By Talton                                              H.B. No. 883
         76R3050 MXM-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the regulation of bail bondsmen.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Chapter 550, Acts of the  63rd Legislature,
 1-5     Regular Session, 1973 (Article 2372p-3, Vernon's Texas Civil
 1-6     Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 1-8           Sec. 1.  DECLARATION OF POLICY; APPLICATION.  (a)  The
 1-9     business of executing bail bonds is declared to be a business
1-10     affecting the public interest.  It is declared to be the policy of
1-11     this state to provide reasonable regulation to the end that the
1-12     right of bail be preserved and implemented by just and practical
1-13     procedures governing the giving or making of bail bond and other
1-14     security to guarantee appearance of the accused.
1-15           (b)  Sections 2 through 13 and 16 of this Act do not apply in
1-16     a county with a population of less than 110,000 unless a board has
1-17     been created in that county.
1-18           Sec. 2.  DEFINITIONS.  In this Act:
1-19                 (1)  "Agent for a corporate surety" means an individual
1-20     who, as attorney in fact for a corporate surety, executes a written
1-21     undertaking to assure the appearance in court of a person accused
1-22     of a crime.
1-23                 (2)  "Applicant" means a person who has applied for a
1-24     license under this Act as an individual surety, a corporate surety,
 2-1     or an agent for a corporate surety.
 2-2                 (3) [(6)]  "Board" means a [the] County Bail Bond
 2-3     Board.
 2-4                 (4) [(5)]  "Bond" means a [includes] cash deposit, a
 2-5     pledge of real property, or a [and any] similar deposit or written
 2-6     undertaking to assure the appearance in court of a person accused
 2-7     of a crime.
 2-8                 (5) [(3)]  "Bonding Business" means the occupation in
 2-9     which a bondsman is engaged.
2-10                 (6) [(2)]  "Bondsman" means:
2-11                       (A)  an individual surety;
2-12                       (B)  a corporate surety; or
2-13                       (C)  an agent for a corporate surety.
2-14                 (7)  "Corporate surety" means a corporation that:
2-15                       (A)  is chartered or admitted to do business in
2-16     this state;
2-17                       (B)  is qualified under the Insurance Code to
2-18     write a surety bond; and
2-19                       (C)  executes a written undertaking to assure the
2-20     appearance in court of a person accused of a crime.
2-21                 (8)  "Final judgment of forfeiture" means a final
2-22     judgment of forfeiture that has not been superseded by the posting
2-23     of a supersedeas bond.
2-24                 (9)  "Individual surety" means an individual who:
2-25                       (A)  for compensation deposits cash or bonds or
2-26     other security to assure the appearance in court of a person
2-27     accused of a crime; or
 3-1                       (B)  executes a written undertaking to assure the
 3-2     appearance in court of a person accused of a crime.
 3-3                 (10)  "License holder" means a person who holds a
 3-4     license under this Act as an individual surety, a corporate surety,
 3-5     or an agent for a corporate surety [any person who for hire or for
 3-6     any compensation deposits any cash or bonds or other securities, or
 3-7     executes as surety or cosurety any bond for other persons].
 3-8                 (11) [(1)]  "Person" means an individual or
 3-9     corporation.
3-10                 [(4)  "Company" includes corporations and other
3-11     business entities.]
3-13     ELIGIBILITY.  [The provisions of this Act apply only to the
3-14     execution of bail bonds in counties having a population of more
3-15     than 110,000 according to the last federal census or in counties of
3-16     less than 110,000 where a board has been created.  The creation of
3-17     the board is within the discretion of a majority of the officers of
3-18     the county who would be members of, or who would designate members
3-19     of, the board as provided under Subsection (b) of this section.]
3-20           (a)  A  [In a county that has a board, no] person may not act
3-21     as a bondsman in a county subject to this Act other than a bondsman
3-22     licensed in that county [except:]
3-23                 [(1)  persons licensed under this Act, and]
3-24                 [(2)  persons licensed to practice law in this state
3-25     who meet the requirements set forth in Subsection (e) of Section 3
3-26     of this Act].
3-27           (b)  An [No] individual is not eligible for a license as an
 4-1     individual surety or as an agent for a corporate surety [under this
 4-2     Act] unless the individual:
 4-3                 (1)  is a resident of this state and a citizen of the
 4-4     United States;
 4-5                 (2)  is at least 18 years of age;
 4-6                 (3)  has not, in the ten years preceding the date of
 4-7     the license application, been finally convicted of a felony or a
 4-8     misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
 4-9                 (4)  does not have an unpaid final judgment of
4-10     forfeiture on a bond executed by that individual as an individual
4-11     surety or as an agent for a corporate surety in the county in which
4-12     the individual is licensed;
4-13                 (5)  has been continuously employed in the bonding
4-14     business by a license holder for at least one year; and
4-15                 (6)  possesses sufficient financial resources to
4-16     provide indemnity against loss on an obligation that the individual
4-17     [such obligations as he] may undertake [as required by Section 6 of
4-18     this Article].
4-19           (c)  A [No person shall be eligible for a license under this
4-20     Act, who after the effective date of this Act, commits an offense
4-21     for which he is finally convicted, such offense being a felony or
4-22     misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.]
4-23           [(d)  No] corporation is not eligible to be licensed as a
4-24     corporate surety unless the corporation is:
4-25                 (1)  [it is] chartered or admitted to do business in
4-26     this state; and
4-27                 (2)  [it is] qualified to write a fidelity, guaranty,
 5-1     or [and] surety bond [bonds] under the [Texas] Insurance Code[, as
 5-2     amended].
 5-3           [(e)  Persons licensed to practice law in this state may
 5-4     execute bail bonds or act as sureties for persons they actually
 5-5     represent in criminal cases without being licensed under this Act,
 5-6     but they are prohibited from engaging in the practices made the
 5-7     basis for revocation of license under this Act and if found by the
 5-8     sheriff to have violated any term of this Act, may not qualify
 5-9     thereafter under the exception provided in this subsection unless
5-10     and until they come into compliance with those practices made the
5-11     basis of revocation under this Act.  Notwithstanding any other
5-12     provision of this subsection, no person licensed to practice law
5-13     shall be relieved of liability on a bail bond he has executed for
5-14     the sole reason that he has not been employed to represent the
5-15     principal on the merits of the case if he has been paid a fee for
5-16     the execution of the bail bond.]
5-18     HOLDER [LICENSEES].  (a)  An individual [A bondsman] licensed under
5-19     this Act shall maintain a record of each bond that the  individual
5-20     executes in either an individual capacity or as agent for a
5-21     corporate [on which the bondsman appears as] surety [and shall
5-22     maintain a separate set of records for each county in which the
5-23     bondsman is licensed].  The individual [records] shall separately
5-24     maintain the records for each county in which the individual is
5-25     licensed.  The records must include the following information for
5-26     each bond the individual has executed [and enforced]:
5-27                 (1)  the style and number of the cause in which the
 6-1     bond is given and the court in which it is executed;
 6-2                 (2)  the name of the defendant released on bond;
 6-3                 (3)  the amount of the bail set in the case; and
 6-4                 (4)  the amount and type of security held by the
 6-5     bondsman, together with a statement as to whether the security was
 6-6     taken for payment of a bail bond fee or for assurance of the
 6-7     principal's appearance in court and the conditions under which the
 6-8     security will be returned.  [No security shall be held for both the
 6-9     payment of a bail bond fee and assurance of the principal's
6-10     appearance in court that is in excess of the particular risk
6-11     involved.]
