By Wolens                                             H.B. No. 2661
         76R1612(1) ESH                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to ethics in government, including financial disclosure by
 1-3     and standards of conduct applicable to holders of and candidates
 1-4     for certain offices; providing criminal penalties.
 1-6           SECTION 1.  Section 571.069(b), Government Code, is amended
 1-7     to read as follows:
 1-8           (b)  The commission may by an affirmative record vote of at
 1-9     least five [six] commission members perform a complete audit only
1-10     at an informal or formal hearing.
1-11           SECTION 2.  Section 571.121(a), Government Code, is amended
1-12     to read as follows:
1-13           (a)  The commission may:
1-14                 (1)  hold hearings, on its own motion adopted by an
1-15     affirmative record vote of at least five [six] commission members
1-16     or on a sworn complaint, and render decisions on complaints or
1-17     reports of violations as provided by this  chapter; and
1-18                 (2)  agree to the settlement of issues.
1-19           SECTION 3.   Subchapter A, Chapter 572, Government Code, is
1-20     amended by adding Section 572.0041 to read as follows:
1-21           Sec. 572.0041. DEFINITION:  SPECIAL ECONOMIC EFFECT.  In this
1-22     chapter:
1-23                 (1)  "Special economic effect on a business entity"
1-24     means an effect on the value or profitability of a business entity
1-25     that is distinguishable from its effect on the public or on other
1-26     business entities involved in the same trade or profession.  The
 2-1     term includes a detrimental economic effect on a competitor of the
 2-2     business entity.
 2-3                 (2)  "Special economic effect on real property or
 2-4     another asset" means an effect on the value or profitability of the
 2-5     property or asset that is distinguishable from its effect on the
 2-6     public or on other real property or assets.
 2-7           SECTION 4.  Section 572.005, Government Code, is amended to
 2-8     read as follows:
2-10     BUSINESS ENTITY.  An individual has a substantial interest in a
2-11     business entity if:
2-12                 (1)  the individual:
2-13                       (A) [(1)]  has a controlling interest in the
2-14     business entity;
2-15                       (B) [(2)]  owns more than 10 percent of the
2-16     voting interest in the business entity;
2-17                       (C) [(3)]  owns more than $25,000 of the fair
2-18     market value of the business entity;
2-19                       (D) [(4)]  has a direct or indirect participating
2-20     interest by shares, stock, or otherwise, regardless of whether
2-21     voting rights are included, in more than 10 percent of the profits,
2-22     proceeds, or capital gains of the business entity;
2-23                       (E) [(5)]  is a member of the board of directors
2-24     or other governing board of the business entity;
2-25                       (F) [(6)]  serves as an elected officer of the
2-26     business entity; or
2-27                       (G) [(7)]  is an employee of the business entity;
 3-1     or
 3-2                 (2)  money received by the individual from the business
 3-3     entity exceeds 10 percent of the person's gross income for the
 3-4     preceding calendar year.
 3-5           SECTION 5.  Subchapter A, Chapter 572, Government Code, is
 3-6     amended by adding Sections 572.0051 and 572.0052 to read as
 3-7     follows:
 3-9     PROPERTY OR OTHER ASSET.  An individual has a substantial interest
3-10     in real property or another asset if the interest is an equitable
3-11     or legal ownership interest that has a fair market value greater
3-12     than the lesser of:
3-13                 (1)  $25,000; or
3-14                 (2)  10 percent of the total value of assets in which
3-15     the individual has an equitable or legal ownership interest.
3-16           Sec. 572.0052.  SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST HELD BY SPOUSE.  For
3-17     purposes of Sections 572.053 and 572.058, an elected or appointed
3-18     officer is considered to have a substantial interest in a business
3-19     entity or in real property or another asset if a person related to
3-20     the officer in the first degree by consanguinity or affinity, as
3-21     determined under Chapter 573, has a substantial interest in the
3-22     entity or real property or other asset.
3-23           SECTION 6.  Section 572.021, Government Code, is amended to
3-24     read as follows:
3-25           Sec. 572.021.  FINANCIAL STATEMENT REQUIRED.  A state
3-26     officer, a partisan or independent candidate for an office as an
3-27     elected officer, and a party chairman shall file with the
 4-1     commission a verified financial statement complying with Sections
 4-2     572.022 through 572.024 [572.025].
