76R14502 CLG-D                           
         By Thompson                                           H.B. No. 1852
         Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1852:
         By Thompson                                       C.S.H.B. No. 1852
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the administration of decedents' estates.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Part 4, Chapter V, Texas Probate Code, is amended
 1-5     by adding Section 128B to read as follows:
 1-7     Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section, an applicant
 1-8     for the probate of a will under Section 73(a) of this code must
 1-9     give notice by service of process to each of the testator's heirs
1-10     whose address can be ascertained by the applicant with reasonable
1-11     diligence.  The notice must be given before the probate of the
1-12     testator's will.
1-13           (b)  Notice under Subsection (a)  of this section is not
1-14     required to be provided to an heir who has delivered to the court
1-15     an affidavit signed by the heir stating that the heir does not
1-16     object to the offer of the testator's will for probate.
1-17           (c)  The notice required by this section and an affidavit
1-18     described by Subsection (b) of this section must also contain a
1-19     statement that:
1-20                 (1)  the testator's property will pass to the
1-21     testator's heirs if the will is not admitted to probate; and
1-22                 (2)  the person offering the testator's will for
1-23     probate may not be in default for failing to present the will for
1-24     probate during the four-year period immediately following the
 2-1     testator's death.
 2-2           (d)  If the address of any of the testator's heirs cannot be
 2-3     ascertained by the applicant with reasonable diligence, the court
 2-4     shall appoint an attorney ad litem to protect the interests of the
 2-5     unknown heirs after an application for the probate of a will is
 2-6     made under Section 73(a) of this code.
 2-7           (e)  In the case of an application for the probate of a will
 2-8     of a testator who has had another will admitted to probate, this
 2-9     section applies to a beneficiary of the testator's probated will
2-10     instead of the testator's heirs.
2-11           SECTION 2.  Section 149A(b), Texas Probate Code, is amended
2-12     to read as follows:
2-13           (b)  Enforcement of Demand.   Should the independent executor
2-14     not comply with a demand for an accounting authorized by this
2-15     section within sixty days after receipt of the demand, the person
2-16     making the demand may compel compliance by an action in the county
2-17     court, as that term is defined by Section 3 of this code [or by a
2-18     suit in the district court].  After a hearing, the court shall
2-19     enter an order requiring the accounting to be made at such time as
2-20     it deems proper under the circumstances.
2-21           SECTION 3.  Section 149B(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended
2-22     to read as follows:
2-23           (a)  In addition to or in lieu of the right to an accounting
2-24     provided by Section 149A of this code, at any time after the
2-25     expiration of two years from the date that an independent
2-26     administration was created and the order appointing an independent
2-27     executor was entered, a person interested in the estate may
 3-1     petition the county court, as that term is defined by Section 3 of
 3-2     this code, for an accounting and distribution.  [The proceeding for
 3-3     an accounting and distribution may be brought in the county court
 3-4     if the county judge is licensed to practice law in the State of
 3-5     Texas or may be brought in a statutory probate court, a county
 3-6     court at law with probate jurisdiction, or a district court of the
 3-7     county.]  The court may order an accounting to be made with the
 3-8     court by the independent executor at such time as the court deems
 3-9     proper.  The accounting shall include the information that the
3-10     court deems necessary to determine whether any part of the estate
3-11     should be distributed.
3-12           SECTION 4.  Section 149C(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended
3-13     to read as follows:
3-14           (a)  The county court, as that term is defined by Section 3
3-15     of this code[, a statutory probate court, a county court at law
3-16     with probate jurisdiction, or a district court of the county], on
3-17     its own motion or on motion of any interested person, after the
3-18     independent executor has been cited by personal service to answer
3-19     at a time and place fixed in the notice, may remove an independent
3-20     executor when:
3-21                 (1)  the independent executor fails to return within
3-22     ninety days after qualification, unless such time is extended by
3-23     order of the court, an inventory of the property of the estate and
3-24     list of claims that have come to his knowledge;
3-25                 (2)  sufficient grounds appear to support belief that
3-26     he has misapplied or embezzled, or that he is about to misapply or
3-27     embezzle, all or any part of the property committed to his care;
 4-1                 (3)  he fails to make an accounting which is required
 4-2     by law to be made;
 4-3                 (4)  he fails to timely file the notice required by
 4-4     Section 128A of this code;
 4-5                 (5)  he is proved to have been guilty of gross
 4-6     misconduct or gross mismanagement in the performance of his duties;
 4-7     or
 4-8                 (6)  he becomes an incapacitated person, or is
 4-9     sentenced to the penitentiary, or from any other cause becomes
4-10     legally incapacitated from properly performing his fiduciary
4-11     duties.
