By Smithee                                            H.B. No. 3017
         76R7175 PB-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the regulation by the commissioner of insurance of
 1-3     rates, classifications, and forms for certain lines of insurance.
 1-6                               PROPERTY LINES
 1-7           SECTION 1.01.  Chapter 5, Insurance Code, is amended by
 1-8     adding Subchapter P to read as follows:
1-13           Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:
1-14                 (1)  "Filer" means an insurer who files rates,
1-15     prospective loss costs, or supplementary rating information under
1-16     this article.
1-17                 (2)  "Insurer" means a residential property insurer or
1-18     private passenger automobile insurer.  The term does not include
1-19     the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association or the Texas Automobile
1-20     Insurance Plan Association.
1-21                 (3)  "Private passenger automobile insurance" means
1-22     coverage that:
1-23                       (A)  covers a private passenger automobile and
1-24     that vehicle's operating equipment; or
 2-1                       (B)  is required because of the liability imposed
 2-2     under law for damages arising out of the ownership, operation,
 2-3     maintenance, or use in this state of a motor vehicle.
 2-4                 (4)  "Private passenger automobile insurer" means a
 2-5     company or other entity authorized to engage in the business of
 2-6     motor vehicle insurance in this state who writes private passenger
 2-7     automobile insurance.
 2-8                 (5)  "Prospective loss costs" means that portion of a
 2-9     rate that:
2-10                       (A)  does not include provisions for profit or
2-11     expenses, other than loss adjustment expenses; and
2-12                       (B)  is based on historical aggregate losses and
2-13     loss adjustment expenses projected by development to their ultimate
2-14     value and through trending to a future point in time.
2-15                 (6)  "Rate" means the cost of insurance per exposure
2-16     unit, whether expressed as a single number or as a prospective loss
2-17     cost, adjusted for the treatment of expenses, profit, and
2-18     individual insurer variation in loss experience, before any
2-19     application of individual risk variations based on loss or expense
2-20     considerations.  The term does not include a minimum premium.
2-21                 (7)  "Residential property insurance" means residential
2-22     fire and residential allied lines insurance that covers against
2-23     loss to real  property or tangible personal property.
2-24                 (8)  "Residential property insurer" means an insurance
2-25     company or other entity authorized to engage in the business of
2-26     residential property in this state. The term includes homeowners
2-27     insurance.
 3-1                 (9)  "Supplementary rating information" means any
 3-2     manual, rating schedules, plans of rules, rating rules,
 3-3     classification systems, territory codes and descriptions, rating
 3-4     plans, and other similar information used by an insurer to
 3-5     determine the applicable premium for an insured.  The term
 3-6     includes:
 3-7                       (A)  factors and relativities, such as increased
 3-8     limits factors, classification relativities, deductible
 3-9     relativities, premium discount, and other similar factors; and
3-10                       (B)  rating plans, such as experience, schedule,
3-11     and retrospective rating.
3-12           Sec. 2.  APPLICATION; EXCEPTIONS.  (a)  Except as provided by
3-13     Subsection (b) of this section, this article applies to all
3-14     insurance rates and forms for private passenger automobile and
3-15     residential property insurance.
3-16           (b)  Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of this article do not apply to:
3-17                 (1)  a Lloyd's plan insurer or a reciprocal exchange
3-18     with respect to residential property insurance; or
3-19                 (2)  a county mutual insurer with respect to
3-20     residential property or private passenger automobile insurance.
3-21           Sec. 3.  RATE STANDARDS.  (a)  Rates for insurance subject to
3-22     this article shall be made in accordance with this section.
3-23           (b)  In setting rates, an insurer shall consider:
3-24                 (1)  past and prospective loss experience inside and
3-25     outside this state;
3-26                 (2)  any applicable catastrophe hazard;
3-27                 (3)  operation expenses;
 4-1                 (4)  investment income;
 4-2                 (5)  a reasonable margin for profit and contingencies;
 4-3     and
 4-4                 (6)  any other relevant factors inside and outside this
 4-5     state.
 4-6           (c)  The insurer may group risks by classifications for the
 4-7     establishment of rates and minimum premiums and may modify
 4-8     classification rates to produce rates for individual risks in
 4-9     accordance with rating plans that establish standards for measuring
4-10     variations in those risks on the basis of any factor listed in
4-11     Subsection (b) of this section.
4-12           (d)  Rates may not be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly
4-13     discriminatory and may not be unreasonable.