 4-3           SECTION 7.  Sections 572.022(b) and (c), Government Code, are
 4-4     amended to read as follows:
 4-5           (b)  The individual filing the statement shall report an
 4-6     amount of stock or the amount of an interest in a mutual fund by
 4-7     category of number of shares instead of by category of dollar value
 4-8     and shall report whether the amount is:
 4-9                 (1)  less than 100 shares;
4-10                 (2)  at least 100 but less than 500 shares;
4-11                 (3)  at least 500 but less than 1,000 shares;
4-12                 (4)  at least 1,000 but less than 5,000 shares;
4-13                 (5)  at least 5,000 but less than 10,000 shares; or
4-14                 (6)  10,000 shares or more.
4-15           (c)  The individual filing the statement shall report a
4-16     description of real property by:
4-17                 (1)  if there is a recorded map or plat and survey of
4-18     the area in which the property is located, stating the street
4-19     address and the lot and block number of the property; or
4-20                 (2)  if there is not a recorded map or plat and survey
4-21     of the area in which the property is located:
4-22                       (A)  stating the street address, if any, and the
4-23     number of acres; and
4-24                       (B)  describing the property by reference to
4-25     roads, lakes, or waterways in a manner sufficient to permit a
4-26     person to identify the property with reasonable certainty.
4-27           (d)  As to each parcel of real property, the individual
 5-1     filing the statement shall include [the number of lots or number of
 5-2     acres,  as applicable, in each county, the name of the county, and]
 5-3     the names of all persons retaining an interest in the property,
 5-4     excluding an interest that is a severed mineral interest.
 5-5           SECTION 8.  Section 572.023(b), Government Code, is amended
 5-6     to read as follows:
 5-7           (b)  The account of financial activity consists of:
 5-8                 (1)  a list of all sources of occupational income,
 5-9     identified by employer, or if self-employed, by the nature of the
5-10     occupation, including identification of a person or other
5-11     organization from which the individual or a business in which the
5-12     individual has a substantial interest received a fee as a retainer
5-13     for a claim on future services in case of need, as distinguished
5-14     from a fee for services on a matter specified at the time of
5-15     contracting for or receiving the fee, if professional or
5-16     occupational services are not actually performed during the
5-17     reporting period equal to or in excess of the amount of the
5-18     retainer, and the category of the amount of the fee;
5-19                 (2)  identification by name and the category of the
5-20     number of shares of stock of any business entity held or acquired,
5-21     and if sold, the category of the amount of net gain or loss
5-22     realized from the sale;
5-23                 (3)  a list of all bonds, notes, and other commercial
5-24     paper held or acquired, and if sold, the category of the amount of
5-25     net gain or loss realized from the sale;
5-26                 (4)  identification by name of and the categories of
5-27     shares in any mutual fund held or acquired and, if sold, the
 6-1     category of the amount of net gain or loss realized from the sale;
 6-2                 (5)  identification of each source and the category of
 6-3     the amount of income in excess of $500 derived from each source
 6-4     from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents;
 6-5                 (6) [(5)]  identification of each guarantor of a loan
 6-6     and identification of each person or financial institution to whom
 6-7     a personal note or notes or lease agreement for a total financial
 6-8     liability in excess of $1,000 existed at any time during the year
 6-9     and the category of the amount of the liability;
6-10                 (7) [(6)]  identification by description of all
6-11     beneficial interests in real property and business entities held or
6-12     acquired, and if sold, the category of the amount of the net gain
6-13     or loss realized from the sale;
6-14                 (8) [(7)]  identification of a person or other
6-15     organization from which the individual or the individual's spouse
6-16     or dependent children received a gift of anything of value in
6-17     excess of $250 and a description of each gift, except:
6-18                       (A)  a gift received from an individual related
6-19     to the individual at any time within the second degree by
6-20     consanguinity or affinity, as determined under Subchapter A,
6-21     Chapter 573;
6-22                       (B)  a political contribution that was reported
6-23     as required by law; and
6-24                       (C)  an expenditure required to be reported by a
6-25     person required to be registered under Chapter 305;
