76R10130 BDH-D                           
         By Uher, Green, Delisi, Solis of Bexar,               H.B. No. 1887
         Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1887:
         By Hunter                                         C.S.H.B. No. 1887
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to compensation and benefits for members of the state
 1-3     military forces and their dependents.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 431.006, Government Code, is amended to
 1-6     read as follows:
 1-8     [ACTIVE] DUTY.  (a)  A private employer may not terminate the
 1-9     employment of a permanent employee who is a member of the state
1-10     military forces because the employee is ordered to authorized
1-11     training or [active] duty by proper authority [during an emergency
1-12     within the state].  The employee is entitled to return to the same
1-13     employment held when ordered to training or [active] duty and may
1-14     not be subjected to loss of time, efficiency rating, vacation time,
1-15     or any benefit of employment during or because of the absence.  The
1-16     employee, as soon as practicable after release from duty, must give
1-17     written or actual notice of intent to return to employment.
1-18           (b)  A person injured by a violation of this section is
1-19     entitled to:
1-20                 (1)  damages in an amount not exceeding six months'
1-21     compensation at the rate at which the person was compensated when
1-22     ordered to training or [active] duty; and
1-23                 (2)  reasonable attorney's fees approved by the court.
1-24           (c)  It is a defense to an action under this section that the
 2-1     employer's circumstances changed while the employee was in training
 2-2     or on [active] duty to an extent that makes reemployment impossible
 2-3     or unreasonable.
 2-4           SECTION 2.  Section 431.082(c), Government Code, is amended
 2-5     to read as follows:
 2-6           (c)  When the adjutant general authorizes payment for
 2-7     training or other duty under Subsection (b), a member of the state
 2-8     military forces performing the training or other duty is entitled,
 2-9     during the period of the training or other duty, to receive pay and
2-10     allowances as provided by law for the United States Armed Forces,
2-11     except that the pay may not be less than the reimbursement for
2-12     lodging and meals authorized by the General Appropriations Act.
2-13     This pay is an emolument for training or other duty and is salary
2-14     or base pay.  The pay and allowances [and] may not be reduced
2-15     because of food, shelter, or transportation that the state pays or
2-16     furnishes in connection with the training or other duty.
2-17           SECTION 3.  Section 431.104, Government Code, is amended to
2-18     read as follows:
2-19           Sec. 431.104.  COMPENSATION FOR PERMANENT DISABILITY.  (a)  A
2-20     member of the state military forces whose disability incurred in
2-21     the line of military duty is permanent is entitled, after payment
2-22     under Section 431.102 has ceased and in addition to payment and
2-23     allowance under Section 431.103, to receive compensation under
2-24     Chapter 501, Labor Code [based on the person's percentage of total
2-25     disability].  [The compensation may not exceed $440 a month plus 12
2-26     1/2 percent of the basic pay of the grade or rank that the person
2-27     held when the disability was incurred.]
 3-1           (b)  The adjutant general shall appoint at least five
 3-2     persons, including at least one officer of the medical corps, as
 3-3     members of a board of officers.  The board of officers, subject to
 3-4     approval by the adjutant general, may award compensation for a
 3-5     person's disability in addition to any compensation the person
 3-6     receives under Chapter 501, Labor Code, notwithstanding Section
 3-7     408.001, Labor Code.
 3-8           (c)  The board of officers shall[:]
 3-9                 [(1)  determine a person's percentage of disability and
3-10     award compensation for the disability under this section; and]
3-11                 [(2)]  review each compensation award under Subsection
3-12     (b) annually on a date set by the adjutant general to determine
3-13     whether the award should be continued, increased, reduced, or
3-14     eliminated.
3-15           (d)  The adjutant general may use available public funds to
3-16     purchase an insurance policy or annuity contract from any insurance
3-17     or annuity company authorized to do business in this state as the
3-18     adjutant general considers necessary to carry out this section.