4-14           (e)  In setting rates applicable solely to policyholders in
4-15     this state, an insurer shall use available premium, loss, claim,
4-16     and exposure information from this state to the full extent of the
4-17     actuarial credibility of that information.  The insurer may use
4-18     experience from outside this state as necessary to supplement
4-19     information from this state that is not actuarially credible.
4-20           Sec. 4.  RATE FILINGS; LEGISLATIVE REPORT.  (a)  Each insurer
4-21     shall file with the commissioner all rates, supplementary rating
4-22     information, and reasonable and pertinent supporting information
4-23     for risks written in this state.
4-24           (b)  If the commissioner determines after a hearing that an
4-25     insurer's rates require supervision because of the insurer's
4-26     financial condition or the insurer's rating practices, the
4-27     commissioner may require the insurer to file with the commissioner
 5-1     all rates, supplementary rate information, and any supporting
 5-2     information prescribed by the commissioner.
 5-3           (c)  An insured that is aggrieved with respect to any filing
 5-4     in effect, or the public insurance counsel, may make a written
 5-5     application to the commissioner for a hearing on the filing.  The
 5-6     application must specify the grounds on which the applicant bases
 5-7     the grievance.  If the commissioner finds that the application is
 5-8     made in good faith, that the applicant would be so aggrieved if the
 5-9     grounds in the application are established, and that those grounds
5-10     otherwise justify holding the hearing, the commissioner shall hold
5-11     a hearing not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt of
5-12     the application.  The commissioner must give at least 10 days'
5-13     written notice to the applicant and to each insurer that made the
5-14     filing in question.
5-15           (d)  If, after the hearing, the commissioner finds that the
5-16     filing does not meet the requirements of this article, the
5-17     commissioner shall issue an order specifying how the filing fails
5-18     to meet the requirements of this article and stating the date on
5-19     which, within a reasonable period after the order date, the filing
5-20     is no longer in effect.  The commissioner shall send copies of the
5-21     order to the applicant and to each affected insurer.
5-22           (e)  The commissioner shall require each insurer subject to
5-23     this article to file information with the commissioner on a
5-24     quarterly basis.  Each insurer shall provide the commissioner with
5-25     information relating to changes in losses, premiums, and market
5-26     share as the commissioner considers appropriate.  The commissioner
5-27     shall report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of
 6-1     the house of representatives on a quarterly basis, relating to the
 6-2     information provided by the insurers' reports and to market
 6-3     conduct, especially consumer complaints.
 6-4           Sec. 5.  PUBLIC INFORMATION.  Each rate filing and any
 6-5     supplementary rating information filed under this article is open
 6-6     to public inspection as of the date of the filing.
 6-7           Sec. 6.  DISAPPROVAL.  (a)  The commissioner shall disapprove
 6-8     a rate if the commissioner determines that the rate filing made
 6-9     under this article does not meet the standards established under
6-10     Section 3 of this article.
6-11           (b)  If the commissioner disapproves a filing, the
6-12     commissioner shall issue an order specifying in what respects the
6-13     filing fails to meet the requirements of this article.  The filer
6-14     is entitled to a hearing on written request made to the
6-15     commissioner not later than the 30th day after the effective date
6-16     of the disapproval order.
6-17           (c)  If the commissioner disapproves a rate that is in
6-18     effect, the commissioner may issue a disapproval order only after a
6-19     hearing held after at least 20 days' written notice to the insurer
6-20     that made the filing.  The disapproval order must be issued not
6-21     later than the 15th day after the close of the hearing and must
6-22     specify how the rate fails to meet the requirements of this
6-23     article.  The disapproval order must state the date on which the
6-24     further use of that rate is prohibited.  The commissioner shall set
6-25     the date not earlier than the 45th day after the date on which the
6-26     hearing closes.
6-27           Sec. 7.  FORMS.  (a)  An insurance policy or printed
 7-1     endorsement form for use in writing the types of insurance subject
 7-2     to this article may not be delivered or issued for delivery in this
 7-3     state unless the form has been filed with and approved by the
 7-4     commissioner.
 7-5           (b)  The insurer shall make the filing not later than the
 7-6     60th day before the date of any use or delivery for use of the
 7-7     form.  At the expiration of the 60-day period a filed form is
 7-8     considered approved unless, before the expiration of the 60 days,
 7-9     the commissioner approves or disapproves the form by order.