6-12           (b)  A license holder shall produce a record required to be
6-13     maintained by this section [The records shall be submitted to the
6-14     board or a person designated by the board for inspection prior to
6-15     each renewal of the bondsman's license and shall be available] for
6-16     inspection by the applicable board on the written request of
6-17     [demand by] the board or its authorized representative.
6-18           (c)  A license holder shall maintain a record required by
6-19     this section at a location convenient to the license holder.  The
6-20     record shall be maintained for at least four years after final
6-21     disposition of the case.
6-22           (d)  An individual licensed under this Act shall maintain as
6-23     trustee a cash collateral account separate from other bank accounts
6-24     used by that individual for the operation of a bonding business.
6-25     The individual must execute a written agreement that describes the
6-26     conditions under which collateral will be refunded or retained.
6-27     The individual shall deposit cash collateral into the collateral
 7-1     account not later than the first banking day after the date of
 7-2     receipt of the cash.  A disbursement may not be made from the cash
 7-3     collateral account for a purpose other than as a refund of the
 7-4     collateral on final disposition of the case for which the
 7-5     collateral was posted with the individual or on entry of a final
 7-6     judgment of forfeiture.  Cash collateral may not be retained except
 7-7     in accordance with the terms of the written agreement.
 7-8           Sec. 5.  COUNTY BAIL BOND BOARD.  (a)  There is [hereby]
 7-9     created in each county [all counties] having a population of
7-10     110,000 or more[, according to the last preceding federal census,]
7-11     a County Bail Bond Board.  In a county with a population [counties]
7-12     of less than 110,000, the creation of a [the] board is within the
7-13     discretion of a majority of  the officers of the county who would
7-14     be members of, or who would designate members of, the board as
7-15     provided under Subsection (b) of this section.
7-16           (b)  A board consists [The County Bail Bond Board shall be
7-17     composed] of the following persons:
7-18                 (1)  the county sheriff or a designee from the
7-19     sheriff's [his] office who is the sheriff's [may be his]
7-20     administrator or a deputy sheriff of the rank of sergeant or
7-21     greater;
7-22                 (2)  a district judge of the county having jurisdiction
7-23     over criminal matters designated annually by the presiding judge of
7-24     the administrative judicial district;
7-25                 (3)  the county judge or a member of the commissioners
7-26     court designated by the county judge[, or a designee approved by
7-27     the commissioners court];
 8-1                 (4)  a judge of a county court or a county court at law
 8-2     in the county having jurisdiction over criminal matters designated
 8-3     annually by the presiding judge of the administrative judicial
 8-4     district [by the commissioners court];
 8-5                 (5)  the district attorney or the district attorney's
 8-6     [his] designee, who must be [if that person is] an assistant
 8-7     district attorney;
 8-8                 (6)  a [licensed] bondsman[,] licensed in the county,
 8-9     who shall be elected annually by secret ballot by the other
8-10     bondsmen who are licensed in the county [licensees];
8-11                 (7)  a justice of the peace designated annually by the
8-12     presiding judge of the administrative judicial district;
8-13                 (8)  the district clerk or the  district clerk's [his]
8-14     designee who must be an employee in the district clerk's office;
8-15                 (9)  the county clerk or the county clerk's [a]
8-16     designee who must be an employee in the county clerk's [from his]
8-17     office, except in a county [those counties] where the county clerk
8-18     has no criminal matters jurisdiction;
8-19                 (10)  the county treasurer or the treasurer's designee
8-20     who must be an employee in the treasurer's office, or in a county
8-21     without the office of county treasurer, the county auditor or the
8-22     auditor's designee who must be an employee in the auditor's office
8-23     [the board may appoint a presiding judge of a municipal court
8-24     located within the county]; and
8-25                 (11)  a [the presiding] municipal judge of the most
8-26     populous [principal] city in the [a] county designated annually by
8-27     the presiding judge of the administrative judicial district [in
 9-1     which the principal city designates a presiding judge in its
 9-2     municipal court system; and]
 9-3                 [(12)  the county treasurer or the treasurer's designee
 9-4     except in those counties that have no county treasurer, in which
 9-5     case the county commissioners court may designate the person who
 9-6     carries out the duties of the county treasurer to serve on the
 9-7     board].
 9-8           (c)  A [The] board shall annually [meet within 60 days after
 9-9     its creation.  The board shall initially] elect one of its members
9-10     as presiding officer [chairman who shall preside at all meetings to
9-11     be held thereafter at the call of the chairman].  The presiding
9-12     officer may vote on any matter pending before the board.
9-13           (d)  A board shall hold its initial meeting not later than
9-14     the 60th day after the date on which the board is created.
9-15     Thereafter the board shall meet at least once a month and on the
9-16     call of the presiding officer.
9-17           (e)  Four members of a [the] board  [shall] constitute a
9-18     quorum [for the conduct of business].  Board [All] action requires
9-19     [by the board shall require the vote of] a majority vote by [of]
9-20     the members present  and voting.  [The board shall meet at least
9-21     once a month.]
9-22           (f)  Each rule or action [(e)  Unless clearly not required by
9-23     this Act, all rules, regulations, and actions] of a [the] board
9-24     passed under [pursuant to] this Act shall be posted at an
9-25     appropriate place in the county courthouse and at each location in
9-26     the county where a bond may be accepted for a period of 10 days
9-27     prior to their effective date.
 10-1          (g)  A board shall post a proposed rule at the county
 10-2    courthouse and at each location in the county where a bond may be
 10-3    accepted for a period of at least 30 days before the date of
 10-4    consideration and adoption of the rule by the board.
 10-5          (h)  A [(f)  In addition to the powers and duties given to
 10-6    the County Bail Bond Board by this Act, the] board has the
 10-7    following powers and duties:
 10-8                (1)  [To exercise any powers incidental or necessary to
 10-9    the administration of this Act, to supervise and regulate all
10-10    phases of the bonding business and enforce this Act within the
10-11    county, and to prescribe and post any rules necessary to implement
10-12    this Act;]
10-13                [(2)]  To conduct hearings and investigations and make
10-14    determinations respecting the issuance, refusal, suspension, or
10-15    revocation of licenses to bondsmen, [within the provisions of this
10-16    Act and] to issue licenses to those applicants who qualify under
10-17    the terms of this Act, to refuse licenses to those applicants who
10-18    do not qualify, and to suspend or revoke the licenses of license
10-19    holders [licensees] who violate [commit violations under] this Act
10-20    or board [the] rules adopted [prescribed by the board] under this
10-21    Act;
10-22                (2) [(3)]  To require an applicant or license holder
10-23    [applicants and licensees] to appear before the board, and to
10-24    administer oaths, examine witnesses, and compel the production of
10-25    pertinent books, accounts, records, documents, and testimony by the
10-26    license holder [licensee] or applicant in its hearings;
10-27                (3) [(4)]  To cause records and transcripts to be made
 11-1    of all its proceedings;
 11-2                (4) [(5)]  To maintain records and minutes and
 11-3    otherwise operate its office affairs;
 11-4                (5) [(6)]  To employ [such] employees to assist the
 11-5    board in its functions as necessary;
 11-6                (6) [(7)]  To furnish and post in each court in the
 11-7    county having jurisdiction of criminal cases and each local
 11-8    official responsible for the detention of prisoners in the county
 11-9    with current lists of the bondsmen [and their agents] licensed and
11-10    approved in the county and to notify immediately each court and
11-11    local official when a bondsman's license is suspended or revoked or
11-12    an agent's authority is rescinded; [and]
11-13                (7) [(8)]  To file reports and furnish information on
11-14    the operation of the bonding business in the county at the request
11-15    of the Texas  Judicial Council which shall report annually to the
11-16    governor and the legislature on or before December 1 of each year
11-17    on the operation of the bonding business in the state; and
11-18                (8)  To exercise powers necessary to administer this
11-19    Act, to supervise and regulate the bonding business consistently
11-20    under this Act, to enforce this Act in the county, and to prescribe
11-21    and post rules necessary to implement this Act.
