By Corte                                                H.B. No. 36
         76R1124 DLF-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to regulation of abortion.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subtitle H, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is
 1-5     amended by adding Chapter 166 to read as follows:
 1-6                           CHAPTER 166.  ABORTION
 1-7                      SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
 1-8           Sec. 166.001.  DEFINITION.  In this chapter, "abortion" has
 1-9     the meaning assigned by Section 4.011, Medical Practice Act
1-10     (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
1-11           Sec. 166.002.  PHYSICIAN TO PERFORM.  An abortion may be
1-12     performed only by a physician licensed to practice medicine in this
1-13     state.
1-14           Sec. 166.003.  ABORTION OF FETUS AGE 16 WEEKS OR MORE.  An
1-15     abortion of a fetus age 16 weeks or more may be performed only at
1-16     an ambulatory surgical center or hospital licensed to perform the
1-17     abortion.
1-18           Sec. 166.004.  DEPARTMENT TO ENFORCE.  The department shall
1-19     enforce the provisions of this chapter.
1-20              (Sections 166.005-166.010 reserved for expansion
1-21                       SUBCHAPTER B.  INFORMED CONSENT
1-22           Sec. 166.011.  INFORMED CONSENT REQUIRED.  A person may not
1-23     perform an abortion without the voluntary and informed consent of
1-24     the woman on whom the abortion is to be performed.
 2-1           Sec. 166.012.  VOLUNTARY AND INFORMED CONSENT.  (a)  Except
 2-2     in the case of a medical emergency, consent to an abortion is
 2-3     voluntary and informed only if:
 2-4                 (1)  the physician who is to perform the abortion or
 2-5     the referring physician informs the woman on whom the abortion is
 2-6     to be performed of:
 2-7                       (A)  the name of the physician who will perform
 2-8     the abortion;
 2-9                       (B)  the particular medical risks associated with
2-10     the particular abortion procedure to be employed, including, when
2-11     medically accurate:
2-12                             (i)  the risks of infection, hemorrhage,
2-13     and breast cancer; and
2-14                             (ii)  the potential danger to a subsequent
2-15     pregnancy and of infertility;
2-16                       (C)  the probable gestational age of the unborn
2-17     child at the time the abortion is to be performed; and
2-18                       (D)  the medical risks associated with carrying
2-19     the child to term;
2-20                 (2)  the physician who is to perform the abortion or
2-21     the physician's agent informs the woman that:
2-22                       (A)  medical assistance benefits may be available
2-23     for prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care;
2-24                       (B)  the father is liable for assistance in the
2-25     support of the child without regard to whether the father has
2-26     offered to pay for the abortion;
2-27                       (C)  public and private agencies provide
 3-1     pregnancy prevention counseling and medical referrals for obtaining
 3-2     pregnancy prevention medications or devices; and
 3-3                       (D)  the woman has the right to review the
 3-4     printed materials described by Section 166.014, that those
 3-5     materials have been provided by the Texas Department of Health, and
 3-6     that the materials describe the unborn child and list agencies that
 3-7     offer alternatives to abortion;
 3-8                 (3)  the woman certifies in writing before the abortion
 3-9     that the information described by Subdivisions (1) and (2) and by
3-10     Section 166.017 has been provided to her and that she has been
3-11     informed of her opportunity to review the information described by
3-12     Section 166.014; and
3-13                 (4)  before the abortion is performed, the physician
3-14     who is to perform the abortion receives a copy of the written
3-15     certification required by Subdivision (3).
3-16           (b)  The information required to be provided under
3-17     Subsections (a)(1) and (2) must be provided:
3-18                 (1)  orally and in person; and
3-19                 (2)  at least 24 hours before the abortion is to be
3-20     performed.
3-21           Sec. 166.013.  DISTRIBUTION OF STATE MATERIALS.  (a) If the
3-22     woman chooses to view the materials described by Section 166.014,
3-23     the physician or the physician's agent shall furnish copies of the
3-24     materials to her at least 24 hours before the abortion is to be
3-25     performed.
3-26           (b)  The physician and the physician's agent may disassociate
3-27     themselves from the materials and may choose to comment on the
 4-1     materials or to refrain from commenting.
 4-2           Sec. 166.014.  INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS.  (a)  The department
 4-3     shall publish informational materials that include:
 4-4                 (1)  the information required to be provided under
 4-5     Sections 166.012(a)(1)(B) and (D) and (a)(2)(A), (B), and (C); and
 4-6                 (2)  the materials required by Sections 166.015,
 4-7     166.016, and 166.017.
 4-8           (b)  The materials shall be published in:
 4-9                 (1)  English and Spanish;
4-10                 (2)  an easily comprehensible form; and
4-11                 (3)  a typeface large enough to be clearly legible.
4-12           (c)  The materials shall be available at no cost from the
4-13     department on request.  The department shall provide appropriate
4-14     quantities of the materials to any person.
4-15           (d)  The department shall annually review the materials to
4-16     determine if changes to the contents of the materials are
4-17     necessary.  The department shall adopt rules necessary for
4-18     considering and making changes to the materials.
4-20     AGENCIES.  The informational materials must include either:
4-21                 (1)  geographically indexed materials designed to
4-22     inform the woman of public and private agencies and services
4-23     available to assist a woman through pregnancy, childbirth, and the
4-24     child's dependency, including:
4-25                       (A)  a comprehensive list of adoption agencies;
4-26                       (B)  a description of the services the adoption
4-27     agencies offer; and
 5-1                       (C)  a description of the manner, including
 5-2     telephone numbers, in which an adoption agency may be contacted; or
 5-3                 (2)  a toll-free, 24-hour telephone number that may be
 5-4     called to obtain an oral list and description of agencies described
 5-5     by Subdivision (1) that are located near the caller and of the
 5-6     services the agencies offer.