7-10     Approval of a form by the commissioner constitutes a waiver of any
7-11     unexpired portion of the 60-day period.  The commissioner may
7-12     extend by not more than 10 additional days the period during which
7-13     the commissioner may approve or disapprove a form by giving notice
7-14     to the filer of the extension before the expiration of the initial
7-15     period.  At the expiration of any extension and in the absence of
7-16     any earlier approval or disapproval, the form is considered
7-17     approved.  For good cause shown, the commissioner may withdraw the
7-18     commissioner's approval at any time after notice and a hearing.
7-19           (c)  A commissioner's order disapproving any form or any
7-20     notice of the commissioner's intention to withdraw a previous
7-21     approval must state the grounds for the disapproval in enough
7-22     detail to reasonably inform the filer of the grounds.  An order of
7-23     withdrawal of a previously approved form takes effect on the
7-24     expiration of the period prescribed in the order, but not sooner
7-25     than the 30th day after the effective date of the withdrawal order,
7-26     as prescribed by the commissioner.
7-27           (d)  An insurer may not use in this state any form after
 8-1     disapproval of the form or withdrawal of approval by the
 8-2     commissioner.
 8-3           (e)  The commissioner may disapprove a form or endorsement
 8-4     filed under this section, or withdraw any previous approval, if the
 8-5     form or endorsement:
 8-6                 (1)  violates or does not comply with this code, a rule
 8-7     adopted by the commissioner, or is otherwise contrary to law; or
 8-8                 (2)  contains provisions or has any title or heading
 8-9     that is unjust, encourages misrepresentation, is deceptive, or
8-10     violates public policy.
8-11           (f)  The commissioner by rule may promulgate standard
8-12     insurance policy forms, endorsements, and other related forms that
8-13     may be used, at the discretion of the insurer, by an insurer
8-14     instead of the insurer's own forms in writing insurance subject to
8-15     this article.
8-16           Sec. 8.  RULES.  The commissioner may adopt rules as
8-17     necessary to implement and administer this article.
8-19     2001, Government Code, applies to all rate hearings conducted under
8-20     this article.
8-22           SECTION 2.01.  Section 1, Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code, is
8-23     amended to read as follows:
8-24           Sec. 1.  PURPOSE.  This article governs the regulation of
8-25     general liability, commercial property, which shall include farm
8-26     and ranch owners and farm and ranch policies, all commercial
8-27     casualty, commercial automobile, and medical professional liability
 9-1     insurance rates and forms.  It does not govern private passenger
 9-2     automobile, fidelity, surety, or guaranty bonds.  The purposes of
 9-3     this article are to:
 9-4                 (1)  promote the public welfare by regulating insurance
 9-5     rates to prohibit excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory
 9-6     rates;
 9-7                 (2)  promote availability of insurance;
 9-8                 (3)  promote price competition among insurers to
 9-9     provide rates and premiums that are responsive to competitive
9-10     market conditions;
9-11                 (4)  prohibit price-fixing agreements and other
9-12     anticompetitive behavior by insurers;
9-13                 (5)  regulate the insurance forms used for lines of
9-14     insurance subject to this article to ensure that they are not
9-15     unjust, unfair, inequitable, misleading, or deceptive; and
9-16                 (6)  provide regulatory procedures for the maintenance
9-17     of appropriate information reporting systems.
9-18           SECTION 2.02.  Section 2, Article 5.13-2, Insurance Code, is
9-19     amended to read as follows:
9-20           Sec. 2.  SCOPE.  This article applies to all lines of general
9-21     liability, commercial property, all commercial casualty, commercial
9-22     automobile, and medical professional liability insurance written
9-23     under policies or contracts of insurance issued by a licensed
9-24     insurer, other than a fidelity, surety, or guaranty bond or a
9-25     private passenger [an] automobile insurance policy.
9-27           SECTION 3.01.  Subsections (h)(1), (2), (3), (10), and (12),
 10-1    Section 8, Article 21.49, Insurance Code, are amended to read as
 10-2    follows:
 10-3          (h)(1)  Each [extended coverage benchmark] rate used by the
 10-4    association[, flexibility band, and promulgated rate established by
 10-5    the commissioner in accordance with Chapter 5, Insurance Code,]
 10-6    must be uniform for each classification throughout the first tier
 10-7    of coastal counties.
