By Thompson                                            H.B. No. 731
         76R1018 MLS-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to municipal courts of record.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Subchapter A, Chapter 30, Government Code, is
 1-5     amended to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 30.00001.  SHORT TITLE; APPLICATION  [OF SUBCHAPTER].
 1-8     (a)  This chapter may be cited as the Uniform Municipal Courts of
 1-9     Record Act.
1-10           (b)  This subchapter applies to each municipality listed in
1-11     [does not apply to the cities of Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort
1-12     Worth, Houston, Longview, Lubbock, Marshall, Midland, Odessa, San
1-13     Antonio, Sweetwater, and Wichita Falls or to any other city covered
1-14     by another subchapter of] this chapter.  If a provision of this
1-15     subchapter conflicts with a specific provision for a particular
1-16     municipality, the specific provision controls.
1-18     RECORD; DEFINITION].  In this subchapter:
1-19                 (1)  "Appellate court" means:
1-20                       (A)  the county criminal court, the county
1-21     criminal court of appeals, or the municipal court of appeals; or
1-22                       (B)  the county court at law if there is no
1-23     county criminal court, county criminal court of appeals, or
1-24     municipal court of appeals.
 2-1                 (2)  "Governing body" means the legislative body of a
 2-2     municipality, without regard to the name or title given to any
 2-3     particular body.
 2-4                 (3)  "Municipality" means an incorporated city, town,
 2-5     or village.
 2-6                 (4)  "Presiding judge" means the presiding municipal
 2-7     judge,  chief judge, or administrative judge. [(a)  The governing
 2-8     body of a  city may establish its municipal courts as municipal
 2-9     courts of record if the formation of municipal courts of record is
2-10     necessary to provide a more efficient disposition of appeals from
2-11     the municipal court.]
2-12           [(b)  On creation of the initial municipal court of record,
2-13     the governing body of the city shall call an election to determine
2-14     the method of selection of the judges of the municipal courts of
2-15     record.  The qualified voters of the city shall vote on the
2-16     question of electing or appointing the judges of the municipal
2-17     courts of record.  The election must be held on the first
2-18     succeeding uniform election date for which sufficient time elapses
2-19     for the holding of an election.]
2-20           [(c)  In this subchapter, "city" means an incorporated
2-21     municipality.]
2-23     RECORD.  (a)  The governing body [of the city] may by ordinance
2-24     create a [additional] municipal court [courts] of record if the
2-25     governing body determines that the creation of the court is
2-26     [additional courts are] necessary to provide a more efficient
2-27     disposition [dispose properly] of the cases arising in the
 3-1     municipality [city].
 3-2           (b)  The ordinance may establish as many municipal courts of
 3-3     record as needed as determined by the governing body [must
 3-4     enumerate the number of additional courts that are necessary].
 3-5           (c)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the ordinance
 3-6     shall give each court a numerical designation, beginning with
 3-7     "Municipal Court of Record No. 1."
 3-8           (d)  If a municipality has a unified court of record, that
 3-9     court shall be the "Municipal Court of Record in the City of (name
3-10     of municipality)" and the municipality may establish by ordinance
3-11     divisions, beginning with "Division No. 1."
3-12           (e)  A municipal court of record may not exist concurrently
3-13     with a municipal court that is not a municipal court of record in
3-14     the municipality.
3-15           (f)  A municipal court of record has no terms and may sit for
3-16     any time for the transaction of business of the court.
3-17           Sec. 30.00004.  [ABOLITION OF COURT.  If the governing body
3-18     of the city finds after the establishment of an additional
3-19     municipal court of record that the condition of the dockets of the
3-20     other courts of the county does not require the existence of the
3-21     court to dispose properly of the cases arising in the city, the
3-22     governing body shall by ordinance declare the office of the
3-23     municipal judge vacant at the end of the term for which the judge
3-24     was last selected.  Any cases then pending shall be transferred to
3-25     a court with proper jurisdiction of the offense.]
3-26           [Sec. 30.00005.]  JURISDICTION.  (a)  A municipal court of
3-27     record has the jurisdiction provided by general law for municipal
 4-1     courts.
 4-2           (b)  The court has jurisdiction over [of] criminal cases
 4-3     arising under ordinances authorized by Sections 215.072, 217.042,
 4-4     341.903, and 401.002, Local Government Code [Subdivision 19,
 4-5     Article 1175, Revised Statutes].
 4-6           (c)  The governing body may by ordinance provide that the
 4-7     court has concurrent jurisdiction with a justice court in any
 4-8     precinct in which the municipality is located in criminal cases
 4-9     that arise within the territorial limits of the municipality and
4-10     are punishable only by fine.
4-11           Sec. 30.00005 [30.00006].  JUDGE.  (a)  A municipal court of
4-12     record is presided over by one or more municipal  judges.
4-13           (b)  A municipal judge must:
4-14                 (1)  be a resident of this state;
4-15                 (2)  be a citizen of the United States;
4-16                 (3)  be a licensed attorney in good standing; and
4-17                 (4)  have two or more years of experience in the
4-18     practice of law in this state.
4-19           (c)  The governing body [of the city] shall provide [by
4-20     charter or] by ordinance for the term of office of its municipal
4-21     judges.  The term must be for a definite term of [not less than]
4-22     two or [nor more than] four years[, the duration of which within
4-23     these limits shall be determined by charter, ordinance, or the
4-24     method prescribed by Article XI, Section 11, of the Texas
4-25     Constitution.  A municipal judge may continue in office after the
4-26     end of the judge's term for not more than 90 days or until his
4-27     successor is selected and qualified, whichever occurs first].
 5-1           (d) [(c)]  The municipal judge shall take judicial notice of
 5-2     state law and the ordinances and corporate limits of the
 5-3     municipality [city and of the territorial limits of the city].  The
 5-4     judge may grant writs of mandamus, attachment, and other  writs
 5-5     necessary to the enforcement of the jurisdiction of the court and
 5-6     may issue writs of habeas corpus in cases in which the offense
 5-7     charged is within the jurisdiction of the court.  A municipal judge
 5-8     is a magistrate and may issue administrative search warrants.
 5-9           (e)  The municipal judges within a municipality may exchange
5-10     benches and act for each other in any proceeding pending in the
5-11     courts.  An act performed by any of the judges is binding on all
5-12     parties to the proceeding.
5-13           (f)  A person may not serve as a municipal judge if the
5-14     person is employed by the same municipality.  A municipal judge who
5-15     accepts employment with the municipality vacates the judicial
5-16     office.
5-17           (g)  The governing body shall determine the salary of a
5-18     municipal judge.  The amount of a judge's salary may not be
5-19     diminished during the judge's term of office.  The salary may not
5-20     be based directly or indirectly on fines, fees, or costs collected
5-21     by the court.
5-22           Sec. 30.00006.  PRESIDING JUDGE.  (a) [(d)]  If there is more
5-23     than one municipal judge in the municipality [city], the governing
5-24     body of the municipality [city] shall appoint one of the judges as
5-25     the presiding [municipal] judge.
5-26           (b) [(e)]  The presiding [municipal] judge shall:
5-27                 (1)  maintain a central docket for cases filed within
 6-1     the territorial limits of the municipality [city] over which the
 6-2     municipal courts of record have jurisdiction;
 6-3                 (2)  provide for the distribution of cases from the
 6-4     central docket to the individual municipal judges to equalize the
 6-5     distribution of business in the courts;
 6-6                 (3)  [call the jury docket and] request the jurors
 6-7     needed for cases that are set for trial by jury; [and]
 6-8                 (4)  temporarily assign judges or substitute [relief]
 6-9     judges to exchange benches and to act for each other in a
6-10     proceeding pending in a court if necessary for the expeditious
6-11     disposition of business in the courts;
6-12                 (5)  maintain as part of the records of the courts an
6-13     index of judgments similar to the index maintained by county clerks
6-14     for criminal cases arising in county courts; and
6-15                 (6)  supervise and control the operation and clerical
6-16     functions of the administrative department of the courts and their
6-17     personnel.
6-18           [(f)  The municipal judges or relief judges may act for each
6-19     other in any proceeding pending in the courts.  An act performed by
6-20     any of the judges is binding on all parties to the proceeding.]
6-21           [(g)  A municipal judge must be a licensed attorney in good
6-22     standing or a judge who has served the previous five years on a
6-23     municipal court bench in Texas, except that a municipality of less
6-24     than 10,000 in population may appoint a person municipal judge who
6-25     is not a licensed attorney.  A person may not serve as a municipal
6-26     judge while the person holds other office or employment with the
6-27     city government.]
 7-1           [(h)  A municipal judge is entitled to a salary from the
 7-2     city, the amount of which is determined by the governing body of
 7-3     the city and may not be diminished during the judge's term of
 7-4     office.  The salary may not be based directly or indirectly on
 7-5     fines, fees, or costs that the judge is required by law to collect
 7-6     during the term of office.  The governing body shall set the salary
 7-7     of an appointed judge before his appointment, and shall set the
 7-8     salary of an elected judge no later than two weeks before the
 7-9     election filing deadline.]
7-10           Sec. 30.00007.  VACANCIES:  TEMPORARY REPLACEMENT[; REMOVAL].
7-11     (a)  If a vacancy occurs in the office of municipal judge of a
7-12     court of record, the governing body [of the city] shall by
7-13     ordinance appoint a qualified person to fill the office for the
7-14     remainder of the unexpired term.
7-15           (b)  The governing body [of the city] may appoint one or more
7-16     qualified persons to be available to serve for a municipal judge
7-17     who is temporarily absent due to illness, family death, continuing
7-18     legal or judicial education programs, or any other reason [as
7-19     relief municipal judges].  The presiding judge, or the municipal
7-20     judge if there is no presiding judge, shall select one of the
7-21     qualified persons appointed by the governing body to serve during
7-22     the absence of a municipal judge.  The substitute judge, while
7-23     serving as a municipal judge, has all the powers and shall
7-24     discharge all the duties of a municipal judge.  A substitute [A
7-25     relief] judge must meet the qualifications prescribed for the
7-26     municipal [regular] judge.  [The governing body shall set the
7-27     compensation of the relief judges.  The presiding municipal judge
 8-1     may assign a relief judge to act for a municipal judge who is
 8-2     temporarily unable to act for any reason.  A relief judge has all
 8-3     the powers and duties of the office while so acting.]
 8-4           [(c)  A municipal judge may be removed in the manner
 8-5     prescribed for removal of a county court at law judge.]
 8-6           Sec. 30.000075.  REMOVAL OF JUDGE.  A municipal judge may be
 8-7     removed from office by the governing body at any time for the
 8-8     reasons stated and by the procedure provided for the removal of
 8-9     mayors and aldermen in Section 21.002, Local Government Code.
