By Delisi                                             H.B. No. 1452
         76R3374 SMJ-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the operation and management of local mental health and
 1-3     mental retardation authorities and community centers.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 411.115, Government Code, is amended to
 1-6     read as follows:
 1-9     AUTHORITIES; COMMUNITY CENTERS.  (a)  In this section, "local
1-10     mental health authority," "local mental retardation authority," and
1-11     "community center" have [has] the meanings [meaning] assigned by
1-12     Section 531.002, Health and Safety Code.
1-13           (b)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
1-14     Retardation, a local mental health or mental retardation authority,
1-15     or a community center is entitled to obtain from the department
1-16     criminal history record information maintained by the department
1-17     that relates to a person:
1-18                 (1)  who is:
1-19                       (A)  an applicant for employment with the Texas
1-20     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, a local mental
1-21     health or mental retardation authority, or a community center;
1-22                       (B)  an employee of the Texas Department of
1-23     Mental Health and Mental Retardation, a local mental health or
1-24     mental retardation authority, or a community center;
 2-1                       (C)  [an applicant for employment with a
 2-2     community center;]
 2-3                       [(D)  an employee of a community center;]
 2-4                       [(E)]  an applicant for employment with or an
 2-5     employee of a business or person that contracts with the Texas
 2-6     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, a local mental
 2-7     health or mental retardation authority, or a community center to
 2-8     provide residential services to patients with mental illness or
 2-9     clients with mental retardation who were furloughed or discharged
2-10     from a Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
2-11     facility or community center;
2-12                       (D) [(F)]  a volunteer with the Texas Department
2-13     of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, a local mental health or
2-14     mental retardation authority, or a community center;
2-15                       [(G)  a volunteer with a community center;] or
2-16                       (E) [(H)]  a volunteer applicant; and
2-17                 (2)  who would be placed in direct contact with
2-18     patients with mental illness or clients with mental retardation.
2-19           (c)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
2-20     Retardation, a local mental health or mental retardation authority,
2-21     or a community center is entitled to obtain only criminal history
2-22     record information that relates to:
2-23                 (1)  a sexual offense;
2-24                 (2)  a drug-related offense;
2-25                 (3)  a theft offense;
2-26                 (4)  criminal homicide;
2-27                 (5)  assault or battery; or
 3-1                 (6)  an offense involving personal injury or threat.
 3-2           (d)  Criminal history record information obtained by the
 3-3     mental health department, a local mental health or mental
 3-4     retardation authority, or a community center under Subsection (b)
 3-5     may not be released or disclosed to a person, other than the
 3-6     contractor that employs the person who is the subject of the
 3-7     criminal history record information, except on court order or with
 3-8     the consent of the person who is the subject of the criminal
 3-9     history record information.
3-10           (e)  The Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental
3-11     Retardation, a local mental health or mental retardation authority,
3-12     or a community center shall collect and destroy conviction
3-13     information that relates to a person immediately after making [the
3-14     department or a contractor makes] an employment decision or taking
3-15     a [takes any] personnel action relating to the person who is the
3-16     subject of the criminal history record information.
3-17           SECTION 2.  Section 250.001(3), Health and Safety Code, is
3-18     amended to read as follows:
3-19                 (3)  "Facility" means:
3-20                       (A)  a nursing home, custodial care home, or
3-21     other institution licensed by the Texas Department of Human
3-22     Services under Chapter 242;
3-23                       (B)  a personal care facility licensed by the
3-24     Texas Department of Human Services under Chapter 247;
3-25                       (C)  a home health agency licensed by the Texas
3-26     Department of Health under Chapter 142;
3-27                       (D)  an adult day care facility or adult day
 4-1     health care facility licensed by the Texas Department of Human
 4-2     Services under Chapter 103, Human Resources Code;
 4-3                       (E)  a facility for persons with mental
 4-4     retardation licensed or certified by the Texas Department of Human
 4-5     Services;
 4-6                       (F)  an unlicensed attendant care agency that
 4-7     contracts with the Texas Department of Human Services;
 4-8                       (G)  an intermediate care facility for persons
 4-9     with mental retardation that is certified by the Texas Department
4-10     of Human Services to participate in the Medicaid program under
4-11     Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. Section 1396 et
4-12     seq.);
4-13                       (H)  an adult foster care provider that contracts
4-14     with the Texas Department of Human Services; [or]
4-15                       (I)  a facility that provides mental health
4-16     services and that is operated by or contracts with the Texas
4-17     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation; or
4-18                       (J)  a local mental health or mental retardation
4-19     authority designated under Section 533.035.
