By Chisum                                             H.B. No. 3132
         76R2242 JJT-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to a program for recycling and disposal of scrap tires.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Chapter 361, Health and Safety Code, is amended
 1-5     by adding Subchapter P to read as follows:
 1-6                     SUBCHAPTER P.  SCRAP TIRE PROGRAM 
 1-7           Sec. 361.461.  FINDINGS AND INTENT.  (a) The legislature
 1-8     finds:
 1-9                 (1)  scrap tires have a market value for beneficial
1-10     uses;
1-11                 (2)  if the market value of scrap tires exceeds their
1-12     handling costs, the free market will provide for the beneficial use
1-13     of scrap tires;
1-14                 (3)  if the handling costs of scrap tires exceed their
1-15     market value, the disposal of scrap tires is a cost of conducting
1-16     business; and
1-17                 (4)  market forces may fail to address the beneficial
1-18     use or disposal of scrap tires in limited situations or areas.
1-19           (b)  The legislature intends:
1-20                 (1)  for negative conditions caused by the presence of
1-21     scrap tires to be alleviated or mitigated by the state only if
1-22     market forces have not adequately addressed the beneficial use or
1-23     disposal of the scrap tires; and
1-24                 (2)  for the persons who use tires to pay the costs of
 2-1     alleviating or mitigating negative conditions caused by scrap
 2-2     tires.
 2-3           Sec. 361.462.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
 2-4                 (1)  "Approved beneficial end use" means the use of
 2-5     scrap tires or components of scrap tires for a beneficial purpose
 2-6     approved by commission rules.
 2-7                 (2)  "Distressed area" means a place where the presence
 2-8     of scrap tires reasonably may cause a condition that:
 2-9                       (A)  threatens human health or safety;
2-10                       (B)  threatens the environment;
2-11                       (C)  detrimentally affects the quality of life;
2-12                       (D)  interferes with the orderly transaction of
2-13     business; or
2-14                       (E)  causes a nuisance.
2-15                 (3)  "Scrap tire" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-16     361.112.
2-17           Sec. 361.463.  SCRAP TIRE RECYCLING FEE.  (a)  A person shall
2-18     pay to the comptroller a fee of $1:
2-19                 (1)  for each new tire the person resells if the person
2-20     received the tire from a tire manufacturer located in this state or
2-21     from any person located outside this state; and
2-22                 (2)  for each new tire in or on a new vehicle the
2-23     person sells not for resale.
2-24           (b)  The fee applies only to a motor vehicle tire with a rim
2-25     diameter of 12 inches or larger.
2-26           (c)  A person required to collect a fee under this section
2-27     shall pay the fees collected each fiscal quarter to the comptroller
 3-1     at a time and in the manner prescribed by the comptroller.
 3-2           (d)  The comptroller shall adopt rules as necessary to
 3-3     administer this section, including rules governing the
 3-4     administration, collection, reporting, and payment of a fee payable
 3-5     or collected under this section.
 3-6           Sec. 361.464.  SCRAP TIRE RECYCLING FUND.  (a)  The scrap
 3-7     tire recycling fund is a special account in the general revenue
 3-8     fund.
 3-9           (b)  The fund consists of:
3-10                 (1)  recycling fees and penalties collected under this
3-11     subchapter;
3-12                 (2)  interest on the money in the fund; and
3-13                 (3)  a gift, grant, or money from another source
3-14     received by the commission for use for the purposes of the fund.
3-15           (c)  The fund may be used only to pay:
3-16                 (1)  the costs of handling scrap tires under a contract
3-17     or grant awarded under Section 361.466;
3-18                 (2)  the commission's reasonable and necessary
3-19     administrative costs of performing the commission's duties under
3-20     this subchapter; and
3-21                 (3)  the comptroller's reasonable and necessary
3-22     administrative costs of  performing the comptroller's duties under
3-23     this subchapter.
3-24           (d)  Payments from the fund for the commission's costs
3-25     described by Subsection (c)(2) in a fiscal year may not exceed six
3-26     percent of the money that accrues to the fund in that fiscal year.
