payment by the owner of a
$100 reinstatement fee and submission of proof of financial responsibility
as prescribed by the department.  Requires the department, for a first
violation, to defer the suspension and any reinstatement fee if the owner
submits to the department, not later than the 15th day after the date of
the warning notice under Section 601.504, proof of financial responsibility
evidenced by a motor vehicle insurance policy, the premiums of which have
been prepaid for a term of at least six months.  Requires the owner, on the
earlier of the 180th day after the date of the warning notice or the
expiration date of the insurance policy described by this subsection, to
submit evidence of renewal of motor vehicle insurance policy to the
department.  Requires the department to impose the suspension and
reinstatement fee, if the owner fails to submit the required evidence of
renewal.  Authorizes the department, notwithstanding any other provision of
this subchapter, to register in accordance with Chapter 502, the motor
vehicle of an applicants for registration under certain conditions. 
Sec. 601.506.  SUBMISSION OF FALSE PROOF.  Requires the department to
suspend an owner's motor vehicle registration, if the department determines
that proof of financial responsibility submitted by a motor vehicle owner
under Section 601.502 is false.  Requires the department to terminate the
suspension on the 180th day after the effective date of the suspension on
payment by the owner of  a $200 reinstatement fee and submission of proof
of financial responsibility as prescribed by the department. 

operating a motor vehicle if the registration of the motor vehicle is
suspended under this subchapter.  Provides that a person commits a business
offense if the person violates Subsection (a).  Provides that a business
offense under this subsection is punishable by a fine of not less than
$1,000 or more than $2,000. 

Requires each operator of a motor vehicle subject to Section 601.051 to
carry within the vehicle a written document providing evidence of financial
responsibility.  Requires the document to be legible and  to provide
information sufficient to demonstrate that the owner or operator of the
motor vehicle has established financial responsibility as required under
Section 601.051 and may include certain information.  Requires the operator
of a motor vehicle to surrender the evidence of financial responsibility
into the possession of a peace officer, court, or court officer who
requests inspection of the evidence of financial responsibility.  Provides
that a person who fails or refuses to comply with such a request is
presumed to violate Section 601.051.  Provides that a person who provides
evidence of financial responsibility knowing that financial responsibility
has not been established as required under Section 601.051, or that the
evidence of financial responsibility is illegally altered, counterfeit, or
otherwise invalid is presumed to violate Sections 601.196 and 601.509. 

PENALTY.  Provides that a person commits an offense if the person provides
evidence of financial responsibility to a peace officer, court, or officer
of the court knowing that financial responsibility has not been established
as required under Section 601.051 or that evidence of financial
responsibility is illegally altered, counterfeit, or otherwise invalid.
Requires an officer to confiscate an invalid evidence of financial
responsibility for presentation in court, if a peace officer issues a
citation to a motor vehicle operator for displaying invalid evidence of
financial responsibility.  Provides that an offense under this section is a
Class B misdemeanor. 

Sec. 601.510.  DISPOSITION OF FEES.  Requires the department to recover its
costs in implementing and administering the verification program from the
reinstatement fees collected under this subchapter.  Requires the
department to deposit any amounts collected that exceed the administrative
costs of the department under this subchapter in the general revenue fund. 

Sec. 601.511.  USE OF AGENTS BY DEPARTMENT.  Authorizes the department to
submit requests for proposals for contracts with private vendors to perform
the random sampling and verification investigations required under this
subchapter; and to enter into contracts as necessary to implement this

SECTION 1.02.  Amends Section 601.051, Transportation Code, to prohibit a
person from operating, registering, or maintaining registration of a motor
vehicle in this state unless financial responsibility is established for
that vehicle by certain methods.  Prohibits a motor vehicle owner from
permitting another person to operate, register, or maintain registration of
the motor vehicle in this state unless financial responsibility is
established for that vehicle and evidenced through a method described by
Subsection (a).  Makes a conforming change. 

SECTION 1.03.  Amends Section 601.191, Transportation Code, as follows:

FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS.  Provides that, except a provided by
Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a business offense, rather
than misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than $500, rather than
$175, or more than $1,000, rather than  $350. Provides that it is a defense
to prosecution under this section, Section 601.195, and Section 601.507,
that a person charged with a violation produces satisfactory evidence in
court that, at the time of arrest, the owner or operator had established
financial responsibility in accordance with Section 601.051.  Authorizes
the court to reduce a fine to less than $500, rather than $175, if the
court determines that a person who has not been previously convicted of a
business offense, rather than an offense, under this section is
economically unable to pay the fine.  Deletes existing Subsections (c) and
(d), regarding offenses. 

SECTION 1.04.  Amends Section 12.02, Penal Code, to provide that offenses
are designated as felonies, misdemeanors, or business offenses. 

SECTION 1.05.  Amends Chapter 12A, Penal Code, by adding Section 12.05, as

Sec. 12.05.  BUSINESS OFFENSE.  Provides that a business offense is a
nonmisdemeanor offense for which the penalty is a fine of at least $500 and
that conviction of a business offense does not impose any legal disability
or disadvantage. 