4-20           SECTION 3.  Section 533.003, Health and Safety Code, is
4-21     amended to read as follows:
4-23     AUTHORITIES AND COMMUNITY CENTERS.  (a)  To develop or expand a
4-24     volunteer program [programs] in a local mental health or mental
4-25     retardation authority or a community center [centers], the
4-26     department may allocate available funds appropriated for providing
4-27     volunteer services.
 5-1           (b)  The department shall develop formal policies that
 5-2     encourage the growth and development of volunteer services in local
 5-3     mental health or mental retardation authorities and community
 5-4     centers.
 5-5           SECTION 4.  Sections 533.007(d) and (i), Health and Safety
 5-6     Code, are redesignated as Sections 533.007(a) and (b) and amended
 5-7     to read as follows:
 5-8           (a) [(d)]  The department, a local mental health or mental
 5-9     retardation authority, or a community center may deny employment or
5-10     volunteer status to an applicant if:
5-11                 (1)  the department, authority, or community center
5-12     determines that the applicant's criminal history record information
5-13     indicates that the person is not qualified or suitable; or
5-14                 (2)  the applicant fails to provide a complete set of
5-15     fingerprints if the department establishes that method of obtaining
5-16     criminal history record information.
5-17           (b) [(i)]  The board shall adopt rules relating to the use of
5-18     information obtained under this section, including rules that
5-19     prohibit an adverse personnel action based on arrest warrant or
5-20     wanted persons information received by the department.
5-21           SECTION 5.  Section 533.0075, Health and Safety Code, is
5-22     amended to read as follows:
5-23           Sec. 533.0075.  EXCHANGE OF EMPLOYMENT RECORDS.  The
5-24     department, a local mental health or mental retardation authority,
5-25     or [shall make available to] a community center may exchange with
5-26     one another [, on request,] the employment records of an [a
5-27     department] employee or former employee who applies for employment
 6-1     at the department, authority, or community center.
 6-2           SECTION 6.  Section 533.009(a), Health and Safety Code, is
 6-3     amended to read as follows:
 6-4           (a)  Department facilities, local mental health or mental
 6-5     retardation authorities, community centers, other designated
 6-6     providers, and subcontractees of mental health and mental
 6-7     retardation services are component parts of one service delivery
 6-8     system within which patient or client records may be exchanged
 6-9     without the patient's or client's consent.
6-10           SECTION 7.  Sections 533.0355(c) and (d), Health and Safety
6-11     Code, are amended to read as follows:
6-12           (c)  If the board establishes a pilot program, the department
6-13     shall:
6-14                 (1)  evaluate the pilot project at least annually to
6-15     determine the feasibility of employing the authority structure in
6-16     other areas of the state or statewide;
6-17                 (2)  prepare a report on the success of the pilot
6-18     project that includes a list of statutory restrictions that would
6-19     impair the permanent implementation of the authority structure in
6-20     other areas of the state and suggested legislative changes; and
6-21                 (3)  submit the report to the 77th legislature [75th
6-22     and 76th legislatures] on January 15, 2001 [January 15, 1997, and
6-23     January 15, 1999, respectively].
6-24           (d)  This section expires September 1, 2001 [1999].
