1-1     By:  Zbranek (Senate Sponsor - Bernsen)                H.B. No. 794
 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House March 29, 1999;
 1-3     March 30, 1999, read first time and referred to Committee on
 1-4     Natural Resources; May 5, 1999, reported favorably by the following
 1-5     vote:  Yeas 6, Nays 0; May 5, 1999, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to the boundaries of the Chambers County-Cedar Bayou
 1-9     Navigation District.
1-11           SECTION 1.  Section 3, Chapter 589, Acts of the 75th
1-12     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to read as follows:
1-13           SECTION 3.  BOUNDARIES.  The district shall include all of
1-14     the territory contained within the following described area:
1-15     BEING approximately 8420 [8640] acres of land situated wholly in
1-16     Chambers County, Texas, and being more particularly described by
1-17     metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:
1-18     BEGINNING at the most Western Northwest corner of the existing
1-19     Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District boundary on the East
1-20     Bank of Cedar Bayou for the Southwest corner of this tract of land
1-21     and being the Northwest corner of the John Ijams League, Abstract
1-22     No. 15 and the Southwest corner of the John Steele Survey, Abstract
1-23     No. 227.
1-24     THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract,
1-25     the West line of the Steele Survey and the East Bank of Cedar Bayou
1-26     to a point in the North right of way line of Spur 55 for a corner
1-27     of this tract and the Southwest corner of a 6.35 acre tract of land
1-28     belonging to Johnnie G.  Jennings.
1-29     THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract
1-30     of land, the North right of way line of Spur 55 and the South line
1-31     of the Johnnie G.  Jennings 6.35 acre tract of land to the East
1-32     corner of said 6.35 acre tract of land in the South line of the
1-33     Rosemary Jennings 61.56 acre tract of land.
1-34     THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract
1-35     of land, the South line of said 61.56 acre tract of land, the South
1-36     line of the Rosemary Jennings, et al, 29.47 acre tract of land and
1-37     the North line of the Cedar Crossing Business Park Subdivision
1-38     crossing Spur 55 to the Southeast corner of the Rosemary Jennings,
1-39     et al, 29.47 acre tract of land for a corner of this tract of land.
1-40     This corner being an interior corner of the Cedar Crossing Business
1-41     Park Subdivision.
1-42     THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract of
1-43     land, the West line of the Business Park and the East line of said
1-44     29.47 acre tract of land to a point for the most Western Northwest
1-45     corner of the Business Park, the Southwest corner of the Rosemary
1-46     Jennings, et al, 22.50 acre tract of land and a corner of this
1-47     tract of land.
1-48     THENCE in a Easterly direction with the North line of this tract,
1-49     the North line of the Business Park and the South line of said
1-50     22.50 acre tract of land to a point for a corner of this tract of
1-51     land in the West right of way line of West Bay Road.
1-52     THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract of
1-53     land and the West right of way line of West Bay Road crossing Spur
1-54     55 to a point for a corner of this tract of land and the Northeast
1-55     corner of the Rosemary Jennings, et al, 10.00 acre tract of land.
1-56     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract of
1-57     land and the North line of said 10 acre tract of land to a point
1-58     for a corner of this tract of land and the Northwest corner of said
1-59     10 acre tract of land.
1-60     THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract of
1-61     land and the West line of said 10 acre tract of land crossing Spur
1-62     55 to a point for a corner of this tract of land and the Northeast
1-63     corner of the Rosemary Jennings, et al, 29.47 acre tract of land.
1-64     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract of
 2-1     land, the North line of the said 29.47 acre tract and the North
 2-2     line of the Rosemary Jennings 61.56 acre tract of land to a point
 2-3     for a corner of this tract of land in the North right of way of
 2-4     Spur 55.
 2-5     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
 2-6     the North right of way line of Spur 55 and the South line of the
 2-7     Johnnie Jennings 6.35 acre tract of land to a point for a corner of
 2-8     this tract of land and the Southwest corner of said 6.35 acre tract
 2-9     of land.  This corner is on the West line of the Steele Survey and
2-10     the East Bank of Cedar Bayou.