11-22          (i)  A board may not:
11-23                (1)  require a license holder to be a resident of the
11-24    county or to maintain a place of business in the county;
11-25                (2)  inquire into or require proof of the sufficiency
11-26    of the security, solvency, or credit of a corporate surety or its
11-27    agent;
 12-1                (3)  limit the number of agents that a corporate surety
 12-2    may appoint in a county;
 12-3                (4)  limit the number of license holders in a county;
 12-4                (5)  limit the number of employees that a license
 12-5    holder may employ;
 12-6                (6)  limit the duties that may be performed by an
 12-7    employee of a license holder, except that an employee of a license
 12-8    holder may not act as a bondsman without obtaining a license as a
 12-9    bondsman;
12-10                (7)  limit the dollar amount or number of bonds that a
12-11    corporate surety may execute;
12-12                (8)  limit the dollar amount or number of bonds that an
12-13    individual surety may execute except as provided by Section 8 of
12-14    this Act;
12-15                (9)  limit the dollar amount or number of bonds that an
12-16    agent for a corporate surety may execute except as provided under
12-17    Section 9 of this Act;
12-18                (10)  require a license holder to post more than the
12-19    minimum amount of security under Section 6 of this Act or to choose
12-20    the type of security that an individual shall post with the county
12-21    under Section 6 of this Act;
12-22                (11)  require a license holder to be physically present
12-23    in order to post a bond; or
12-24                (12)  require a corporation to appear by any means
12-25    other than by an attorney licensed to practice law in this state.
12-26          (j)  Each fee collected by a board under this Act shall be
12-27    deposited in the county's general fund for use in the
 13-1    administration and enforcement of this Act.  The board may receive
 13-2    disbursements from the general fund for reasonable expenses
 13-3    incurred in the enforcement of this Act, but service on the board
 13-4    is considered an additional duty of office, and the members of a
 13-5    board are not entitled to compensation for the service.  A member
 13-6    is entitled to reimbursement for any expenses actually incurred as
 13-7    a result of the service.
 13-8          Sec. 6.  APPLICATION AND ISSUANCE OF LICENSE.  (a)  A [Any]
 13-9    person desiring to act as a bondsman in [any court of] the county
13-10    shall file with the board [County Bail Bond Board] a sworn
13-11    application for a license.  The application must [shall] be on a
13-12    [in such] form prescribed by [and shall contain such information
13-13    as] the board and accompanied by a $500 application fee.
13-14          (b)  If the applicant is an individual applying for a license
13-15    as an individual surety, the application must contain [may
13-16    prescribe including the following]
13-17                (1)  The name, birth date [age], and residence address
13-18    of the applicant[, and if the applicant is a surety corporation,
13-19    and whether chartered or admitted to do business in this state and
13-20    qualified to write fidelity, guaranty, and surety bonds under the
13-21    Texas Insurance Code, as amended];
13-22                (2)  The name under which the applicant will conduct
13-23    the bonding business [shall be conducted];
13-24                (3)  The name and business address of each location at
13-25    which the applicant intends to conduct the bonding business [of the
13-26    place or places, including street address and city, wherein the
13-27    business is to be conducted];
 14-1                (4)  A statement listing cash, cash equivalent, or real
 14-2    estate that the applicant intends to place with the county as
 14-3    security for an obligation that the applicant may undertake in that
 14-4    county, and, if the applicant intends to place:
 14-5                      (A)  real estate as security, a statement listing
 14-6    [any] nonexempt real estate owned by the applicant that the
 14-7    applicant intends to convey in trust to the board to secure payment
 14-8    of any obligations incurred by the applicant in the bonding
 14-9    business if the license is approved, including, [granted.  The
14-10    following shall be included] for each parcel listed:
14-11                            (i) [(A)]  a legal description equivalent
14-12    to the description required to convey the property by general
14-13    warranty deed;
14-14                            (ii) [(B)]  current statements from each
14-15    taxing unit with power to assess or collect taxes against the
14-16    property indicating that there are no outstanding tax liens against
14-17    the property and indicating the net value of the property according
14-18    to the current appraisal made by a real estate appraiser who is a
14-19    member in good standing of a nationally recognized professional
14-20    appraiser society or trade organization that has an established
14-21    code of ethics, educational program, and professional certification
14-22    program, accompanied by a statement from the applicant agreeing to
14-23    keep all taxes paid on the property while it remains in trust;
14-24                            (iii)  a statement from the county's
14-25    central appraisal district indicating the property's current
14-26    appraised value as shown on the county's most recent certified tax
14-27    roll;
 15-1                            (iv) [(C)]  a statement from [of] the
 15-2    applicant that the applicant [he] will not further encumber the
 15-3    property after conveying it in trust to the board [County Bail Bond
 15-4    Board], without notifying and obtaining the permission of the
 15-5    board;
 15-6                            (v) [(D)]  an agreement to insure and keep
 15-7    current the insurance on any improvements on the property against
 15-8    any damage or destruction while the property remains in trust, in
 15-9    the full amount of the value claimed for the improvements; and
15-10                            (vi) [(E)]  a statement indicating whether
15-11    the applicant is married and, if so, a sworn statement from the
15-12    spouse agreeing to transfer to the board, as a part of the trust,
15-13    any right, title, or interest that the spouse may have in the
15-14    property; and the spouse must execute the deeds of trust to any
15-15    community property conveyed in trust to the board [placed in the
15-16    security deposit required under this section]; and
15-17                      (B)  cash or cash equivalent as security, a
15-18    [(5)  A] statement listing [indicating] the cash amount [of cash or
15-19    cash value] of a [any] certificate of deposit, [or] cashier's
15-20    check, or letter of credit that [checks which] the applicant
15-21    intends to place on deposit with the county treasurer to secure
15-22    payment of an obligation [any obligations] incurred by the
15-23    applicant in the bonding business if the license is approved
15-24    [granted];
15-25                (5) [(6)]  A complete, sworn financial statement;
15-26                (6) [(7)]  A declaration by the applicant that the
15-27    applicant [he] will comply with this Act and board [the] rules;
 16-1    [prescribed by the board.]
 16-2                (7)  A letter [(b)  The application of an individual
 16-3    for a license under this Act shall be accompanied by letters] of
 16-4    recommendation from each of three reputable persons who have known
 16-5    the applicant for a period of at least three years, recommending[.
 16-6    If the applicant is a corporation, the letters shall be required
 16-7    for the person to be in charge of its business in the county.  Each
 16-8    letter shall recommend] the applicant [or person who will be in
 16-9    charge of its business] as having a reputation of honesty,
16-10    truthfulness, fair dealing, and competency and [shall recommend]
16-11    that the license be approved; and [granted.  If the applicant or
16-12    the person to be in charge of its business has been licensed under
16-13    this Act in another county, the application shall be accompanied by
16-14    a letter from each appropriate board stating whether or not the
16-15    applicant is in good standing in the county where he is licensed.]
16-16                (8)  For each county in which the applicant has been
16-17    licensed under this Act during the preceding ten years a statement
16-18    by the applicant that:
16-19                      (A)  states the date of each license; and
16-20                      (B)  describes each unpaid final judgment of
16-21    forfeiture on a bond executed by the applicant as individual surety
16-22    or agent for a corporate surety within that county.