8-10           Sec. 30.00008.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The governing
8-11     body [of the city] shall by ordinance appoint a clerk of the
8-12     municipal courts of record[, who shall be known as the municipal
8-13     clerk].  The municipal clerk shall keep the records of the
8-14     municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally perform
8-15     the duties that a clerk of a county court at law exercising
8-16     criminal jurisdiction performs for that court [serves at the
8-17     pleasure of the governing body.  The clerk shall perform, as
8-18     applicable, the duties prescribed by law for the county clerk of a
8-19     county court at law and any other duty necessary to issue process
8-20     and conduct business of the court.  The clerk may administer oaths
8-21     and affidavits and make certificates and affix the court's seal to
8-22     those certificates.  In addition, the clerk shall:]
8-23                 [(1)  maintain central docket records for all cases
8-24     filed in the municipal courts of record; and]
8-25                 [(2)  maintain an index of all court judgments in the
8-26     same manner as county clerks are required by law to prepare for
8-27     criminal cases arising in county courts].
 9-1           (b)  The [With the consent of the] governing body may provide
 9-2     [of the city, the clerk may appoint one or more] deputy clerks,
 9-3     warrant officers, and other personnel as needed for the proper
 9-4     operation of the courts [to act for the clerk].
 9-5           (c)  The clerk and other [governing body of the city shall
 9-6     provide the courts with other municipal] court personnel [that the
 9-7     governing body determines necessary for the proper operation of the
 9-8     courts.  Those persons shall] perform their duties under the
 9-9     direction and control of the presiding judge [clerk or the
9-10     municipal judge to whom assigned.  The governing body shall
9-11     determine the salaries of the court personnel].
9-12           (d)  The governing body shall by ordinance provide for the
9-13     hiring, direction, supervision, and removal of the personnel
9-14     authorized in the annual budget for the clerk's office.
9-15           Sec. 30.00009.  COURT REPORTER.  (a)  The municipality shall
9-16     provide a court reporter to [To] preserve a record in  cases tried
9-17     before a municipal court of record[, the governing body of the city
9-18     shall provide an official court reporter].  The court reporter must
9-19     meet the qualifications provided by law for official court
9-20     reporters.  The reporter shall be compensated by the municipality
9-21     [city] in the manner determined by the governing body [of  the
9-22     city].
9-23           (b)  The court reporter may use written notes, transcribing
9-24     equipment, video or audio recording equipment, or a combination of
9-25     those methods to record the proceedings of the court.  The reporter
9-26     shall keep the record for the 20-day period beginning the day after
9-27     the last day of the proceeding, trial, or denial of motion for new
 10-1    trial, or until any appeal is final, whichever occurs last.
 10-2          (c)  The court reporter is not required to record testimony
 10-3    in a case [trial] unless the judge or one of the parties requests a
 10-4    record.
 10-5          (d)  Instead of providing a court reporter, the governing
 10-6    body may provide that the proceedings may be recorded by a good
 10-7    quality electronic recording device.  If the governing body
 10-8    authorizes the electronic recording, the court reporter is not
 10-9    required to be present to certify the statement of facts.  The
10-10    recording shall be kept for the 20-day period beginning the day
10-11    after the last day of the court proceeding, trial, or denial of
10-12    motion for new trial, whichever occurs last.  If a case is
10-13    appealed, the proceedings shall be transcribed from the recording
10-14    by an official court reporter.
10-15          Sec. 30.00010.  PROSECUTIONS [BY CITY ATTORNEY].  All
10-16    prosecutions in municipal courts of record shall [must] be
10-17    conducted as provided by Article 45.03, Code of Criminal Procedure
10-18    [by the city attorney or an assistant or deputy city attorney].
10-19          Sec. 30.00011.  COURT FACILITIES.  The governing body shall
10-20    provide courtrooms, jury rooms, offices, office furniture,
10-21    libraries, law books, and other facilities and supplies that the
10-22    governing body determines are necessary for the proper operation of
10-23    the municipal courts of record. [FILING OF ORIGINAL PAPERS.
10-24    (a)  The municipal clerk shall file the original complaint and the
10-25    original of other papers in each case under the direction of the
10-26    presiding municipal judge.  The filed original papers constitute
10-27    the records of the courts and a separate record book is not
 11-1    required.]
 11-2          [(b)  The clerk shall keep a separate folder for each case
 11-3    and shall note on the outside of the folder:]
 11-4                [(1)  the style of the case;]
 11-5                [(2)  the nature of the charged offense;]
 11-6                [(3)  the dates that the warrant was issued and
 11-7    returned;]
 11-8                [(4)  the date the examination or trial was held;]
 11-9                [(5)  whether trial was held by jury or before a judge;]
11-10                [(6)  trial settings;]
11-11                [(7)  any verdict of the jury;]
11-12                [(8)  any judgment of the court;]
11-13                [(9)  any motion for a new trial and the decision on
11-14    the motion;]
11-15                [(10)  whether an appeal was taken; and]
11-16                [(11)  the date and the manner in which the judgment
11-17    and sentence were enforced.]
11-18          Sec. 30.000115.  SEAL.  (a)  The governing body shall provide
11-19    each municipal court of  record with a seal.
11-20          (b)  The seal's appearance and use must substantially conform
11-21    to Article 45.02, Code of Criminal Procedure, but must include the
11-22    phrase "Municipal Court of/in __________, Texas."
11-23          Sec. 30.000116.  COMPLAINT; PLEADING.  Complaints and
11-24    pleadings must substantially conform to Article 27.14, Code of
11-25    Criminal Procedure, and the relevant provisions of Chapter 45, Code
11-26    of Criminal Procedure.
11-27          Sec. 30.00012. JURY.  (a)  Ordinances, rules, and procedures
 12-1    concerning a trial by a jury, including the summoning of jurors,
 12-2    must substantially conform to Chapter 45, Code of Criminal
 12-3    Procedure. [Each person charged with an offense is entitled to a
 12-4    trial by a jury of six persons unless the right is waived according
 12-5    to law.]
 12-6          (b)  The presiding judge, the municipal court clerk, or the
 12-7    court administrator, as determined by ordinance, shall supervise
 12-8    the selection of persons for jury service. [A majority of the
 12-9    municipal judges may adopt a plan for the selection of persons for
12-10    jury service from the voter registration rolls of the counties in
12-11    which the city is located.  A plan adopted by the municipal courts
12-12    is binding on each court and must:]
12-13                [(1)  require the compilation of jurors from the voter
12-14    registration lists of all voting precincts within the city and the
12-15    registry of permanently exempt persons residing in the city
12-16    maintained by the county tax collector as prescribed by Section
12-17    62.108;]
12-18                [(2)  require selection of jurors who are eligible to
12-19    vote in the city and have the qualifications prescribed by
12-20    Subchapter B, Chapter 62;   and]
12-21                [(3)  require the courts to establish a fair,
12-22    impartial, and objective method of selecting persons for jury
12-23    service].
12-24          [(c)  The municipal clerk shall be the official in charge of
12-25    the selection process.]
12-26          [(d)  Each juror is subject to the laws governing exemptions
12-27    and excuses from jury service in other courts.]
 13-1          Sec. 30.00013.  APPEAL.  (a)  A defendant has the right of
 13-2    appeal from a judgment or conviction in a municipal court of
 13-3    record.  The state has the right to appeal as provided by Article
 13-4    44.01, Code of Criminal Procedure.  The county criminal courts or
 13-5    county  criminal courts of appeal [courts at law] in the county in
 13-6    which the municipality [city] is located or the municipal courts of
 13-7    appeal have jurisdiction of appeals from a municipal court of
 13-8    record.  If there is no county criminal court, county criminal
 13-9    court of appeal, or municipal court of appeal [at law in the
13-10    county], the county courts at law have [court has] jurisdiction of
13-11    an appeal.  [The city attorney or his assistants or deputies shall
13-12    prosecute all appeals from the municipal courts of record.]
13-13          (b)  The appellate court shall determine each appeal from a
13-14    municipal court of record conviction and each appeal from the state
13-15    on the basis of the errors that are set forth in the appellant's
13-16    [defendant's] motion for new trial and that are presented in the
13-17    transcript and statement of facts prepared from the proceedings
13-18    leading to the conviction or appeal.  An appeal from the municipal
13-19    court of record may not be by trial de novo.
13-20          (c)  To perfect an appeal, the appellant [defendant] must
13-21    file a written motion for new trial with the municipal clerk not
13-22    later than the 10th day after the date on which judgment is
13-23    rendered.  The motion must set forth the points of error of which
13-24    the appellant [defendant] complains.  The motion or an amended
13-25    motion may be amended by leave of court at any time before action
13-26    on the motion is taken, but not later than the 20th day after the
13-27    date on which the original or amended motion is filed.  The court
 14-1    may for good cause extend the time for filing or amending, but the
 14-2    extension may not exceed 90 days from the original filing deadline.
 14-3    If the court does not act on the motion before the expiration of
 14-4    the 30 days allowed for determination of the motion, the original
 14-5    or amended motion is overruled by operation of law.
 14-6          (d)  To perfect an appeal, the appellant [defendant] must
 14-7    also give notice of the appeal.  If the appellant [defendant]
 14-8    requests a hearing on the motion for new trial, the appellant
 14-9    [defendant] may give the notice of appeal orally in open court on
14-10    the overruling of the motion.  If there is no hearing, the
14-11    appellant [defendant] must give a written notice of appeal and must
14-12    file the notice with the court not later than the 10th day after
14-13    the date on which the motion is overruled.  The court may for good
14-14    cause extend that time period, but the extension may not exceed 90
14-15    days from the original filing deadline.
14-16          (e)  If the defendant is in custody, the appeal is perfected
14-17    when the notice of appeal is given as provided by Article 44.13,
14-18    Code of Criminal Procedure.
14-19          (f)  A municipality shall by ordinance establish a transcript
14-20    preparation fee in the amount of $25.  The clerk shall note the
14-21    payment of the fee on the docket of the court.  If the case is
14-22    reversed on appeal, the fee shall be refunded to the defendant.
14-23          Sec. 30.00014.  APPEAL BOND.  (a)  If the defendant is not in
14-24    custody, the defendant may not take an appeal until  the defendant
14-25    files an appeal bond with the municipal court of record.  The bond
14-26    must be approved by the court and must be filed not later than the
14-27    10th day after the date on which the motion for new trial is
 15-1    overruled.  If the defendant is in custody, the defendant shall be
 15-2    committed to jail unless the defendant posts the appeal bond.
 15-3          (b)  The appeal bond must be in the amount of $100 [$50] or
 15-4    double the amount of the fines and costs adjudged against the
 15-5    defendant, whichever is greater.
 15-6          (c)  The bond must:
 15-7                (1)  state that the defendant was convicted in the case
 15-8    and has  appealed; [,] and
 15-9                (2) [it must]  be conditioned on the defendant's
15-10    immediate and daily personal appearance in the court to which the
15-11    appeal is taken.
