By Rangel                                             H.B. No. 1844
         76R1243 JSA-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to student loan repayment assistance for classroom
 1-3     teachers who commit to teach in certain public schools and school
 1-4     districts.
 1-6           SECTION 1.   Subchapter M, Chapter 61, Education Code, is
 1-7     amended to read as follows:
1-10           Sec. 61.701.  LOAN REPAYMENT AUTHORIZED.  The [coordinating]
1-11     board shall [may] provide, in accordance with this  subchapter and
1-12     board rules, assistance in the repayment of student loans for
1-13     classroom  teachers who apply and qualify for the assistance.
1-14           Sec. 61.702.  ELIGIBILITY FOR ASSISTANCE.  [(a)]  To be
1-15     eligible to receive loan repayment assistance under this
1-16     subchapter, a person [teacher] must:
1-17                 (1)  apply to the [coordinating] board; [and]
1-18                 (2)  have completed at least one year of employment in
1-19     the elementary or secondary schools of this state;
1-20                 (3)  be a Texas resident as defined by board rules;
1-21                 (4)  hold an educator certificate in any field or
1-22     subject issued by the State Board for Educator Certification;
1-23                 (5)  have an outstanding balance on a student loan
1-24     eligible for repayment assistance under this subchapter; and
 2-1                 (6)  enter into an agreement to serve as a classroom
 2-2     teacher as provided by Section 61.704 [in an area or field of acute
 2-3     teacher shortage as designated by the State Board of Education].
 2-4           [(b)  The coordinating board may provide by rule for
 2-5     repayment assistance on a pro rata basis for teachers employed
 2-6     part-time in an elementary or secondary school of this state in an
 2-7     area or field of acute teacher shortage as designated by the State
 2-8     Board of Education.]
 2-9           Sec. 61.703.  [LIMITATION.  A teacher may not receive
2-10     repayment assistance grants for more than five years.]
2-11           [Sec. 61.704.]  ELIGIBLE LOANS.  (a)  A person may receive
2-12     [The coordinating board may provide] repayment assistance under
2-13     this subchapter for the repayment of any student loan for education
2-14     at an institution of higher education, including loans for
2-15     undergraduate education, received by the person [a teacher] through
2-16     any lender.
2-17           (b)  The [coordinating] board may not provide repayment
2-18     assistance for a student loan that is in default at the time of the
2-19     person's [teacher's] application.
2-20           Sec. 61.704.  AGREEMENT.  (a)  To qualify for loan repayment
2-21     assistance under this subchapter, a person must enter into a
2-22     written agreement with the board as provided by this section.  The
2-23     agreement must specify the conditions the person must satisfy to
2-24     receive repayment assistance.
2-25           (b)  The agreement must require the person, not later than
2-26     the fourth anniversary of the date the person enters into the
2-27     agreement, to serve three full school years as a classroom teacher:
 3-1                 (1)  in an area or field of acute teacher shortage as
 3-2     designated by the State Board of Education; or
 3-3                 (2)  in a public school in this state that:
 3-4                       (A)  is located in a school district with a
 3-5     taxable wealth per student that entitles the district to an
 3-6     allotment of state funds under Subchapter F, Chapter 42;
 3-7                       (B)  is considered low-performing according to
 3-8     any method provided by state law or used by the Texas Education
 3-9     Agency;
3-10                       (C)  has requested and received substantially
3-11     more waivers of class size requirements than other school
3-12     districts;
3-13                       (D)  has experienced a shortage of classroom
3-14     teachers in one or more specific teaching fields as certified by
3-15     the commissioner of education; or
3-16                       (E)  is located in an area with substantially
3-17     lower income per capita or with a substantially higher unemployment
3-18     rate than the state as a whole, as determined by the board.
3-19           (c)  Only service as a classroom teacher after the date the
3-20     person enters into the agreement may be used to satisfy the
3-21     teaching obligation under the agreement.
3-22           (d)  The agreement must provide that the repayment assistance
3-23     the person receives before the person has served the full three
3-24     school years as a classroom teacher under the agreement constitutes
3-25     a loan until the person completes that three school years of
3-26     teaching service and satisfies any other applicable conditions of
3-27     the agreement.  The agreement must require the person to sign a
 4-1     promissory note acknowledging the conditional nature of the
 4-2     repayment assistance received and promising to repay the amount of
 4-3     that assistance received plus applicable interest and reasonable
 4-4     collection costs if the person does not satisfy the applicable
 4-5     conditions.  The board shall determine the terms of the promissory
 4-6     note.  To the extent practicable, the terms must be the same as
 4-7     those applicable to state or federally guaranteed student loans
 4-8     made at the same time.  All amounts collected in repayment of a
 4-9     loan under this subsection, including interest, but excluding
4-10     collection costs paid by the board to another person to collect or
4-11     assist in collecting the amount, shall be deposited to the credit
4-12     of the trust fund established under Section 61.710.