6-26                 (9) [(8)]  identification of the source and the
6-27     category of the amount of all income received as beneficiary of a
 7-1     trust and identification of each asset, if known to the
 7-2     beneficiary, from which income was received by the beneficiary in
 7-3     excess of $500;
 7-4                 (10) [(9)]  identification by description and the
 7-5     category of the amount of all assets and liabilities of a
 7-6     corporation or partnership in which 50 percent or more of the
 7-7     outstanding ownership was held, acquired, or sold;
 7-8                 (11) [(10)]  a list of all boards of directors of which
 7-9     the individual is a member and executive positions that the
7-10     individual holds in corporations, firms, partnerships, or
7-11     proprietorships, stating the name of each corporation, firm,
7-12     partnership, or proprietorship and the position held;
7-13                 (12) [(11)]  identification of any person providing
7-14     transportation, meals, or lodging expenses permitted under Section
7-15     36.07(b), Penal Code, and the amount of those expenses, other than
7-16     expenditures required to be reported under Chapter 305; [and]
7-17                 (13) [(12)]  any partnership, joint venture, or other
7-18     business association, excluding a publicly held corporation, in
7-19     which both the state officer and a person registered under Chapter
7-20     305 have an interest; and
7-21                 (14)  a description of real property held or acquired
7-22     by a real estate investment trust, excluding a publicly traded real
7-23     estate investment trust, in which the individual has a beneficial
7-24     interest and, if sold, the category of the amount of net gain or
7-25     loss realized from the sale.
7-26           SECTION 9.  Section 572.052(a), Government Code, is amended
7-27     to read as follows:
 8-1           (a)  A member of the legislature may not, for compensation,
 8-2     represent another person before a state agency in the executive
 8-3     branch of state government unless[:]
 8-4                 [(1)]  the representation[:]
 8-5                       [(A)  is made in a proceeding that is adversary
 8-6     in nature or in another public hearing that is a matter of record;
 8-7     or]
 8-8                       [(B)]  involves the filing of documents, contacts
 8-9     with the agency for informational purposes, or other relations,
8-10     that involve only ministerial acts on the part of the commission,
8-11     agency, board, department, or officer[; and]
8-12                 [(2)  the member discloses to the agency that the
8-13     member is being compensated for the representation].
8-14           SECTION 10.  Section 572.053, Government Code, is amended to
8-15     read as follows:
8-16           Sec. 572.053.  ACTION [VOTING] BY LEGISLATORS ON CERTAIN
8-17     MEASURES OR BILLS; CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  A member of the
8-18     legislature who has a substantial interest in a business entity or
8-19     in real property or another asset may not vote or take other action
8-20     on a measure or a bill if it is reasonably foreseeable that the
8-21     measure or bill will have a special economic effect on the business
8-22     entity or the real property or other asset.
8-23           (b)  For purposes of this section, "other action" includes
8-24     any action permitted by the rules of the senate or house of
8-25     representatives, as applicable, that has the effect of delaying or
8-26     preventing a vote on a bill or measure.
8-27           (c)  A member of the legislature who has a substantial
 9-1     interest in a business entity or real property or another asset to
 9-2     which the member believes this section may apply shall notify the
 9-3     chair of the standing committee with jurisdiction over the matter,
 9-4     as determined by the rules of the senate or house of
 9-5     representatives, as appropriate, or, if the rules are silent, as
 9-6     determined by the presiding officer.  A notification under this
 9-7     subsection must be in writing and describe the member's interest
 9-8     and the bill or measure with sufficient detail to permit the
 9-9     committee to determine whether the member is prohibited from voting
9-10     on the bill or measure.  Unless the member states in writing that
9-11     the member has determined that the member is prohibited from voting
9-12     on the bill or measure, the committee shall  make a written
9-13     determination as to whether the member is prohibited from voting
9-14     under this section.  If the committee determines that the member is
9-15     prohibited from voting under this section, the member may not vote
9-16     on the bill or measure.  If the committee determines that the
9-17     member is not prohibited from voting under this section, the member
9-18     may vote on the bill or measure, and it is a defense to prosecution
9-19     or to imposition of a civil penalty that the member reasonably
9-20     relied on the committee's determination.