16-23          (c)  If an applicant is a corporation applying for a license
16-24    as a corporate surety, the application must contain:
16-25                (1)  the name of the applicant and the address of the
16-26    applicant's corporate headquarters;
16-27                (2)  the name and address of the individual authorized
 17-1    by the applicant to receive service of process for the applicant;
 17-2                (3)  a copy of the certificate of authority issued by
 17-3    the Texas Department of Insurance indicating that the applicant is
 17-4    qualified under the Insurance Code to write a surety bond;
 17-5                (4)  a declaration by the applicant that it will comply
 17-6    with this Act and rules prescribed by the board; and
 17-7                (5)  for each county in which the applicant has been
 17-8    licensed under this Act during the preceding ten years, a statement
 17-9    by the applicant that:
17-10                      (A)  states the dates of each license; and
17-11                      (B)  describes each unpaid final judgment of
17-12    forfeiture on a bond executed by the applicant in that county.
17-13          (d)  If the applicant is an individual applying for a license
17-14    as an agent for a corporate surety, the application must contain:
17-15                (1)  the name, birth date, and residence address of the
17-16    applicant;
17-17                (2)  the name under which the applicant will conduct a
17-18    bonding business;
17-19                (3)  the name and business address of each place where
17-20    the applicant intends to conduct a bonding business;
17-21                (4)  a statement listing the cash amount of a
17-22    certificate of deposit, cashier's check, or letter of credit that
17-23    the applicant intends to place on deposit with the county treasurer
17-24    to secure payment of an obligation incurred by the applicant in the
17-25    bonding business if the license is approved;
17-26                (5)  a declaration by the applicant that the applicant
17-27    will comply with this Act and board rules;
 18-1                (6)  a letter of recommendation from each of three
 18-2    reputable persons who have known the applicant for a period of at
 18-3    least three years, recommending the applicant as having a
 18-4    reputation of honesty, truthfulness, fair dealing, and competency
 18-5    and that the license be approved; and
 18-6                (7)  for each county in which the applicant has been
 18-7    licensed under this Act during the preceding ten years, a statement
 18-8    by the applicant that:
 18-9                      (A)  states the dates of each license; and
18-10                      (B)  describes each unpaid final judgment of
18-11    forfeiture on a bond executed by the applicant as individual surety
18-12    or agent for a corporate surety within that county.
18-13          (e)  A law enforcement officer designated by the board shall
18-14    take a photograph and a set of fingerprints of each individual
18-15    applicant.
18-16          (f)  Before [The application shall be accompanied by a fee of
18-17    $500 for the filing of any original application, a photograph of
18-18    the applicant, and a set of fingerprints of the applicant taken by
18-19    a law enforcement officer designated by the board.]
18-20          [(d) Prior to] a hearing on an [the] application, a [the]
18-21    board or its authorized  representative shall conduct an inquiry
18-22    [necessary inquiries] to determine whether an [the] applicant for
18-23    an individual surety license possesses the financial responsibility
18-24    required by [and meets other requirements of] this Act.
18-25          (g) [(e)]  A hearing shall be held on the application after
18-26    the board conducts the inquiry [inquiries] required by Subsection
18-27    (f) [(d)] of this section.  The hearing must be held not earlier
 19-1    than the 30th day or later than the 60th day after the date on
 19-2    which the applicant files the application.  The board may submit
 19-3    any questions to the applicant and the applicant's agents relevant
 19-4    to its ruling on the application, and the applicant is entitled to
 19-5    present oral and documentary evidence to the board.  After [If,
 19-6    after] the hearing, unless the board finds [is satisfied] that [no]
 19-7    grounds exist requiring the board [on which] to refuse the
 19-8    application, the board shall enter a written [an] order tentatively
 19-9    approving the application subject to the license [application]
19-10    being perfected by the filing of the applicable security deposit
19-11    [deposits] required [of licensees] under this Act.  A license is
19-12    valid for 24 months after the date of the order approving the
19-13    license application.  If the board determines that a ground exists
19-14    to deny the license application [is not so satisfied], it shall
19-15    enter a written [an] order specifying each ground for the denial
19-16    [refusing the license].  Each board member present at the hearing
19-17    shall sign the order granting or denying a license application.
19-18          (h)  On tentative approval of the license application under
19-19    Subsection (g) of this section, a license holder shall perfect the
19-20    license by filing a security deposit as required for an individual
19-21    surety or agent for a corporate surety under this Act.  The deposit
19-22    must be filed not later than the 90th day after the date of the
19-23    order tentatively approving the license.  If the security deposit
19-24    is not filed within that period, the tentative approval is
19-25    rescinded, and the applicant must reapply to receive a license.  A
19-26    security deposit is not required to perfect a corporate surety's
19-27    license.
 20-1          (i) [(f)]  Upon notice from a [the] board that an [the]
 20-2    application has been [tentatively] approved, an [the] applicant for
 20-3    an individual surety license or for a license as an agent for a
 20-4    corporate surety shall then perfect the license by depositing[:]
 20-5                [(1)  deposit] with the county treasurer of the county
 20-6    in which the license is to be issued a cashier's check, certificate
 20-7    of deposit, cash, or irrevocable letter of credit [or cash
 20-8    equivalent] in the amount indicated in the application.  The
 20-9    deposit may not be [by the applicant under Subdivision (5) of
20-10    Subsection (a)  of Section 6 of this Act but in no event] less than
20-11    $50,000 except in a county [counties] with a population
20-12    [populations] of less than 250,000 [persons by the most recent
20-13    federal census], in which the minimum deposit amount is [for
20-14    applicants in said counties shall be] $10,000.  The county
20-15    treasurer shall hold the deposit [to be held] in a special fund to
20-16    be called the bail security fund.
20-17          (j)  Instead of the deposit described by Subsection (i) of
20-18    this section, an applicant for an individual surety license may
20-19    perfect the license by conveying[; or]
20-20                [(2)  execute] in trust to the board deeds to the
20-21    property listed in the application [by the applicant under
20-22    Subdivision (4) of Subsection (a) of Section 6 of this Act], which
20-23    property shall be valued in the amount indicated on an appraisal by
20-24    a real estate appraiser who is a member in good standing of a
20-25    nationally recognized professional appraiser society or trade
20-26    organization that has an established code of ethics, educational
20-27    program, and professional certification program, but in no event
 21-1    may the appraised value be less than $50,000 [valuation], except in
 21-2    a county [counties] with a population [populations] of less than
 21-3    250,000 [persons by the most recent federal census], in which the
 21-4    minimum appraised value must be at least [amount for applicants in
 21-5    said counties shall be] $10,000, the condition of the trust being
 21-6    that the property may be sold to satisfy a [any] final judgment of
 21-7    forfeiture [forfeitures] that may be made [in bonds] on a bond
 21-8    executed by the license holder.  The [which the licensee is surety
 21-9    after such notice and upon such conditions as are required by the
21-10    Code of Criminal Procedure, 1965, as amended, in bond forfeiture
21-11    cases; the] board shall file the deeds of trust in the records of
21-12    each county in which the property is located, and the license
21-13    holder [applicant] shall pay the filing fees.
21-14          (k) [(3)  If the licensee is a corporation, it shall furnish
21-15    to the sheriff an irrevocable letter of credit as a cash equivalent
21-16    to satisfy any final judgment of forfeiture that may be made on any
21-17    bonds on which the corporate licensee is surety.]