15-12          Sec. 30.00015.  RECORD ON APPEAL.  The record on appeal must
15-13    substantially conform to the provisions relating to the preparation
15-14    of a record on appeal in the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure and
15-15    the Code of Criminal Procedure [consists of a transcript and, if
15-16    necessary to the appeal, a statement of facts.  The court reporter
15-17    shall prepare the record from the reporter's record or mechanical
15-18    or videotape recordings of the proceedings.  The defendant shall
15-19    pay for the cost of the transcription.  If the court finds that the
15-20    defendant is unable to pay or give security for the record on
15-21    appeal after a hearing in response to an affidavit by the
15-22    defendant, the court shall order the reporter to prepare the record
15-23    without charge to the defendant.  If the case is reversed on
15-24    appeal, the court shall promptly refund the cost to the defendant].
15-25          Sec. 30.00016.  TRANSCRIPT.  The transcript must
15-26    substantially conform to the provisions relating to the preparation
15-27    of a transcript in the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure and the
 16-1    Code of Criminal Procedure. [(a)  On the written request of the
 16-2    defendant or the defendant's attorney, the municipal clerk shall
 16-3    prepare under his hand and seal a transcript of the municipal court
 16-4    of record proceedings. The transcript must  include copies of:]
 16-5                [(1)  the complaint;]
 16-6                [(2)  material docket entries made by the court;]
 16-7                [(3)  the jury charge and verdict in a jury trial;]
 16-8                [(4)  the judgment;]
 16-9                [(5)  the motion for new trial;]
16-10                [(6)  the notice of appeal;]
16-11                [(7)  written motions and pleas;]
16-12                [(8)  written orders of the court;]
16-13                [(9)  any bills of exception filed with the court; and]
16-14                [(10)  the appeal bond.]
16-15          [(b)  The clerk may include in the transcript additional
16-16    portions of the proceedings in the court prepared from mechanical
16-17    or videotape recordings.]
16-18          Sec. 30.00017.  BILLS OF EXCEPTION.  Bills of exception must
16-19    substantially conform to the provisions relating to the preparation
16-20    of bills of exception in the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure and
16-21    the Code of Criminal Procedure. [Either party may include bills of
16-22    exception in the transcript subject to the applicable provisions of
16-23    the Code of Criminal Procedure.  The bills of exception must be
16-24    filed with the municipal clerk not later than the 60th day after
16-25    the date on which the notice of appeal is given or filed.]
16-26          Sec. 30.00018.  STATEMENT OF FACTS.  A statement of facts
16-27    included in the record on appeal must substantially conform to the
 17-1    provisions relating to the preparation of a statement of facts in
 17-2    the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Code of Criminal
 17-3    Procedure [contain:]
 17-4                [(1)  a transcript of all or part of the municipal
 17-5    court of record proceedings that are shown by the notes of the
 17-6    court reporter to have occurred before, during, or after the trial,
 17-7    if the transcript is requested by the defendant;]
 17-8                [(2)  a brief statement of the facts of the case proven
 17-9    at trial as agreed to by the defendant and the prosecuting
17-10    attorney;]
17-11                [(3)  a partial transcript and the agreed statement of
17-12    the facts of the case; or]
17-13                [(4)  a transcript of all or part of the municipal
17-14    court of record proceedings in the case that is prepared from
17-15    mechanical or videotape recordings of the proceedings].
17-16          Sec. 30.00019.  [COMPLETION, APPROVAL, AND] TRANSFER OF
17-17    RECORD.  (a)  Not later than the 60th day after the date on which
17-18    the notice of appeal is given or filed, the parties must file with
17-19    the municipal clerk:
17-20                (1)  the statement of facts;
17-21                (2)  a written description of material to be included
17-22    in the transcript in addition to the required material; and
17-23                (3)  any material to be included in the transcript that
17-24    is not in the custody of the clerk.
17-25          (b)  On completion of the record, the municipal judge shall
17-26    approve the record in the manner provided for record completion,
17-27    approval, and notification in the court of appeals.
 18-1          (c)  After the court approves the record, the clerk shall
 18-2    promptly send the record [it] to the appellate court clerk for
 18-3    filing.  The appellate court clerk shall notify the defendant and
 18-4    the prosecuting attorney that the record has been filed.
 18-5          Sec. 30.00020.  BRIEF ON APPEAL.  (a) An appellant's [A
 18-6    defendant's] brief on appeal from a municipal court of record must
 18-7    present points of error in the manner required by law for a brief
 18-8    on appeal to the court of appeals.
 18-9          (b)  The appellant [defendant] must file the brief with the
18-10    appellate court clerk not later than the 15th day after the date on
18-11    which the transcript and statement of facts are filed with that
18-12    clerk.  The appellant [defendant] or the appellant's [defendant's]
18-13    attorney must certify that the brief has been properly mailed to
18-14    the appellee [prosecuting attorney].
18-15          (c)  The appellee [prosecuting attorney] must file the
18-16    appellee's brief with the appellate court clerk not later than the
18-17    15th day after the date on which the appellant's [defendant's]
18-18    brief is filed.
18-19          (d)  Each party, on [On] filing the party's brief with the
18-20    appellate court clerk, [each party] shall deliver a copy of the
18-21    brief to the opposing party and to the municipal judge.
18-22          (e)  The record and the briefs on appeal shall be limited as
18-23    far as possible to the questions relied on for reversal.
18-24          Sec. 30.00021.  NEW TRIAL.  The trial court shall decide from
18-25    the briefs of the parties whether the appellant should be permitted
18-26    to withdraw the notice of appeal and be granted a new trial by the
18-27    court.  The court may grant a new trial at any time before the
 19-1    record is filed with the appellate court.
 19-2          Sec. 30.00022 [30.00021].  COURT RULES.  (a)  Except as
 19-3    modified by this subchapter, the Code of Criminal Procedure  and
 19-4    the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure govern [governs] the trial
 19-5    of cases before the municipal courts of record.  The courts may
 19-6    make and enforce all rules of practice and procedure necessary to
 19-7    expedite the trial of cases before the courts that are not
 19-8    inconsistent with [general] law.
 19-9          (b)  The appellate courts may make and enforce all rules of
19-10    practice and procedure that are not inconsistent with [general] law
19-11    and that are necessary to expedite the dispatch of appeals from the
19-12    municipal courts of record.
19-13          Sec. 30.00023 [30.00022].  DISPOSITION ON APPEAL.
19-14    (a)  According to the law and the nature of the case, the appellate
19-15    court may:
19-16                (1)  affirm the judgment of the municipal court of
19-17    record;
19-18                (2)  reverse and remand for a new trial;
19-19                (3)  reverse and dismiss the case; or
19-20                (4)  reform and correct the judgment.
19-21          (b)  Unless the matter was made an issue in the trial court
19-22    or it affirmatively appears to the contrary from the transcript or
19-23    the statement of facts, the appellate court shall presume that:
19-24                (1)  venue was proven in the trial court;
19-25                (2)  the jury, if any, was properly impaneled and
19-26    sworn;
19-27                (3)  the defendant was arraigned and pleaded to the
 20-1    complaint; and
 20-2                (4)  the municipal judge certified the charge before it
 20-3    was read to the jury.
 20-4          (c)  In each case decided by the appellate court, the court
 20-5    shall deliver a written opinion or order either sustaining or
 20-6    overruling each assignment of error presented.  The court shall set
 20-7    forth the reasons for its decision.  The appellate court clerk
 20-8    shall mail copies of the decision to the parties and to the
 20-9    municipal judge as soon as the decision is rendered.
20-10          (d)  The appellate court may determine the rules for oral
20-11    argument.  The parties may submit the case on the record and briefs
20-12    without oral argument.
20-13          Sec. 30.00024 [30.00023].  CERTIFICATE OF APPELLATE
20-14    PROCEEDINGS.  (a)  When the judgment of the appellate court becomes
20-15    final, the clerk of that court shall certify the proceedings and
20-16    the judgment and shall mail the certificate to the municipal clerk.
20-17    The municipal clerk shall file the certificate with the papers in
20-18    the case and note the certificate on the case docket.
20-19          (b)  If the municipal court of record judgment is affirmed,
20-20    [further action] to enforce the judgment the court may [is not
20-21    necessary except to]:
20-22                (1)  forfeit the bond of the defendant;
20-23                (2)  issue a writ of capias for the defendant; [or]
20-24                (3)  issue an execution against the defendant's
20-25    property;
20-26                (4)  order a refund for the defendant's costs and
20-27    attorney's fees; or
 21-1                (5)  conduct an indigency hearing at the court's
 21-2    discretion.
 21-3          Sec. 30.00025 [30.00024].  EFFECT OF ORDER OF NEW TRIAL.  If
 21-4    the appellate court awards a new trial to the defendant, the case
 21-5    stands as if a new trial had been granted by the municipal court of
 21-6    record.
 21-7          Sec. 30.00026 [30.00025].  APPEALS TO COURT OF APPEALS.  (a)
 21-8    The defendant has the right to appeal to the court of appeals if
 21-9    the fine assessed against the defendant exceeds $100 and if the
21-10    judgment is affirmed by the appellate court.
21-11          (b)  The provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure
21-12    relating to direct appeals from a county or a district court to the
21-13    court of appeals apply to the appeal, except that:
21-14                (1)  the record and briefs on appeal in the appellate
21-15    court constitute the record and briefs on appeal to the court of
21-16    appeals unless the rules of the court of criminal appeals provide
21-17    otherwise; and
21-18                (2)  the record and briefs shall be filed directly with
21-19    the court of appeals.
21-20          [Sec. 30.00026.  SEAL.  The governing body of the city shall
21-21    provide each municipal court of record with a seal with a star of
21-22    five points in the center and the words "Municipal Court of
21-23    ____________________, Texas."  The impress of the seal shall be
21-24    attached to all papers, except subpoenas, issued out of the court
21-25    and shall be used by each municipal judge or the municipal clerk to
21-26    authenticate all official acts of the clerk and the judge.]
21-27          SECTION 2.  Section 30.00041(b), Government Code, is amended
 22-1    to read as follows:
 22-2          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 22-3    courts at law of Lubbock County that have criminal appellate
 22-4    jurisdiction.
 22-5          SECTION 3.  Section 30.00044, Government Code, is amended by
 22-6    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (l) to read as
 22-7    follows:
 22-8          (b)  A municipal judge is elected by the qualified voters of
 22-9    the city for a term of four [two] years [unless the city by charter
22-10    amendment provides for a four-year term as provided by Article XI,
22-11    Section 11, of the Texas Constitution.  The governing body of the
22-12    city may appoint a person with qualifications required of a
22-13    municipal judge to serve in a newly created municipal court of
22-14    record until the next regular city election].