 10-8                (2)  The rates for noncommercial windstorm and hail
 10-9    insurance written by the association shall be filed by the
10-10    association with the department for approval not later than April 1
10-11    of each year.  The association may not file rates for residential
10-12    risks for approval by the department more than once in any 12-month
10-13    period.  Article 1.33B of this code does not apply to a rate filing
10-14    made under this subdivision.  Subdivisions (4)-(10) of this
10-15    subsection apply to a rate filing made under this subdivision [90
10-16    percent of the modified extended coverage rates.  For purposes of
10-17    this section, the modified extended coverage rate is the greater of
10-18    the upper flexibility band for extended coverage established by the
10-19    commissioner under Article 5.101 of this code or 25 percent above
10-20    the extended coverage benchmark rate established by the
10-21    commissioner under that article].
10-22                (3)  Not later than August 1 of each year, the
10-23    Association shall file with the department for approval by the
10-24    commissioner a manual rate for commercial risks and classes of
10-25    risks written by the Association developed in accordance with
10-26    Subchapter P [C], Chapter 5, Insurance Code, which is applicable
10-27    only to the extent consistent with this article.  The Association
 11-1    may not make such a filing more than one time in any 12-month
 11-2    period.  Except as specifically provided by this subdivision, [The
 11-3    rate for commercial windstorm and hail insurance written by the
 11-4    Association shall be 90 percent of the rate for extended coverage
 11-5    for commercial risks as developed in accordance with Subchapter C,
 11-6    Chapter 5, Insurance Code, to the extent consistent with this
 11-7    article.]  Article 5.141 [5.13-2], Insurance Code, does not apply
 11-8    to the rates of insurance written by the Association.  Article
 11-9    1.33B of this code does not apply to a filing made under [this
11-10    subdivision and] Subdivisions (4)-(10) of this subsection, or a
11-11    department action with respect to the filing.
11-12                (10)  A rate filing made under this subsection relating
11-13    to a commercial risk may not reflect an annual premium rate change
11-14    that is more than 15 percent (higher or lower) of the rate for
11-15    commercial windstorm and hail insurance in each rate classification
11-16    in effect on September 1, 1995.  A rate filing made under this
11-17    subsection regarding a dwelling extended risk may not reflect an
11-18    annual premium charge that is more than 15 percent (higher or
11-19    lower) of the extended coverage benchmark rate for residential
11-20    windstorm and hail insurance in each rate classification in effect
11-21    on February 1, 1999. This subdivision expires January 1, 2001,
11-22    provided however, that the commissioner may, after notice and
11-23    hearing, suspend this subdivision upon a finding that a catastrophe
11-24    loss or series of occurrences resulting in losses in the
11-25    catastrophe area justify a need to assure rate adequacy in the
11-26    catastrophe area and also justify a need to assure availability of
11-27    insurance outside the catastrophe area.
 12-1                (12)  The catastrophe element of extended coverage
 12-2    rates [promulgated or] filed with [by] the commissioner under this
 12-3    Act applicable to [commercial] risks written by the Association
 12-4    shall be uniform throughout the designated catastrophe area
 12-5    [seacoast territory and shall be based on all monoline extended
 12-6    coverage loss experience of all regulated insurers authorized to do
 12-7    business in this state, including the Association, for property
 12-8    located in the seacoast territory, using the most recent 30 years'
 12-9    experience available.  Surcharges collected in the past and used in
12-10    the development of current manual rates may not be excluded from
12-11    future rate development as long as those surcharges were collected
12-12    during the experience period used by the commissioner].
12-13                     ARTICLE 4.  MULTI-PERIL POLICIES
12-14          SECTION 4.01.  Article 5.81, Insurance Code, is amended to
12-15    read as follows:
12-17    PLANS; POWERS OF COMMISSIONER [BOARD].  (a)  The commissioner may
12-18    [State Board of Insurance is hereby authorized and empowered to]
12-19    make, approve, promulgate, and prescribe policy forms [and rates]
12-20    for multi-peril policies of insurance.  Such multi-peril policies
12-21    [and rates] may be in respect to one or more of the perils that are
12-22    otherwise separately and differently subject to regulation under
12-23    the provisions of one or more of the other subchapters of Chapter 5
12-24    of this Code.  In prescribing, promulgating, or approving policy
12-25    forms [and rates] the commissioner [board] shall use the procedures
12-26    adopted under Article 5.13-2 of this Code to approve [have the
12-27    authority to designate the rating procedure which will be used in
 13-1    making the rates and forms and may choose the procedure under any
 13-2    of the subchapters of Chapter 5 for the purpose of determining]
 13-3    forms [and rates].  [In making rates on multi-peril policies the
 13-4    board may make a cumulative rate or premium or it may rate such
 13-5    multi-peril policies on the basis of the experience resulting from
 13-6    the experience under the multi-peril policy alone or the separate
 13-7    experience as respects each peril and coverage.  The board may
 13-8    permit discounts from what the rates would otherwise be based on
 13-9    the actual savings in expense as is effected by the combining of
13-10    coverages otherwise regulated under separate subchapters of this
13-11    chapter and as respects any multi-coverage policy or "multi-peril"
13-12    policy or any like combination of forms and rates.]  No such form
13-13    shall include unnecessary coverages as determined by the
13-14    commissioner [board] and no rate or premium authorized by this
13-15    article shall be excessive, inadequate, or unfairly discriminatory.