21-18          [(g)  No bondsman may execute, in any county, bail bonds that
21-19    in the aggregate exceed 10 times the value of the property held as
21-20    security on deposit or in trust under Subsection (f) of this
21-21    section.  A county officer or employee designated by the board
21-22    shall maintain a current total of the bondsman's potential
21-23    liability on bonds in force, and no further bonds may be written by
21-24    or accepted from the bondsman when the limit is reached.  When a
21-25    bondsman's total liability on judgments nisi reaches two times the
21-26    same amount as he has on deposit as security, no further bonds may
21-27    be written until the bondsman posts additional security as required
 22-1    in this subsection.  A bondsman whose license is effective may, at
 22-2    any time, by posting additional security, increase the bondsman's
 22-3    limit.]
 22-4          [(h)]  The security [cash] deposit or the funds realized from
 22-5    the sale of property conveyed in trust to the board shall be used
 22-6    to pay the final judgments of any bail forfeitures that result from
 22-7    the license holder's [licensee's] execution of a bail bond, if the
 22-8    license holder [licensee] fails to satisfy the judgment within 30
 22-9    days after a final judgment of forfeiture.  When any sums are
22-10    depleted from the deposit or trust to pay a judgment resulting from
22-11    a forfeited bond, the license holder [licensee] shall, as a
22-12    condition to continuing as a license holder [licensee], replenish
22-13    the amount so depleted up to the amount of the required minimum
22-14    deposit to secure other bonds in force.  When the license holder
22-15    [licensee] ceases to engage in the business of executing bail bonds
22-16    and ceases to maintain the [his] license, the license holder [he]
22-17    may withdraw the license holder's [his] security deposit or trust
22-18    upon presentment of a release by the board, if there are no
22-19    judgments or bond liabilities, either actual or potential,
22-20    outstanding against the license.  Any portion of the deposit or
22-21    trust not used to pay judgments or to secure unexpired obligations
22-22    on existing bonds in force shall be returned to the license holder
22-23    [licensee] or the license holder's [his] heirs or assigns upon
22-24    presentment of a release by the board.
22-25          Sec. 7 [6A].  REAPPRAISAL OF REAL PROPERTY.  An appraisal
22-26    district may not reappraise real property solely because the owner
22-27    of the property is an applicant for or the holder of a license
 23-1    under this Act.  This section does not prohibit an appraisal
 23-2    district from reappraising real property in connection with the
 23-3    appraisal of real property in the same general area or if requested
 23-4    to do so by a [the] board or by an [the] applicant or license
 23-5    holder.
 23-6          Sec. 8.  INDIVIDUAL AS SURETY.  (a)  A board may temporarily
 23-7    bar an individual surety from executing a bail bond in that board's
 23-8    county if:
 23-9                (1)  the individual's outstanding:
23-10                      (A)  bail bonds in the county exceed 10 times the
23-11    value of the security posted with the county on those bonds; or
23-12                      (B)  liability of judgments nisi in the county
23-13    exceeds twice the value of the security posted with the county; or
23-14                (2)  a final judgment of forfeiture on a bond executed
23-15    by the individual in the county is not paid in full within 30 days.
23-16          (b)  A county officer or employee designated by the board
23-17    shall maintain a current list for each individual surety's
23-18    potential liability on bonds in force, outstanding liability of
23-19    judgments nisi, and outstanding final judgments of forfeiture.
23-20    When an individual surety exceeds either of the limits set out in
23-21    this section or fails to satisfy a final judgment of forfeiture
23-22    within 30 days, the officer or employee shall notify each officer
23-23    in the county authorized to accept a bail bond that the officer may
23-24    not accept a further bond executed by that individual surety until
23-25    the individual surety complies with this section.  The individual
23-26    surety may comply with the limits prescribed by this section by
23-27    posting additional security with the county or reducing the
 24-1    individual surety's outstanding potential or judgment nisi
 24-2    liability.
 24-3          (c)  An individual surety whose license is in good standing
 24-4    may increase the individual surety's ratio limits at any time by
 24-5    posting additional security with the county.
 24-6          (d)  An individual may not hold more than one license as
 24-7    individual surety within a county.
 24-8          (e)  An individual surety may not conduct a bonding business
 24-9    under more than one name.
24-11    SURETY.  (a)  [Wherever in this Act any person is required or
24-12    authorized to give or execute any bail bond, such bail bond may be
24-13    given or executed by such principal and any corporation authorized
24-14    by law to act as surety.  When any such corporation authorized by
24-15    law to act as a surety undertakes to be a surety on a bail bond,
24-16    such corporation, before being acceptable as a surety on a bail
24-17    bond, shall be required to meet the applicable requirements
24-18    prescribed by Section 6 of this Act before being acceptable as a
24-19    personal surety on a bail bond;  Subsection (g) of Section 6 does
24-20    not apply to a corporate surety.]
24-21          [(b)]  The certificate of authority to do business in this
24-22    state issued to a corporation by the Texas Department [State Board]
24-23    of Insurance under the [pursuant to  Article 8.20,] Insurance Code
24-24    is[, as amended, shall be] conclusive evidence as to the
24-25    sufficiency of the corporation's security, [the corporation's]
24-26    solvency, or credit [its credits].  A board or local official may
24-27    not:
 25-1                (1)  require further evidence by a corporation of its
 25-2    security, solvency, or credit as a condition for approving a:
 25-3                      (A)  license; or
 25-4                      (B)  bail bond for which the corporation is
 25-5    surety; or
 25-6                (2)  impose a financial limit on a bail bond for which
 25-7    the corporation is a surety.
 25-8          (b) [(c)]  A [Any] corporation that holds a corporate surety
 25-9    license in a county must [which acts as a surety shall], before
25-10    executing a [any] bail bond, [first] file in the office of the
25-11    county clerk of that [the] county [where such bail bond is given] a
25-12    separate power of attorney designating and authorizing each
25-13    individual who may [the named agent of such corporation to] execute
25-14    a [such] bail bond as an [bonds by such] agent for that corporation
25-15    in that county.  Such a [This] power of attorney is [shall be] a
25-16    valid and binding obligation of the corporation.  The corporation
25-17    shall disclose in the power of attorney any limit that the
25-18    corporation imposes on an agent's authority to act for it in that
25-19    county.  A board may not refuse to issue a license to a corporation
25-20    or its agent because the corporation has disclosed  in the power of
25-21    attorney a limit on the agent's authority.
25-22          (c)  Before executing a bail bond for a corporate surety,
25-23    each named agent must apply for and be issued a license in that
25-24    county as an agent for that corporate surety.
25-25          (d)  A corporate surety may authorize more than one agent to
25-26    execute bail bonds in a county.  Each agent may do business under
25-27    an assumed name that is different from another agent of the same
 26-1    corporate surety.  A corporate surety is not considered to be doing
 26-2    business under an assumed name solely because it has appointed an
 26-3    agent who is using an assumed name in a county.
 26-4          (e)  An [A separate license is required for each agent
 26-5    operating under a corporate power of attorney.]
 26-6          [(d)  Notwithstanding any statutory requirements to the
 26-7    contrary, any] agent [so] designated by a corporate surety and
 26-8    licensed under this Act [or approved hereunder] for the purpose of
 26-9    writing bail bonds is [shall] not [be] required to be licensed as a
26-10    local recording agent as defined by the [in Article 21.14, Texas]
26-11    Insurance Code[, as amended, for the purpose of this Act].
26-12          (f)  A board [(e)  It] shall [be the duty of the board to]
26-13    notify promptly the Texas Department [State Board] of  Insurance of
26-14    a default by a corporate surety [corporation] on a [any] financial
26-15    obligation which it undertakes in the county.
