By Wohlgemuth                                          H.B. No. 350
         76R2501 MCK-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to creating a covenant marriage.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 2.002, Family Code, is amended to read as
 1-5     follows:
 1-6           Sec. 2.002.  APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.  (a) Except as provided
 1-7     by Section 2.006, each person applying for a license must:
 1-8                 (1)  appear before the county clerk;
 1-9                 (2)  submit the person's proof of identity and age as
1-10     provided by this subchapter;
1-11                 (3)  provide the information applicable to that person
1-12     for which spaces are provided in the application for a marriage
1-13     license;
1-14                 (4)  mark the appropriate boxes provided in the
1-15     application; and
1-16                 (5)  take the oath printed on the application and sign
1-17     the application before the county clerk.
1-18           (b)  A person applying for a license for a covenant marriage
1-19     must complete an affidavit of intent to contract a covenant
1-20     marriage described by Section 2.601.
1-21           SECTION 2.  Section 2.004, Family Code, is amended by adding
1-22     Subsection (c) to read as follows:
1-23           (c)  The application form for a covenant marriage must
1-24     include the following statement:
 2-1           "We, (name of husband) and (name of wife), declare our intent
 2-2     to contract a covenant marriage and, accordingly, have executed an
 2-3     affidavit of intent to contract a covenant marriage attached to
 2-4     this application."
 2-5           SECTION 3.  Section 2.009, Family Code, is amended by adding
 2-6     Subsection (e) to read as follows:
 2-7           (e)  The county clerk shall indicate on the marriage license
 2-8     whether the license is for a covenant marriage.
 2-9           SECTION 4.  Chapter 2, Family Code, is amended by adding
2-10     Subchapter G to read as follows:
2-11                      SUBCHAPTER G.  COVENANT MARRIAGE
2-13     MARRIAGE.  Each applicant for a covenant marriage shall submit a
2-14     signed and notarized affidavit of intent to enter a covenant
2-15     marriage. The affidavit must contain the following statement:
2-16           "We do solemnly declare that marriage is a covenant between a
2-17     man and a woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for
2-18     so long as they both may live.  We have chosen each other carefully
2-19     and disclosed to one another everything that could adversely affect
2-20     the decision to enter into this marriage.  We have received
2-21     premarital counseling on the nature, purposes, and responsibilities
2-22     of marriage.  We have read the pamphlet on covenant marriage and
2-23     understand that a covenant marriage is for life.  We understand
2-24     that we can get divorced or separated  only for a reason stated in
2-25     the pamphlet on covenant marriage.  If we experience marital
2-26     difficulties, we commit ourselves to take all reasonable efforts to
2-27     preserve our marriage, including marital counseling.
 3-1           With full knowledge of what this commitment means, we do
 3-2     hereby declare that our marriage will be bound by Texas law on
 3-3     covenant marriage and we promise to love, honor, and care for one
 3-4     another as husband and wife for the rest of our lives."
 3-6     MARRIAGE.  (a)  A married couple may designate their marriage as a
 3-7     covenant marriage by filing a signed and notarized affidavit of
 3-8     intent to designate the marriage as a covenant marriage.
 3-9           (b)  The affidavit of intent to designate a marriage as a
3-10     covenant marriage must contain the following statement:
3-11           "We do solemnly declare that marriage is a covenant between a
3-12     man and a woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for
3-13     so long as they both may live.  We understand the nature, purpose,
3-14     and responsibilities of marriage and have received counseling on
3-15     the obligations of a covenant marriage.  We have read the pamphlet
3-16     on covenant marriage and understand that a covenant marriage is for
3-17     life.  We understand that we can get divorced or separated only for
3-18     a reason stated in the pamphlet on covenant marriage.  If we
3-19     experience marital difficulties, we commit ourselves to take all
3-20     reasonable efforts to preserve our marriage, including marital
3-21     counseling.
3-22           With full knowledge of what this commitment means, we do
3-23     hereby declare that our marriage will be bound by Texas law on
3-24     covenant marriage and we renew our promise to love, honor, and care
3-25     for one another as husband and wife for the rest of our lives."
3-26           (c)  The applicants must file the affidavit with:
3-27                 (1)  the clerk of the county that issued the marriage
 4-1     license under which the applicants were married; or
 4-2                 (2)  if the marriage was entered into outside this
 4-3     state, the clerk of the county in which the couple resides.
 4-4           (d)  A marriage becomes a covenant marriage when a couple
 4-5     files the affidavit of intent to designate a marriage as a covenant
 4-6     marriage with the county clerk.
 4-7           Sec. 2.603.  COUNSELING REQUIREMENT.  (a)  Before a couple
 4-8     may enter into a covenant marriage or designate a marriage as a
 4-9     covenant marriage, the couple must receive counseling from a person
4-10     legally authorized to engage in marriage counseling.