4-12           SECTION 5.  Part 4, Chapter VI, Texas Probate Code, is
4-13     amended  by adding Sections 149D, 149E, 149F, and 149G to read as
4-14     follows:
4-16     DISCHARGE.  (a)  On or before filing an action under Section 149E
4-17     of this code, the independent executor must distribute to the
4-18     beneficiaries of the estate any of the remaining assets or property
4-19     of the estate that remains in the hands of the independent executor
4-20     after all of the estate's debts have been paid, except for a
4-21     reasonable reserve of assets that the independent executor may
4-22     retain in a fiduciary capacity pending court approval of the final
4-23     account.
4-24           (b)  The court may review the amount of assets on reserve and
4-25     may order the independent executor to make further distributions
4-26     under this section.
 5-1     After an estate has been administered and if there is no further
 5-2     need for an independent administration of the estate, the
 5-3     independent executor of the estate may file an action for
 5-4     declaratory judgment under Chapter 37, Civil Practice and Remedies
 5-5     Code, seeking to discharge the independent executor from any
 5-6     liability involving matters relating to the past administration of
 5-7     the estate that have been fully and fairly disclosed.
 5-8           (b)  On the filing of an action under this section, each
 5-9     beneficiary of the estate shall be personally served with citation,
5-10     except for a beneficiary who has waived the issuance and service of
5-11     citation.
5-12           (c)  In a proceeding under this section, the court may
5-13     require the independent executor to file a final account that
5-14     includes any information the court considers necessary to
5-15     adjudicate the independent executor's request for a discharge of
5-16     liability.  The court may audit, settle, or approve a final account
5-17     filed under this subsection.
5-19     ACCOUNT IN JUDICIAL DISCHARGE.  (a)    Except as ordered by the
5-20     court, the independent executor is entitled to pay from the estate
5-21     legal fees, expenses, or other costs of a proceeding incurred in
5-22     relation to a final account required under Section 149E of this
5-23     code.
5-24           (b)  The independent executor shall be personally liable to
5-25     refund any amount not approved by the court as a proper charge
5-26     against the estate.
5-27           Sec. 149G.  RIGHTS AND REMEDIES CUMULATIVE.  The rights and
 6-1     remedies conferred by Sections 149D, 149E, and 149F of this code
 6-2     are cumulative of other rights and remedies to which a person
 6-3     interested in the estate may be entitled under law.
 6-4           SECTION 6.  Part 3, Chapter VII, Texas Probate Code, is
 6-5     amended by adding Sections 221A and 221B to read as follows:
 6-6           Sec. 221A.  CHANGE OF RESIDENT AGENT.  (a)  A personal
 6-7     representative may change its resident agent to accept service of
 6-8     process in a probate proceeding or other action relating to the
 6-9     estate by filing a statement of the change titled "Designation of
6-10     Successor Resident Agent" with the court in which the probate
6-11     proceeding is pending.  The statement must contain the names and
6-12     addresses of the:
6-13                 (1)  personal representative;
6-14                 (2)  resident agent; and
6-15                 (3)  successor resident agent.
6-16           (b)  The designation of a successor resident agent made in a
6-17     statement filed under this section takes effect on the date on
6-18     which the statement is filed with the court.