22-15          (l)  Section 30.00006(b)(6) does not apply to this
22-16    subchapter.
22-17          SECTION 4.  Section 30.00046, Government Code, is amended by
22-18    adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
22-19          (c)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
22-20          SECTION 5.  Section 30.00081, Government Code, is amended to
22-21    read as follows:
22-22           Sec. 30.00081.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
22-23    subchapter applies to the City of Irving.
22-24          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
22-25    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
22-26    jurisdiction.
22-27          SECTION 6.  Section 30.00084, Government Code, is amended by
 23-1    amending Subsection (h) and adding Subsection (j) to read as
 23-2    follows:
 23-3          (h)  In addition to exercising powers under Section 30.00005,
 23-4    a [A municipal judge shall take judicial notice of state law, city
 23-5    ordinances, and the corporate limits of the city in a case tried
 23-6    before a municipal court of record.  A municipal judge may grant
 23-7    writs of mandamus, injunction, and attachment and other writs
 23-8    necessary to the enforcement of the jurisdiction of the court and
 23-9    may issue writs of habeas corpus in cases in which the offense
23-10    charged is within the jurisdiction of the court.  A] municipal
23-11    judge, with the approval of all parties, may order a defendant and
23-12    the victim or complainant in a case before the municipal court to
23-13    engage in mediation or alternative dispute resolution.  The city
23-14    shall provide mediation services and pay all costs of those
23-15    services.
23-16          (j)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
23-17    apply to this subchapter.
23-18          SECTION 7.  Section 30.00085, Government Code, is amended to
23-19    read as follows:
23-20          Sec. 30.00085.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city
23-21    manager of the city may appoint a clerk of the municipal court of
23-22    record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in
23-23    the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
23-24    clerk's deputies or assistants may keep the records of the
23-25    municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally perform
23-26    the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court
23-27    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
 24-1    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
 24-2    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
 24-3          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
 24-4    subchapter.
 24-5          SECTION 8.  Section 30.00086(a), Government Code, is amended
 24-6    to read as follows:
 24-7          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
 24-8    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 24-9    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
24-10    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
24-11    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
24-12    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
24-13    body of the city].
24-14          SECTION 9.  Section 30.00128, Government Code, is amended by
24-15    amending Subsection (g) and adding Subsection (l) to read as
24-16    follows:
24-17          (g)  In addition to complying with Section 30.00005(g), the
24-18    [A municipal judge or an associate municipal judge is entitled to
24-19    compensation from the city to be set by the governing body of the
24-20    city.  The compensation may not be diminished but may be increased
24-21    during a judge's term of office.  The compensation may not be based
24-22    directly or indirectly on fines, fees, or costs that the judge is
24-23    required by law to collect during his term of office.  The] salary
24-24    of the presiding judge must be set at an amount that is at least 20
24-25    percent more than the salary of the regular municipal judges.
24-26          (l)  Section 30.00006(b) does not apply to this subchapter.
24-27          SECTION 10.  Section 30.00129, Government Code, is amended to
 25-1    read as follows:
 25-2          Sec. 30.00129. COURT CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  In addition to
 25-3    satisfying the requirements of Section 30.00008, the [The]
 25-4    governing body of the city shall provide a clerk of the municipal
 25-5    courts of record, deputy clerks, and other municipal court
 25-6    personnel, including at least one bailiff for each court, as
 25-7    necessary for the proper operation of the municipal courts.  [The
 25-8    clerk shall keep the records of proceedings of the municipal courts
 25-9    of record, issue all processes, and perform the duties prescribed
25-10    by law for clerks of the county courts at law exercising criminal
25-11    jurisdiction to the extent that law applies.  The clerk and other
25-12    personnel shall perform the duties of their office under the
25-13    direction and control of the presiding municipal judge.]
25-14          SECTION 11.  Section 30.00130, Government Code, is amended by
25-15    adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
25-16          (d)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
25-17          SECTION 12.  Section 30.00144(d), Government Code, is amended
25-18    to read as follows:
25-19          (d)  If an original or amended motion for new trial is not
25-20    determined by written order signed not later than 30 [20] days
25-21    after the date of the rendition of the judgment of conviction, the
25-22    motion is overruled by operation of law.
25-23          SECTION 13.  Section 30.00145, Government Code, is amended to
25-24    read as follows:
25-25          Sec. 30.00145.  RIGHT OF APPEAL.  (a)  A defendant has the
25-26    right of appeal from a judgment of conviction in the municipal
25-27    court of record under the rules prescribed by this subchapter.  The
 26-1    El Paso Municipal Court of Appeals has jurisdiction over appeals
 26-2    from the municipal courts of record, and all appeals from
 26-3    convictions in the municipal court of record must be prosecuted in
 26-4    the appellate court, the court of appeals, or the court of criminal
 26-5    appeals by the city attorney or an assistant city attorney.
 26-6          (b)  Section 30.00013 does not apply to this subchapter.
 26-7          SECTION 14.  Section 30.00147(a), Government Code, is amended
 26-8    to read as follows:
 26-9          (a)  A defendant, as a condition of perfecting an appeal to
26-10    the appellate court, must file an appeal bond, unless the defendant
26-11    is in custody.  An appeal may be perfected by timely filing with
26-12    the municipal court clerk an appeal bond that meets the
26-13    requirements of Subchapter A [this subchapter].  It is not
26-14    necessary to file a notice of appeal.  If the defendant is in
26-15    custody, the appeal is perfected when notice of appeal is given as
26-16    provided by Article 44.13 [44.08], Code of Criminal Procedure[,
26-17    1965].
26-18          SECTION 15.  Section 30.00181, Government Code, is amended to
26-19    read as follows:
26-20          Sec. 30.00181.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)    This
26-21    subchapter applies to the City of Kennedale.
26-22          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
26-23    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
26-24    jurisdiction.
26-25          SECTION 16.  Section 30.00184, Government Code, is amended by
26-26    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
26-27          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 27-1    apply to this subchapter.
 27-2          SECTION 17.  Section 30.00185, Government Code, is amended to
 27-3    read as follows:
 27-4          Sec. 30.00185.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city
 27-5    manager or city administrator of the city shall appoint a clerk of
 27-6    the municipal court of record who may hire, direct, and remove the
 27-7    personnel authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's
 27-8    office.  [The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records
 27-9    of the municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally
27-10    perform the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court
27-11    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
27-12    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
27-13    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
27-14          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
27-15    subchapter.
27-16          SECTION 18.  Section 30.00186(a), Government Code, is amended
27-17    to read as follows:
27-18          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
27-19    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
27-20    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
27-21    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
27-22    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
27-23    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
27-24    body of the city].
27-25          SECTION 19.  Section 30.00221(b), Government Code, is amended
27-26    to read as follows:
27-27          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 28-1    courts at law of Bexar County that have criminal appellate
 28-2    jurisdiction.
 28-3          SECTION 20.  Section 30.00224, Government Code, is amended by
 28-4    amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
 28-5    follows:
 28-6          (c)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
 28-7    30.00005(b), a [A] municipal judge must have been a resident of the
 28-8    city for at least three years immediately preceding the judge's
 28-9    appointment [be a licensed attorney in good standing, must have had
28-10    two or more years of experience in the practice of law in this
28-11    state, and must be a citizen of the United States and of this
28-12    state.  A person may not serve as a municipal judge while the
28-13    person holds other office or employment with the city government.
28-14    A municipal judge who takes such an office or employment vacates
28-15    the judicial office].
28-16          (k)  Section 30.00006(b)(6) does not apply to this
28-17    subchapter.
28-18          SECTION 21.  Section 30.00226, Government Code, is amended by
28-19    adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
28-20          (c)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
28-21          SECTION 22.  Section 30.00261, Government Code, is amended to
28-22    read as follows:
28-23          Sec. 30.00261.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
28-24    subchapter applies to the City of Mansfield.
28-25          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
28-26    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
28-27    jurisdiction.
 29-1          SECTION 23.  Section 30.00264, Government Code, is amended by
 29-2    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
 29-3          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 29-4    apply to this subchapter.
 29-5          SECTION 24.  Section 30.00266, Government Code, is amended to
 29-6    read as follows:
 29-7          Sec. 30.00266.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city
 29-8    manager of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of
 29-9    record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in
29-10    the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
29-11    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
29-12    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
29-13    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
29-14    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
29-15    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
29-16    city charter, and city ordinances.
29-17          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
29-18    subchapter.
29-19          SECTION 25.  Section 30.00267(a), Government Code, is amended
29-20    to read as follows:
29-21          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
29-22    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
29-23    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
29-24    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
29-25    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
29-26    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
29-27    body of the city].
 30-1          SECTION 26.  Section 30.00301, Government Code, is amended to
 30-2    read as follows:
 30-3          Sec. 30.00301.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 30-4    subchapter applies to the City of Wichita Falls.
 30-5          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 30-6    courts at law of Wichita County that have criminal appellate
 30-7    jurisdiction.
 30-8          SECTION 27.  Section 30.00304, Government Code, is amended by
 30-9    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (i) to read as
30-10    follows:
30-11          (b)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
30-12    30.00005(b), a [A] municipal judge [must be a licensed attorney in
30-13    good standing, must have had two or more years of experience in the
30-14    practice of law in this state, and must be a citizen of the United
30-15    States and of this state.  The judge] must maintain residence in
30-16    the city during the tenure of office but need not be a resident of
30-17    the city at the time of the appointment.  The judge may not engage
30-18    in the private practice of law while in office.  The judge must
30-19    execute a bond and take the oath of office required of a county
30-20    judge.
30-21          (i)  Sections 30.00006(a) and (b)(5) and (6) do not apply to
30-22    this subchapter.
30-23          SECTION 28.  Section 30.00305, Government Code, is amended to
30-24    read as follows:
30-25          Sec. 30.00305.  CLERK.  (a)  The city manager shall appoint a
30-26    clerk of the municipal courts of record.  [The clerk or the clerk's
30-27    deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of record,
 31-1    issue process, and generally perform the duties for the courts that
 31-2    a clerk of a county court at law exercising criminal jurisdiction
 31-3    performs for that court.]  The clerk holds office at the pleasure
 31-4    of the city manager and is subject to all city charter provisions,
 31-5    ordinances, and personnel policies relating to non-civil service
 31-6    city employees.
 31-7          (b)  Section 30.00008(c) does not apply to this subchapter.