26-16          (g)  An agent for a corporate surety may be temporarily
26-17    barred from executing a bail bond in a county if a final judgment
26-18    of forfeiture on a bond executed by the agent in that county is not
26-19    paid in full within 30 days.  The agent's right to execute a
26-20    further bond is restored on payment of that judgment of forfeiture.
26-21          (h)  An individual may not hold more than one license as
26-22    agent for a corporate surety within a county.
26-23          Sec. 10 [8].  EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL OF LICENSE.  (a)  A
26-24    license issued under this Act expires 24  months after the date of
26-25    board approval [its issuance] and may [not] be renewed by filing
26-26    with the board [unless] an application for renewal [is filed with
26-27    the board] at least 30 days before the day on which the license
 27-1    expires [expiration].  The application for renewal has [shall have]
 27-2    the same form and content as an application for an original license
 27-3    under this Act, except that an applicant for renewal is not
 27-4    required to furnish letters of recommendation or post new security,
 27-5    as the security posted under an original license or a subsequent
 27-6    renewal remains in effect.  The application for renewal must
 27-7    [shall] be accompanied by a renewal fee of $500.  If the renewal
 27-8    applicant's current license has not been suspended or revoked and[,
 27-9    if] the renewal application complies with the requirements of this
27-10    Act, [and if] the board shall renew the license by written order
27-11    unless the board finds that a legal ground exists for refusing to
27-12    renew the license.  If the board finds that a legal ground exists
27-13    for refusing to renew a license, the board shall state that ground
27-14    in its written order refusing to renew the license [knows no legal
27-15    reason why the application should not be renewed, the license may
27-16    then be renewed for a period of 24 months from the date of
27-17    expiration and may be renewed subsequently each 24 months in like
27-18    manner].
27-19          (b)  A renewal license expires 24 months after the expiration
27-20    date of the license being renewed [All fees collected by the board
27-21    shall be deposited in the general fund of the county for use in the
27-22    administration and enforcement of this Act.  The board is
27-23    authorized to receive disbursements from the general fund for
27-24    reasonable expenses incurred in the enforcement of this Act, but
27-25    service on the board is considered an additional duty of office,
27-26    and the members of the board are not entitled to compensation for
27-27    the service but only for reimbursement of any expenses actually
 28-1    incurred as a result of the service].
 28-2          (c)  A [Each license, when issued, shall show on its face the
 28-3    date of expiration and license number, and it shall be the
 28-4    responsibility of the licensee to file for renewal under the terms
 28-5    of this Act, and each subsequent] renewal license shall have the
 28-6    same number as [assigned] the original license and must show on its
 28-7    face the license number and expiration date.
 28-8          (d)  A license holder who fails to timely apply for renewal
 28-9    may apply for a new license, but must comply with the requirements
28-10    for an original license, including posting security.  The security
28-11    posted on the previous license applies only to a bond issued under
28-12    the previous license.
28-13          Sec. 11 [9].  REFUSAL, SUSPENSION, AND REVOCATION OF A
28-14    LICENSE [LICENSES].  (a)  A [No] license may not be issued to a
28-15    [any] person who has not complied with the requirements of this Act
28-16    for applying for the applicable type of [an] original or renewal
28-17    license.
28-18          (b)  On [The board may, on its own motion, and shall, on]
28-19    receipt of a sworn complaint providing reasonable cause to believe
28-20    that a violation of this Act has occurred or on the written request
28-21    of a court in that county, a board may[,] investigate the actions
28-22    and records of a license holder relating to that [such] complaint
28-23    or request [against any bondsman it has licensed].  The board may,
28-24    after notice and hearing, refuse to issue or renew, suspend, or
28-25    revoke a license on a written finding that an applicant or license
28-26    holder:
28-27                (1)  during the preceding four years [for]:
 29-1                      (A) [(1)]  violated [violation of a provision of]
 29-2    this Act or a board rule [prescribed by the board during the term
 29-3    of the license sought to be suspended or revoked or during any
 29-4    prior licensing period];
 29-5                      (B) [(2)]  fraudulently obtained or attempted to
 29-6    obtain [obtaining] a license under [the provisions of] this Act;[,]
 29-7                      (C)  made [making] a false statement or
 29-8    misrepresentation in an application for an original or renewal
 29-9    license filed with the board;
29-10                      (D)  made a false statement or misrepresentation
29-11    [or] in a [any] hearing before the board[, or refusing to answer
29-12    any question submitted by the board in a hearing relevant to the
29-13    license or the conduct or qualifications of the licensee or
29-14    applicant];
29-15                [(3)  final conviction under the laws of this or any
29-16    other state or of the United States of a misdemeanor involving
29-17    moral turpitude or of a felony committed after the effective date
29-18    of this Act;]
29-19                      (E)  was [(4)  being] adjudged bankrupt or became
29-20    [becoming] insolvent, unless the applicant or license holder is an
29-21    agent for a  corporate surety;
29-22                      (F)  was [(5)  being] adjudged mentally
29-23    incompetent;
29-24                      (G)  paid a commission [(6)  failing to pay
29-25    within 30 days any final judgment rendered on any forfeited bond in
29-26    any court of competent jurisdiction within the county of the
29-27    licensee;]
 30-1                [(7)  paying of commissions] or fee, divided a
 30-2    commission [fees or dividing commissions] or fee, [fees] or offered
 30-3    [offering] to pay or divide a commission [commissions] or fee
 30-4    [fees] with a [any] person who is not licensed or employed by a
 30-5    person licensed[, company, firm, or corporation not licensed] under
 30-6    this Act [to execute bonds];
 30-7                      (H)  solicited [(8)  soliciting] bail bond
 30-8    business in a [any] building where a prisoner is [prisoners are]
 30-9    processed or confined;
30-10                      (I)  recommended [(9)  recommending] to a [any]
30-11    client the employment of a particular attorney or firm of attorneys
30-12    in a criminal case;
30-13                      (J)  falsified a record [(10)  falsifying any
30-14    records] required to be maintained under this Act;[,]
30-15                      (K)  failed [failing] to maintain a record
30-16    required by this Act;
30-17                      (L)  failed to [keep the records, or failing]
30-18    promptly produce for [to permit the] inspection, after written
30-19    request and reasonable notice [of the records at any time
30-20    requested] by the board or its representatives or agents, a record
30-21    required by this Act;
30-22                      (M)  operated [(11)  operating] as a bondsman
30-23    while the person's license was [is] suspended or after it has
30-24    expired and before it is renewed; or [and]
30-25                      (N)  failed to satisfy a final judgment of
30-26    forfeiture within 30 days at least three times; or
30-27                (2)  during the preceding 10 years, has been finally
 31-1    convicted under the laws of this state, another state, or the
 31-2    United States of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of a
 31-3    felony
 31-4                [(12)  on more than one occasion failing to maintain
 31-5    the minimum amount of security required by this Act or
 31-6    misrepresenting to any official or employee of the official the
 31-7    limit supported by the amount of security to obtain the release of
 31-8    any person on bond].
31-10    LICENSE.  (a)  The board may revoke or suspend a license only in
31-11    accordance with the procedure provided in this section for a [the]
31-12    violation of [any provision of] this Act.
31-13          (b)  Notice of a hearing to suspend or revoke must [shall] be
31-14    given by certified mail addressed to the last known address of the
31-15    license holder [licensee] at least 10 days prior to a date set for
31-16    the hearing.
31-17          (c)  The notice shall specify the charges of violation of
31-18    this Act made against the license holder [licensee], and no other
31-19    charges may [shall] be made at the hearing [pursuant to the
31-20    notice].  The notice must include a copy of the sworn complaint or
31-21    written request by a court.