13-16    The commissioner [board] may authorize rate filings and such
13-17    further discounts as may be warranted by provisions for inspection,
13-18    premises operation standards, loss prevention requirements, or any
13-19    other considerations and requisites as will improve the loss
13-20    experience of the risk insured.
13-21          (b)  To provide for multi-peril policies and in order to
13-22    preserve normal and accepted rating procedures, included as
13-23    necessary level rating methods, and to provide mathematical
13-24    consistency in rate making, any deductible provision and any rate
13-25    or premium reduction shall be made as may be appropriate after
13-26    first arriving at a base rate or premium without the deductible.
13-27    In arriving at base rates and premiums and in determining and
 14-1    evaluating the reported loss experience in the rate-making process,
 14-2    the method shall include provision that the amount of the
 14-3    deductible shall be added to any losses paid on policies containing
 14-4    such deductible as a proper and necessary function of calculating
 14-5    the base rate or premium, and as indicated, or in the event
 14-6    statistics are not available and adequate, there shall be added to
 14-7    the loss experience an amount which in the judgment of the board
 14-8    represents those losses occurring to the insureds which were less
 14-9    than the deductible and for which no insured loss was paid but
14-10    which would have been paid except for the deductible provision.
14-11          (c)  Additionally, any deductible provision, or any provision
14-12    to pay the excess of loss over a stated amount, or any percentage
14-13    deductible shall be applied so as to determine the amount of loss
14-14    as is calculated after deducting the amount of the deductible from
14-15    the loss and after deducting the amount of the deductible from the
14-16    policy limit, and the amount of loss payable under such deductible
14-17    multi-peril policy shall be the lesser amount established by such
14-18    calculations notwithstanding any other provision of the Insurance
14-19    Code requiring certain policy language or any provision of an
14-20    insurance contract to the contrary.
14-21          (d)  In carrying out the provisions of this article, the
14-22    commissioner [State Board of Insurance] shall make, approve, and
14-23    enforce such  rules and regulations as in the best judgment of the
14-24    board are necessary and desirable in carrying out the purposes of
14-25    this article and in achieving the objectives hereof.
14-26                     ARTICLE 5.  CONFORMING AMENDMENTS
14-27          SECTION 5.01.  Article 5.01(f), Insurance Code, is amended to
 15-1    read as follows:
 15-2          (f)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a)  through (d) of this
 15-3    article, on and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates,
 15-4    classifications, and rating manuals for private passenger
 15-5    automobile insurance in this state are determined as provided by
 15-6    Article 5.141 of this code and rates, classifications, and rating
 15-7    manuals for other motor vehicle insurance in this state are
 15-8    determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this code [the flexible
 15-9    rating program adopted under Subchapter M of this chapter].
15-10          SECTION 5.02.  Article 5.01-2(b), Insurance Code, is amended
15-11    to read as follows:
15-12          (b)  On and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates,
15-13    classifications, and rating manuals for private passenger
15-14    automobile insurance written by a Lloyd's plan insurer or a
15-15    reciprocal or interinsurance exchange are determined as provided by
15-16    Article 5.141 of this code and rates, classifications, and rating
15-17    manuals for other motor vehicle insurance written by a Lloyd's plan
15-18    insurer or a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange are determined
15-19    as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this code [the flexible rating
15-20    program adopted under Subchapter M of this chapter].
15-21          SECTION 5.03.  Article 5.03(g), Insurance Code, is amended to
15-22    read as follows:
15-23          (g)  Notwithstanding Sections (a) through (e) of this
15-24    article, on and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates,
15-25    classifications, and rating manuals for private passenger
15-26    automobiles in this state are determined as provided by Article
15-27    5.141 of this chapter and rates, classifications, and rating
 16-1    manuals for other motor vehicles are determined as provided by
 16-2    Article 5.13-2 of this code [Subchapter M of this chapter].