6-25           SECTION 8.  Section 534.035, Health and Safety Code, is
6-26     amended to read as follows:
6-27           Sec. 534.035.  [PROGRAM] REVIEW, [AND MANAGEMENT] AUDIT, AND
 7-1     APPEAL PROCEDURES.  (a)  The department by rule shall establish
 7-2     review, audit, and appeal procedures for community centers.  The
 7-3     procedures must [The department by rule shall establish as a
 7-4     contract requirement for community centers program review and
 7-5     management audit procedures to] ensure that reviews and audits are
 7-6     conducted in sufficient quantity and type to provide reasonable
 7-7     assurance that a community center has adequate and appropriate
 7-8     fiscal controls [exist in community centers].
 7-9           (b)  In a community center plan approved under Section
7-10     534.001, the center must agree to comply with the review and audit
7-11     procedures established under this section.  [The department shall
7-12     conduct periodic program reviews at each community center.  The
7-13     commissioner or the commissioner's designee shall prepare, publish,
7-14     and distribute a formal procedure for the periodic program reviews.]
7-15           [(c)  The department shall conduct periodic management audits
7-16     at each community center.  The director of the internal audit unit,
7-17     with the approval of the board's audit committee, shall prepare and
7-18     publish a formal risk assessment procedure for the audits.  The
7-19     department shall include in a management audit a comprehensive
7-20     review of the center's annual financial and compliance audit
7-21     activities required under Section 534.068.]
7-22           [(d)  After a program review or management audit is
7-23     conducted, the department shall send to the community center a
7-24     written report that identifies in clear language each significant
7-25     deficiency identified and each question raised by the review or
7-26     audit.]
7-27           [(e)  The board of trustees shall provide to the department a
 8-1     written response to the concerns raised by the review or audit
 8-2     within the period prescribed by department rule.  The response
 8-3     must:]
 8-4                 [(1)  describe any action taken or to be taken to
 8-5     correct an identified deficiency;]
 8-6                 [(2)  provide narrative responses to questions relating
 8-7     to policies or procedures raised in the review or audit; and]
 8-8                 [(3)  give notice of any disagreement the board of
 8-9     trustees has with a specific finding of the review or audit.]
8-10           [(f)  Within the period prescribed by department rules, the
8-11     commissioner or the board's audit committee shall review the
8-12     community center's responses and shall notify in writing the
8-13     community center of any inadequacy or deficiency found in the
8-14     response.  The community center may provide additional responses to
8-15     the commissioner.  The commissioner shall establish a reasonable
8-16     deadline for receiving responses.]
8-17           (c) [(g)]  If, by a [the] date prescribed by the
8-18     commissioner, the community center fails to respond to a deficiency
8-19     identified in a review or audit to the satisfaction of the
8-20     commissioner, the department may sanction the center in accordance
8-21     with board rules.  [discontinue the transfer of related department
8-22     funds to the community center until the dispute is resolved.  The
8-23     community center is entitled to notice and an opportunity for a
8-24     hearing before the transfer of department funds is discontinued.
8-25     The board by rule shall prescribe the hearings procedure.]
8-26           [(h)  The department may withhold funds during the pendency
8-27     of an appeal to a court if the department hearing upholds the
 9-1     discontinuation of the funds.  The department shall transfer the
 9-2     withheld funds to the community center if the final determination
 9-3     is favorable to the community center.]
 9-4           [(i)  The department shall incorporate the community center's
 9-5     responses into the official management audit report in accordance
 9-6     with the Government Auditing Standards published by the United
 9-7     States General Accounting Office.  The department shall publish the
 9-8     final report within the period prescribed by department rules, but
 9-9     not later than the 60th day after the date on which the audit staff
9-10     conducts the official exit conference with the community center.
9-11     If the department disagrees with the community center's responses
9-12     as provided by Subsection (f), the department shall publish the
9-13     official report within the period prescribed by department rules.]
9-14           SECTION 9.  Section 534.059, Health and Safety Code, is
9-15     amended to read as follows:
9-17     [PERFORMANCE STANDARDS].  (a)  The department shall evaluate
9-18     [specify performance standards, including measures of results, to
9-19     use in evaluating the compliance of] a local mental health or
9-20     mental retardation authority's compliance [authority] with its
9-21     [obligation or] contract to ensure the provision of [provide]
9-22     specific services to priority populations.