 31-8          SECTION 29.  Section 30.00306, Government Code, is amended to
 31-9    read as follows:
31-10          Sec. 30.00306.  COURT REPORTER.  (a)  The city manager shall
31-11    appoint an official court reporter under Section 30.00009 for the
31-12    purpose of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal
31-13    courts of record.  The reporter holds office at the pleasure of the
31-14    city manager.  The city manager may appoint more than one reporter
31-15    for each court if necessary to dispose of the business of the court
31-16    without delay.  [A reporter is not required to record testimony in
31-17    a case in which neither the defendant, the prosecutor, nor the
31-18    judge demands it.]  If a reporter is not demanded, a statement of
31-19    facts may be prepared from mechanical, audio, or video recordings
31-20    of the proceedings.
31-21          (b)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
31-22          SECTION 30.  Section 30.00341, Government Code, is amended to
31-23    read as follows:
31-24          Sec. 30.00341.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
31-25    applies to the City of Burleson.
31-26          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
31-27    courts at law of Johnson County that have criminal appellate
 32-1    jurisdiction.
 32-2          SECTION 31.  Section 30.00344, Government Code, is amended by
 32-3    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
 32-4          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 32-5    apply to this subchapter.
 32-6          SECTION 32.  Section 30.00345, Government Code, is amended to
 32-7    read as follows:
 32-8          Sec. 30.00345.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.   (a)  The city
 32-9    manager of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of
32-10    record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in
32-11    the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
32-12    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
32-13    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
32-14    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
32-15    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
32-16    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
32-17    city charter, and city ordinances.
32-18          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
32-19    subchapter.
32-20          SECTION 33.  Section 30.00346(a), Government Code, is amended
32-21    to read as follows:
32-22          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
32-23    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
32-24    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
32-25    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
32-26    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
32-27    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
 33-1    body of the city].
 33-2          SECTION 34.  Section 30.00381, Government Code, is amended to
 33-3    read as follows:
 33-4          Sec. 30.00381.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
 33-5    applies to the City of Fort Worth.
 33-6          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 33-7    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
 33-8    jurisdiction.
 33-9          SECTION 35.  Section 30.00384, Government Code, is amended by
33-10    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
33-11          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
33-12    apply to this subchapter.
33-13          SECTION 36.  Section 30.00385, Government Code, is amended to
33-14    read as follows:
33-15          Sec. 30.00385.  CLERK.  (a)  The city manager with the
33-16    consent of the governing body of the city shall appoint a clerk of
33-17    the municipal courts of record.  [The clerk or the clerk's deputies
33-18    shall keep the records of the municipal courts of record, issue
33-19    process, and generally perform the duties for the courts that a
33-20    clerk of a county court exercising criminal jurisdiction is
33-21    required by law to perform for that court.]  The clerk shall
33-22    perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the city charter,
33-23    and city ordinances.
33-24          (b)  Section 30.00008(c) does not apply to this subchapter.
33-25          SECTION 37.  Section 30.00421, Government Code, is amended to
33-26    read as follows:
33-27          Sec. 30.00421.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
 34-1    applies to the City of Grand Prairie.
 34-2          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 34-3    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
 34-4    jurisdiction.
 34-5          SECTION 38.  Section 30.00426, Government Code, is amended by
 34-6    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
 34-7          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 34-8    apply to this subchapter.
 34-9          SECTION 39.  Section 30.00427, Government Code, is amended
34-10    to read as follows:
34-11          Sec. 30.00427.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city
34-12    manager shall appoint a clerk of a municipal court of record who
34-13    may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the city's
34-14    annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the clerk's
34-15    deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of record,
34-16    issue process, and generally perform the duties for the courts that
34-17    a clerk of the county court exercising criminal jurisdiction is
34-18    required by law to perform for that court.] The clerk shall perform
34-19    the duties in accordance with statutes, the city charter, and city
34-20    ordinances.
34-21          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
34-22    subchapter.
34-23          SECTION 40.  Section 30.00428(a), Government Code, is amended
34-24    to read as follows:
34-25          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter to preserve a
34-26    record in cases tried before a municipal court of record.] The
34-27    clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter under Section
 35-1    30.00009 [who must meet the qualifications provided by law for
 35-2    official court reporters].  The reporter shall be compensated by
 35-3    the city in the manner determined by the city manager.
 35-4          SECTION 41.  Section 30.00461, Government Code, is amended to
 35-5    read as follows:
 35-6          Sec. 30.00461.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 35-7    subchapter applies to the City of Sweetwater.
 35-8          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the County
 35-9    Court of Nolan County.
35-10          SECTION 42.  Section 30.00464, Government Code, is amended by
35-11    adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
35-12          (f)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
35-13    subchapter.
35-14          SECTION 43.  Section 30.00466, Government Code, is amended by
35-15    amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as
35-16    follows:
35-17          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
35-18    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
35-19    record.]  The municipal judge shall appoint a court reporter under
35-20    Section 30.00009, whose qualifications shall be determined by the
35-21    judge or, if there is more than one municipal judge, by the
35-22    presiding municipal judge.  [The governing body of the city shall
35-23    set the compensation of the court reporter.]
35-24          (c)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
35-25          SECTION 44.  Section 30.00491, Government Code, is amended to
35-26    read as follows:
35-27          Sec. 30.00491.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 36-1    subchapter applies to the City of Crowley.
 36-2          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 36-3    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
 36-4    jurisdiction.
 36-5          SECTION 45.  Section 30.00494, Government Code, is amended by
 36-6    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
 36-7          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 36-8    apply to this subchapter.
 36-9          SECTION 46.  Section 30.00495, Government Code, is amended to
36-10    read as follows:
36-11          Sec. 30.00495.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city manager
36-12    or city administrator of the city shall appoint a clerk of the
36-13    municipal court of record who may hire, direct, and remove the
36-14    personnel authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's
36-15    office.  [The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records
36-16    of the municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally
36-17    perform the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court
36-18    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
36-19    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
36-20    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
36-21          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
36-22    subchapter.
36-23          SECTION 47.  Section 30.00496(a), Government Code, is amended
36-24    to read as follows:
36-25          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
36-26    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
36-27    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 37-1    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
 37-2    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 37-3    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
 37-4    body of the city].
 37-5          SECTION 48.  Section 30.00531, Government Code, is amended to
 37-6    read as follows:
 37-7          Sec. 30.00531.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.   (a)  This
 37-8    subchapter applies to the City of Longview.
 37-9          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the County
37-10    Court of Gregg County.
37-11          SECTION 49.  Section 30.00534, Government Code, is amended by
37-12    adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
37-13          (f)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
37-14    subchapter.
37-15          SECTION 50.  Section 30.00536, Government Code, is amended by
37-16    amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as
37-17    follows:
37-18          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
37-19    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
37-20    record.]  The municipal judge shall appoint the court reporter
37-21    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
37-22    by law for official court reporters.  The governing body of the
37-23    city shall set the compensation of the court reporter].
37-24          (c)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
37-25          SECTION 51.  Section 30.00561, Government Code, is amended to
37-26    read as follows:
37-27          Sec. 30.00561.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 38-1    subchapter applies to the town of Pantego.
 38-2          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 38-3    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
 38-4    jurisdiction.
 38-5          SECTION 52.  Section 30.00564, Government Code, is amended by
 38-6    adding Subsection (k) to read as follows:
 38-7          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 38-8    apply to this subchapter.
 38-9          SECTION 53.  Section 30.00565, Government Code, is amended to
38-10    read as follows:
38-11          Sec. 30.00565.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city manager
38-12    of the town shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record
38-13    who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the
38-14    town's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
38-15    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
38-16    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
38-17    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
38-18    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.] The
38-19    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
38-20    town charter, and town ordinances.
38-21          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
38-22    subchapter.
38-23          SECTION 54.  Section 30.00566(a), Government Code, is amended
38-24    to read as follows:
38-25          (a)  [The town shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
38-26    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
38-27    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 39-1    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
 39-2    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 39-3    compensated by the town in the manner determined by the governing
 39-4    body of the town].
 39-5          SECTION 55.  Section 30.00601, Government Code, is amended to
 39-6    read as follows:
 39-7          Sec. 30.00601.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 39-8    subchapter applies to the City of Midland.
 39-9          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the County
39-10    Court of Midland County.
39-11          SECTION 56.  Section 30.00604, Government Code, is amended by
39-12    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
39-13    follows:
39-14          (b)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
39-15    30.00005(b), a [A] municipal judge [must be a licensed attorney in
39-16    good standing in this state.  The judge must be a citizen of the
39-17    United States and of this state. The judge] must maintain residence
39-18    in the city during the tenure of office but need not be a resident
39-19    of the city at the time of the appointment.  The judge shall serve
39-20    full time and may not engage in the private practice of law while
39-21    in office.
39-22          (f)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
39-23    subchapter.
39-24          SECTION 57.  Section 30.00606, Government Code, is amended by
39-25    amending Subsection (a)  and adding Subsection (c) to read as
39-26    follows:
39-27          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
 40-1    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 40-2    record.]  The municipal judge shall appoint the court reporter
 40-3    under Section 30.00009, who must meet qualifications determined by
 40-4    the judge or, if there is more than one judge, by the presiding
 40-5    municipal judge.  The governing body of the city shall set the
 40-6    compensation of the court reporter on the recommendation of the
 40-7    presiding judge.
 40-8          (c)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
 40-9          SECTION 58.  Section 30.00631, Government Code, is amended to
40-10    read as follows:
40-11          Sec. 30.00631.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.   (a)  This
40-12    subchapter applies to the City of River Oaks.
40-13          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
40-14    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
40-15    jurisdiction.
40-16          SECTION 59.  Section 30.00634, Government Code, is amended by
40-17    amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
40-18    follows:
40-19          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
40-20    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
40-21    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
40-22    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
40-23    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
40-24    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
40-25          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
40-26    apply to this subchapter.
40-27          SECTION 60.  Section 30.00636, Government Code, is amended to
 41-1    read as follows:
 41-2          Sec. 30.00636.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city
 41-3    administrator of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal
 41-4    court of record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel
 41-5    authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.
 41-6    [The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the
 41-7    municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally perform
 41-8    the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court
 41-9    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
41-10    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
41-11    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
41-12          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
41-13    subchapter.
41-14          SECTION 61.  Section 30.00637(a), Government Code, is amended
41-15    to read as follows:
41-16          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
41-17    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
41-18    record.] The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
41-19    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
41-20    by law for official court reporters. The reporter shall be
41-21    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
41-22    body of the city].
41-23          SECTION 62.  Section 30.00671, Government Code, is amended to
41-24    read as follows:
41-25          Sec. 30.00671.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.   (a)  This
41-26    subchapter applies to the City of Houston.
41-27          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 42-1    criminal courts of Harris County that have criminal appellate
 42-2    jurisdiction.
 42-3          SECTION 63.  Section 30.00674, Government Code, is amended by
 42-4    adding Subsection (i) to read as follows:
 42-5          (i)  Section 30.00006(b)(3) does not apply to this
 42-6    subchapter.