31-22          (d)  The hearing must give [shall afford to] the license
31-23    holder an [licensee] opportunity to be heard, to present witnesses
31-24    on the license holder's [in his] behalf, and to question witnesses
31-25    brought against the license holder [him].
31-26          (e)  A hearing under this section may not be closed to the
31-27    public.
 32-1          (f)  The board shall keep a [A] record of the hearing and
 32-2    make it [shall be made.  It shall be made] available to the license
 32-3    holder on written request and payment of the [licensee on his
 32-4    request subject to his paying] reasonable costs of transcription.
 32-5          (g)  If an individual surety or agent for a corporate surety
 32-6    is temporarily barred from executing a bond in the county under
 32-7    Section 8 or 9B of this Act, a board may not suspend or revoke the
 32-8    license.  The license holder may not, however, post an additional
 32-9    bond in the county while temporarily barred.  A hearing under this
32-10    section is not required to temporarily bar a license holder under
32-11    Section 8 or 9 of this Act.
32-12          (h)  A license may not be suspended or revoked without a
32-13    hearing under this section and the presentation of evidence
32-14    sufficient to show by a preponderance of the evidence a violation,
32-15    as alleged in the notice to the license holder, of Section 11(b) of
32-16    this Act.
32-17          (i)  After a hearing under this section, the board may vote
32-18    on whether to suspend or revoke a license.  Before a vote is taken,
32-19    a board member must move to suspend or revoke the license and the
32-20    motion must state the grounds for that proposed suspension or
32-21    revocation.  If a board member seconds the motion, the board shall
32-22    vote by roll call.  If the motion passes, the board shall enter a
32-23    written order specifying the grounds for suspension or revocation.
32-24    Each board member present at the hearing who voted for the motion
32-25    shall sign the order.
32-26          [(f)  If the licensee fails to maintain the security deposit
32-27    at the proper ratio required by this Act, under Subsection (g) of
 33-1    Section 6 of this Act, the board shall immediately suspend the
 33-2    license while the violation continues.  No prior notice or a
 33-3    hearing is necessary.  Once the proper ratio is regained, the
 33-4    suspension shall be immediately lifted.  The board shall revoke the
 33-5    license with prior notice or hearing if the licensee fails to pay
 33-6    any final judgment connected with the licensee's bonding business
 33-7    within 30 days and there is not sufficient property held as
 33-8    security to satisfy the final judgment.]
 33-9          Sec. 13 [11].  COURT REVIEW.  (a)  An applicant or license
33-10    holder may appeal from a board [may be taken from any board's]
33-11    order revoking, suspending, or refusing to issue a license.  The
33-12    appeal must be made within 30 days after the date of receiving
33-13    written notice of the board order [suspension, revocation, or
33-14    refusal] by filing a petition in a district court in the county in
33-15    which the license was [is] issued or refused or in a district court
33-16    in Travis County.  If no appeal is taken within the 30-day period,
33-17    the order becomes [30 days after written notice of suspension,
33-18    revocation, or refusal, such action shall become] final.
33-19          (b)  An appeal from a board order is [shall be] by trial de
33-20    novo, as in a proceeding [proceedings] appealed from a justice to a
33-21    county court [courts.  The decision of the board shall have full
33-22    force and effect pending the determination of the appeal].
33-23          (c)  An original or renewal license approved by the district
33-24    court after an appeal expires 24 months after the date of the
33-25    court's final judgment.
33-26          (d)  A board order is not stayed by filing an appeal, but the
33-27    district court may enjoin a board order during the appeal for good
 34-1    cause.
 34-2          (e)  An appeal [All appeals] taken from an action [actions]
 34-3    of the board is [shall be] against the board and not against an
 34-4    individual board member [the members individually].
 34-5          (f)  The district court may award attorney's fees and costs
 34-6    to an applicant or license holder who prevails on appeal.
 34-7          (g)  An applicant or license holder may file a declaratory
 34-8    judgment action to determine the validity of a board rule.  The
 34-9    action must be filed in a district court in the county in which the
34-10    application is pending or the license was issued, or in a district
34-11    court in Travis County.  The district court may award attorney's
34-12    fees and costs to the prevailing party.
34-13          (h)  For a court proceeding under this section, a board may
34-14    be served by serving its presiding officer.
34-15          Sec. 14 [12].  SURRENDER OF PRINCIPAL BY THE SURETY.   (a)  A
34-16    [No] person who executes a bail bond as a surety for a principal
34-17    may surrender the principal without the written permission of the
34-18    judge having jurisdiction of the case after the person who executed
34-19    the bail bond has executed a sworn [an] affidavit [to be] filed
34-20    with the clerk of the court stating:
34-21                (1)  the date the bond was made;
34-22                (2)  the fee paid for the bond; and
34-23                (3)  the reason for the surrender.
34-24          (b)  On the filing of the affidavit, the clerk of the court
34-25    shall immediately issue a capias warrant that authorizes a peace
34-26    officer, private security officer, or a private investigator
34-27    licensed in this state to arrest and return the principal to the
 35-1    custody of the sheriff of the county in which the cause is pending.
 35-2          (c) [(b)]  If the principal considers the reason for
 35-3    surrender to be [is deemed] without reasonable cause, the principal
 35-4    may file a written motion with the court requesting a hearing to
 35-5    determine the matter [by the principal, any agent of the board, or
 35-6    any attorney representing the state or any accused in the
 35-7    proceeding, that person may bring the matter to the attention of
 35-8    the court].
 35-9          (d)  After a hearing, if [(c)  If] the court determines that
35-10    the person who surrendered the principal did so without reasonable
35-11    cause, the court in its discretion may require up to one-half [that
35-12    all or a part] of the fees paid as a condition for making the bail
35-13    bond to [shall] be returned to the principal.  [In making the
35-14    determination the court shall determine what fees, whether
35-15    denominated fees for the making of the bond or not, were in fact
35-16    paid for the purpose of inducing the surety to make the bond.]
35-17          [(d)  Notwithstanding any statute required to the contrary or
35-18    any provision in the bond, the court may not require or commit the
35-19    surety to remain during any appeal of a case without previous
35-20    approval of the surety.  When a case is appealed without approval
35-21    of the surety, the bail shall be discharged.  Nothing shall deny
35-22    the principal any right to an appeal bond as provided in the Code
35-23    of Criminal Procedure, 1965, as amended.]
35-25    LIABILITY ON [FORFEITED] BONDS.  (a)  The surety on an appearance
35-26    bond in a criminal case is not liable for the bond on dismissal,
35-27    acquittal, or finding of guilt on a charge made the basis of the
 36-1    bond. [Prior to final judgment on any forfeiture of an appearance
 36-2    bond in a criminal case the attorney for the state may recommend to
 36-3    the court settlement for an amount less than that stated in the
 36-4    bond, or the court may upon its own motion approve such
 36-5    settlement.]
 36-6          (b)  A court may not require a surety to continue as a surety
 36-7    during an appeal of a case.  If a case is appealed without the
 36-8    surety's approval, the surety is discharged from liability on the
 36-9    bond.  This subsection does not deny a principal the right to an
36-10    appeal bond as provided by the Code of Criminal Procedure. [After a
36-11    forfeiture, if the  defendant is incarcerated within two years of a
36-12    judgment nisi, the bondsman shall be entitled to a remittitur of at
36-13    least 95 percent if he presents a sworn affidavit stating that the
36-14    defendant was returned to custody, in part, as a result of money
36-15    spent or information furnished by the bondsman.]
36-16          [The remittitur shall be credited against an unpaid judgment
36-17    of forfeiture or if the judgment has been paid, the treasurer shall
36-18    refund at least 95 percent.]