9-23           (b)  If, by a date set by the commissioner, a local mental
9-24     health or mental retardation authority fails to comply with its
9-25     contract to ensure the provision of services to the satisfaction of
9-26     the commissioner, the department may impose a sanction as provided
9-27     by the applicable contract rule until the dispute is resolved.  The
 10-1    department shall notify the authority in writing of the
 10-2    department's decision to impose a sanction.
 10-3          (c)  A local mental health or mental retardation authority
 10-4    may appeal the department's decision to impose a sanction on the
 10-5    authority.  The board by rule shall prescribe the appeal procedure.
 10-6          (d)  The filing of a notice of appeal stays the imposition of
 10-7    the department's decision to impose a sanction except when an act
 10-8    or omission by a local mental health or mental retardation
 10-9    authority is endangering or may endanger the life, health, welfare,
10-10    or safety of a person.
10-11          (e)  While an appeal under this section is pending, the
10-12    department may limit general revenue allocations to a local mental
10-13    health or mental retardation authority to monthly distributions.
10-14          SECTION 10.  Section 534.060, Health and Safety Code, is
10-15    amended to read as follows:
10-17    LOCAL AUTHORITIES.  (a)  The department shall develop mechanisms
10-18    for monitoring the services provided by a local mental health or
10-19    mental retardation authority [and the authority's subcontractors].
10-20          (b)  The department shall review the program quality and
10-21    program performance results of a [each] local mental health or
10-22    mental retardation authority in accordance with a risk assessment
10-23    and evaluation system appropriate to the authority's contract
10-24    requirements.  The department may determine the scope of the [each]
10-25    review.
10-26          (c)  A [Each] contract between a local mental health or
10-27    mental retardation authority and the department must authorize the
 11-1    department to have unrestricted access to all facilities, records,
 11-2    data, and other information under the control of the [local mental
 11-3    health or mental retardation] authority[, the authority's
 11-4    subcontractors, or the designated provider] as necessary to enable
 11-5    the department to audit, monitor, and review the financial and
 11-6    program activities and services associated with department funds.
 11-7          SECTION 11.  Subchapter B, Chapter 534, Health and Safety
 11-8    Code, is amended by adding Sections 534.0601, 534.0602, and
 11-9    534.0603 to read as follows:
11-10          Sec. 534.0601.  COORDINATED PROGRAM AUDITS OF LOCAL
11-11    AUTHORITIES.  (a)  The department shall coordinate with each agency
11-12    or department of the state that contracts with a local mental
11-13    health or mental retardation authority to prescribe procedures for
11-14    a coordinated program audit of the authority.  The procedures must
11-15    be:
11-16                (1)  consistent with the requirements for the receipt
11-17    of federal funding by the authority; and
11-18                (2)  based on risk assessment.
11-19          (b)  A program audit must evaluate:
11-20                (1)  the extent to which a local mental health or
11-21    mental retardation authority is achieving the results or benefits
11-22    established by an agency or department of the state, or by the
11-23    legislature;
11-24                (2)  the effectiveness of the authority's organization,
11-25    program, activities, or functions; and
11-26                (3)  the authority's compliance with law.
11-27          (c)  A program audit of a local mental health or mental
 12-1    retardation authority must be performed in accordance with the
 12-2    procedures prescribed under this section.
 12-3          (d)  The department may not implement a procedure for a
 12-4    program audit under this section without the approval of the Health
 12-5    and Human Services Commission.
 12-6          (e)  This section does not prohibit an agency, department, or
 12-7    other entity providing funding to a local mental health or mental
 12-8    retardation authority from investigating a complaint against the
 12-9    authority or performing additional contract monitoring of the
12-10    authority.
12-11          Sec. 534.0602.  FINANCIAL AUDITS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES.  (a)
12-12    The department shall prescribe procedures for a financial audit of
12-13    a local mental health or mental retardation authority.  The
12-14    procedures must be consistent with requirements for the receipt of
12-15    federal funding by the authority.
