SRC-AXB S.C.R. 23 76(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center S.C.R. 23 76R5286 RVH-DBy: Ellis Jurisprudence 2/18/1999 As Filed DIGEST Currently, court rules allow court proceedings to be recorded and broadcast under certain conditions. However, only one court in Travis County, Texas, has made explicit pool arrangement rules for media agencies to avoid disruption by excessive broadcasting during proceedings. Media pooling agreements include the mutual sharing of audio and visual recordings by news organizations, notice to the court regarding media equipment, conduct of media personnel, and criteria for coverage restriction regarding sensitive cases. S.C.R. 23 would direct the Office of Court Administration to study and develop uniform guidelines for media pooling agreements for courtroom coverage throughout Texas. PURPOSE As proposed, S.C.R. 23 submits the following resolutions: That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas direct the Texas Office of Court Administration (TOCA) to study and develop uniform guidelines for media pooling agreements for courtroom coverage. That TOCA solicit and consider opinions and advice of the judiciary in developing uniform guidelines. That the secretary of state forward an official copy of this resolution to the executive assistant of TOCA.