36-19          (c)  Before a final judgment on a forfeiture of an appearance
36-20    bond in a criminal case, an attorney for the state may settle the
36-21    liability of a principal and a surety on the bond for an amount
36-22    less than that stated in the bond.  The attorney for the state
36-23    shall set the settlement in an amount that the attorney considers
36-24    to be reasonable in light of the facts and circumstances of the
36-25    case. [The surety on appearance bonds in criminal cases shall be
36-26    absolved of liability upon disposition of the case, and disposition
36-27    as used herein shall mean a dismissal, acquittal, or finding of
 37-1    guilty on the charges made the basis of the bond.]
 37-2          Sec. 16 [14].  ACCEPTANCE [APPROVAL] OF BONDS [BOND].  (a)
 37-3    After perfection of a license issued by the board and while the
 37-4    license is in effect in a county, a county officer may not refuse
 37-5    to accept a bail bond in legally sufficient form that has been
 37-6    executed by a license holder.  This subsection does not apply to a
 37-7    license holder temporarily barred from executing a bail bond under
 37-8    Section 8 or 9 of this Act.
 37-9          (b)  A county officer may not require a license holder to be
37-10    physically present to post a bail bond with that officer.  The
37-11    officer, or board by local rule, may require that a license holder
37-12    designate in writing employees authorized to deliver a bond to the
37-13    officer and may require that a designated employee display photo
37-14    identification in a form acceptable to the officer or board.  [In
37-15    any county or district case in which the posting of bond is
37-16    required as a condition of release, the sheriff shall accept or
37-17    approve a bond posted by a licensed bondsman only in accordance
37-18    with this Act and the rules prescribed by the board, but a sheriff
37-19    may not refuse to accept a bail bond from a licensed bondsman who
37-20    meets the requirements of Subdivision (4) or (5) of Subsection (a)
37-21    of Section 6 of this Act.]
37-22          [Sec. 14A.  EFFECT OF DEFAULT BY CORPORATION.  (a)
37-23    Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a corporation that is in
37-24    default on five or more bail bonds in a county may not act as a
37-25    bail bondsman in that county.]
37-26          [(b)  The clerk of the court in which the corporation is in
37-27    default on a bail bond shall deliver a written notice of the
 38-1    default to the sheriff, chief of police, or other appropriate peace
 38-2    officer in the county in which the bond is forfeited.]
 38-3          [(c)  A corporation is considered in default on a bail bond
 38-4    from the time the trial court enters its final judgment on the
 38-5    scire facias until the judgment is satisfied or set aside.]
 38-6          [(d)  For purposes of this section, a corporation is not
 38-7    considered in default on a bond if it deposits with the appropriate
 38-8    court cash in the full amount of the judgment, pending appeal.  The
 38-9    deposit shall be applied to the payment of any final judgment in
38-10    the case.]
38-11          Sec. 17 [15].  ACTS SUBJECT TO PENALTY.  (a)  In a county
38-12    with a board, no [No] person [required to be licensed under this
38-13    Act] may act as [execute] a bail bondsman or advertise as a bail
38-14    bondsman [bond] without holding a license issued by that board.
38-15          (b)  No bondsman or employee [agent] of a bondsman may[, by
38-16    any means,] recommend or suggest to a [any] person whose bail bond
38-17    has been posted by that bondsman the name of any particular
38-18    attorney or firm of attorneys for employment in connection with the
38-19    [a] criminal offense for which the bond was posted.
38-20          (c)  No person in the bonding business shall, either directly
38-21    or indirectly, give, donate, lend, contribute, or promise to give,
38-22    donate, lend, or contribute any money or property to any attorney,
38-23    police officer, sheriff, or deputy, constable, jailer, or employee
38-24    of a law enforcement agency for the referral of bail bond business.
38-25          (d)  No attorney, police officer, sheriff [constable], or
38-26    deputy, constable, jailer, or employee of a law enforcement agency,
38-27    judge or employee of a court, or public official, or employee of a
 39-1    related agency[, or any person not shown in the records of the
 39-2    board to be an agent or employee of the bondsman] may accept or
 39-3    receive from a bondsman [any] money, property, or other thing of
 39-4    value as payment for the referral of bail bond business.
 39-5          (e)  No police officer, sheriff, or deputy, constable,
 39-6    jailer, or employee of a law enforcement agency, judge or employee
 39-7    of a court, or public official, or employee of a related agency may
 39-8    recommend to a [any] person [or persons, family of such person or
 39-9    persons, friends, relatives, or employer] the name of any
39-10    particular bondsman, except that a county may display a list of
39-11    approved bondsmen for that county in any place in which a prisoner
39-12    is[.  In all places where  prisoners are] examined, processed, or
39-13    confined[, a list of licensed bondsmen of that county may be
39-14    displayed].
39-15          (f)  No person [bondsman or agent of a bondsman] may solicit
39-16    bond business in a police station, jail, prison, detention
39-17    facility, or  other place where persons in the custody of law
39-18    enforcement officials are detained.
39-19          (g)  No person may place in a detention facility an
39-20    advertisement for a bail bondsman or a device that dispenses a bail
39-21    bond.  For purposes of this subsection, a detention facility
39-22    includes a police station, jail, prison, or other place in which a
39-23    person in the custody of a law enforcement official is detained
39-24    [advertise as a bondsman who does not hold a valid license under
39-25    this Act].
39-26          (h)  No bondsman [or agent of a bondsman] may receive money
39-27    or other consideration or thing of value for issuance of a bond or
 40-1    undertaking of a surety obligation without issuing a receipt
 40-2    indicating the name of the person paying the money or transferring
 40-3    the property, the amount received or the estimated value of the
 40-4    property received and briefly identifying it, the suit, action, or
 40-5    matter for which it is received or is to be applied, and the name
 40-6    of the person receiving it.  [The bondsman or agent shall retain a
 40-7    duplicate copy of the receipt which shall be available for
 40-8    inspection by representatives of the board of any county in which
 40-9    the bondsman is licensed or by the appointed representatives of a
40-10    court in which the bondsman agrees to make bail or undertake other
40-11    surety obligations.]
40-12          (i)  No person may [shall] falsify a record [any records]
40-13    required to be kept under this Act.
40-14          (j)  A person who violates Subsection (a) [or (g)] of this
40-15    section is [shall be] guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
40-16          (k)  A person who violates Subsection (b), (e), (f), (g),
40-17    (h), or (i) of this section is [shall be] guilty of a Class B
40-18    misdemeanor.
40-19          (l)  A person who violates Subsection (c) or (d) of this
40-20    section is [shall be] guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.
40-21          SECTION 2.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
40-22          (b)  The changes in law made by this Act to Section 17,
40-23    Chapter 550, Acts of the 63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973
40-24    (Article 2372p-3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), apply only to an
40-25    offense committed on or after the effective date of this Act.  For
40-26    purposes of this section, an offense is committed before the
40-27    effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs
 41-1    before that date.  An offense committed before the effective date
 41-2    of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was
 41-3    committed, and the former law is continued in effect for that
 41-4    purpose.
 41-5          (c)  The changes in law made by this Act to Section 10,
 41-6    Chapter 550, Acts of the 63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973
 41-7    (Article 2372p-3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), which is
 41-8    renumbered as Section 12 by this Act, apply only to a proceeding
 41-9    commenced on or after the effective date of this Act.  A proceeding
41-10    that is commenced before the effective date of this Act is governed
41-11    by the law in effect when the proceeding was commenced, and that
41-12    law is continued in effect for that purpose.
41-13          SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
41-14    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
41-15    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
41-16    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
41-17    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.