2-11     THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract,
2-12     the West line of the Steele Survey, the West line of the Christian
2-13     Smith League, Abstract No.  22, and the East Bank of Cedar Bayou to
2-14     a point where the East Bank of Cedar Bayou intersects the West
2-15     right of way line of West Bay Road for a corner of this tract of
2-16     land.
2-17     THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract
2-18     and the West right of way line of West Bay Road to the South right
2-19     of way line of F. M. Highway No. 565 for the Northwest corner of
2-20     this tract of land.
2-21     THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract
2-22     and the South right of way line of F. M. Highway No. 565 to a point
2-23     for the most Northerly Northeast corner of this tract of land and
2-24     the Northwest corner of the West Chambers County Estates
2-25     Subdivision in the East boundary of the R. A. Porter Survey
2-26     Abstract No. 205, the West boundary of the Chambers County School
2-27     Land Survey, Abstract No. 321,
2-28     THENCE in Southerly direction with the East line of this tract, the
2-29     East line of the Porter Survey, the West line of the School Land
2-30     Survey and the West line of the West Chambers County Estates
2-31     Subdivision to the Southwest corner of the West Chambers County
2-32     Estates Subdivision,  a Southwest corner of the Chambers County
2-33     School Land Survey, an interior corner of this tract of land and an
2-34     interior corner of the Porter Survey.
2-35     THENCE in an Easterly direction with the South line of this tract,
2-36     the South line of the West Chambers County Estates Subdivision, the
2-37     South line of the School Land Survey and the most Southern North
2-38     line of the Porter Survey passing the Northeast corner of the
2-39     Porter Survey and continuing across the School Land Survey to a
2-40     point for the most Eastern Northeast corner of this tract of land
2-41     in the East line of the School Land Survey, the West line of the
2-42     Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District existing boundary and
2-43     in the West line of the Benjamin Winfree Survey, Abstract No. 28.
2-44     THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract of
2-45     land, the West line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation
2-46     District existing boundary, the West line of the Winfree Survey and
2-47     the East line of Chambers County School Land Survey, Abstract No.
2-48     321, to the Southwest corner of the Winfree Survey, a corner of the
2-49     School Land Survey and a corner of this tract of land.
2-50     THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract,
2-51     the South line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
2-52     existing boundary to a point for the Northwest corner of the
2-53     Solomon Barrow Survey, Abstract No. 3, a Northeast corner of the
2-54     School Land Survey and a corner of this tract of land.
2-55     THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract,
2-56     the West line of Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
2-57     existing boundary, the East line of the said School Land Survey and
2-58     the West line of the Barrow Survey to a point for a corner of this
2-59     tract of land, the Southwest corner of the Barrow Survey and a
2-60     corner of said School Land Survey.  This corner is in the North
2-61     line of the J. L. Hill Survey, Abstract No. 106.
2-62     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
2-63     the North line of Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
2-64     existing boundary, the South line of said School Land Survey and
2-65     the North line of the Hill Survey to a point for the Northwest
2-66     corner of the Hill Survey, a corner of this tract of land, a corner
2-67     of the existing District boundary and a corner of said School Land
2-68     Survey.
2-69     THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract,
 3-1     the East line of said School Land Survey, the West line of the Hill
 3-2     Survey, the West line of Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation
 3-3     District existing boundary and the West line of the J. K. Allen
 3-4     Survey, Abstract No. 31 to a point for the Southeast corner of this
 3-5     tract of land, a corner of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation
 3-6     District boundary, the Southeast corner of said School Land Survey
 3-7     and the Northeast corner of the Chambers County School Land Survey,
 3-8     Abstract No. 320.
 3-9     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
3-10     the North line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
3-11     existing boundary, the South boundary of the School Land Survey,
3-12     Abstract No. 321 and the North boundary of the School Land Survey,
3-13     Abstract No. 320 to a point for a corner of this tract of land, the
3-14     Southwest corner of the School Land Survey Abstract No.  321 and
3-15     the Northwest corner of the School Land Survey Abstract No. 320.
3-16     This corner is in the East line of the Andrew Beard Survey,
3-17     Abstract No. 44.
3-18     THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract,
3-19     the East line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
3-20     existing boundary, the West line of the School Land Survey Abstract
3-21     No. 321 and the East line of the Beard Survey to a point for a
3-22     corner of this tract of land, a corner of the Chambers-Liberty
3-23     Counties Navigation District existing boundary, the Northeast
3-24     corner of the Beard Survey and the Southeast corner of the John
3-25     Steele Survey.