3-27     Payments from the fund for the comptroller's costs described by
 4-1     Subsection (c)(3) in a fiscal year may not exceed two percent of
 4-2     the money that accrues to the fund in that fiscal year.
 4-3           Sec. 361.465.  SCRAP TIRE RULES.  (a)  The commission by rule
 4-4     shall:
 4-5                 (1)  identify approved beneficial end uses including:
 4-6                       (A)  energy recovery;
 4-7                       (B)  recycling;
 4-8                       (C)  use for construction material;
 4-9                       (D)  use as a filler substitute for dirt or
4-10     gravel; and
4-11                       (E)  other uses the commission finds reasonable;
4-12     and
4-13                 (2)  establish criteria for determining whether an area
4-14     is a distressed area.
4-15           (b)  The commission by rule may establish a process by which
4-16     a person may apply for an end use to be approved as a beneficial
4-17     end use for the purposes of this subchapter.
4-18           Sec. 361.466.  CONTRACTS AND GRANTS.  (a)  The commission
4-19     shall identify distressed areas that are in need of assistance to
4-20     alleviate or mitigate a nuisance, threat to the environment or
4-21     human health or safety, or other detrimental effects caused by the
4-22     presence of scrap tires.
4-23           (b)  To alleviate or mitigate a nuisance, threat, or other
4-24     condition of a distressed area, the commission may award a contract
4-25     or grant to a person for:
4-26                 (1)  the transportation of scrap tires;
4-27                 (2)  an approved beneficial end use;
 5-1                 (3)  the remediation of an illegal scrap tire dump or
 5-2     storage facility;
 5-3                 (4)  the processing of scrap tires; or
 5-4                 (5)  a cost of scrap tire disposal, including:
 5-5                       (A)  the payment of tipping fees; or
 5-6                       (B)  a cost of quartering scrap tires.
 5-7           (c)  A contract or grant awarded for processing of scrap
 5-8     tires must be conditioned on the contracting party's:
 5-9                 (1)  processing the scrap tires in a manner that is
5-10     reasonably designed to render the resulting material marketable;
5-11     and
5-12                 (2)  having a verified and binding contract to supply
5-13     the material resulting from the processing for an approved
5-14     beneficial end use.
5-15           (d)  The commission shall attempt to act under this section
5-16     to encourage the use of scrap tires or scrap tire components for an
5-17     approved beneficial end use instead of the disposal of the tires or
5-18     components.
5-19           (e)  A contract with the commission entered into under this
5-20     section may provide for each of the contracting parties to pay a
5-21     specified portion of scrap tire handling costs.
5-22           (f)  The commission shall determine the number and types of
5-23     contracts or grants awarded under this section and shall determine
5-24     the provisions, including the amount and area served, of each
5-25     contract or grant.  In making those determinations, the commission
5-26     shall consider:
5-27                 (1)  the necessity of alleviating or mitigating
 6-1     conditions scrap tires  are causing or have caused;
 6-2                 (2)  the relative seriousness of conditions in
 6-3     different distressed areas; and
 6-4                 (3)  the amount of money appropriated to the commission
 6-5     from the scrap tire recycling fund for contracts or grants under
 6-6     this subchapter.
 6-7           SECTION 2.  (a)  The state comptroller of public accounts
 6-8     shall adopt rules as required under Subchapter P, Chapter 361,
 6-9     Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, so that the
6-10     comptroller may:
6-11                 (1)  begin receiving payments of fees collected under
6-12     Section 361.463, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, for
6-13     the fiscal quarter beginning December 1, 1999; and
6-14                 (2)  assess a penalty for a violation of Section
6-15     361.463, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, that occurs
6-16     on or after January 1, 2000.
6-17           (b)  The fee requirement imposed by Section 361.463, Health
6-18     and Safety Code, as added by this Act, applies only to a new tire
6-19     received or a new tire in or on a vehicle sold on or after January
6-20     1, 2000.
6-21           (c)  The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission shall
6-22     adopt rules to implement Subchapter P, Chapter 361, Health and
6-23     Safety Code, as added by this Act, to take effect not later than
6-24     January 1, 2000.
6-25           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
6-26           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
6-27     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 7-1     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 7-2     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 7-3     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.