 42-7          SECTION 64.  Section 30.00676, Government Code, is amended to
 42-8    read as follows:
 42-9          Sec. 30.00676.  COURT REPORTER.  (a)  Each municipal judge
42-10    may appoint an official court reporter under Section 30.00009 to
42-11    transcribe the trial proceedings, including testimony, voir dire
42-12    examinations, objections, and final arguments.
42-13          (b)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
42-14    [If the defendant or the state requests a court reporter prior to
42-15    trial, the judge shall appoint an official court reporter.  The
42-16    reporter is entitled to receive a salary set by the governing
42-17    body.]
42-18          SECTION 65.  Section 30.00701, Government Code, is amended to
42-19    read as follows:
42-20          Sec. 30.00701.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
42-21    subchapter applies to the City of Marshall.
42-22          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the County
42-23    Court of Harrison County.
42-24          SECTION 66.  Section 30.00704, Government Code, is amended by
42-25    amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
42-26    follows:
42-27          (b)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
 43-1    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
 43-2    attorney in good standing in this state.  The judge must be a
 43-3    citizen of the United States and of this state but need not be a
 43-4    resident of the city.  The] judge shall devote as much time to the
 43-5    office as it requires.
 43-6          (f)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
 43-7    subchapter.
 43-8          SECTION 67.  Section 30.00706, Government Code, is amended by
 43-9    amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as
43-10    follows:
43-11          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
43-12    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
43-13    record.]  The municipal judge shall appoint the court reporter
43-14    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
43-15    by law for official court reporters.  The governing body of the
43-16    city shall set the compensation of the court reporter].
43-17          (c)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
43-18          SECTION 68.  Section 30.00731(b), Government Code, is amended
43-19    to read as follows:
43-20          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
43-21    courts at law of Travis County that have criminal appellate
43-22    jurisdiction.
43-23          SECTION 69.  Section 30.00734, Government Code, is amended by
43-24    amending Subsection (g) and adding Subsection (i) to read as
43-25    follows:
43-26          (g)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
43-27    30.00005(b), a [A] municipal judge must [be a licensed attorney in
 44-1    good standing, must have practiced law in this state for two years,
 44-2    must be a citizen of the United States, and must] have been a
 44-3    resident of the city for the two-year period immediately preceding
 44-4    appointment.  [A person may not serve as a municipal judge while
 44-5    the person holds other office or employment with the city
 44-6    government.  A municipal judge who takes such an office or
 44-7    employment vacates the judicial office.]
 44-8          (i)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
 44-9    subchapter.
44-10          SECTION 70.  Section 30.00737, Government Code, is amended by
44-11    adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
44-12          (d)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
44-13          SECTION 71.  Section 30.00771, Government Code, is amended to
44-14    read as follows:
44-15          Sec. 30.00771.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
44-16    subchapter applies to the City of Odessa.
44-17          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
44-18    courts at law of Ector County that have criminal appellate
44-19    jurisdiction.
44-20          SECTION 72.  Section 30.00774, Government Code, is amended by
44-21    adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
44-22          (f)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (3), (5), and (6) do not apply
44-23    to this subchapter.
44-24          SECTION 73.  Section 30.00779, Government Code, is amended by
44-25    adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
44-26          (f)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
44-27          SECTION 74.  Section 30.00811, Government Code, is amended to
 45-1    read as follows:
 45-2          Sec. 30.00811.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 45-3    subchapter applies to the City of Dallas.
 45-4          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 45-5    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
 45-6    jurisdiction.
 45-7          SECTION 75.  Section 30.00814, Government Code, is amended by
 45-8    amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (g) to read as
 45-9    follows:
45-10          (d)  In addition to performing duties under Sections
45-11    30.00006(b)(1) and (4), the [The] administrative municipal judge
45-12    shall[:]
45-13                [(1)  provide for the distribution of cases among the
45-14    individual municipal judges to equalize the distribution of
45-15    business in the courts;]
45-16                [(2)  assign municipal judges to exchange benches and
45-17    to sit and act for each other in a proceeding pending in a court if
45-18    necessary for the expeditious disposition of business in the
45-19    courts; and]
45-20                [(3)]  promulgate work rules for the administration of
45-21    the municipal courts.
45-22          (g)  Sections 30.00006(b)(2), (3), (5), and (6) do not apply
45-23    to this subchapter.
45-24          SECTION 76.  Section 30.00851, Government Code, is amended to
45-25    read as follows:
45-26          Sec. 30.00851.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
45-27    subchapter applies to the City of Arlington.
 46-1          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 46-2    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
 46-3    jurisdiction.
 46-4          SECTION 77.  Section 30.00854, Government Code, is amended by
 46-5    amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
 46-6    follows:
 46-7          (d)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
 46-8    30.00005(b), a [A] municipal judge [must be a licensed attorney in
 46-9    good standing in this state and must have two or more years of
46-10    experience in the practice of law in this state.  The judge must be
46-11    a citizen of the United States and of this state.  The judge] shall
46-12    devote as much time to the office as it requires.
46-13          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
46-14    apply to this subchapter.
46-15          SECTION 78.  Section 30.00855, Government Code, is amended to
46-16    read as follows:
46-17          Sec. 30.00855.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city
46-18    manager of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of
46-19    record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in
46-20    the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
46-21    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
46-22    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
46-23    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
46-24    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
46-25    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
46-26    city charter, and city ordinances.
46-27          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
 47-1    subchapter.
 47-2          SECTION 79.  Section 30.00856(a), Government Code, is amended
 47-3    to read as follows:
 47-4          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
 47-5    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 47-6    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 47-7    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
 47-8    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 47-9    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
47-10    body of the city].
47-11          SECTION 80.  Section 30.00891, Government Code, is amended to
47-12    read as follows:
47-13          Sec. 30.00891.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
47-14    subchapter applies to the City of Garland.
47-15          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
47-16    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
47-17    jurisdiction.
47-18          SECTION 81.  Section 30.00894, Government Code, is amended by
47-19    adding Subsection (g) to read as follows:
47-20          (g)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
47-21    subchapter.
47-22          SECTION 82.  Section 30.00895, Government Code, is amended to
47-23    read as follows:
47-24          Sec. 30.00895.  CLERK.  (a)  The city manager, with the
47-25    consent of the governing body of the city, shall appoint a clerk of
47-26    the municipal courts of record who may hire, direct, and remove the
47-27    personnel authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's
 48-1    office.  [The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records
 48-2    of the municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally
 48-3    perform the duties for the courts that a clerk of a county court
 48-4    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
 48-5    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
 48-6    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
 48-7          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
 48-8    subchapter.
 48-9          SECTION 83.  Section 30.00896(a), Government Code, is amended
48-10    to read as follows:
48-11          (a)  [For the purpose of preserving a record in all cases
48-12    tried and proceedings held before the municipal courts, the city
48-13    shall provide an official court reporter.]  The official court
48-14    reporter shall be appointed by the chief judge under Section
48-15    30.00009 [and must have the qualifications required by general law
48-16    for official court reporters.  The court reporter shall be
48-17    compensated in the manner determined by the governing body of the
48-18    city].
48-19          SECTION 84.  Section 30.00931, Government Code, is amended to
48-20    read as follows:
48-21          Sec. 30.00931.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
48-22    subchapter applies to the City of Amarillo.
48-23          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
48-24    courts at law in Potter and Randall counties.
48-25          SECTION 85.  Section 30.00934, Government Code, is amended by
48-26    amending Subsections (a) and (e) and adding Subsection (f) to read
48-27    as follows:
 49-1          (a)  A municipal [court of record is presided over by a
 49-2    municipal judge who must be a licensed attorney in good standing in
 49-3    this state and a citizen of the United States and of this state.
 49-4    The] judge need not be a resident of the city at the time of
 49-5    appointment but must, in addition to satisfying the requirements of
 49-6    Section 30.00005(b), maintain residence in the city during the term
 49-7    of office.  The judge shall devote full time to the duties of that
 49-8    office and may not engage in the private practice of law while in
 49-9    office.
49-10          (e)  The governing body of the city shall appoint a judge to
49-11    be the presiding municipal judge who shall, in addition to
49-12    performing duties under Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (3), and (4),[:]
49-13                [(1)  maintain a central docket for all cases filed in
49-14    the municipal courts;]
49-15                [(2)]  assign cases among the judges[;]
49-16                [(3)  request the jurors necessary for cases that are
49-17    set for trial by jury; and]
49-18                [(4)  temporarily assign judges or relief judges to act
49-19    for each other in a proceeding pending in a court if necessary for
49-20    the expeditious disposition of business in the courts].
49-21          (f)  Sections 30.00006(b)(2), (5), and (6) do not apply to
49-22    this subchapter.
49-23          SECTION 86.  Section 30.00939, Government Code, is amended by
49-24    adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
49-25          (d)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
49-26          SECTION 87.  Section 30.00971, Government Code, is amended to
49-27    read as follows:
 50-1          Sec. 30.00971.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 50-2    subchapter applies to the town of Addison.
 50-3          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 50-4    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
 50-5    jurisdiction.
 50-6          SECTION 88.  Section 30.00976, Government Code, is amended by
 50-7    adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
 50-8          (e)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
 50-9    subchapter.
50-10          SECTION 89.  Section 30.00977, Government Code, is amended to
50-11    read as follows:
50-12          Sec. 30.00977.  CLERK.  (a)  The city manager, with the
50-13    consent of the governing body of the city, shall appoint a clerk of
50-14    the municipal courts of record who may hire, direct, and remove the
50-15    personnel authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's
50-16    office.  [The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records
50-17    of the municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally
50-18    perform the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court
50-19    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
50-20    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
50-21    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
50-22          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
50-23    subchapter.
50-24          SECTION 90.  Sections 30.00978(a) and (d), Government Code,
50-25    are amended to read as follows:
50-26          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
50-27    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 51-1    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 51-2    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
 51-3    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 51-4    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
 51-5    body of the city].
 51-6          (d)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
 51-7    [The governing body may provide that, instead of providing a court
 51-8    reporter at trial, proceedings in a municipal court of record may
 51-9    be recorded by a good quality electronic recording device.  If the
51-10    recording device is used, the transcriber need not be present at
51-11    the trial to certify the statement of facts.  The proceedings that
51-12    are appealed shall be transcribed from the recording by an official
51-13    court reporter, clerk of court, deputy clerk of court, or a notary
51-14    public.]
51-15          SECTION 91.  Section 30.01011, Government Code, is amended to
51-16    read as follows:
51-17          Sec. 30.01011.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
51-18    subchapter applies to the city of Grapevine.
51-19          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
51-20    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
51-21    jurisdiction.
