By Maxey                                              H.B. No. 2873
         76R7968 KKA-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the operation of certain Medicaid waiver programs for
 1-3     children with disabilities or special health care needs.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subchapter B, Chapter 32, Human Resources Code,
 1-6     is amended by adding Section 32.052 to read as follows:
 1-8     OR SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS.  (a)  This section applies to
 1-9     services under the medical assistance program provided to children
1-10     with disabilities or special health care needs under a waiver
1-11     granted under Section 1915(c) of the federal Social Security Act
1-12     (42 U.S.C.  Section 1396n(c)).
1-13           (b)  In this section, "permanency planning" means a
1-14     philosophy and planning process designed to achieve family support
1-15     through the facilitation of a permanent living arrangement that has
1-16     as its primary feature an enduring and nurturing parental
1-17     relationship.
1-18           (c)  In developing and providing services subject to this
1-19     section, the department shall:
1-20                 (1)  fully assess a child at the time the child applies
1-21     for assistance to determine all appropriate services for the child
1-22     under the medical assistance program, including both waiver and
1-23     nonwaiver services;
1-24                 (2)  ensure that permanency planning is implemented to
 2-1     identify and establish the family support necessary to maintain a
 2-2     child's permanent living arrangement with a family;
 2-3                 (3)  implement a transition and referral process to
 2-4     prevent gaps in services received by a child that could otherwise
 2-5     result from changes in the delivery system serving the child,
 2-6     changes in the child's needs and eligibility status, or changes in
 2-7     the child's residence;
 2-8                 (4)  identify and provide core services addressing a
 2-9     child's developmental needs and the needs of the child's family to
2-10     strengthen and maintain the child's family;
2-11                 (5)  provide for comprehensive coordination and use of
2-12     available services and resources in a manner that ensures that a
2-13     child's family is aware of all service options;
2-14                 (6)  ensure that eligibility requirements, assessments
2-15     for service needs, and other components of service delivery are
2-16     designed to be fair and equitable for all families, including
2-17     families with parents who work outside the home; and
2-18                 (7)  provide for a broad array of service options and a
2-19     reasonable choice of service providers.
2-20           (d)  To ensure that services subject to this section are cost
2-21     neutral and not duplicative of other services provided under the
2-22     medical assistance program, the department shall coordinate the
2-23     provision of services subject to this section with services
2-24     provided under the Texas Health Steps Comprehensive Care Program.
2-25           (e)  The department shall establish an advisory committee to
2-26     provide recommendations to the department on the delivery of
2-27     services subject to this section.  The advisory committee must meet
 3-1     regularly and must include parents of children receiving services
 3-2     subject to this section and representatives of appropriate advocacy
 3-3     organizations. The advisory committee shall provide recommendations
 3-4     relating to:
 3-5                 (1)  administration of services subject to this section
 3-6     in a manner that eliminates duplication of services provided under
 3-7     the Texas Health Steps Comprehensive Care Program;
 3-8                 (2)  coordination of services;
 3-9                 (3)  elimination of gaps in service delivery;
3-10                 (4)  policy development in a manner that demonstrates
3-11     sensitivity to  the needs of children with disabilities and special
3-12     health needs and their families and to the goals of legislation
3-13     relating to services for those children and their families; and
3-14                 (5)  evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of
3-15     services subject to this section.
3-16           SECTION 2.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
3-17     a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
3-18     federal agency is necessary for implementation, the state agency
3-19     shall request the waiver or authorization and may delay
3-20     implementing that provision until the waiver or authorization is
3-21     granted.
3-22           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-23     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-24     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
3-25     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
3-26     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
3-27     and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
 4-1     passage, and it is so enacted.