4-11           (b)  The counselor shall:
4-12                 (1)  ensure that the couple discusses important
4-13     personal issues, including financial issues and conflict
4-14     resolution;
4-15                 (2)  discuss the seriousness of a covenant marriage;
4-16                 (3)  inform the couple that a covenant marriage is a
4-17     commitment for life; and
4-18                 (4)  inform the couple of the obligation to seek
4-19     marital counseling in times of marital difficulties.
4-20           (c)  The counselor may discuss any other topic the counselor
4-21     considers important to the couple's understanding of the marital
4-22     commitment.
4-23           Sec. 2.604.  PAMPHLET ON COVENANT MARRIAGE.  (a)  The
4-24     attorney general shall prepare a pamphlet consistent with the
4-25     requirements of this subchapter providing a full explanation of the
4-26     terms and conditions of a covenant marriage.  The pamphlet must
4-27     list the grounds for divorce under Section 6.903 and the grounds
 5-1     for legal separation under Section 6.904.
 5-2           (b)  The attorney general shall provide the pamphlet to the
 5-3     county clerks in the state.  A county clerk shall provide the
 5-4     pamphlet to each person applying for a license for a covenant
 5-5     marriage.
 5-6           SECTION 5.  Subchapter A, Chapter 6, Family Code, is amended
 5-7     by adding Section 6.009 to read as follows:
 5-8           Sec. 6.009.  APPLICATION TO COVENANT MARRIAGE.  This
 5-9     subchapter does not apply to a covenant marriage.
5-10           SECTION 6.  Chapter 6, Family Code, is amended by adding
5-11     Subchapter J to read as follows:
5-13                                 SEPARATION
5-14           Sec. 6.901.  DISSOLUTION OR LEGAL SEPARATION.  A spouse in a
5-15     covenant marriage who meets the requirements of this subchapter may
5-16     file a suit for:
5-17                 (1)  dissolution of the covenant marriage; or
5-18                 (2)  legal separation.
5-20     spouse in a covenant marriage may not file a suit to dissolve a
5-21     covenant marriage unless the parties to the marriage have received
5-22     counseling from a person legally authorized to engage in marriage
5-23     counseling in an attempt to reconcile the marriage.  The couple
5-24     shall participate in the counseling until the counselor or both
5-25     spouses determine that the marriage is not salvageable.
5-26           Sec. 6.903.  GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE OF COVENANT MARRIAGE.  (a)
5-27     The court may grant a divorce in a covenant marriage in favor of a
 6-1     spouse if:
 6-2                 (1)  the other spouse has committed adultery;
 6-3                 (2)  the other spouse has:
 6-4                       (A)  been convicted of a felony;
 6-5                       (B)  been imprisoned for at least one year in a
 6-6     state penitentiary, a federal penitentiary, or a penitentiary of
 6-7     another state; and
 6-8                       (C)  not been pardoned;
 6-9                 (3)  the other spouse:
6-10                       (A)  left the complaining spouse with the
6-11     intention of abandonment; and
6-12                       (B)  remained away from the complaining spouse
6-13     for at least two years;
6-14                 (4)  the other spouse committed family violence as
6-15     defined by Section 71.004;
6-16                 (5)  the spouses have lived apart without cohabitation
6-17     for at least three years; or
6-18                 (6)  an order of legal separation has been issued to
6-19     one of the spouses under Section 6.904 and the spouses have lived
6-20     apart without reconciliation for at least:
6-21                       (A)  two years after the date a separation order
6-22     is entered if there are no minor children from the marriage; or
6-23                       (B)  two years and six months after the date a
6-24     separation order is entered if there is a minor child from the
6-25     marriage.
6-26           (b)  The court may not grant a divorce under Subsection
6-27     (a)(2) if the spouse who was convicted of a felony was convicted
 7-1     solely on the testimony of the other spouse.
 7-2           Sec. 6.904.  LEGAL SEPARATION.  (a)  A spouse in a covenant
 7-3     marriage may file a suit to obtain from the court an order of legal
 7-4     separation if:
 7-5                 (1)  the other spouse has committed adultery;
 7-6                 (2)  the other spouse has:
 7-7                       (A)  been convicted of a felony;
 7-8                       (B)  been imprisoned for at least one year in a
 7-9     state penitentiary, a federal penitentiary, or a penitentiary of
7-10     another state; and
7-11                       (C)  not been pardoned;
7-12                 (3)  the other spouse:
7-13                       (A)  left the complaining spouse with the
7-14     intention of abandonment; and
7-15                       (B)  remained away from the complaining spouse
7-16     for at least one year;
7-17                 (4)  the other spouse committed family violence as
7-18     defined by Section 71.004;
7-19                 (5)  the spouses have lived apart without cohabitation
7-20     for at least three years; or
7-21                 (6)  the other spouse habitually abuses illegal drugs
7-22     or alcohol.
7-23           (b)  The court may not issue an order of legal separation
7-24     under Subsection (a)(2) if the spouse who was convicted of a felony
7-25     was convicted on the testimony of the other spouse.