 16-3          SECTION 5.04.  Section 1, Article 5.03-1, Insurance Code, is
 16-4    amended to read as follows:
 16-5          Sec. 1.  A premium surcharge in an amount to be prescribed by
 16-6    the commissioner [State Board of Insurance] shall be assessed by an
 16-7    insurer defined in Article 5.01, Texas Insurance Code, against an
 16-8    insured for no more than three years immediately following the date
 16-9    of conviction of the insured of an offense committed while
16-10    operating a motor vehicle under Section 49.04 or 49.07, Penal Code,
16-11    or an offense under Section 49.08, Penal Code.  The premium
16-12    surcharge shall be applied only to private passenger automobile
16-13    policies as defined by the commissioner [State Board of Insurance].
16-14          SECTION 5.05.  Section 2(c), Article 5.03-2, Insurance Code,
16-15    is amended to read as follows:
16-16          (c)  The discounts under this article shall be set by the
16-17    commissioner [State Board of Insurance].
16-18          SECTION 5.06.  Article 5.04(c), Insurance Code, is amended to
16-19    read as follows:
16-20          (c)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a)  and (b) of this
16-21    article, on and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates,
16-22    classifications, and rating manuals for private passenger
16-23    automobile insurance in this state are determined as provided by
16-24    Article 5.141 of this chapter and rates, classifications, and
16-25    rating manuals for other motor vehicles are determined as provided
16-26    by Article 5.13-2 of this code [Subchapter M of this chapter].
16-27          SECTION 5.07.  Article 5.05, Insurance Code, is amended to
 17-1    read as follows:
 17-2          Art. 5.05.  REPORTS ON EXPERIENCE.  (a)  [Recording and
 17-3    Reporting of Loss Experience and Other Data.]  The commissioner
 17-4    [Board] shall, after due consideration, promulgate reasonable rules
 17-5    and statistical plans, which may be modified from time to time and
 17-6    which shall be used thereafter by each insurer in the recording and
 17-7    reporting of its loss experience and such other data as may be
 17-8    required, in order that the total loss and expense experience of
 17-9    all insurers may be made available at least annually in such form
17-10    and detail as may be necessary to aid in determining whether rates
17-11    and rating systems in use under this subchapter comply with the
17-12    standards adopted under this subchapter.  In promulgating such
17-13    rules, the commissioner [Board] shall provide that rules be as
17-14    uniform as is practicable to the rules and to the form of the
17-15    statistical plans used in other states.
17-16          (b)  [Interchange of Rating Plan Data.]  Reasonable rules may
17-17    be promulgated by the commissioner [Board] after due consideration
17-18    to allow the interchange of loss experience information as
17-19    necessary for the application of rating plans.
17-20          (c)  [Consultation with other States.]  In order to further
17-21    uniform administration of rating laws, the commissioner [Board] and
17-22    every insurer and rating organization may exchange information and
17-23    experience data with insurance supervisory officials, insurers and
17-24    rating organizations in other states and may consult and cooperate
17-25    with them with respect to rate-making and the application of rating
17-26    systems.
17-27          (d)  The commissioner [Board] is hereby authorized and
 18-1    empowered to require sworn statements from any insurer affected by
 18-2    this article, showing its experience on any classification or
 18-3    classification of risks and such other information which may be
 18-4    necessary or helpful in performing duties or authority imposed by
 18-5    law.  The commissioner [Board] shall prescribe the necessary forms
 18-6    for such statements and reports, having due regard to the rules,
 18-7    methods and forms in use in other states for similar purposes in
 18-8    order that uniformity of statistics may not be disturbed.
 18-9          SECTION 5.08.  Subsections (2)(c) and (d), Article 5.06-1,
18-10    Insurance Code, are  amended to read as follows:
18-11                (c)  The [Board may, in the] policy forms adopted or
18-12    approved under Article 5.141 or 5.13-2 [5.06] of this code may[,]
18-13    define "uninsured motor vehicle" to exclude certain motor vehicles
18-14    whose operators are in fact uninsured.
18-15                (d)  The portion of a policy form adopted or approved
18-16    under Article 5.141 or 5.13-2 [5.06] of this code to provide
18-17    coverage under  this article shall include provisions that,
18-18    regardless of the number of persons insured, policies or bonds
18-19    applicable, vehicles involved, or claims made, the total aggregate
18-20    limit of liability to any one person who sustains bodily injury or
18-21    property damage as the result of any one occurrence shall not
18-22    exceed the limit of liability for these coverages as stated in the
18-23    policy and the total aggregate limit of liability to all claimants,
18-24    if more than one, shall not exceed the total limit of liability per
18-25    occurrence as stated in the policy; and shall provide for the
18-26    exclusion of the recovery of damages for bodily injury or property
18-27    damage or both resulting from the intentional acts of the insured.
