By Maxey H.B. No. 546 76R3321 CAG-D A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the use of standardized test scores in making 1-3 admissions determinations and in awarding scholarships and 1-4 financial aid for certain persons at public institutions of higher 1-5 education. 1-6 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-7 SECTION 1. Subchapter Z, Chapter 51, Education Code, is 1-8 amended by adding Section 51.9241 to read as follows: 1-9 Sec. 51.9241. USE OF STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES IN ADMISSIONS 1-10 OF APPLICANTS WITH DISABILITIES. (a) An institution of higher 1-11 education may not require an applicant for admission to the 1-12 institution or to a degree program, school, or college within the 1-13 institution to report, submit, or disclose the applicant's test 1-14 score or other result from the administration of a standardized 1-15 assessment, achievement, or admissions test, including any of the 1-16 tests commonly known as the PSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, or 1-17 LSAT, if the applicant: 1-18 (1) is a person with a disability, as defined by 1-19 Section 121.002, Human Resources Code, and the person's disability 1-20 is reasonably likely to impair or interfere with the applicant's 1-21 performance on a standardized test; and 1-22 (2) submits with the admission application a signed 1-23 statement of a licensed physician or other licensed health care 1-24 provider that the applicant's disability is reasonably likely to 2-1 impair or interfere with the applicant's performance on a 2-2 standardized test. 2-3 (b) It is a ground for disciplinary action by the 2-4 appropriate licensing agency for a physician or other health care 2-5 provider to: 2-6 (1) sign a false or misleading statement described by 2-7 Subsection (a); or 2-8 (2) sign a statement described by Subsection (a) 2-9 without determining the accuracy of the statement. 2-10 SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 56, Education Code, is 2-11 amended by adding Section 56.004 to read as follows: 2-12 Sec. 56.004. USE OF STANDARDIZED TEST RESULTS IN FINANCIAL 2-13 AID DETERMINATIONS OF APPLICANTS WITH DISABILITIES. (a) An 2-14 institution of higher education, the Texas Higher Education 2-15 Coordinating Board, or any person acting on behalf of an 2-16 institution of higher education or the coordinating board relating 2-17 to the award of a scholarship or other financial aid to an 2-18 applicant for a scholarship or financial aid may not require the 2-19 applicant to report, submit, or disclose the applicant's test score 2-20 or other result from the administration of a standardized 2-21 assessment, achievement, or admissions test, including any of the 2-22 tests commonly known as the PSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, MCAT, or 2-23 LSAT, if the applicant: 2-24 (1) is a person with a disability, as defined by 2-25 Section 121.002, Human Resources Code, and the person's disability 2-26 is reasonably likely to impair or interfere with the applicant's 2-27 performance on a standardized test; and 3-1 (2) submits with the scholarship or financial aid 3-2 application a signed statement of a licensed physician or other 3-3 licensed health care provider that the applicant's disability is 3-4 reasonably likely to impair or interfere with the applicant's 3-5 performance on a standardized test. 3-6 (b) It is a ground for disciplinary action by the 3-7 appropriate licensing agency for a physician or other health care 3-8 provider to: 3-9 (1) sign a false or misleading statement described by 3-10 Subsection (a); or 3-11 (2) sign a statement described by Subsection (a) 3-12 without determining the accuracy of the statement. 3-13 SECTION 3. This Act applies beginning with admissions or 3-14 awards of financial aid for the 2000 fall semester. 3-15 SECTION 4. The importance of this legislation and the 3-16 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 3-17 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 3-18 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 3-19 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.