By Keel                                               H.B. No. 1693
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the designation of water quality protection zones in
 1-3     certain areas.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subchapter E, Chapter 76, Sections 26.179(c),
 1-6     (d), (f) and (g), Water Code, are amended to read as follows:
 1-7           (c)  This section applies only to those areas within the
 1-8     extraterritorial jurisdiction, outside the corporate limits of a
 1-9     municipality with a population greater than 10,000 [5,000], and in
1-10     which the municipality either:
1-11                 (1)  has enacted or attempted to enforce three or more
1-12     ordinances or amendments thereto attempting to regulate water
1-13     quality or control or abate water pollution in the area within the
1-14     five years preceding the effective date of this Act, whether or not
1-15     such ordinances or amendments were legally effective upon the area;
1-16                 (2)  enacts or attempts to enforce three or more
1-17     ordinances or amendments thereto attempting to regulate water
1-18     quality or control or abate water pollution in the area in any
1-19     five-year period, whether or not such ordinances or amendments are
1-20     legally effective upon the area.
1-21           (d)  The owner or owners of a contiguous tract of land in
 2-1     excess of 1,000 acres that is located in an area subject to this
 2-2     section may designate the tract as a "water quality protection
 2-3     zone."  Upon prior approval of the commission, the owner of a
 2-4     contiguous tract of land containing less than 1,000 acres, but not
 2-5     less than 500 acres, that is located within an area subject to this
 2-6     section may also designate the tract as a "water quality protection
 2-7     zone."  The tract shall be deemed contiguous if all of its parts
 2-8     are physically adjacent, without regard to easements,
 2-9     rights-of-way, roads, streambeds, and public or quasi-public land,
2-10     or it is part of an integrated development under common ownership
2-11     or control.  The purpose of a water quality protection zone is to
2-12     provide for the consistent protection of water quality in the zone
2-13     without imposing undue regulatory uncertainty on owners of land in
2-14     the zone [the flexibility necessary to facilitate the development
2-15     of the land within the zone, but which also is intended to result
2-16     in the protection of the quality of water within the zone].
2-17           (f)  Creation of a water quality protection zone shall become
2-18     immediately effective upon recordation of the designation in the
2-19     deed records of the county in which the land is located.  The
2-20     designation shall be signed by the owner or owners of the land, and
2-21     notice of such filing shall be given to the city clerk of the
2-22     municipality within whose extraterritorial jurisdiction the zone is
2-23     located and the clerk of the county in which the property is
2-24     located.  A water quality protection zone designation may be
2-25     amended from time to time, and a designation may specify the party
 3-1     or parties authorized to execute amendments to the zone designation
 3-2     and the zone's water quality plan. Land may be added to or deleted
 3-3     from a zone by amending the zone designation, and such amendments
 3-4     are effective upon filing in the deed records of the county in
 3-5     which the land is located. Upon application by all owners of land
 3-6     in a zone, or by the party or parties so authorized by a zone
 3-7     designation or amendment thereto, the commission may terminate a
 3-8     zone upon such reasonable terms and conditions as the commission
 3-9     shall specify.
3-10           (g)  The water quality plan for a zone, including the
3-11     determination of background levels of water quality, shall be
3-12     signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer
3-13     acknowledging that the plan is designed to achieve the water
3-14     quality protection standard defined in this section.  On
3-15     recordation in the deed records, the water quality plan shall be
3-16     submitted to and accepted by the commission for approval, and the
3-17     commission shall accept and approve the plan unless the commission
3-18     finds that implementation of the plan will not reasonably attain
3-19     the water quality protection as defined in this section.  A water
3-20     quality plan may be amended from time to time on filing with the
3-21     commission, and all such amendments shall be accepted by the
3-22     commission unless there is a finding that the amendment will impair
3-23     the attainment of water quality protection as defined in this
3-24     section.  The commission shall adopt and assess reasonable and
3-25     necessary fees adequate to recover the costs of the commission in
 4-1     administering this section.  The commission's review and approval
 4-2     of a water quality plan shall be performed by the commission staff
 4-3     that is responsible for reviewing pollution abatement plans in the
 4-4     county where the zone is located.  The review and approval of the
 4-5     plan or any amendment thereto shall be completed within 120 days of
 4-6     the date it is filed with the commission.  A public hearing on the
 4-7     plan shall not be required, and acceptance, review, and approval of
 4-8     the water quality plan or water quality protection zone shall not
 4-9     be delayed pending the adoption of rules.  The commission shall
4-10     have the burden of proof for the denial of a plan or amendments to
4-11     a plan, and any such denial shall be appealable to a court of
4-12     competent jurisdiction.  The water quality plan, or any amendment
4-13     thereto, shall be effective upon recordation of the plan or the
4-14     amendment in the deed records and shall apply during the period of
4-15     review and approval by the commission or appeal of the denial of
4-16     the plan or any amendment; provided, however, that new development
4-17     under a plan shall not proceed until the plan, or amendment, as
4-18     applicable, has been approved by the commission.
4-19           SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
4-20     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
4-21     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
4-22     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
4-23     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
4-24     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
4-25     passage, and it is so enacted.