6-19           Sec. 221B.  RESIGNATION OF RESIDENT AGENT.  (a)   A resident
6-20     agent of a personal representative may resign as the resident agent
6-21     by giving notice to the personal representative and filing with the
6-22     court in which the probate proceeding is pending a statement titled
6-23     "Resignation of Resident Agent" that:
6-24                 (1)  contains the name of the personal representative;
6-25                 (2)  contains the address of the personal
6-26     representative most recently known by the resident agent;
6-27                 (3)  states that notice of the resignation has been
 7-1     given to the personal representative and that the personal
 7-2     representative has not designated a successor resident agent; and
 7-3                 (4)  contains the date on which the notice of the
 7-4     resignation was given to the personal representative.
 7-5           (b)  The resident agent shall send, by certified mail, return
 7-6     receipt requested, a copy of a resignation statement filed under
 7-7     Subsection (a)  of this section to:
 7-8                 (1)  the personal representative at the address most
 7-9     recently known by the agent; and
7-10                 (2)  each party in the case or the party's attorney or
7-11     other designated representative of record.
7-12           (c)  The resignation of a resident agent takes effect on the
7-13     date on which the court enters an order accepting the agent's
7-14     resignation.  A court may not enter an order accepting the agent's
7-15     resignation unless the agent complies with the requirements of this
7-16     section.
7-17           SECTION 7.  Section 222(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended to
7-18     read as follows:
7-19           (a)  Without Notice.  (1) The court, on its own motion or on
7-20     motion of any interested person, and without notice, may remove any
7-21     personal representative, appointed under provisions of this Code,
7-22     who:
7-23                       (A)  Neglects to qualify in the manner and time
7-24     required by law;
7-25                       (B)  Fails to return within ninety days after
7-26     qualification, unless such time is extended by order of the court,
7-27     an inventory of the property of the estate and list of claims that
 8-1     have come to his knowledge;
 8-2                       (C)  Having been required to give a new bond,
 8-3     fails to do so within the time prescribed;
 8-4                       (D)  Absents himself from the State for a period
 8-5     of three months at one time without permission of the court, or
 8-6     removes from the State;
 8-7                       (E)  Cannot be served with notices or other
 8-8     processes because of the fact that the:
 8-9                             (i)  personal representative's [by reason
8-10     of the fact that his] whereabouts are unknown;
8-11                             (ii)  personal representative [, or by
8-12     reason of the fact that he] is eluding service; or
8-13                             (iii)  personal representative is a
8-14     nonresident of this state who does not have a resident agent to
8-15     accept service of process in any probate proceeding or other action
8-16     relating to the estate; or
8-17                       (F)  Has misapplied, embezzled, or removed from
8-18     the State, or is about to misapply, embezzle, or remove from the
8-19     State, all or any part of the property committed to the personal
8-20     representative's care.
8-21                 (2)  The court may remove a personal representative
8-22     under Paragraph (F), Subdivision (1), of this subsection only on
8-23     the presentation of clear and convincing evidence given under oath.
8-24           SECTION 8.  Section 270, Texas Probate Code, is amended to
8-25     read as follows:
8-26           Sec. 270.  LIABILITY OF HOMESTEAD FOR DEBTS.  The homestead
8-27     shall not be liable for the payment of any of the debts of the
 9-1     estate, except for:
 9-2                 (1)  the purchase money thereof; [,]
 9-3                 (2)  the taxes due thereon; [, or]
 9-4                 (3)  work and material used in constructing
 9-5     improvements thereon if the requirements of Section 50(a)(5),
 9-6     Article XVI, Texas  Constitution, are met;
 9-7                 (4)  an owelty of partition imposed against the
 9-8     entirety of the property by court order or by a written agreement
 9-9     of the parties to the partition, including a debt of one spouse in
9-10     favor of the other spouse resulting from a division or an award of
9-11     a family homestead in a divorce proceeding;
9-12                 (5)  the refinance of a lien against a homestead,
9-13     including a federal tax lien resulting from the tax debt of both
9-14     spouses, if the homestead is a family homestead, or from the tax
9-15     debt of the decedent; or
9-16                 (6)  an extension of credit on the homestead if the
9-17     requirements of Section 50(a)(6), Article XVI, Texas Constitution,
9-18     are met [; and in this last case only when the work and material
9-19     are contracted for in writing, with the consent of both spouses
9-20     given in the same manner as required in making a sale and
9-21     conveyance of the homestead].
