By Hawley                                             H.B. No. 1286
         76R4999 MCK-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the powers and duties of the Office of Defense Affairs
 1-3     and Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 481.0065, Government Code, is amended to
 1-6     read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 481.0065.  OFFICE OF DEFENSE AFFAIRS.  (a)  The
 1-8     department shall:
 1-9                 (1)  establish and maintain an Office of Defense
1-10     Affairs; and
1-11                 (2)  appoint a director to manage the Office of Defense
1-12     Affairs.
1-13           (b)  The Office of Defense Affairs shall:
1-14                 (1)  [conduct a statewide assessment of active military
1-15     installations and current missions to prepare a proactive statewide
1-16     strategy to prevent future defense closures and realignments;]
1-17                 [(2)  use the assessment developed under Subdivision
1-18     (1) to assist defense-dependent communities to develop a long-term
1-19     strategy to prepare for future base realignments and closures;]
1-20                 [(3)]  provide information to defense-dependent
1-21     communities, the legislature, the Texas congressional delegation,
1-22     and state agencies regarding federal actions affecting military
1-23     installations and missions;
1-24                 (2) [(4)]  serve as a clearinghouse for:
 2-1                       (A)  defense economic adjustment and transition
 2-2     information and activities along with the Texas Business and
 2-3     Community Economic  Development Clearinghouse; and
 2-4                       (B)  information about:
 2-5                             (i)  issues related to the operating costs
 2-6     and strategic value of federal military installations located in
 2-7     the state; and
 2-8                             (ii)  the loss of jobs in defense-dependent
 2-9     communities and defense-related businesses; [and]
2-10                 (3) [(5)]  provide assistance to defense-dependent
2-11     communities that have experienced a defense-related closure or
2-12     realignment;
2-13                 (4)  assist defense-dependent communities in the design
2-14     and execution of programs that enhance a community's relationship
2-15     with military installations and defense-related businesses;
2-16                 (5)  assist communities in the retention and recruiting
2-17     of defense-related businesses; and
2-18                 (6)  administer all state and federal funds intended to
2-19     assist defense-dependent communities, defense-related businesses,
2-20     or other defense-related economic development efforts.
2-21           (c)  The Office of Defense Affairs shall prepare an annual
2-22     report about the active military installations, defense-dependent
2-23     communities, and  defense-related businesses in this state.  The
2-24     report must include:
2-25                 (1)  an economic impact statement describing in detail
2-26     the effect of the military on the economy of this state;
2-27                 (2)  a statewide assessment of active military
 3-1     installations and current missions;
 3-2                 (3)  a statewide strategy to attract defense-related
 3-3     business and prevent future defense closures and realignments;
 3-4                 (4)  a list of state and federal activities that have
 3-5     significant impact on active military installations and current
 3-6     missions;
 3-7                 (5)  a statement identifying:
 3-8                       (A)  the state and federal programs and services
 3-9     that assist defense-dependent communities impacted by military base
3-10     closures or realignments and the efforts to coordinate those
3-11     programs; and
3-12                       (B)  the efforts to coordinate state agency
3-13     programs and services that assist defense-dependent communities in
3-14     retaining active military installations and current missions;
3-15                 (6)  an evaluation of initiatives to retain existing
3-16     defense-related businesses; and
3-17                 (7)  a list of agencies with regulations, policies,
3-18     programs, or services that impact the operating costs or strategic
3-19     value of federal military installations and activities in the state
3-20     [The department may enter into an agreement with a private
3-21     contractor to perform the assessment required under Subsection
3-22     (b)(1)].
3-23           (d)  State agencies shall cooperate with and assist the
3-24     Office of Defense Affairs in the preparation of the report required
3-25     under Subsection (c) including providing information about
3-26     regulations, policies, programs, and services that may impact
3-27     defense-dependent communities, defense-related businesses, and the
 4-1     viability of existing Texas military missions.  The Office of
 4-2     Defense Affairs shall submit its report to the governor and the
 4-3     legislature not later than July 1 of each year.
 4-4           (e)  The Office of Defense Affairs shall coordinate an annual
 4-5     meeting with the head of each state agency, members of the Texas
 4-6     Strategic Military Planning Commission, and members of the
 4-7     legislature whose districts contain active, closed, or realigned
 4-8     military installations to discuss the implementation of the
 4-9     recommendations outlined in the report required under Subsection
4-10     (c).
4-11           (f)  The Office of Defense Affairs may enter into an
4-12     agreement with a consulting firm to provide information and
4-13     assistance on a pending decision of the Department of Defense or
4-14     other federal agency regarding the status of military installations
4-15     and defense-related businesses located in this state.
4-16           (g)  In this section, "state agency" has the meaning assigned
4-17     by Section 2151.002.
4-18           SECTION 2.  Sections 481.0066(g) and (h), Government Code,
4-19     are amended to read as follows:
4-20           (g)  Chapter 2110 [Article 6252-33, Revised Statutes,] does
4-21     not apply to the commission.
4-22           (h)  The commission shall:
4-23                 (1)  serve as an advisory committee to the Office of
4-24     Defense Affairs in the department on the effect of the military on
4-25     the economy of this  state; and
4-26                 (2)  make recommendations regarding:
4-27                       (A) [(1)  the development of a contingency plan
 5-1     to support and promote the military in connection with the possible
 5-2     reduction, closure, or conversion of federal military bases in this
 5-3     state;]
 5-4                 [(2)]  the development of policies and plans to support
 5-5     the long-term viability and prosperity of the military, active and
 5-6     civilian, in this state;
 5-7                       (B) [(3)]  the development of methods to improve
 5-8     private and public employment opportunities for former members of
 5-9     the military residing in this state;
5-10                       (C)  the development of methods to assist
5-11     defense-dependent communities in the design and execution of
5-12     programs that enhance a community's relationship with military
5-13     installations and defense-related businesses; and
5-14                       (D) [(4)]  the compilation of information for use
5-15     in the report required under Section 481.0065(c) [a quarterly
5-16     economic impact  statement prepared by the department detailing the
5-17     effect of the military on the economy of this state].
5-18           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
5-19           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
5-20     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
5-21     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
5-22     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-23     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.