 19-1    The portion of a policy form adopted or approved under Article
 19-2    5.141 or 5.13-2 [5.06] of this code to provide coverage under this
 19-3    article shall require that in order for the insured to recover
 19-4    under the uninsured motorist coverages where the owner or operator
 19-5    of any motor vehicle which causes bodily injury or property damage
 19-6    to the insured is unknown, actual physical contact must have
 19-7    occurred between the motor vehicle owned or operated by such
 19-8    unknown person and the person or property of the insured.
 19-9          SECTION 5.09.  Article 5.06-6, Insurance Code, is amended to
19-10    read as follows:
19-12    personal automobile policy or any similar policy form adopted or
19-13    approved by the commissioner [State Board of Insurance] under
19-14    Article 5.141 [5.06] of this code that covers liability arising out
19-15    of  ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle of a spouse,
19-16    who is otherwise insured by the policy, shall contain a provision
19-17    to continue coverage for the spouse during a period of separation
19-18    in contemplation of divorce.
19-19          SECTION 5.10.  Article 5.09(c), Insurance Code, is amended to
19-20    read as follows:
19-21          (c)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this article, on and
19-22    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, classifications, and
19-23    rating manuals for private passenger automobile insurance in this
19-24    state are determined as provided by Article 5.141 of this chapter
19-25    and rates, classifications, and rating manuals for other motor
19-26    vehicles are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this code
19-27    [Subchapter M of this chapter].
 20-1          SECTION 5.11.  Article 5.11(c), Insurance Code, is amended to
 20-2    read as follows:
 20-3          (c)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a)  and (b) of this
 20-4    article, on and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates,
 20-5    classifications, and rating manuals for private passenger
 20-6    automobile insurance in this state are determined as provided by
 20-7    Article 5.141 of this chapter and rates, classifications, and
 20-8    rating manuals for other motor vehicles are determined as provided
 20-9    by Article 5.13-2 of this code [Subchapter M of this chapter].
20-10          SECTION 5.12.   Article 5.25(b), Insurance Code, is amended
20-11    to read as follows:
20-12          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this article, on and
20-13    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
20-14    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
20-15    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
20-16    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
20-17    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
20-18    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
20-19    code.  This subsection does not affect the requirement for the
20-20    commissioner to conduct inspections of commercial property and
20-21    prescribe a manual of rules and rating schedules for commercial
20-22    property under this subchapter.
20-23          SECTION 5.13.  Article 5.25A(b), Insurance Code, is amended
20-24    to read as follows:
20-25          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
20-26    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
20-27    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
 21-1    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
 21-2    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
 21-3    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
 21-4    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
 21-5    code.
 21-6          SECTION 5.14.   Article 5.26(i), Insurance Code, is amended
 21-7    to read as follows:
 21-8          (i)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a)-(h) of this article, on
 21-9    and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
21-10    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
21-11    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
21-12    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
21-13    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
21-14    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
21-15    code.
21-16          SECTION 5.15.  Article 5.28(d), Insurance Code, is amended to
21-17    read as follows:
21-18          (d)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
21-19    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
21-20    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
21-21    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
21-22    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
21-23    [chapter], and rates for other lines of  insurance subject to this
21-24    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
21-25    code.
21-26          SECTION 5.16.  Article 5.29(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
21-27    read as follows:
 22-1          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
 22-2    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
 22-3    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
 22-4    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
 22-5    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
 22-6    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
 22-7    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
 22-8    code.
 22-9          SECTION 5.17.  Article 5.30(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
22-10    read as follows:
22-11          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
22-12    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
22-13    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
22-14    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
22-15    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
22-16    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
22-17    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
22-18    code.
22-19          SECTION 5.18.  Article 5.31(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
22-20    read as follows:
22-21          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
22-22    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
22-23    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
22-24    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
22-25    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
22-26    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
22-27    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
 23-1    code.
 23-2          SECTION 5.19.  Article 5.32(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
 23-3    read as follows:
 23-4          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
 23-5    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
 23-6    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
 23-7    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
 23-8    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
 23-9    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
23-10    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
23-11    code.
23-12          SECTION 5.20.  Article 5.34(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
23-13    read as follows:
23-14          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
23-15    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
23-16    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
23-17    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
23-18    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
23-19    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
23-20    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
23-21    code.