51-22          SECTION 92.  Section 30.01014, Government Code, is amended by
51-23    amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
51-24    follows:
51-25          (d)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
51-26    30.00005(b), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
51-27    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
 52-1    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
 52-2    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
 52-3    The] judge must maintain residence in the city during the tenure of
 52-4    office and must be a resident of the city at the time of
 52-5    appointment or election.  The judge shall devote as much time to
 52-6    the office as it requires.
 52-7          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 52-8    apply to this subchapter.
 52-9          SECTION 93.  Section 30.01015, Government Code, is amended to
52-10    read as follows:
52-11          Sec. 30.01015.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a)  The city
52-12    manager of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal courts
52-13    of record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized
52-14    in the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or
52-15    the clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts
52-16    of record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
52-17    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
52-18    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
52-19    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
52-20    city charter, and city ordinances.
52-21          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
52-22    subchapter.
52-23          SECTION 94.  Section 30.01016(a), Government Code, is amended
52-24    to read as follows:
52-25          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
52-26    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
52-27    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 53-1    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
 53-2    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 53-3    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
 53-4    body of the city].
 53-5          SECTION 95.  Section 30.01051, Government Code, is amended to
 53-6    read as follows:
 53-7          Sec. 30.01051.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 53-8    subchapter applies to the City of Hurst.
 53-9          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
53-10    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
53-11    jurisdiction.
53-12          SECTION 96.  Section 30.01054, Government Code, is amended by
53-13    amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
53-14    follows:
53-15          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
53-16    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
53-17    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
53-18    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
53-19    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
53-20    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
53-21          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
53-22    apply to this subchapter.
53-23          SECTION 97.  Section 30.01055, Government Code, is amended to
53-24    read as follows:
53-25          Sec. 30.01055.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city manager
53-26    of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record
53-27    who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the
 54-1    city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
 54-2    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
 54-3    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
 54-4    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
 54-5    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
 54-6    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
 54-7    city charter, and city ordinances.
 54-8          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
 54-9    subchapter.
54-10          SECTION 98.  Section 30.01056(a), Government Code, is amended
54-11    to read as follows:
54-12          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
54-13    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
54-14    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint
54-15    the court reporter under Section 30.00009 [who must meet the
54-16    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters. The
54-17    reporter shall be compensated by the city in the manner determined
54-18    by the governing body of the city].
54-19          SECTION 99.  Section 30.01091, Government Code, is amended to
54-20    read as follows:
54-21          Sec. 30.01091.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
54-22    applies to the City of Carrollton.
54-23          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
54-24    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
54-25    jurisdiction.
54-26          SECTION 100.  Section 30.01096, Government Code, is amended
54-27    by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as
 55-1    follows:
 55-2          (a)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
 55-3    30.00005(b), a municipal judge must maintain residence in the city
 55-4    during the tenure of office [A municipal court of record is
 55-5    presided over by a municipal judge.  The municipal judge must be a
 55-6    licensed attorney in good standing in this state.  The judge must
 55-7    be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this state but
 55-8    need not be a resident of the city].  The municipal judge shall
 55-9    devote full time to the duties of the office as necessary.
55-10          (d)  Section 30.00006 does not apply to this subchapter.
55-11          SECTION 101.  Section 30.01098, Government Code, is amended
55-12    by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as
55-13    follows:
55-14          (a)  The city manager shall appoint a clerk of the municipal
55-15    court of record who shall be known as the municipal court clerk.
55-16    The clerk may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in
55-17    the  city's annual budget for the clerk's office.
55-18          (d)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
55-19    subchapter.
55-20          SECTION 102.  Section 30.01099, Government Code, is amended
55-21    by amending Subsection (a)  and adding Subsection (f) to read as
55-22    follows:
55-23          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
55-24    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
55-25    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint
55-26    the court reporter under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the
55-27    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters].
 56-1          (f)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
 56-2          SECTION 103.  Section 30.01131, Government Code, is amended
 56-3    to read as follows:
 56-4          Sec. 30.01131.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
 56-5    subchapter applies to the City of White Settlement.
 56-6          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 56-7    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
 56-8    jurisdiction.
 56-9          SECTION 104.  Section 30.01134, Government Code, is amended
56-10    by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
56-11    follows:
56-12          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
56-13    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
56-14    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
56-15    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
56-16    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
56-17    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
56-18          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
56-19    apply to this subchapter.
56-20          SECTION 105.  Section 30.01135, Government Code, is amended
56-21    to read as follows:
56-22          Sec. 30.01135.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city manager
56-23    of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record
56-24    who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the
56-25    city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
56-26    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
56-27    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
 57-1    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
 57-2    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
 57-3    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
 57-4    city charter, and city ordinances.
 57-5          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
 57-6    subchapter.
 57-7          SECTION 106.  Section 30.01136(a), Government Code, is
 57-8    amended to read as follows:
 57-9          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
57-10    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
57-11    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint
57-12    the court reporter under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the
57-13    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters.  The
57-14    reporter shall be compensated by the city in the manner determined
57-15    by the governing body of the city].
57-16          SECTION 107.  Section 30.01171, Government Code, is amended
57-17    to read as follows:
57-18          Sec. 30.01171.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
57-19    subchapter applies to the City of Euless.
57-20          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
57-21    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
57-22    jurisdiction.
57-23          SECTION 108.  Section 30.01174, Government Code, is amended
57-24    by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
57-25    follows:
57-26          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
57-27    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
 58-1    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
 58-2    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
 58-3    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
 58-4    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
 58-5          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 58-6    apply to this subchapter.
 58-7          SECTION 109.  Section 30.01175, Government Code, is amended
 58-8    to read as follows:
 58-9          Sec. 30.01175.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city manager
58-10    of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record
58-11    who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the
58-12    city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
58-13    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
58-14    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
58-15    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
58-16    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
58-17    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
58-18    city charter, and city ordinances.
58-19          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
58-20    subchapter.
58-21          SECTION 110.  Section 30.01176(a), Government Code, is
58-22    amended to read as follows:
58-23          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
58-24    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
58-25    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint
58-26    the court reporter under Section 30.00009 [who must meet the
58-27    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters.  The
 59-1    reporter shall be compensated by the city in the manner determined
 59-2    by the governing body of the city].
 59-3          SECTION 111.  Section 30.01211, Government Code, is amended
 59-4    to read as follows:
 59-5          Sec. 30.01211.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
 59-6    applies to the city of Denton.
 59-7          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 59-8    courts at law of Denton County that have criminal appellate
 59-9    jurisdiction.
59-10          SECTION 112.  Section 30.01216, Government Code, is amended
59-11    by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as
59-12    follows:
59-13          (a)  In addition to satisfying the requirements of Section
59-14    30.00005(b), a municipal judge must maintain residence in the city
59-15    during the tenure of office. [A municipal court of record is
59-16    presided over by a municipal judge.  The municipal judge must be a
59-17    licensed attorney in good standing in this state.  The judge must
59-18    be a citizen of the United States and resident of this state but
59-19    need not be a resident of the city.]  The municipal judge shall
59-20    devote full time to the duties of the office as necessary.
59-21          (d)  Section 30.00006 does not apply to this subchapter.
59-22          SECTION 113.  Section 30.01218, Government Code, is amended
59-23    by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
59-24          (d)  Section 30.00008(c) does not apply to this subchapter.
59-25          SECTION 114.  Section 30.01219(a), Government Code, is
59-26    amended to read as follows:
59-27          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
 60-1    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 60-2    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint
 60-3    the court reporter under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the
 60-4    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters].
 60-5          SECTION 115.  Section 30.01251, Government Code, is amended
 60-6    to read as follows:
 60-7          Sec. 30.01251.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
 60-8    applies to the City of Lake Worth.
 60-9          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
60-10    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
60-11    jurisdiction.
60-12          SECTION 116.  Section 30.01254, Government Code, is amended
60-13    by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
60-14    follows:
60-15          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
60-16    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
60-17    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
60-18    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
60-19    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
60-20    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
60-21          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
60-22    apply to this subchapter.
60-23          SECTION 117.  Section 30.01256, Government Code, is amended
60-24    to read as follows:
60-25          Sec. 30.01256.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city
60-26    administrator of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal
60-27    court of record who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel
 61-1    authorized in the city's annual budget for the clerk's office.
 61-2    [The clerk or the clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the
 61-3    municipal courts of record, issue process, and generally perform
 61-4    the duties for the courts that a clerk of the county court
 61-5    exercising criminal jurisdiction is required by law to perform for
 61-6    that court.]  The clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with
 61-7    statutes, the city charter, and city ordinances.
 61-8          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
 61-9    subchapter.
61-10          SECTION 118.  Section 30.01257(a), Government Code, is
61-11    amended to read as follows:
61-12          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
61-13    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
61-14    record.] The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint the
61-15    court reporter under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the
61-16    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters.  The
61-17    reporter shall be compensated by the city in the manner determined
61-18    by the governing body of the city].
61-19          SECTION 119.  Section 30.01291, Government Code, is amended
61-20    to read as follows:
61-21          Sec. 30.01291.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
61-22    subchapter applies to the City of Rowlett.
61-23          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
61-24    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
61-25    jurisdiction.
61-26          SECTION 120.  Section 30.01294, Government Code, is amended
61-27    by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
 62-1    follows:
 62-2          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
 62-3    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
 62-4    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
 62-5    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
 62-6    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
 62-7    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
 62-8          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
 62-9    apply to this subchapter.
62-10          SECTION 121.  Section 30.01295, Government Code, is amended
62-11    to read as follows:
62-12          Sec. 30.01295.  CLERK; OTHER PERSONNEL.  (a) The city manager
62-13    of the city shall appoint a clerk of the municipal court of record
62-14    who may hire, direct, and remove the personnel authorized in the
62-15    city's annual budget for the clerk's office.  [The clerk or the
62-16    clerk's deputies shall keep the records of the municipal courts of
62-17    record, issue process, and generally perform the duties for the
62-18    courts that a clerk of the county court exercising criminal
62-19    jurisdiction is required by law to perform for that court.]  The
62-20    clerk shall perform the duties in accordance with statutes, the
62-21    city charter, and city ordinances.
62-22          (b)  Sections 30.00008(c) and (d) do not apply to this
62-23    subchapter.
62-24          SECTION 122.  Sections 30.01296(b) and (c), Government Code,
62-25    are amended to read as follows:
62-26          (b)  A municipal court of record is not required to record
62-27    testimony in a case unless the judge or one of the parties requests
 63-1    a record.  [A party's request for a record must be in writing and
 63-2    be filed with the court at least three days before trial.]
 63-3          (c)  The recording shall be kept and stored for a 20-day
 63-4    period beginning the day after the last day of the proceeding,
 63-5    trial, or denial of motion for new trial, whichever occurs last.
 63-6    The proceedings that are appealed shall be transcribed from the
 63-7    recording by an official [a] court reporter [provided by the city].
