SRC-AXB S.C.R. 21 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center S.C.R. 21 76R2081 RVH-DBy: Ellis Jurisprudence 3/11/1999 As Filed DIGEST Currently, increased clerical costs resulting from the greater record-keeping burden imposed on a court by a multiple-party lawsuit are borne by the court at taxpayer expense. On average, filing fees cover under half of the costs associated with court proceedings. Concern exists that court costs are unreasonably burdensome, that one filing fee for multiple plaintiffs or a class action suit places an undue burden on record-keeping activities, and that an increase in filing fees would restrict access to the courts. S.C.R. 21 directs the Office of Court Administration to report on the costs and feasibility of reassessing the filing fee rate. PURPOSE As proposed, S.C.R. 21 submits the following resolutions: That the Office of Court Administration is directed to report on the costs of filing multipleparty lawsuits, using sliding scales or aggregate filing fees, and to submit recommendations to the legislature by March 1, 1999. That the secretary of state forward an official copy of this resolution to the director of the Office of Court Administration.