23-22          SECTION 5.21.  Article 5.35-1, Insurance Code, is amended to
23-23    read as follows:
23-25    homeowner's policy or fire policy promulgated under Article 5.141
23-26    [5.35] of this code may not be delivered, issued for delivery, or
23-27    renewed in this state unless the policy contains the following
 24-1    language:  "It is understood and agreed that this policy, subject
 24-2    to all other terms and conditions contained in this policy, when
 24-3    covering residential community property, as defined by state law,
 24-4    shall remain in full force and effect as to the interest of each
 24-5    spouse covered, irrespective of divorce or change of ownership
 24-6    between the spouses unless excluded by endorsement attached to this
 24-7    policy until the expiration of the policy or until canceled in
 24-8    accordance with the terms and conditions of this policy."
 24-9          SECTION 5.22.   Article 5.39(b), Insurance Code, is amended
24-10    to read as follows:
24-11          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
24-12    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
24-13    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
24-14    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
24-15    determined, and hearings related to those rates are conducted, as
24-16    provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code [chapter],
24-17    and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this subchapter
24-18    are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this code.
24-19          SECTION 5.23.  Article 5.40(d), Insurance Code, is amended to
24-20    read as follows:
24-21          (d)  Notwithstanding Subsections (a)-(c) of this article, on
24-22    and after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
24-23    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
24-24    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
24-25    determined, and hearings related to those rates are conducted, as
24-26    provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code [chapter],
24-27    and rates for other lines of insurance subject  to this subchapter
 25-1    are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this code.
 25-2          SECTION 5.24.  Article 5.41(b), Insurance Code, is amended to
 25-3    read as follows:
 25-4          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a)  of this article, on and
 25-5    after January 1, 2000 [March 1, 1992], rates, manuals, and
 25-6    classifications for homeowners and residential fire and residential
 25-7    allied lines insurance coverage under this subchapter are
 25-8    determined as provided by Article 5.141 [Subchapter M] of this code
 25-9    [chapter], and rates for other lines of insurance subject to this
25-10    subchapter are determined as provided by Article 5.13-2 of this
25-11    code.
25-12          SECTION 5.25.  Article 5.96(a-1), Insurance Code, is amended
25-13    to read as follows:
25-14          (a-1)  This [Except as provided by Section 5(d), Article
25-15    5.101, of this code, this] article does not apply to the setting of
25-16    [benchmark] rates for motor vehicle insurance and fire and allied
25-17    lines insurance under Article 5.13-2 or 5.141 of this code
25-18    [Subchapter M of this chapter].
25-19          SECTION 5.26.  Section 8, Article 21.77, Insurance Code, is
25-20    amended to read as follows:
25-21          Sec. 8.  POLICY FORMS.  All policy forms for insurance
25-22    written under this article shall be approved [prescribed] by the
25-23    commissioner [board] as provided by [in] Article 5.13-2 or 5.141 of
25-24    this code [5.06, Insurance Code].
25-25          SECTION 5.27.  Section 502.153(d), Transportation Code, is
25-26    amended to read as follows:
25-27          (d)  A personal automobile policy used as evidence of
 26-1    financial responsibility under this section must comply with
 26-2    Article 5.141 [Article 5.06], Insurance Code.
 26-3          SECTION 5.28.  Section 521.143(c), Transportation Code, is
 26-4    amended to read as follows:
 26-5          (c)  A personal automobile insurance policy used as evidence
 26-6    of financial responsibility under this section must comply with
 26-7    Article 5.141 [Article 5.06], Insurance Code.
 26-8                           ARTICLE 6.  REPEALER
 26-9          SECTION 6.01.  The following laws are repealed:
26-10                (1)  Article 5.06, Insurance Code;
26-11                (2)  Article 5.35, Insurance Code; and
26-12                (3)  Article 5.101, Insurance Code.
26-14          SECTION 7.01.  This Act applies only to rates and policy and
26-15    endorsement forms for an insurance policy that is delivered, issued
26-16    for delivery, or renewed on or after  January 1, 2000.  Rates and
26-17    policy and endorsement forms for a policy that is delivered, issued
26-18    for delivery, or renewed before January 1, 2000, are governed by
26-19    the law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this
26-20    Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
26-21          SECTION 7.02.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999,
26-22    except that Article 6 of this Act takes effect January 1, 2000.
26-23          SECTION 7.03.  The importance of this legislation and the
26-24    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
26-25    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
26-26    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
26-27    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.