76R13276 T                           
         By Hinojosa                                           H.B. No. 1481
         Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1481:
         By Hinojosa                                       C.S.H.B. No. 1481
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the liability of a criminal defendant and the
 1-3     defendant's sureties on a personal bond or a bail bond.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Article 17.08, Code of Criminal Procedure is
 1-6     amended to read as follows:
 1-7           Art. 17.08.  REQUISITES OF A BAIL BOND.  A bail bond must
 1-8     [shall be sufficient if it] contain the following requisites:
 1-9                 1.  That it be made payable to "The State of Texas";
1-10                 2.  That the defendant and his sureties, if any, bind
1-11     themselves that the defendant will appear before the proper court
1-12     or magistrate to answer the accusation against him;
1-13                 3.  If the defendant is charged with a felony, that it
1-14     state that he is charged with a felony.  If the defendant is
1-15     charged with a misdemeanor, that it state that he is charged with a
1-16     misdemeanor;
1-17                 4.  That the bond be signed by name or mark by the
1-18     principal and sureties, if any, each of whom shall write thereon
1-19     his mailing address;
1-20                 5.  That the bond state the time and place, when and
1-21     where the accused binds himself to appear, and the court or
1-22     magistrate before whom he is to appear.  The bond shall also bind
1-23     the defendant to appear before any court or magistrate before whom
1-24     the cause may thereafter be pending at any time when, and place
 2-1     where, his presence may be required under this Code or by any court
 2-2     or magistrate, but in no event shall the sureties be bound after
 2-3     such time as the defendant receives an order of deferred
 2-4     adjudication or is acquitted, sentenced, placed on community
 2-5     supervision, or dismissed from the charge;
 2-6                 6.  The bond shall be conditioned that the principal
 2-7     and sureties, if any, are liable to this state for the principal
 2-8     amount of the bond in the event the principal fails to appear at
 2-9     the time and place required by a court or magistrate, provided that
2-10     if the principal is presented to the court or magistrate, or is
2-11     incarcerated in any jurisdiction, not later than nine months after
2-12     the failure to appear, the sureties are liable to pay only the
2-13     necessary and reasonable expenses to rearrest the principal as
2-14     provided by Subdivision 7, interest as provided in this Article,
2-15     and costs of court;
2-16                 7.  The bond shall also be conditioned that the
2-17     principal and sureties, if any, will pay all necessary and
2-18     reasonable expenses incurred by any and all sheriffs or other peace
2-19     officers in rearresting the principal in the event he fails to
2-20     appear before the court or magistrate named in the bond at the time
2-21     stated therein.  The amount of such expense shall be in addition to
2-22     the principal amount specified in the bond.  The failure of any
2-23     bail bond to contain the conditions specified in this paragraph
2-24     shall in no manner affect the legality of any such bond, but it is
2-25     intended that the sheriff or other peace officer shall look to the
2-26     defendant and his sureties, if any, for expenses incurred by him,
2-27     and not to the State for any fees earned by him in connection with
 3-1     the rearresting of an accused who has violated the conditions of
 3-2     his bond.
 3-3           SECTION 2.  Section 2, Article 17.11, Code of Criminal
 3-4     Procedure is amended to read as follows:
 3-5           Sec. 2.  Provided, however, any person who has signed as a
 3-6     surety on a bail bond and is in default thereon shall thereafter be
 3-7     disqualified to sign as a surety so long as he is in default on
 3-8     said bond.  It shall be the duty of the clerk of the court wherein
 3-9     such surety is in default on a bail bond, to notify in writing the
3-10     sheriff, chief of police, or other peace officer, of such default.
3-11     A surety shall be deemed in default from the time execution may be
3-12     issued on a final judgment in a bond forfeiture proceeding under
3-13     the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure unless the final judgment is
3-14     superseded by the posting of a supersedeas bond [the trial court
3-15     enters its final judgment on the scire facias until such judgment
3-16     is satisfied or set aside].
3-17           SECTION 3.  Article 22.05, Code of Criminal Procedure is
3-18     amended to read as follows:
3-19           Art. 22.05.  CITATION [AS IN CIVIL ACTIONS].  Sureties shall
3-20     be entitled to notice by service of citation.  The surety shall
3-21     designate in writing with the clerk of the court the name and
3-22     address of the person authorized by that surety to accept service
3-23     of citation on bonds executed in that county.  Citation shall be
3-24     served by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person
3-25     that the surety has designated.  If the citation is undeliverable
3-26     or refused or if the surety fails to designate such a person, the
3-27     clerk of the court shall be deemed to have accepted service for the
 4-1     surety on the date when citation was mailed.  [, the length of time
 4-2     and in the manner required in civil actions; and the officer
 4-3     executing the citation shall return the same as in civil actions.]