4-14     (a)  A person who completes the person's teaching obligation and
4-15     satisfies the other conditions of the agreement entered into under
4-16     Section 61.704 is entitled to receive loan repayment assistance in
4-17     a total amount not to exceed the lesser of:
4-18                 (1)  one-half the total amount of the person's
4-19     outstanding student loans, including scheduled interest payments
4-20     that would become due if the loan is not prepaid, when the person
4-21     enters into the agreement; or
4-22                 (2)  $10,000.
4-23           (b)  The board shall pay the person the repayment assistance
4-24     to which the person would become entitled on completing the
4-25     teaching obligation and satisfying the other conditions of the
4-26     person's agreement in equal monthly amounts during the first three
4-27     years after the person enters into the agreement.
 5-1           (c)  The board may enter into an agreement to provide loan
 5-2     repayment assistance under this subchapter only to the extent money
 5-3     in the trust fund established by Section 61.710 or money
 5-4     appropriated to the trust fund for future deposit to the trust fund
 5-5     will be sufficient to provide the repayment assistance as it
 5-6     becomes payable.  If that money will not be sufficient to provide
 5-7     repayment assistance to each eligible applicant, the board shall
 5-8     select persons to receive repayment assistance from the eligible
 5-9     applicants on any basis the board considers reasonable to further
5-10     the purposes of this subchapter.  [REPAYMENT.  (a)  The
5-11     coordinating board shall deliver any repayment made under this
5-12     subchapter in a lump sum payable to the lender and the teacher, in
5-13     accordance with federal law.]
5-14           [(b)  A repayment made under this subchapter may be applied
5-15     to the principal amount of the loan and to interest that accrues.]
5-16           Sec. 61.706.  INTERRUPTION OF TEACHING SERVICE.  (a)  The
5-17     board may grant a person a reasonable period of additional time to
5-18     complete the person's teaching obligation under the agreement
5-19     entered into under Section 61.704 if the person demonstrates to the
5-20     board that the person is unable to complete the teaching obligation
5-21     in the time required by the agreement because the person:
5-22                 (1)  has been called to active duty as a member of the
5-23     armed services of the United States;
5-24                 (2)  has become temporarily unable to teach because of
5-25     illness, injury, or similar circumstances;
5-26                 (3)  must perform family obligations inconsistent with
5-27     the performance of the required teaching obligation; or
 6-1                 (4)  is subject to any other hardship or special
 6-2     circumstances the board determines to be just cause to  provide the
 6-3     person with additional time to satisfy the required teaching
 6-4     obligation.
 6-5           (b)  The board may grant loan repayment assistance to a
 6-6     person who completes only a portion of the person's teaching
 6-7     obligation under the agreement entered into under Section 61.704,
 6-8     prorated according to the portion of the teaching obligation the
 6-9     person actually completes, if the person demonstrates to the board
6-10     that the person is unable to complete the required teaching
6-11     obligation because the person:
6-12                 (1)  has become permanently or temporarily disabled so
6-13     that the person is unable to teach; or
6-14                 (2)  is subject to any other hardship or special
6-15     circumstances the board determines to be just cause to  waive the
6-16     remainder of the person's teaching obligation and award the person
6-17     partial loan repayment assistance.
6-18           Sec. 61.707.  ADVISORY COMMITTEES.  The [coordinating] board
6-19     may appoint advisory committees from outside the board's
6-20     membership to assist the board in performing its duties under this
6-21     subchapter.
6-22           Sec. 61.708 [61.707].  ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS.  The
6-23     [coordinating] board may solicit and accept gifts,  grants, and
6-24     donations for the purposes of this subchapter.
6-25           Sec. 61.709 [61.708].  RULES; DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION.
6-26     (a)  The [coordinating] board shall  adopt rules necessary for the
6-27     administration of this subchapter[, including a rule that sets a
 7-1     maximum amount of repayment assistance that may be  received by a
 7-2     teacher in one year].
 7-3           (b)  The [coordinating] board shall distribute a copy of the
 7-4     rules adopted under this section and pertinent information relating
 7-5     to the program established by [in] this subchapter to:
 7-6                 (1)  each institution of higher education that offers a
 7-7     teacher education program;
 7-8                 (2)  any other appropriate state agency; and
 7-9                 (3)  any appropriate professional association.
7-10           Sec. 61.710.  FUNDING.  (a)  The loan repayment assistance
7-11     program established by this subchapter is funded from the classroom
7-12     teacher loan repayment trust fund.  The trust fund is established
7-13     outside the treasury and is administered by the comptroller.  Money
7-14     in the trust fund may be spent without appropriation and only to
7-15     fund the program.  Interest and income from the assets of the trust
7-16     fund shall be credited to and deposited in the trust fund.
7-17           (b)  The legislature may appropriate money for deposit to the
7-18     credit of the trust fund.
7-19           SECTION 2.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
7-20           (b)  The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board shall
7-21     begin granting student loan repayment assistance under Subchapter
7-22     M, Chapter 61, Education Code, as amended by this Act, as soon as
7-23     practicable after the effective date of this Act.
7-24           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
7-25     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
7-26     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
7-27     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 8-1     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.