3-26     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
3-27     the North line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
3-28     existing boundary, the South line of the Steele Survey and the
3-29     North line of the Beard Survey to a point for a corner of this
3-30     tract of land, the Northwest corner of the Beard Survey and the
3-31     Northeast corner of the Ijams League.
3-32     THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
3-33     the North line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
3-34     existing boundary, the South line of the Steele Survey and the
3-35     North line of the Ijams League to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,
3-36     containing within said boundaries approximately 8420 acres of land.
3-37     [BEGINNING at the most Western Northwest corner of the existing
3-38     Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District boundary on the East
3-39     Bank of Cedar Bayou for the Southwest corner of this tract of land
3-40     and being the Northwest corner of the John Ijams League, Abstract
3-41     No. 15 and the Southwest corner of the John Steele Survey, Abstract
3-42     No. 227;]
3-43     [THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract,
3-44     the West line of the Steele Survey, and the East Bank of Cedar
3-45     Bayou to a point in the North right of way line of Spur 55 for a
3-46     corner of this tract and the Southwest corner of a 6.35 acre tract
3-47     of land belonging to Johnnie G.  Jennings;]
3-48     [THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract
3-49     of land, the North right of way line of Spur 55 and the South line
3-50     of the Johnnie G.  Jennings 6.35 acre tract of land to the East
3-51     corner of said 6.35 acre tract of land in the South line of the
3-52     Rosemary Jennings 61.56 acre tract of land;]
3-53     [THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract
3-54     of land, the South line of said 61.56 acre tract of land, the South
3-55     line of the Rosemary Jennings, et al., 29.47 acre tract of land and
3-56     the North line of the Cedar Crossing Business Park Subdivision
3-57     crossing Spur 55 to the Southeast corner of the Rosemary Jennings,
3-58     et al., 29.47 acre tract of land for a corner of this tract of
3-59     land.  This corner being an interior corner of the Cedar Crossing
3-60     Business Park Subdivision;]
3-61     [THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract
3-62     of land, the West line of the Business Park and the East line of
3-63     said 29.47 acre tract of land to a point for the most Western
3-64     Northwest corner of the Business Park, the Southwest corner of the
3-65     Rosemary Jennings, et al., 22.50 acre tract of land and a corner of
3-66     this tract of land;]
3-67     [THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract,
3-68     the North line of the Business Park and the South line of said
3-69     22.50 acre tract of land to a point for a corner of this tract of
 4-1     land in the West right of way line of West Bay Road;]
 4-2     [THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract
 4-3     of land and the West right of way line of West Bay Road crossing
 4-4     Spur 55 to a point for a corner of this tract of land and the
 4-5     Northeast corner of the Rosemary Jennings, et al., 10.00 acre tract
 4-6     of land;]
 4-7     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract
 4-8     of land and the North line of said 10 acre tract of land to a point
 4-9     for a corner of this tract of land and the Northwest corner of said
4-10     10 acre tract of land;]
4-11     [THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract
4-12     of land and the West line of said 10 acre tract of land crossing
4-13     Spur 55 to a point for a corner of this tract of land and the
4-14     Northeast corner of the Rosemary Jennings, et al., 29.47 acre tract
4-15     of land;]
4-16     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract
4-17     of land, the North line of the said 29.47 acre tract and the North
4-18     line of the Rosemary Jennings 61.56 acre tract of land to a point
4-19     for a corner of this tract of land and the North right of way of
4-20     Spur 55;]
4-21     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
4-22     the North right of way line of Spur 55 and the South line of the
4-23     Johnnie Jennings 6.35 acre tract of land to a point for a corner of
4-24     this tract of land and the Southwest corner of said 6.35 acre tract
4-25     of land.  This corner is on the West line of the Steele Survey and
4-26     the East Bank of Cedar Bayou;]
4-27     [THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract,
4-28     the West line of the Steele Survey, the West line of the Christian
4-29     Smith League, Abstract No.  22, and the East Bank of Cedar Bayou to
4-30     a point where the East Bank of Cedar Bayou intersects the West
4-31     right of way line of West Bay Road for a corner of this tract of
4-32     land;]
4-33     [THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract
4-34     and the West right of way line of West Bay Road to the South right
4-35     of way line of F.M. Highway No. 565 for the Northwest Corner of
4-36     this tract of land;]