9-21           (d)  [, other than a measure that will affect an entire class
9-22     of business entities, that will directly benefit a specific
9-23     business transaction of a business entity in which the member has a
9-24     controlling interest.]
9-25           [(b)  In this section, "controlling interest" includes:]
9-26                 [(1)  an ownership interest or participating interest
9-27     by virtue of shares, stock, or otherwise that exceeds 10 percent;]
 10-1                [(2)  membership on the board of directors or other
 10-2    governing body of the business entity; or]
 10-3                [(3)  service as an officer of the business entity.]
 10-4          [(c)]  A member of the legislature commits an offense if the
 10-5    member knowingly violates this section.  An offense under this
 10-6    subsection is a Class A misdemeanor.
 10-7          SECTION 11.  Section 572.058, Government Code, is amended to
 10-8    read as follows:
 10-9          Sec. 572.058.  PRIVATE INTEREST IN MEASURE OR DECISION;
10-11    (a)  An elected or appointed officer[, other than an officer
10-12    subject to impeachment under Article XV, Section 2, of the Texas
10-13    Constitution,] who has policy direction over a state agency or who
10-14    is a member of a board or commission that has [having] policy
10-15    direction over a state agency and who has a substantial [personal
10-16    or private] interest in a business entity or real property or
10-17    another asset may not vote or otherwise participate in a decision
10-18    involving a measure or [,] proposal[, or decision] pending before
10-19    the officer, board, or commission if it is reasonably foreseeable
10-20    that the measure or proposal will have a special economic effect on
10-21    the business entity or the real property or other asset.
10-22          (b)  An officer who has a substantial interest to which this
10-23    section applies and who is not, for purposes of the measure or
10-24    proposal, a member of a board or commission shall advise the
10-25    governor in writing of the officer's interest.  The officer, with
10-26    the governor's written approval, shall designate a person in the
10-27    officer's agency to make the decision.  The officer's written
 11-1    statement and the governor's approval of the designated person must
 11-2    be published in the Texas Register.
 11-3          (c)  An officer who has a substantial interest to which this
 11-4    section applies and who is, for purposes of the measure or
 11-5    proposal, a member of a board or commission shall publicly disclose
 11-6    the fact to the board or commission in a meeting called and held in
 11-7    compliance with Chapter 551.  [The officer may not vote or
 11-8    otherwise participate in the decision.]  The disclosure shall be
 11-9    entered in the minutes of the meeting.
11-10          (d) [(b)]  An officer, other than an officer subject to
11-11    impeachment under Section 2, Article XV, Texas Constitution,
11-12    [individual] who violates this section is subject to removal from
11-13    office on the petition of the attorney general on the attorney
11-14    general's own initiative or on the relation of a resident or of any
11-15    other member of the board or commission.  The suit must be brought
11-16    in a district court of Travis County or of the county where the
11-17    violation is alleged to have been committed.
11-18          (e) [(c)]  If the court or jury finds from a preponderance of
11-19    the evidence that the defendant violated this section and that an
11-20    ordinary prudent person would have known the individual's conduct
11-21    to be a violation of this section, the court shall enter judgment
11-22    removing the defendant from office.
11-23          (f) [(d)]  A suit under Subsection (d) [this section] must be
11-24    brought before the second anniversary of the date the violation is
11-25    alleged to have been committed, or the suit is barred.
11-26          (g) [(e)]  The remedy provided by Subsection (d) [this
11-27    section] is cumulative of other methods of removal from office
 12-1    provided by the Texas Constitution or a statute of this state.
 12-2          (h)  An elected or appointed officer commits an offense if
 12-3    the  officer knowingly violates this section.  An offense under
 12-4    this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor. [(f) In this section,
 12-5    "personal or private interest" has the same meaning as is given to
 12-6    it under Article III, Section 22, of the Texas Constitution,
 12-7    governing the conduct of members of the legislature.  For purposes
 12-8    of this section, an individual does not have a "personal or private
 12-9    interest" in a measure, proposal, or decision if the individual is
12-10    engaged in a profession, trade, or occupation and the individual's
12-11    interest is the same as all others similarly engaged in the
12-12    profession, trade, or occupation.]
