By Dukes                                              H.B. No. 2294
         76R6444 CMR-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the identification and location of absent parents and
 1-3     relatives for children removed from their parents' care.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 262.201(c), Family Code, as amended by
 1-6     Section 5, Chapter 600, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular
 1-7     Session, 1997; Section 1, Chapter 603, Acts of the 75th
 1-8     Legislature, Regular Session,  1997; Section 77, Chapter 1022, Acts
 1-9     of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997; and Section 3,
1-10     Chapter 752, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997,
1-11     is reenacted, amended to correct cross-references, and amended to
1-12     read as follows:
1-13           (c)  If the court finds sufficient evidence to satisfy a
1-14     person of ordinary prudence and caution that there is a continuing
1-15     danger to the physical health or safety of the child and for the
1-16     child to remain in the home is contrary to the welfare of the
1-17     child, the court shall issue an appropriate temporary order under
1-18     Chapter 105.  The court shall require each parent, alleged father,
1-19     or relative of the child before the court to provide the department
1-20     with information necessary to locate any other absent parent,
1-21     alleged father, or relative of the child.  The court shall [and]
1-22     inform each parent in open court that parental and custodial rights
1-23     and duties may be subject to restriction or to termination unless
1-24     the parent or parents are willing and able to provide the child
 2-1     with a safe environment. If the court finds that the child requires
 2-2     protection from family violence by a member of the child's family
 2-3     or household, the court shall render a protective order under Title
 2-4     4 [Chapter 71] for the child.  In this subsection, "family
 2-5     violence"  has the meaning assigned by Section 71.004 [71.01].
 2-6           SECTION 2.  Section 263.202(a), Family Code, is amended to
 2-7     read as follows:
 2-8           (a)  If all parties entitled to citation and notice under
 2-9     this chapter were not served, the court shall make findings as to
2-10     whether:
2-11                 (1)  the department or other agency has exercised due
2-12     diligence to locate all necessary persons; and
2-13                 (2)  each [if only one parent is before the court,
2-14     that] parent, alleged father, or relative of the child before the
2-15     court has furnished to the department all available information
2-16     necessary to locate another [an] absent parent, alleged father, or
2-17     relative of the child through exercise of due diligence [the
2-18     parental locator service].
2-19           SECTION 3.  Section 263.306, Family Code, is amended to read
2-20     as follows:
2-21           Sec. 263.306.  PERMANENCY HEARINGS: PROCEDURE.  At each
2-22     permanency hearing the court shall:
2-23                 (1)  identify all persons or parties present at the
2-24     hearing or those given notice but failing to appear;
2-25                 (2)  review the efforts of the department or another
2-26     agency in:
2-27                       (A)  attempting to locate all necessary persons;
 3-1                       (B)  requesting service of citation; and
 3-2                       (C)  obtaining the assistance of a parent in
 3-3     providing information necessary to locate an absent parent, alleged
 3-4     father, or relative of the child;
 3-5                 (3)  review the efforts of each parent, alleged father,
 3-6     or relative of the child before the court in providing information
 3-7     necessary to locate another absent parent, alleged father, or
 3-8     relative of the child;
 3-9                 (4)  return the child to the parent or parents if the
3-10     child's parent or parents are willing and able to provide the child
3-11     with a safe environment and the return of the child is in the
3-12     child's best interest;
3-13                 (5) [(4)]  place the child with a person or entity,
3-14     other than a parent, entitled to service under Chapter 102 if the
3-15     person or entity is willing and able to provide the child with a
3-16     safe environment and the return of the child is in the child's best
3-17     interest;
3-18                 (6) [(5)]  evaluate the department's efforts to
3-19     identify relatives who could provide the child with a safe
3-20     environment, if the child is not returned to a parent or another
3-21     person or entity entitled to service under Chapter 102;
3-22                 (7) [(6)]  evaluate the parties' compliance with
3-23     temporary orders and the service plan;
3-24                 (8) [(7)]  determine whether:
3-25                       (A)  the child continues to need substitute care;
3-26                       (B)  the child's current placement is appropriate
3-27     for meeting the child's needs; and
 4-1                       (C)  other plans or services are needed to meet
 4-2     the child's special needs or circumstances;
 4-3                 (9) [(8)]  if the child is placed in institutional
 4-4     care, determine whether efforts have been made to ensure placement
 4-5     of the child in the least restrictive environment consistent with
 4-6     the best interest and special needs of the child;
 4-7                 (10) [(9)]  if the child is 16 years of age or older,
 4-8     order services that are needed to assist the child in making the
 4-9     transition from substitute care to independent living if the
4-10     services are available in the community;
4-11                 (11) [(10)]  determine plans, services, and further
4-12     temporary orders necessary to ensure that a final order is rendered
4-13     before the date for dismissal of the suit under this chapter; and
4-14                 (12) [(11)]  determine the date for dismissal of the
4-15     suit under this chapter and give notice in open court to all
4-16     parties of:
4-17                       (A)  the dismissal date;
4-18                       (B)  the date of the next permanency hearing; and
4-19                       (C)  the date the suit is set for trial.
4-20           SECTION 4.  Section 264.205, Family Code, is amended by
4-21     adding Subsection (d) to read as follows:
4-22           (d)  In addition to the other requirements of this section,
4-23     the department shall develop swift adoption teams to expedite the
4-24     process of placing a child for adoption with a relative of the
4-25     child.
4-26           SECTION 5.  Section 5, Chapter 600, Acts of the 75th
4-27     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997; Section 1, Chapter 603, Acts of
 5-1     the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997; Section 77, Chapter
 5-2     1022, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session, 1997; and
 5-3     Section 3, Chapter 752, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular
 5-4     Session, 1997, are repealed.
 5-5           SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999, and
 5-6     applies only to a child placed in the custody of the Department of
 5-7     Protective and Regulatory Services on or after that date. A child
 5-8     placed in the custody of the department before the effective date
 5-9     of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the child
5-10     was placed in custody, and the former law is continued in effect
5-11     for that purpose.
5-12           SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
5-13     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
5-14     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
5-15     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
5-16     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.