4-37     [THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract
4-38     and the South right of Way line of F.M. Highway No. 565 to a point
4-39     for the Northeast corner of this tract of land in the West boundary
4-40     of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District, the East
4-41     boundary of the Jacob Townsend Survey, Abstract No. 25 and the West
4-42     boundary of the Benjamin Winfree Survey, Abstract No. 28;]
4-43     [THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract
4-44     of land, the West line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation
4-45     District existing boundary, the East line of the Townsend Survey,
4-46     the West line of the Winfree Survey and the East line of Chambers
4-47     County School Land Survey, Abstract No. 321, to the Southwest
4-48     corner of the Winfree Survey, a corner of the School Land Survey
4-49     and a corner of this tract of land;]
4-50     [THENCE in an Easterly direction with the North line of this tract,
4-51     the South line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
4-52     existing boundary to a point for the Northwest corner of the
4-53     Solomon Barrow Survey, Abstract No. 3, a Northeast corner of the
4-54     School Land Survey and a corner of this tract of land;]
4-55     [THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract,
4-56     the West line of Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
4-57     existing boundary, the East line of the said School Land Survey and
4-58     the West line of the Barrow Survey to a point for a corner of this
4-59     tract of land, the Southwest corner of the Barrow Survey and a
4-60     corner of said School Land Survey.  This corner is in the North
4-61     line of the J.L. Hill Survey, Abstract No. 106;]
4-62     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
4-63     the North line of Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
4-64     existing boundary, the South line of said School Land Survey and
4-65     the North line of the Hill Survey to a point for the Northwest
4-66     corner of the Hill Survey, a corner of this tract of land, a corner
4-67     of the existing District boundary and a corner of said School Land
4-68     Survey;]
4-69     [THENCE in a Southerly direction with the East line of this tract,
 5-1     the East line of said School Land Survey, the West line of the Hill
 5-2     Survey, the West line of Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation
 5-3     District existing boundary and the West line of the J.K. Allen
 5-4     Survey, Abstract No. 31 to a point for the Southeast corner of this
 5-5     tract of land, a corner of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation
 5-6     District boundary, the Southeast corner of said School Land Survey
 5-7     and the Northeast corner of the Chambers County School Land Survey,
 5-8     Abstract No. 320;]
 5-9     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
5-10     the North line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
5-11     existing boundary, the South boundary of the School Land Survey,
5-12     Abstract No. 321 and the North boundary of the School Land Survey,
5-13     Abstract 320 to a point for a corner of this tract of land, the
5-14     Southwest corner of the School Land Survey Abstract No.  321 and
5-15     the Northwest corner of the School Land Survey Abstract No. 320.
5-16     This corner is in the East line of the Andrew Beard Survey,
5-17     Abstract No. 44;]
5-18     [THENCE in a Northerly direction with the West line of this tract,
5-19     the East line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
5-20     existing boundary, the West line of the School Land Survey Abstract
5-21     No. 321 and the East line of the Beard Survey to a point for a
5-22     corner of this tract of land, a corner of the Chambers-Liberty
5-23     Counties Navigation District existing boundary, the Northeast
5-24     corner of the Beard Survey and the Southeast corner of the John
5-25     Steele Survey;]
5-26     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
5-27     the North line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
5-28     existing boundary, the South line of the Steele Survey and the
5-29     North line of the Beard Survey to a point for a corner of this
5-30     tract of land, the Northwest corner of the Beard Survey and the
5-31     Northeast corner of  the Ijams League;]
5-32     [THENCE in a Westerly direction with the South line of this tract,
5-33     the North line of the Chambers-Liberty Counties Navigation District
5-34     existing boundary, the South line of the Steele Survey and the
5-35     North line of the Ijams League to the PLACE OF BEGINNING,
5-36     containing within said boundaries approximately 8640 acres of
5-37     land.]
5-38           SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
5-39     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
5-40     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
5-41     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-42     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
5-43     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
5-44     passage, and it is so enacted.
5-45                                  * * * * *