SECTION 1.06.  Amends Chapter 12B, Penal Code, as follows:


SECTION 1.07.  Amends Chapter 12B, Penal Code, by adding Section 12.24, as

Sec.  12.24.  BUSINESS OFFENSE.  Requires an individual adjudged guilty of
a business offense to be punished by a fine of at least $500. 

SECTION 1.08.  Requires the department, in performing sample selection
under Section 601.502, as added by this Act, to ensure at least 500,000
samples are selected on or before September 1, 2001. 

SECTION 1.09.  Requires the department, in cooperation with the Texas
Department of Insurance and the Department of Public Safety, to conduct an
evaluation of the implementation and operation of the verification of
compliance with the financial responsibility program adopted under Chapter
601N, Transportation Code, as added by the Act, and of the effectiveness of
the verification program in increasing compliance with the financial
responsibility requirements established under Chapter 601C, Transportation
Code.  Sets forth what the program must include.  Requires the department
to enter into contracts, memoranda of understanding, or interagency
agreements as necessary to implement this section; and to provide written
copies of the report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and the speaker
of the house of representatives.   


SECTION 2.01.  Amends Article 5.06-1, Insurance Code, to require no
automobile liability insurance covering liability arising out of the
ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle to be delivered or
issued for delivery in this state unless coverage is provided therein or
supplemental thereto, under provisions prescribed by the commissioner of
insurance (commissioner), rather than State Board of Insurance (board).
Defines "exemplary damages," and "noneconomic damages."  Requires, except
as provided by Subsection (f) of this article, the limits of liability for
bodily injury, sickness, or disease, including death, to be offered to the
insured in amounts not less than those prescribed in Chapter 601,
Transportation Code, rather than the Texas Motor Vehicle Safety
Responsibility Act.  Authorizes the named insured to elect to waive
coverage under this article for recovery of noneconomic and exemplary
damages resulting from bodily injury, sickness, or disease, including
death.  Provides that if an insured elects to waive coverage under this
subsection, Subsection (e) of this article does not apply to the limits of
liability that are applicable to the coverage provided under the policy
issued to the named insured for damages resulting from bodily injury,
sickness, or disease, including death.  Authorizes the commissioner, by
rule, to adopt minimum limits of liability applicable to those damages.
Provides that waiver of coverage under this subsection does not affect the
insured's right to bring an action for noneconomic and exemplary damages
against a responsible party.  Prohibits the amount paid to an insured from
including any amount attributable to noneconomic and exemplary damages, if
the named insured has waived coverage under Subsection (f) of this article
for recovery of noneconomic and exemplary damages.   Makes conforming and
nonsubstantive changes. 

SECTION 3.01.  Amends Chapter 5A, Insurance Code, by adding Article 5.06-7,
as follows: 

INSURANCE.  Requires the commissioner to prescribe, by rule, a standard
appearance and form for a card issued by an insurer as proof of motor
vehicle liability insurance prescribed by Section 601.081, Transportation
Code.  Requires the commissioner, in prescribing the appearance of a proof
of motor vehicle liability insurance card under Subsection (a), to require
a certain appearance.  Requires a card issued as proof of motor vehicle
liability insurance issued in this state by an insurer to conform to the
form and appearance prescribed under Subsection (a). 

SECTION 3.02.  (a)  Requires the commissioner to prescribe the standard
appearance and form of proof of motor vehicle liability insurance cards as
required by Article 5.06-7, Insurance Code, as added by this Act, not later
than December 1, 1999. 

(b)  Requires a card issued on or after January 1, 2000, to conform with
rules established by the commissioner of insurance under Article 5.06-7,
Insurance Code, as added by this Act.  Makes application of this Act


SECTION 4.01.  Amends Section 2, Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code, as follows:


SECTION 4.02.  Amends Section 2, Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code, by
amending Subsections (a) and (c), and adding Subsection (d), to redefine
"engaging in the business of insurance."  Defines "insurer" and "person."
Requires the commissioner, rather than the State Board of Insurance, to
promulgate rules defining insurance exchanges and syndicates covered by
Subsection (a)(1) of this section.  Provides that the venue of an act
described by Section (a)(1) of this section that is committed by mail is in
the location where the matter transmitted by mail is delivered and takes

SECTION 4.03.  Amends Section 3(b), Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code, to
prohibit a person from directly or indirectly engaging in the business of
insurance except as provided by and in accordance with the specific
authorization of statute.  Deletes text prohibiting insurers from directly
or indirectly doing any acts of insurance business set forth in this

SECTION 4.04.  Amends Section 13(a), Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code, to
provide that a person commits an offense if the person engages in the
business of insurance without holding a certificate of authority, license,
or other authorization issued by the department; or having an exemption
that is recognized by the department from the requirement to hold a
certificate of authority, license, or other authorization issued by the
department; or after a person's certificate of authority, license, or other
authorization has been revoked or suspended by the commissioner. 