9-22           SECTION 9.  Section 378B(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended
9-23     to read as follows:
9-24           (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of this section and
9-25     unless the will provides otherwise, all expenses incurred in
9-26     connection with the settlement of a decedent's estate, other than
9-27     interest due on estate taxes, shall be charged against the
 10-1    principal of the estate, including debts, funeral expenses, estate
 10-2    taxes, [interest and] penalties relating to estate taxes, and
 10-3    family allowances[, shall be charged against the principal of the
 10-4    estate].    Interest due on estate taxes and fees [Fees] and
 10-5    expenses of an attorney, accountant, or other professional advisor,
 10-6    commissions and expenses of a personal representative, court costs,
 10-7    and all other similar fees or expenses relating to the
 10-8    administration of the estate shall be allocated between the income
 10-9    and principal of the estate as the executor determines in its
10-10    discretion to be just and equitable.
10-11          SECTION 10.  Section 37.005, Civil Practice and Remedies
10-12    Code, is amended to read as follows:
10-14    person interested as or through an executor or[,] administrator,
10-15    including an independent executor or administrator, a trustee,
10-16    guardian, other fiduciary, creditor, devisee, legatee, heir, next
10-17    of kin, or cestui que trust in the administration of a trust or of
10-18    the estate of a decedent, an infant, mentally incapacitated
10-19    [disabled] person, or insolvent may have a declaration of rights or
10-20    legal relations in respect to the trust or estate:
10-21                (1)  to ascertain any class of creditors, devisees,
10-22    legatees, heirs, next of kin, or others;
10-23                (2)  to direct the executors, administrators, or
10-24    trustees to do or abstain from doing any particular act in their
10-25    fiduciary capacity;  [or]
10-26                (3)  to determine any question arising in the
10-27    administration of the trust or estate, including questions of
 11-1    construction of wills and other writings; or
 11-2                (4)  to determine rights or legal relations of an
 11-3    independent executor or independent administrator regarding
 11-4    fiduciary fees and the settling of accounts.
 11-5          SECTION 11.  Sections 221A and 221B, Texas Probate Code, as
 11-6    added by this Act, apply only to a change in designation of or a
 11-7    resignation of a resident agent made on or after the effective date
 11-8    of this Act.  The change in designation of or the resignation of a
 11-9    resident agent made before the effective date of this Act is
11-10    governed by the law in effect when the change in designation of or
11-11    the resignation of the resident agent occurred, and the former law
11-12    is continued in effect for that purpose.
11-13          SECTION 12.  The changes in law made by this Act to Section
11-14    222(a), Texas Probate Code, apply only to a motion for the removal
11-15    of a personal representative made or filed on or after the
11-16    effective date of this Act.  A motion for the removal of a personal
11-17    representative made or filed before the effective date of this Act
11-18    is governed by the law in effect on the date the motion was made or
11-19    filed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
11-20          SECTION 13.  The  changes in law made by this Act to Section
11-21    378B(a), Texas Probate Code, apply only to the accrual on or after
11-22    the effective date of this Act of interest due on estate taxes.
11-23    The accrual before the effective date of this Act of interest due
11-24    on estate taxes is  governed by the law in effect when the interest
11-25    accrued, and the former law is continued in effect for that
11-26    purpose.
11-27          SECTION 14.  Except as provided by Sections 11, 12, and 13 of
 12-1    this Act, the changes in law made by this Act apply only to the
 12-2    estate of a person who dies on or after the effective date of this
 12-3    Act.  An estate of a person who dies before the effective date of
 12-4    this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date of the
 12-5    person's death, and the former law is continued in effect for that
 12-6    purpose.
 12-7          SECTION 15.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
 12-8          SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the
 12-9    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
12-10    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
12-11    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
12-12    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.