By Crabb, Keel, Talton                                H.B. No. 1200
         76R5531 DRH-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the disannexation of certain areas annexed on or after
 1-3     December 1, 1996, by certain municipalities.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subchapter G, Chapter 43, Local Government Code,
 1-6     is amended by adding Section 43.148 to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 43.148.  DISANNEXATION OF CERTAIN AREAS.  (a)  This
 1-8     section applies only to a tract of contiguous territory:
 1-9                 (1)  that is annexed on or after December 1, 1996, by a
1-10     municipality with a population of more than 450,000; and
1-11                 (2)  in which an election approving the annexation has
1-12     not been held.
1-13           (b)  The county in which the tract is located shall hold an
1-14     election on disannexation of the tract from the municipality if the
1-15     county clerk receives a petition asking for an election signed by
1-16     at least 10 percent of the registered voters who reside in the
1-17     tract.  The county clerk shall determine the validity of the
1-18     petition under Chapter 277, Election Code, not later than the 30th
1-19     day after the date the petition is received.  A petition to hold an
1-20     election under this section may not be submitted after the fourth
1-21     anniversary of the date of the annexation of the tract.
1-22           (c)  If the county clerk determines that a petition filed
1-23     under Subsection (b) is valid or if the county clerk fails to make
1-24     a determination within the time prescribed by that subsection, the
 2-1     county judge shall order the election to be held on the first
 2-2     uniform election date that occurs at least 45 days after the
 2-3     earlier of the date:
 2-4                 (1)  the county clerk determines the petition is valid;
 2-5     or
 2-6                 (2)  the time for making a determination under
 2-7     Subsection (b) expires.
 2-8           (d)  Only a registered voter residing in the tract may vote
 2-9     in the election.  The municipality that annexed the tract shall pay
2-10     for the cost of holding the election.
2-11           (e)  At the election the ballots shall be prepared to permit
2-12     voting for or against the following proposition:  "The
2-13     disannexation of (name of tract) from the City of (name of city)
2-14     and the reestablishment of any municipal utility district or other
2-15     special districts serving (name of tract)."  The county shall
2-16     designate the name of the tract based on a name commonly used in
2-17     the region to identify the tract.
2-18           (f)  If a majority of the votes cast at the election favor
2-19     the proposition, the tract is disannexed from the municipality and
2-20     any municipal utility district or other special district that
2-21     served the tract on the date the tract was annexed and that was
2-22     abolished as a result of the annexation is reestablished on the
2-23     date of the canvass of the election.  The officers of a
2-24     reestablished district who were serving on the date the tract was
2-25     annexed are the officers of the reestablished district.  If an
2-26     officer's term has expired, the officer shall serve until the
2-27     officer's successor is qualified, and a successor shall be elected
 3-1     or appointed in a timely manner in accordance with the law
 3-2     governing the district.
 3-3           (g)  If less than a majority of the votes cast at the
 3-4     election favor the proposition, the tract remains a part of the
 3-5     municipality and another election to disannex the tract may not be
 3-6     held under this section.
 3-7           (h)  The municipality may not reannex any portion of a tract
 3-8     that is disannexed under this section unless the reannexation is
 3-9     approved at an election conducted by the municipality in the area
3-10     to be annexed.  The reannexation may not occur unless a majority of
3-11     the votes cast in the area approve the reannexation.
3-12           (i)  Not later than the 10th day after the date a
3-13     disannexation occurs under this section, an arbitration panel shall
3-14     be appointed.  The panel is composed of:
3-15                 (1)  one person chosen by the municipality;
3-16                 (2)  one person chosen by the affirmative vote of a
3-17     representative of each municipal utility or other special district
3-18     serving the disannexed tract; and
3-19                 (3)  one person chosen jointly by the persons chosen
3-20     under Subdivisions (1) and (2), or if an agreement cannot be
3-21     reached on a choice, one person appointed by the county judge of
3-22     the county in which the tract is located.
3-23           (j)  The arbitration panel shall conduct an accounting of all
3-24     expenses the municipality and each municipal utility district and
3-25     other special district incurred during the annexation and
3-26     disannexation process, including an accounting of the assets and
3-27     obligations of the special districts at the time of the annexation
 4-1     and the capital expenditures of the municipality on behalf of the
 4-2     disannexed tract during the time the tract was a part of the
 4-3     municipality.  Not later than the 120th day after the date of
 4-4     disannexation, the arbitration panel shall render a decision on
 4-5     whether the municipality or special districts are entitled to
 4-6     compensation from the other.
 4-7           (k)  A decision of the arbitration panel is reviewable in the
 4-8     district court of the county under the substantial evidence rule.
 4-9     If the arbitrators are unable to reach a majority decision, the
4-10     municipality or an affected district may file an original action
4-11     for an accounting under Subsection (j) in the district court of the
4-12     county in which the tract is located.
4-13           (l)  Except as provided by this section, Chapter 171, Civil
4-14     Practice and Remedies Code, applies to an arbitration under this
4-15     section.
4-16           (m)  In this section, a tract of land is considered to be
4-17     located in the county in which a majority of the area of the tract
4-18     is located.
4-19           (n)  If the tract is located in more than one county:
4-20                 (1)  the county clerk of the county in which a majority
4-21     of the area of the tract is located shall conduct the verification
4-22     procedure described by Subsection (b); and
4-23                 (2)  the county judge of each county in which the tract
4-24     is located shall, under Subsection (c), call an election to be held
4-25     in the part of the tract that is located in the county in which the
4-26     county judge serves.
4-27           (o)  If an election is called under Subsection (n)(2) in more
 5-1     than one county, the county judge of the county in which a majority
 5-2     of the area of the tract is located shall, after the election
 5-3     returns are canvassed in each county, combine the election returns
 5-4     to determine if the disannexation is approved in the tract as a
 5-5     whole.
 5-6           SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
 5-7     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 5-8     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 5-9     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-10     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
5-11     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
5-12     passage, and it is so enacted.