3-19           SECTION 4.  Section 431.105, Government Code, is amended by
3-20     amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection (e) to read as
3-21     follows:
3-22           (d)  The person's surviving dependent parents are entitled to
3-23     compensation as follows:
3-24                 (1)  if one dependent parent survives, $75 a month;
3-25                 (2)  if two dependent parents survive, $40 each a
3-26     month; and
3-27                 (3)  if a dependent parent who survives is a resident
 4-1     in a nursing home or is so nearly helpless or blind as to require
 4-2     the regular aid and attendance of another person, the rate of
 4-3     compensation payable to the dependent parent under Subdivision (1)
 4-4     or (2) is increased by $79 a month.
 4-5           (e)  Compensation and reimbursement under this subchapter and
 4-6     the cost of administering this subchapter shall be paid from funds
 4-7     in the state treasury appropriated to the state military forces in
 4-8     the same manner provided for other expenditure of state funds.
 4-9     Compensation or reimbursement may not be paid if the claim results
4-10     from activity related to duty or training under federal law or
4-11     regulations and federal law or regulations provide for the payment
4-12     of compensation or reimbursement.
4-13           SECTION 5.  Section 501.001(5), Labor Code, is amended to
4-14     read as follows:
4-15                 (5)  "Employee" means a person who is:
4-16                       (A)  in the service of the state pursuant to an
4-17     election, appointment, or express oral or written contract of hire;
4-18                       (B)  paid from state funds but whose duties
4-19     require that the person work and frequently receive supervision in
4-20     a political subdivision of the state;  [or]
4-21                       (C)  a peace officer employed by a political
4-22     subdivision, while the peace officer is exercising authority
4-23     granted under Article 14.03(c), Code of Criminal Procedure; or
4-24                       (D)  a member of the state military forces, as
4-25     defined by Section 431.001, Government Code, who is engaged in
4-26     authorized training or duty.
4-27           SECTION 6.  Section 501.024, Labor Code, is amended to read
 5-1     as follows:
 5-2           Sec. 501.024.  EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE.  The following
 5-3     persons are excluded from coverage as an employee under this
 5-4     chapter:
 5-5                 (1)  a person performing personal services for the
 5-6     state as an independent contractor or volunteer;
 5-7                 (2)  [a member of the state military forces as defined
 5-8     by Section 431.001, Government Code;]
 5-9                 [(3)]  a person who at the time of injury was
5-10     performing services for the federal government and who is covered
5-11     by some form of federal workers' compensation insurance;
5-12                 (3) [(4)]  a prisoner or inmate of a prison or
5-13     correctional institution;
5-14                 (4) [(5)]  a client or patient of a state agency;
5-15                 (5) [(6)]  a person employed by the Texas Department of
5-16     Transportation who is covered under Chapter 505;
5-17                 (6) [(7)]  a person employed by The University of Texas
5-18     System who is covered by Chapter 503; and
5-19                 (7) [(8)]  a person employed by The Texas A&M
5-20     University System who is covered by Chapter 502.
5-21           SECTION 7.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
5-22           (b)  The change in law made by this Act to Sections 431.104
5-23     and 431.105, Government Code, apply only to an injury or death of a
5-24     member of the state military forces occurring on or after August
5-25     15, 1998, and to compensation payable on or after the effective
5-26     date of this Act.
5-27           (c)  The change in law made by this Act to Sections 501.001
 6-1     and 501.024, Labor Code, applies to a compensable injury sustained
 6-2     by a member of the state military forces on or after August 15,
 6-3     1998.  For purposes of complying with the procedural requirements
 6-4     to establish a claim for compensation under the workers'
 6-5     compensation laws by a member of the state military forces who
 6-6     sustains a compensable injury before the effective date of this
 6-7     Act, the member's compensable injury is considered to have been
 6-8     sustained on the effective date of this Act.
 6-9           (d)  Compensation paid or payable for an injury or death
6-10     occurring before August 15, 1998, and compensation paid or payable
6-11     before the effective date of this Act for any injury or death are
6-12     governed by the law as it existed on that date, and the former law
6-13     is continued in effect for that purpose.
6-14           SECTION 8.  The importance of this legislation and the
6-15     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
6-16     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
6-17     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
6-18     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.