7-26           (c)  The procedures in this chapter for a suit for
7-27     dissolution of a marriage apply to a suit for legal separation of a
 8-1     covenant marriage.
 8-2           SECTION 7.  Section 8.002, Family Code, is amended to read as
 8-3     follows:
 8-4           Sec. 8.002.  ELIGIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE.  (a)  In a suit for
 8-5     dissolution of a marriage or in a proceeding for maintenance in a
 8-6     court with personal jurisdiction over both former spouses following
 8-7     the dissolution of their marriage by a court that lacked personal
 8-8     jurisdiction over an absent spouse, the court may order maintenance
 8-9     for either spouse only if:
8-10                 (1)  the spouse from whom maintenance is requested was
8-11     convicted of or received deferred adjudication for a criminal
8-12     offense that also constitutes an act of family violence under Title
8-13     4 [Chapter 71] and the offense occurred:
8-14                       (A)  within two years before the date on which a
8-15     suit for dissolution of the marriage is filed; or
8-16                       (B)  while the suit is pending; or
8-17                 (2)  the duration of the marriage was 10 years or
8-18     longer, the spouse seeking maintenance lacks sufficient property,
8-19     including property distributed to the spouse under this code, to
8-20     provide for the spouse's minimum reasonable needs, as limited by
8-21     Section 8.005, and the spouse seeking maintenance:
8-22                       (A)  is unable to support himself or herself
8-23     through appropriate employment because of an incapacitating
8-24     physical or mental disability;
8-25                       (B)  is the custodian of a child who requires
8-26     substantial care and personal supervision because a physical or
8-27     mental disability makes it necessary, taking into consideration the
 9-1     needs of the child, that the spouse not be employed outside the
 9-2     home; or
 9-3                       (C)  clearly lacks earning ability in the labor
 9-4     market adequate to provide support for the spouse's minimum
 9-5     reasonable needs, as limited by Section 8.005.
 9-6           (b)  The court shall issue a temporary order for maintenance
 9-7     in favor of a spouse  who files for:
 9-8                 (1)  legal separation of a covenant marriage based on
 9-9     abandonment under Section 6.904(a)(3); or
9-10                 (2)  dissolution of a covenant marriage.
9-11           SECTION 8.  Section 118.011(a), Local Government Code, is
9-12     amended to read as  follows:
9-13           (a)  A county clerk shall collect the following fees for
9-14     services rendered to any person:
9-15                 (1)  Personal Property Records Filing (Sec. 118.012)
9-16     ............................................................ $ 2.00
9-17                 (2)  Real Property Records Filing (Sec. 118.013):
9-18                        for the first page ...................... $ 3.00
9-19                        for each additional page or part of a page on
9-20     which there are visible marks of any kind .................. $ 2.00
9-21                        for all or part of each 8 1/2" X 14" attachment
9-22     or rider ................................................... $ 2.00
9-23                        for  each  name  in  excess  of  five  names
9-24     that has to be indexed  in  all  records in  which  the document
9-25     must be indexed  ............................................ $0.25
9-26                 (3)  Certified Papers (Sec. 118.014):
9-27                        for the clerk's certificate ............. $ 5.00
 10-1                       plus  a  fee  for  each  page  or  part  of  a
 10-2    page ....................................................... $ 1.00
 10-3                (4)  Noncertified Papers (Sec. 118.0145):
 10-4                       for each page or part of a page ......... $ 1.00
 10-5                (5)  Birth  or  Death  Certificate  (Sec. 118.015)
 10-6    ........................................... same as state registrar
 10-7                (6)  Bond Approval (Sec. 118.016) .............. $ 3.00
 10-8                (7)  Marriage License (Sec. 118.018) ........... $25.00
 10-9                (8)  Covenant Marriage License (Sec. 118.018) .. $12.50
10-10                (9)  Affidavit of Intent to Designate a Marriage as a
10-11    Covenant Marriage (Sec. 118.018) ........................... $12.50
10-12                (10)  Declaration of Informal Marriage (Sec. 118.019)
10-13    ............................................................ $25.00
10-14                (11) [(9)]  Brand Registration (Sec. 118.020) .. $ 5.00
10-15                (12) [(10)]  Oath   Administration   (Sec.  118.021)
10-16    ............................................................ $ 1.00
10-17          SECTION 9.  Section 118.018(a), Local Government Code, is
10-18    amended to read as follows:
10-19          (a)  The fee for a "Marriage License," "Covenant Marriage
10-20    License," or "Affidavit of Intent to Designate a Marriage as a
10-21    Covenant Marriage," under Section 118.011 is for issuing a marriage
10-22    license.  The fee must be paid at the time the license is issued.
10-23          SECTION 10.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
10-24          SECTION 11.  The importance of this legislation and the
10-25    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
10-26    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
10-27    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 11-1    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.