 4-4     It shall not be necessary to give notice to the defendant unless he
 4-5     has furnished his address on the bond, in which event notice to the
 4-6     defendant shall be deposited in the United States mail directed to
 4-7     the defendant at the address shown on the bond.
 4-8           SECTION 4.  Article 22.10, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
 4-9     amended to read as follows:
4-10           Art. 22.10.  SCIRE FACIAS DOCKET.  When a forfeiture has been
4-11     declared upon a bond, the court or clerk shall docket the case upon
4-12     the scire facias or upon the civil docket, in the name of the State
4-13     of Texas, as plaintiff, and the principal and his sureties, if any,
4-14     as defendants; and, except as otherwise provided by this chapter,
4-15     the proceedings had therein shall be governed by the same rules
4-16     governing other civil suits.
4-17           SECTION 5.  Article 22.11, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
4-18     amended to read as follows:
4-19           Art. 22.11.  SURETIES MAY ANSWER.  After the forfeiture of
4-20     the bond, if the sureties, if any, have been duly notified, the
4-21     sureties, if any, may answer in writing and show cause why the
4-22     defendant did not appear, which answer may be filed not later than
4-23     nine months after the date citation is mailed to the sureties
4-24     [within the time limited for answering in other civil actions].
4-25           SECTION 6.  Article 22.125, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
4-26     amended to read as follows:
4-27           Art. 22.125.  Powers of the court.  After a judicial
 5-1     declaration of forfeiture is entered, the court may proceed with
 5-2     the trial required by Article 22.14 of this code.  The court may
 5-3     exonerate the defendant and his sureties, if any, from liability on
 5-4     the forfeiture, remit the amount of the forfeiture, or set aside
 5-5     the forfeiture only as expressly provided by this chapter.  The
 5-6     court may approve any proposed settlement of the liability on the
 5-7     forfeiture agreed to by the state and the defendant or the
 5-8     defendant's sureties, if any.
 5-9           SECTION 7.  Article 22.15, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
5-10     amended to read as follows:
5-11           Art. 22.15.  JUDGMENT FINAL BY DEFAULT.  When the sureties
5-12     have been duly cited and fail to answer, and the principal also
5-13     fails to answer within the time period provided by Article 22.11
5-14     [limited for answering in other civil actions], the court shall
5-15     enter judgment final by default.
5-16           SECTION 8.  Articles 22.16, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
5-17     amended to read as follows:
5-18           Art. 22.16.  REMITTITUR AFTER FORFEITURE.  (a)  After
5-19     forfeiture of a bond and before entry of final judgment [the
5-20     expiration of the time limits set by Subsection (c) of this
5-21     article], the court shall, on written motion, remit to the surety
5-22     the amount of the bond after deducting the costs of court, any
5-23     necessary and reasonable costs to the county for the return of the
5-24     principal, and the interest accrued on the bond amount as provided
5-25     by Subsection (d) [(e)] of this article if:
5-26                 (1)  the principal is incarcerated in the county in
5-27     which the prosecution is pending;
 6-1                 (2)  the principal is incarcerated in another
 6-2     jurisdiction and the incarceration is verified as provided by
 6-3     Subsection (b) of this article;
 6-4                 (3)  the principal is released on new bail in the case;
 6-5                 (4)  the principal is deceased; or
 6-6                 (5)  the case for which bond was given is dismissed.
 6-7           (b)  For the purposes of Subsection (a)(2) of this article, a
 6-8     surety may request confirmation of the incarceration of his
 6-9     principal by written request to the law enforcement agency of the
6-10     county where prosecution is pending.  A law enforcement agency in
6-11     this state that receives a request for verification shall notify
6-12     the court in which prosecution is pending and the surety whether or
6-13     not the principal is or has been incarcerated in another
6-14     jurisdiction and the date of the incarceration.
6-15           (c)  [A final judgment may be entered against a bond not
6-16     earlier than:]
6-17                 [(1)  nine months after the date the forfeiture was
6-18     entered, if the offense for which the bond was given is a
6-19     misdemeanor; or]
6-20                 [(2)  18 months after the date the forfeiture was
6-21     entered, if the offense for which the bond was given is a felony.]