12-16          (b)  The department shall develop the procedures with the
12-17    assistance of each agency or department of the state that contracts
12-18    with a local mental health or mental retardation authority.  The
12-19    department shall incorporate each agency or department's financial
12-20    or compliance requirements for an authority into a single audit
12-21    that meets the requirements of Section 534.068.
12-22          (c)  Before prescribing or amending a procedure under this
12-23    section, the department must set a deadline for agencies and
12-24    departments of the state that contract with local mental health and
12-25    mental retardation authorities to submit proposals relating to the
12-26    procedure.
12-27          (d)  An agency or department of the state that contracts with
 13-1    a local mental health or mental retardation authority must comply
 13-2    with a procedure developed under this section.
 13-3          (e)  The department may not implement a procedure under this
 13-4    section without the approval of the Health and Human Services
 13-5    Commission.
 13-6          Sec. 534.0603.  ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL AUDIT ACTIVITY.  (a)
 13-7    The department shall develop protocols for an agency or department
 13-8    of the state to  conduct additional financial audit activities of a
 13-9    local mental health or mental retardation authority.
13-10          (b)  An agency or department of the state may not conduct
13-11    additional financial audit activities relating to a local mental
13-12    health or mental retardation authority without the approval of the
13-13    Health and Human Services Commission.
13-14          SECTION 12.  Section 534.061, Health and Safety Code, is
13-15    amended to read as follows:
13-18          (a)  The department shall develop mechanisms for periodically
13-19    monitoring the services of [provided by] a [private] provider who
13-20    contracts with a local mental health or mental retardation
13-21    authority to provide services for persons with mental retardation
13-22    or mental illness at the community level, including residential
13-23    services, if state funds or funds for which the state has oversight
13-24    responsibility are used to pay for at least part of the services.
13-25          (b)  The local mental health or mental retardation authority
13-26    [department] shall monitor the services to ensure that the
13-27    [private] provider is delivering the services in a manner
 14-1    consistent with the provider's [the] contract.  [The department
 14-2    shall also provide for periodic fiscal audits of those private
 14-3    providers.]
 14-4          (c)  Each [private] provider contract involving the use of
 14-5    state funds or funds for which the state has oversight
 14-6    responsibility must authorize the local mental health or mental
 14-7    retardation authority or the authority's designee and the
 14-8    department or the department's designee to have unrestricted access
 14-9    to all facilities, records, data, and other information under the
14-10    control of the provider as necessary to enable the department to
14-11    audit, monitor, and review the financial and program activities and
14-12    services associated with the contract.
14-13          (d)  The department may withdraw funding from a local mental
14-14    health or mental retardation authority that [if the authority]
14-15    fails to cancel a contract with a [private] provider involving
14-16    [that involves] the use of state funds or funds for which the state
14-17    has oversight responsibility if:
14-18                (1)  the [private] provider is not fulfilling its
14-19    contractual obligations; and
14-20                (2)  the authority has [does] not taken [take]
14-21    appropriate action to remedy the problem in accordance with board
14-22    rules.
14-23          (e)  The board by rule shall prescribe procedures a local
14-24    mental health or mental retardation authority must follow in
14-25    remedying a problem with a [private] provider.
14-26          SECTION 13.  Subchapter B, Chapter 534, Health and Safety
14-27    Code, is amended by adding Section 534.071 to read as follows:
 15-1          Sec. 534.071.  LOCAL AUTHORITY ADVISORY COMMITTEES.  A local
 15-2    mental health or mental retardation authority may appoint a
 15-3    committee to advise its governing board on a matter relating to the
 15-4    oversight and provision of mental health and mental retardation
 15-5    services.  The appointment of a committee does not relieve the
 15-6    authority's governing board of a responsibility prescribed by this
 15-7    subtitle.
 15-8          SECTION 14.  Sections 532.008 and 533.035(e)-(h), Health and
 15-9    Safety Code, are repealed.
15-10          SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
15-11          SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the
15-12    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
15-13    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
15-14    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
15-15    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.