12-13          SECTION 12.  Subchapter C, Chapter 572, Government Code, is
12-14    amended by adding Sections 572.059-572.062 to read as follows:
12-16    OFFENSE.  (a)  An elected or appointed officer or a business entity
12-17    in which an elected or appointed officer has a substantial interest
12-18    may not:
12-19                (1)  be a subcontractor to a general contractor under a
12-20    state or local government contract; or
12-21                (2)  supply materials to a subcontractor or to a
12-22    general contractor under a state or local government contract.
12-23          (b)  A subcontract made in violation of Subsection (a)  is
12-24    void.
12-25          (c)  A person commits an offense if the person knowingly
12-26    violates this section.  An offense under this subsection is a Class
12-27    A misdemeanor.
 13-3    CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  An elected or appointed officer or a
 13-4    business entity in which an elected or appointed officer has a
 13-5    substantial interest may not enter into a contract for consulting
 13-6    services with:
 13-7                (1)  a state or local government; or
 13-8                (2)  a third party who has a contract with a state or
 13-9    local government, if the officer's contract involves the same
13-10    matter as that of the contract between the third party and the
13-11    state or local government.
13-12          (b)  A contract made in violation of Subsection (a) is void.
13-13          (c)  In this section, "consulting services" means the service
13-14    of studying or advising any entity on an issue or issues under a
13-15    contract that does not involve the traditional relationship of
13-16    employer and employee.
13-17          (d)  A person commits an offense if the person knowingly
13-18    violates this section.  An offense under this subsection is a Class
13-19    A misdemeanor.
13-21    GOVERNOR; CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  A former member of the
13-22    legislature or former lieutenant governor may not, before the
13-23    second anniversary of the date the person ceases to be a member or
13-24    the lieutenant governor, engage in activities that require
13-25    registration under Chapter 305.
13-26          (b)  A person commits an offense if the person violates this
13-27    section.  An offense under this subsection is a Class A
 14-1    misdemeanor.
 14-3    CRIMINAL OFFENSE.  (a)  A former state officer or state employee
 14-4    may not, before the second anniversary of the date the person
 14-5    ceases to be an officer or employee, be employed by or receive
 14-6    compensation from a person who entered into a contract with the
 14-7    state agency in which the officer served or by which the employee
 14-8    was employed if the officer or employee participated in awarding
 14-9    the contract.
14-10          (b)  In this section, "participated" has the meaning assigned
14-11    by Section 572.054.
14-12          (c)  An individual commits an offense if the individual
14-13    violates this section.  An offense under this subsection is a Class
14-14    A misdemeanor.
14-15          SECTION 13.  Section 572.025, Government Code, is repealed.
14-16          SECTION 14.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
14-17          SECTION 15.  (a)  Subchapter B, Chapter 572, Government Code,
14-18    as amended by this Act, applies only to a financial statement filed
14-19    under Subchapter B, Chapter 572, Government Code, or Subchapter A
14-20    or C, Chapter 159, Local Government Code, that is required to be
14-21    filed on or after January 1, 2000.  A financial statement required
14-22    to be filed under  Subchapter B, Chapter 572, Government Code, or
14-23    Subchapter A or C, Chapter 159, Local Government Code, before
14-24    January 1, 2000, is governed by the law in effect on the date the
14-25    statement is required to be filed, and the former law is continued
14-26    in effect for that purpose.
14-27          (b)  The changes in law made by this Act to Subchapter A,
 15-1    Chapter 572, Government Code, and to Sections 572.052, 572.053, and
 15-2    572.058, Government Code, apply only to an offense committed on or
 15-3    after September 1, 1999.  For the purposes of this section, an
 15-4    offense is committed before September 1, 1999, if any element of
 15-5    the offense occurs before the effective date.  An offense committed
 15-6    before September 1, 1999, is covered by the law in effect when the
 15-7    offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect
 15-8    for that purpose.
 15-9          (c)  Section 572.061, Government Code, as added by this Act,
15-10    applies only to a member of the legislature or a lieutenant
15-11    governor who ceases to be a member or the lieutenant governor on or
15-12    after September 1, 1999.
15-13          SECTION 16.  The importance of this legislation and the
15-14    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
15-15    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
15-16    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
15-17    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.