6-22           [(d)]  For other good cause shown [After the expiration of
6-23     the time limits set by Subsection (c) of this article and] before
6-24     the entry of a final judgment against the bond, the court in its
6-25     discretion may remit to the surety all or part of the amount of the
6-26     bond after deducting the costs of court, any necessary and
6-27     reasonable costs to the county for the return of the principal, and
 7-1     the interest accrued on the bond amount as provided by Subsection
 7-2     (d) [(e)] of this article.
 7-3           (d) [(e)]  For the purposes of this article, interest accrues
 7-4     on the bond amount from the date of forfeiture in the same manner
 7-5     and at the same rate as provided for the accrual of prejudgment
 7-6     interest in civil cases.
 7-7           SECTION 9.  Chapter 22, Code of Criminal Procedure, is
 7-8     amended by adding Article 22.18 to read as follows:
 7-9           Art. 22.18.  LIMITATION.  An action by the state to forfeit a
7-10     bail bond under this chapter must be brought not later than the
7-11     fourth anniversary of the date the principal failed to appear in
7-12     court.
7-13           SECTION 10.  Article 23.05, Code of Criminal Procedure is
7-14     amended to read as follows:
7-15           Art. 23.05.  CAPIAS AFTER FORFEITURE.  (a)  Where a
7-16     forfeiture of bail is declared, a capias shall be immediately
7-17     issued for the arrest of the defendant, and when arrested, in its
7-18     discretion, the court may require the defendant, in order to be
7-19     released from custody, to deposit with the custodian of funds of
7-20     the court in which the prosecution is pending current money of the
7-21     United States in the amount of the new bond as set by the court, in
7-22     lieu of a surety bond, unless the forfeiture taken has been set
7-23     aside under the third subdivision of Article 22.13 of this code, in
7-24     which case the defendant and his sureties shall remain bound under
7-25     the same bail.
7-26           (b)  A capias issued under this article may be executed by a
7-27     peace officer or a private investigator licensed under the Private
 8-1     Investigators and Private Security Agencies Act (Article 4413
 8-2     (29bb), Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes.
 8-3           SECTION 11.  Subchapter C, Private Investigators and Private
 8-4     Security Agencies Act (Article 4413 (29bb), Vernon's Texas Civil
 8-5     Statutes), is amended by adding Section 43A to read as follows:
 8-7     BAIL BOND; OFFENSE.  (a)  A private investigator executing an
 8-8     arrest warrant on behalf of a surety on a bail bond may not:
 8-9                 (1)  enter a residence without the consent of the
8-10     occupants;
8-11                 (2)  execute the warrant without written authorization
8-12     from the surety;
8-13                 (3)  wear, carry, or display any uniform, badge,
8-14     shield, or other insignia or emblem that implies that the private
8-15     investigator is an employee, officer, or agent of the federal
8-16     government, the state or a political subdivision of the state; or
8-17                 (4)  notwithstanding Section 9.51, Penal Code, use
8-18     force.
8-19           (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(3) of this section, a
8-20     private investigator may display identification that indicates that
8-21     the person is acting on behalf of a surety on a bail bond.
8-22           (c)  A private investigator executing a capias on behalf of a
8-23     surety on a bail bond shall immediately take the person arrested
8-24     to:
8-25                 (1)  if the arrest is made in the county in which the
8-26     warrant was issued:
8-27                       (A)  the county jail for that county if:
 9-1                             (i)  the offense is a Class A or Class B
 9-2     misdemeanor or a felony; or
 9-3                             (ii)  the offense is a Class C misdemeanor
 9-4     and the warrant was issued by a magistrate of that county; or
 9-5                       (B)  the municipal jail for the appropriate
 9-6     municipality if the offense is a Class C misdemeanor and the
 9-7     warrant was issued by a magistrate of the municipality; or
 9-8                 (2)  if the arrest is made in a county other than the
 9-9     county in which the warrant was issued, the county jail for the
9-10     county in which the arrest was made.
9-11           (d)  A person commits an offense if the person violates this
9-12     section.  An offense under this section is a state jail felony.
9-13           SECTION 12.  The change in law made by Sections 1 through 8
9-14     of this Act applies only to a bail bond executed on or after the
9-15     effective date of this Act.  A bail bond executed before the
9-16     effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the
9-17     bail bond was executed, and the former law is continued in effect
9-18     for that purpose.
9-19           SECTION 13.  The importance of this legislation and the
9-20     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
9-21     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
9-22     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
9-23     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.