SECTION 5.01.  Provides that the following laws are repealed:

 (1)  Repealer:  Section 3(a), Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code (Definition
of "person."). 

(2)  Repealer:  Section 13(c), Article 1.14-1, Insurance Code (It is a
defense to prosecution under this section that Section 2(a) of this article
by its specific terms does not apply to the person charged.). 

 (3)  Repealer:  Section 601.053, Transportation Code (Evidence of
Financial Responsibility). 

(4)  Repealer:  Section 601.193, Transportation Code (Defense: Financial
Responsibility in Effect at Time of Alleged Offense.). 

 (5)  Repealer:  Chapter 601H, Transportation Code (Failure to maintain
evidence of responsibility; suspension of driver's license and motor
vehicle registration.). 

(6)  Repealer:  Chapter 601I, Transportation Code (Failure to maintain
evidence of responsibility; impoundment of motor vehicle.). 


SECTION 6.01.Makes application of this Act prospective.

SECTION 6.02.  Provides that Article 5.06-1, Insurance Code, as amended by
this Act, applies only to a motor vehicle liability insurance policy that
is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2000.
Provides that a policy that is delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed
before January 1, 2000, is governed by the law as it existed immediately
before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect
for that purpose. 

SECTION 6.03.  (a)  Effective date: September 1, 1999, except as provided
by Subsection (b) of this section. 

 (b)  Effective date for Article 1 of this Act:  January 1, 2001.

SECTION 6.04.     Emergency clause.           




Amends Section 601.502, Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, to require the
Texas Department of Transportation (department) or an agent of the
department to randomly select samples of registrations of motor vehicles
subject to this chapter, or samples of owners of motor vehicles subject to
this chapter,  to verify whether the owner has established financial
responsibility in accordance with Section 601.051. 

Amends Section 601.503, Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, to authorize the
department or an agent of the department, to verify a response received
from an owner under Section 601.502, to furnish necessary information to
the insurer, surety, or officer named in the response. 

Amends Section 601.504, Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, to require the
warning notice to inform the owner that the owner is not in compliance with
Section 601.051 and that the owner's motor vehicle registration is
suspended on the 45th day after the date on which the warning notice is
mailed unless the owner complies with the requirements described by
Subsection (c) for deferral of the suspension.  Requires the warning notice
to include a statement informing the owner that the department shall defer
the suspension of the owner's registration if, not later than the 30th day
after the date of the mailing of the warning notice, the owner establishes
financial responsibility in the manner prescribed by Section 601.505.
Deletes text regarding unless the owner, not later than the 30th day after
the date of the mailing of the warning notice, establishes financial
responsibility in the manner prescribed by Section 601.505.  
Amends Section 601.505, Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, by amending
Subsection (a), to require the department, for a first violation, to
terminate the suspension on payment by the owner of a $100 reinstatement
fee and submission of proof of financial responsibility as prescribed by
the department.  Requires the department, for a second or subsequent
violation within the preceding four years, or a violation of Section
601.507, to terminate the suspension on the 120th day after the effective
date of the suspension on payment by the owner of a $100 reinstatement fee
and submission of proof of financial responsibility as prescribed by the
department.  Deletes proposed Subsections (b) and (c), and replacing them
with text regarding suspension, reinstatement, and exception. 
Amends Section 601.509, Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, by deleting
proposed subsection (c), and replacing it, to provide that an offense under
this section is a Class B misdemeanor. 

Amends Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, by adding Section 601.511,
regarding use of agents by the department. 


Amends Section 601.191, Chapter 601N, Transportation Code, to provide that,
except as provided by Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a
business offense, rather than misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less
than $500, rather than $175, or more than $1,000, rather than $350.
Authorizes the court to reduce a fine to less than $500, rather than $175,
if the court determines that a person who has not been previously convicted
of a business offense, rather than an offense, under this section is
economically unable to pay the fine.  Deletes the word "and" in proposed
Subsection (c), replaces it with the a comma, and adds the phrase, "and
Section 601.507." 


Adds text requiring, the department, in cooperation with the Texas
Department of Insurance and the Department of Public Safety, to conduct an
evaluation of the implementation and operation of the verification of
compliance with the financial responsibility program adopted under Chapter
601N, Transportation Code, as added by the Act, and of the effectiveness of
the verification program in increasing compliance with the financial
responsibility requirements established under Chapter 601C, Transportation
Code.  Sets forth what the program must include.  Requires the department
to enter into contracts, memoranda of understanding, or interagency
agreements as necessary to implement this section; to provide written
copies of the report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and the speaker
of the house of representatives. 


Amends Subsection (i), Article 5.06-1, Insurance Code, to prohibit the
amount paid to an insured from including any amount attributable to
noneconomic and exemplary damages, if the named insured has waived coverage
under Subsection (f) of this article for recovery of noneconomic and
exemplary damages.  Deletes proposed text requiring an amount paid to be
reduced by an amount equal to the amount of damages attributable to
noneconomic and exemplary damages.   

 Provides that Article 1 of this Act takes effect January 1, 2001, rather
than September 1, 2000.