 5-8     UNBORN CHILD.  (a)  The informational materials must include
 5-9     materials designed to inform the woman of the probable anatomical
5-10     and physiological characteristics of the unborn child at two-week
5-11     gestational increments from the time when a woman can be known to
5-12     be pregnant to full term, including any relevant information on the
5-13     possibility of the unborn child's survival.
5-14           (b)  The materials must include color pictures representing
5-15     the development of the child at two-week gestational increments.
5-16     The pictures must contain the dimensions of the unborn child and
5-17     must be realistic.
5-18           (c)  The materials provided under this section must be
5-19     objective and nonjudgmental and be designed to convey only accurate
5-20     scientific information about the unborn child at the various
5-21     gestational ages.
5-23     PREGNANCY.  (a)  The informational materials must include materials
5-24     that are designed to inform the woman of pregnancy prevention
5-25     methods for females and males and that:
5-26                 (1)  describe each method in detail; and
5-27                 (2)  include pictures or diagrams that illustrate the
 6-1     proper use of each method.
 6-2           (b)  The physician who is to perform the abortion, the
 6-3     referring physician, or the agent of either physician shall provide
 6-4     a woman requesting an abortion with the materials published under
 6-5     this section, without regard to whether the woman chooses to view
 6-6     the informational materials under Section 166.012(a)(2)(D).
 6-7           SECTION 2.  Section 245.004, Health and Safety Code, is
 6-8     amended to read as follows:
 6-9           Sec. 245.004.  EXEMPTIONS FROM LICENSING REQUIREMENT.  (a)
6-10     The following facilities need not be licensed under this chapter:
6-11                 (1)  a hospital licensed under Chapter 241 (Texas
6-12     Hospital Licensing Law); or
6-13                 (2)  the office of a physician licensed under the
6-14     Medical Practice Act (Article 4495b, Vernon's Texas Civil
6-15     Statutes), unless the office is used substantially [primarily] for
6-16     the purpose of performing abortions.
6-17           (b)  For purposes of this section, a facility is used
6-18     substantially for the purpose of performing abortions if the
6-19     facility:
6-20                 (1)  is a provider for performing:
6-21                       (A)  at least 10 abortion procedures during any
6-22     month; or
6-23                       (B)  at least 100 abortion procedures in a year;
6-24                 (2)  operates less than 20 days in a month and the
6-25     facility, in any month, is a provider for performing a number of
6-26     abortion procedures that would be equivalent to at least 10
6-27     procedures in a month if the facility were operating at least 20
 7-1     days in a month;
 7-2                 (3)  holds itself out to the public as an abortion
 7-3     provider by advertising by any public means, including advertising
 7-4     placed in a newspaper, telephone directory, magazine, or electronic
 7-5     medium, that the facility performs abortions; or
 7-6                 (4)  applies for an abortion facility license.
 7-7           (c)  For purposes of this section,  an abortion facility  is
 7-8     operating if the facility is open for any period of time during a
 7-9     day and has on site at the facility or on call a physician
7-10     available to perform abortions.
7-11           SECTION 3.  Section 245.010(a), Health and Safety Code, is
7-12     amended to read as follows:
7-13           (a)  The rules must contain minimum standards to protect the
7-14     health and safety of a patient of an abortion facility and must
7-15     contain provisions requiring compliance with the requirements of
7-16     Subchapter B, Chapter 166.
7-17           SECTION 4.  Chapter 245, Health and Safety Code, is amended
7-18     by adding Section 245.0104 to read as follows:
7-19           Sec. 245.0104.  LOCATION OF ABORTION FACILITY.  (a)  Except
7-20     as provided by Subsection (c), an abortion facility may not be
7-21     located within 1,500 feet of the property on which a church or
7-22     school is located.
7-23           (b)  The measurement of the distance between an abortion
7-24     facility and a church or school is from the nearest property line
7-25     of the church or school to the property line of the property on
7-26     which the abortion facility is located, along street lines and in
7-27     direct lines across intersections.
 8-1           (c)  Subsection (a) does not apply to an abortion facility
 8-2     that began operation before September 1, 1999.  An abortion
 8-3     facility does not violate Subsection (a) if the facility is in
 8-4     compliance with that subsection on the date the facility begins
 8-5     operation and a church or school subsequently is located within
 8-6     1,500 feet of the facility.
 8-7           (d)  In this section:
 8-8                 (1)  "Church" means a facility that is owned by a
 8-9     religious organization and that is used primarily for religious
8-10     services.
8-11                 (2)  "School" means a public or private school that
8-12     provides any part of kindergarten through 12th grade.
8-13           SECTION 5.  The Texas Department of Health shall prepare the
8-14     informational materials required by Section 166.014, Health and
8-15     Safety Code, as added by this Act, and shall have the materials
8-16     available for distribution as required by Chapter 166, Health and
8-17     Safety Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, 1999.
8-18           SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999, and
8-19     applies only to an abortion that is performed on or after January
8-20     1, 2000.  An abortion that is performed before January 1, 2000, is
8-21     governed by the law as it existed immediately before January 1,
8-22     2000, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
8-23           SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
8-24     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
8-25     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
8-26     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
8-27     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.