SRC-AXB S.C.R. 15 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center S.C.R. 15 76R1220 RVH-DBy: Ellis Jurisprudence 2/18/1999 As Filed DIGEST Currently, jurors are entitled to reimbursement expenses between $6 and $50 each day. Because compensation is often on the lower end of this scale, extended jury service can create significant financial hardship on jurors. S.C.R. attempts to alleviate potential financial hardships for jurors by increasing the compensation to $40 per day for jury service after the first day, thereby increasing the number and diversity of citizens able to fulfill their civic honor and duty to serve on a jury. PURPOSE As proposed, S.C.R. 15 submits the following resolutions: That the Texas Judicial Council examine the feasibility of increasing juror reimbursement to $40 after the first day of trial and allowing counties to offer other incentives. That the secretary of state forward an official copy of this resolution to the executive director of the Texas Judicial Council.