 63-8          SECTION 123.  Section 30.01321, Government Code, is amended
 63-9    to read as follows:
63-10          Sec. 30.01321.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a) This subchapter
63-11    applies to the City of Lewisville.
63-12          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
63-13    courts at law of Denton County that have criminal appellate
63-14    jurisdiction.
63-15          SECTION 124.  Section 30.01326, Government Code, is amended
63-16    by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (g) to read as
63-17    follows:
63-18          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
63-19    30.00005(d), a municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
63-20    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
63-21    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
63-22    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
63-23    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
63-24          (g)  Sections 30.00006(b)(5) and (6) do not apply to this
63-25    subchapter.
63-26          SECTION 125.  Section 30.01329(a), Government Code, is
63-27    amended to read as follows:
 64-1          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
 64-2    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 64-3    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 64-4    under Section 30.00009[, who must meet the qualifications provided
 64-5    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 64-6    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
 64-7    body of the city].
 64-8          SECTION 126.  Section 30.01371, Government Code, is amended
 64-9    to read as follows:
64-10          Sec. 30.01371.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
64-11    subchapter applies to the City of Dalworthington Gardens.
64-12          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
64-13    criminal courts of Tarrant County that have criminal appellate
64-14    jurisdiction.
64-15          SECTION 127.  Section 30.01374, Government Code, is amended
64-16    by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (k) to read as
64-17    follows:
64-18          (d)  In addition to exercising powers under Section
64-19    30.00005(d), a  municipal [A municipal judge must be a licensed
64-20    attorney in good standing in this state and must have two or more
64-21    years of experience in the practice of law in this state.  The
64-22    judge must be a citizen of the United States and of this state.
64-23    The] judge shall devote as much time to the office as it requires.
64-24          (k)  Sections 30.00006(b)(1), (2), (3), (5), and (6) do not
64-25    apply to this subchapter.
64-26          SECTION 128.  Section 30.01376(a), Government Code, is
64-27    amended to read as follows:
 65-1          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
 65-2    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
 65-3    record.]  The clerk of the court shall appoint the court reporter
 65-4    under Section 30.00009 [, who must meet the qualifications provided
 65-5    by law for official court reporters.  The reporter shall be
 65-6    compensated by the city in the manner determined by the governing
 65-7    body of the city].
 65-8          SECTION 129.  Section 30.01401, Government Code, is amended
 65-9    to read as follows:
65-10          Sec. 30.01401.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.  (a)  This
65-11    subchapter applies to the City of Richardson.
65-12          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
65-13    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
65-14    jurisdiction.
65-15          SECTION 130.  Section 30.01406, Government Code, is amended
65-16    by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
65-17          (d)  Section 30.00006 does not apply to this subchapter.
65-18          SECTION 131.  Section 30.01409, Government Code, is amended
65-19    by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (f) to read as
65-20    follows:
65-21          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
65-22    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
65-23    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint
65-24    the court reporter under Section 30.00009 ([, who must meet the
65-25    qualifications provided by law for official court reporters].
65-26          (f)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
65-27          SECTION 132.  Section 30.01441, Government Code, is amended
 66-1    to read as follows:
 66-2          Sec. 30.01441.  APPLICATION; DEFINITION.   (a)  This
 66-3    subchapter applies to the City of Coppell.
 66-4          (b)  In this subchapter, "appellate courts" means the county
 66-5    criminal courts of Dallas County that have criminal appellate
 66-6    jurisdiction.
 66-7          SECTION 133.  Section 30.01446, Government Code, is amended
 66-8    by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
 66-9          (f)  Section 30.00006 does not apply to this subchapter.
66-10          SECTION 134.  Section 30.01449, Government Code, is amended
66-11    by amending Subsection (a)  and adding Subsection (e) to read as
66-12    follows:
66-13          (a)  [The city shall provide a court reporter for the purpose
66-14    of preserving a record in cases tried before the municipal court of
66-15    record.]  The presiding judge [clerk of the court] shall appoint a
66-16    court reporter under Section 30.00009 [who meets the qualifications
66-17    provided by law for official court reporters].
66-18          (e)  Section 30.00009(d) does not apply to this subchapter.
66-19          SECTION 135.  The following sections of the Government Code
66-20    are repealed:
66-21                (1)  30.00042, 30.00043, 30.00044(a), (d)-(i), and (k),
66-22    30.00045, 30.00046(a) and (b), and 30.00047-30.00062;
66-23                (2)  30.00082, 30.00083, 30.00084(a)-(g) and (i),
66-24    30.00086(b)-(d), and 30.00087-30.00101;
66-25                (3)  30.00124-30.00127, 30.00128(a), (c), (d), (h), and
66-26    (i), 30.00130(a)-(c), 30.00131-30.00135, 30.00148-30.00161, and
66-27    30.00163;
 67-1                (4)  30.00182, 30.00183, 30.00184(a)-(j),
 67-2    30.00186(b)-(d), and 30.00187-30.00201;
 67-3                (5)  30.00222, 30.00223, 30.00224(a), (b), and (d)-(j),
 67-4    30.00225, and 30.00227-30.00242;
 67-5                (6)  30.00262, 30.00263, 30.00264(a)-(j),
 67-6    30.00267(b)-(d), and 30.00268-30.00282;
 67-7                (7)  30.00302, 30.00303, 30.00304(a) and (c)-(h),
 67-8    30.00307, and 30.00309-30.00322;
 67-9                (8)  30.00342, 30.00343, 30.00344(a)-(j),
67-10    30.00346(b)-(d), and 30.00347-30.00361;
67-11                (9)  30.00382, 30.00383, 30.00384(a)-(j), 30.00386,
67-12    30.00387, and 30.00389-30.00402;
67-13                (10)  30.00422-30.00425, 30.00426(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
67-14    30.00428(b)-(d), and 30.00429-30.00444;
67-15                (11)  30.00462, 30.00463, 30.00464(a) and (c)-(e),
67-16    30.00465(a) and (c), 30.00466(b), and 30.00467-30.00476;
67-17                (12)  30.00492, 30.00493, 30.00494(a)-(j),
67-18    30.00496(b)-(d), and 30.00497-30.00511;
67-19                (13)  30.00532, 30.00533, 30.00534(a)-(e), 30.00535,
67-20    30.00536(b), and 30.00537-30.00547;
67-21                (14)  30.00562, 30.00563, 30.00564(a)-(j),
67-22    30.00566(b)-(d), and 30.00567-30.00581;
67-23                (15)  30.00602, 30.00603, 30.00604(a) and (c)-(e),
67-24    30.00605(a) and (c), 30.00606(b), and 30.00607-30.00616;
67-25                (16)  30.00632, 30.00633, 30.00634(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
67-26    30.00637(b)-(d), and 30.00638-30.00652;
67-27                (17)  30.00672, 30.00673, 30.00674(a)-(h), 30.00675,
 68-1    and 30.00677-30.00688;
 68-2                (18)  30.00702, 30.00703, 30.00704(a) and (c)-(e),
 68-3    30.00705, 30.00706(b), and 30.00707-30.00717;
 68-4                (19)  30.00732, 30.00733, 30.00734(a)-(f) and (h),
 68-5    30.00735, 30.00737(a)-(c), and 30.00738-30.00754;
 68-6                (20)  30.00772, 30.00773, 30.00774(a)-(e),
 68-7    30.00775-30.00777, 30.00779(a)-(e), and 30.00780-30.00794;
 68-8                (21)  30.00812, 30.00813, 30.00814(a)-(c), (e), and
 68-9    (f), 30.00815-30.00817, and 30.00819-30.00839;
68-10                (22)  30.00852, 30.00853, 30.00854(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
68-11    30.00856(b)-(d), and 30.00857-30.00871;
68-12                (23)  30.00892, 30.00893, 30.00894(a)-(f),
68-13    30.00896(b)-(d), and 30.00897-30.00910;
68-14                (24)  30.00932, 30.00933, 30.00934(b)-(d), 30.00935,
68-15    30.00936, 30.00938, 30.00939(b) and (c), and 30.00940-30.00954;
68-16                (25)  30.00972-30.00975, 30.00976(a)-(d), 30.00978(b),
68-17    and 30.00979-30.00992;
68-18                (26)  30.01012, 30.01013, 30.01014(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
68-19    30.01016(b)-(d), and 30.01017-30.01032;
68-20                (27)  30.01052, 30.01053, 30.01054(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
68-21    30.01056(b)-(d), and 30.01057-30.01071;
68-22                (28)  30.01092-30.01095, 30.01096(b) and (c), 30.01097,
68-23    30.01098(b) and (c), 30.01099(b)-(e), and 30.01100-30.01113;
68-24                (29)  30.01132, 30.01133, 30.01134(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
68-25    30.01136(b)-(e), and 30.01137-30.01151;
68-26                (30)  30.01172, 30.01173, 30.01174(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
68-27    30.01176(b)-(d), and 30.01177-30.01191;
 69-1                (31)  30.01212-30.01215, 30.01216(b) and (c), 30.01217,
 69-2    30.01218(b), 30.01219(b)-(e), and 30.01220-30.01233;
 69-3                (32)  30.01252, 30.01253, 30.01254(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
 69-4    30.01257(b)-(d), and 30.01258-30.01272;
 69-5                (33)  30.01292, 30.01293, 30.01294(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
 69-6    and 30.01297-30.01311;
 69-7                (34)  30.01322-30.01325, 30.01326(a)-(c), (e), and (f),
 69-8    30.01327, 30.01328(c), 30.01329(b)-(e), and 30.01330-30.01345;
 69-9                (35)  30.01372, 30.01373, 30.01374(a)-(c) and (e)-(j),
69-10    30.01376(b)-(d), and 30.01377-30.01391;
69-11                (36)  30.01402-30.01405, 30.01406(a)-(c), 30.01407,
69-12    30.01409(b)-(e), and 30.01410-30.01423; and
69-13                (37)  30.01442-30.01445, 30.01446(a)-(e), 30.01447,
69-14    30.01448(c), 30.01449(b)-(d), and 30.01450-30.01464.
69-15          SECTION 136.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
69-16          (b)  A municipal judge serving on the effective date of this
69-17    Act continues in office as a judge for the term to which the judge
69-18    was elected or appointed before the effective date, unless
69-19    otherwise removed by law.
69-20          (c)  A clerk, a court reporter, or other court staff holding
69-21    an appointed position on the effective date of this Act continues
69-22    to serve until the expiration of the person's term, if any, or
69-23    until another person is appointed to that position as provided by
69-24    this Act.
69-25          (d)  A change in law made by this Act applies only to an
69-26    offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.  An
69-27    offense committed before the effective date of this Act is governed
 70-1    by the law in effect at the time the offense was committed, and
 70-2    that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
 70-3          SECTION 137.  The importance of this legislation and the
 70-4    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 70-5    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 70-6    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 70-7    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.