By Dukes                                              H.B. No. 2949
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to authorizing the General Services Commission to convey
 1-3     certain state-owned property to the Austin Revitalization
 1-4     Authority.
 1-6           SECTION 1.  (a)  The General Services Commission may convey,
 1-7     on behalf of the state, the state's interest in the real property
 1-8     described by Subsection (e) of this section to the Austin
 1-9     Revitalization Authority, a 501 (c) (3), non-profit organization
1-10     with involvement in efforts leading to designation of the East 11th
1-11     and 12th Street corridors as an Urban Renewal area and with primary
1-12     responsibility for implementation of the Community Redevelopment
1-13     Plan for the City of Austin.
1-14           (b)  The purchase and sale agreement relating to the
1-15     conveyance authorized by this section shall be for:
1-16                 (1)  cash consideration in an amount no less than equal
1-17     to the fair market value of the property as established by an
1-18     independent appraisal obtained by the General Services Commission;
1-19                 (2)  closing to occur at the mutual convenience of the
1-20     parties; and
1-21                 (3)  may require other terms and conditions negotiated
 2-1     by the General Services Commission and the Austin Revitalization
 2-2     Authority.
 2-3           (c)  The General Services Commission may transfer the real
 2-4     property only by a special warranty deed.
 2-5           (d)  Section 31.158, Natural Resources Code, does not apply
 2-6     to the conveyance authorized by this section.
 2-7           (e)  The real property includes all of that certain tract or
 2-8     parcel of land being a portion of the Subdivision of Outlot No. 55
 2-9     in Division B in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas, platted
2-10     May 7, 1875 by direction of George L.  Robertson, recorded in
2-11     Volume Z, page 599 of the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas,
2-12     said tract being that certain tract described in Deed conveyed to
2-13     J. C.  Ruby and Joe M. Teague, dated February 27, 1962, recorded in
2-14     Volume 2416, Page 172, of the Travis County Deed Records.
2-15     Beginning at an iron disk found for an angle point of the east row
2-16     line of Interregional Highway as a point of reference, the property
2-17     is described by metes and bounds as follows:
2-18                 (1)  N 18 degrees 47' 00" E, 21.04' with the east row
2-19     line of Interregional Highway to an iron rod set for the southwest
2-20     corner of said tract for a point of beginning;
2-21                 (2)  N 18 degrees 47' 00" E, 330.86' with the east row
2-22     line of Interregional Highway to an iron rod set for the northwest
2-23     corner of said tract;
2-24                 (3)  N 80 degrees 30' 00" E, 229.30' with the south row
2-25     line of East 12th Street and the north line of said tract to an
 3-1     iron rod set;
 3-2                 (4)  S 01 degrees 45' 00" W, 318.70" with the west row
 3-3     line of Branch Street same being the east line of said tract to an
 3-4     iron rod set for and angle point;
 3-5                 (5)  S 24 degrees 16' 00" W, 44.93' with the west row
 3-6     line of Branch Street same being the east line of said tract to an
 3-7     iron rod set for the southeast corner of said tract; and
 3-8                 (6)  N 88 degrees 25' 00" W, 304.61" with the north
 3-9     line of Parcel A and the south line of Parcel I, as recorded in
3-10     Vol. 3793, pg. 1043 in the Deed Records of Travis County, Texas to
3-11     the point of beginning, and containing in all 2.09 acres of land,
3-12     more or less.
3-13           (f)  The proceeds from the conveyance shall be deposited in
3-14     the state treasury and may be used by the General Services
3-15     Commission for any lawful purpose.
3-16           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
3-17           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-18     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-19     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
3-20     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
3-21     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.