By Staples                                            H.B. No. 2019
         76R5064 MLS-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the conveyance of certain state-owned real property in
 1-3     Cherokee County to the City of Rusk.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  AUTHORIZATION FOR CONVEYANCE.  (a)  The Texas
 1-6     Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation may convey, on
 1-7     behalf of the state, all of the interest of the state in the real
 1-8     property described by Section 2 of this Act and all improvements on
 1-9     the property to the City of Rusk.
1-10           (b)  The General Land Office shall determine the amount of
1-11     consideration due under this Act by determining the fair market
1-12     value of the property.
1-13           (c)  Proceeds from the sale shall be deposited to the credit
1-14     of the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation in
1-15     the Texas capital trust fund established under Chapter 2201,
1-16     Government Code.  The proceeds and any interest from the proceeds
1-17     may be appropriated only for improvements to the facilities of the
1-18     Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation.
1-19           (d)  The commissioner of the General Land Office shall
1-20     reserve ownership of all oil, gas, and other minerals in and under
1-21     the real property and the right to remove the oil, gas, and other
1-22     minerals, including the right to grant oil, gas, and mineral
1-23     leases.
1-24           (e)  Sections 31.1571 and 31.158, Natural Resources Code, and
 2-1     533.084, Health and Safety Code, do not apply to the conveyance
 2-2     authorized by this section.
 2-3           SECTION 2.  PROPERTY DESCRIPTION.  The real property
 2-4     authorized for conveyance by Section 1 of this Act consists of the
 2-5     real property described as follows:
 2-6     BEING  12.74 acres of land in the A. H. WHITE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO.
 2-7     931, Cherokee County, Texas, and being part of a 1929.79 acre tract
 2-8     described in deed from the Texas Board of Control to Rusk State
 2-9     Hospital, December 4, 1929, recorded in Volume 139, Page 426, Deed
2-10     Records of Cherokee County, Texas, (hereinafter shown as
2-11     volume/page, DR, or LR for Land Records) Bearings are based on
2-12     South 05 deg. 58 min. 00 sec.  East, along the West line of a 10
2-13     acre tract described in deed from the Texas Board of Mental Health
2-14     and Mental Retardation, to Cherokee County, Texas, September 1,
2-15     1987, recorded in Volume 1043, Page 717, L.R. SAID tract described
2-16     as follows:  See Plat:
2-17     BEGINNING  at a 1/2" steel rod set in the North line of Castner
2-18     Street for the Southwest corner of 2.057 acres.  70 feet wide.
2-19     Locally known as Underwood Street (no dedication found), for the
2-20     Southeast corner of this tract, from which a 1/2" steel rod found
2-21     for the Southwest corner of said 10 acres and the Southeast corner
2-22     of Underwood Street bears North 88 deg. 07 min.  16 sec.  East,
2-23     70.18 feet and a Concrete Monument with brass cap found marked No.
2-24     75-1969 bears North 88 deg. 07 min. 16 sec.  East, 608.60 feet;
2-25     THENCE  South 88 deg. 07 min. 16 sec.  West, with the North line of
2-26     Castner Street 82.40 feet to a 1/2" steel rod set on the East bank
2-27     of a creek in the East line of U.S. Highway No. 69;
 3-1     THENCE  North 47 deg. 27 min. 47 sec.  West, with the East line of
 3-2     U.S.  Highway No. 69, 1108.71 feet to a 1/2" steel rod found in the
 3-3     center of a broke concrete monument No. 49-1969 for right-of-way
 3-4     offset corner;
 3-5     THENCE  North 28 deg. 23 min. 09 sec.  East, with highway offset
 3-6     77.34 feet to a concrete monument found with brass cap in top
 3-7     marked 50-1969 for a right-of-way offset corner on bank of branch;
 3-8     THENCE North 47 deg. 27 min. 47 sec. West, with said highway 31.59
 3-9     feet to a 5/8" steel rod set in the centerline of a branch for a
3-10     corner of this tract;
3-11     THENCE  Easterly with centerline of branch as follows:  South 71
3-12     deg. 56 min.  19 sec.  East - 41.85 feet, South 30 deg. 20 min. 24
3-13     sec.  East - 51.34 feet, North 55 deg. 06 min. 38 sec.  East -
3-14     30.71 feet, South 85 deg. 14 min. 07 sec.  East - 79.01 feet, South
3-15     50 deg. 05 min. 11 sec.  East - 44.71 feet, North 70 deg. 23 min.
3-16     26 sec.  East - 56.19 feet, South 63 deg. 50 min. 43 sec.  East -
3-17     50.35 feet, South 62 deg. 58 min. 17 sec.  East - 42.94 feet, North
3-18     58 deg. 23 min. 02 sec.  East - 37.91 feet, and North 86 deg. 21
3-19     min. 19 sec.  East - 7.13 feet to a 5/8" steel rod set in center
3-20     line of intersection of said branch and a creek;
3-21     THENCE  Northerly with centerline of creek as follows:  North 06
3-22     deg. 00 min.  28 sec.  West - 227.49 feet, North 39 deg. 28 min. 44
3-23     sec.  West - 66.73 feet, North 11 deg. 32 min. 17 sec.  West -
3-24     119.80 feet and North 06 deg. 37 min. 14 sec.  East - 20.20 feet to
3-25     a 5/8" steel rod set in centerline of creek for the most Northerly
3-26     Northwest corner of this tract;
3-27     THENCE  North 82 deg. 13 min. 39 sec.  East, at 25.00 feet pass a
 4-1     1/2" steel rod set on the bank of creek for a reference corner,
 4-2     continuing 468.95 feet in all to a 1/2" steel rod set in the West
 4-3     line of said Underwood Street or 2.057 acres for the Northeast
 4-4     corner of this tract;
 4-5     THENCE  South 05 deg. 58 min. 00 sec. East, with the West line of
 4-6     Underwood Street or said 2.057 acres, 70 feet West of and parallel
 4-7     with the West line of said 10 acres, 1244.11 feet to the PLACE OF
 4-8     BEGINNING and containing within these calls 12.74 acres of land.
 4-9           SECTION 3.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
4-10     and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
4-11     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
4-12     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
4-13     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
4-14     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
4-15     passage, and it is so enacted.