1-1     By:  Ramsay (Senate Sponsor - Bernsen)                H.B. No. 3197
 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House May 3, 1999;
 1-3     May 3, 1999, read first time and referred to Committee on Finance;
 1-4     May 13, 1999, reported favorably, as amended, by the following
 1-5     vote:  Yeas 10, Nays 0; May 13, 1999, sent to printer.)
 1-6     COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1                                By:  Ogden
 1-7     Amend H.B. No. 3197 as follows:
 1-8           (1)  Delete Section 3 of H.B. 3197 and add a new Section 3 to
 1-9     read as follows:
1-10                 "SECTION 3.  Sections 23.128(h) and (i), Tax Code, are
1-11     amended to read as follows:
1-12                 "(h)  An appropriate taxing unit shall, on its tax bill
1-13     prepared for the owner of a retail manufactured housing inventory,
1-14     separately itemize the taxes imposed on the retail manufactured
1-15     housing inventory.  When the tax bill is prepared for a retail
1-16     manufactured housing inventory, the assessor for the taxing unit,
1-17     or an entity, if any, other than the collector, that collects taxes
1-18     on behalf of the taxing unit, shall provide the collector a true
1-19     and correct copy of the tax bill sent to the owner, including taxes
1-20     imposed on the retail manufactured housing inventory.  The
1-21     collector shall apply the money in the owner's escrow account to
1-22     the taxes imposed and deliver a tax receipt to the owner.  The
1-23     collector shall apply the amount to each appropriate taxing unit in
1-24     proportion to the amount of taxes imposed, and the assessor of each
1-25     taxing unit shall apply the money received from the collector to
1-26     the taxes owed by the owner.  No penalties or interest shall be
1-27     assessed against an owner for property taxes which the owner has
1-28     previously paid but which are not delivered to the appropriate
1-29     taxing unit before the date on which such taxes become delinquent.
1-30                 "(i)  If the amount in the escrow account is not
1-31     sufficient to pay the taxes in full, the collector shall apply the
1-32     money to the taxes and deliver to the owner a tax receipt for the
1-33     partial payment and a tax bill for the amount of the deficiency
1-34     together with a statement that the owner must remit to the
1-35     collector the balance of the total tax due; however, no penalty or
1-36     interest shall be assessed against an owner for that portion of the
1-37     property taxes which represents the amount of the partial payment
1-38     if the amount of the deficiency is not paid before the date the
1-39     deficiency is delinquent."
1-40           (2)  Add a new Section 4 to read as follows:
1-41                 "Section 4.  Sections 1 and 2 of this Act take effect
1-42     January 1, 2000, and apply only to an ad valorem tax year that
1-43     begins on or after that date.  Section 3 of this Act takes effect
1-44     September 1, 1999."
1-45           (3)  Appropriately renumber the remaining section of H.B. No.
1-46     3197.
1-47                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
1-48                                   AN ACT
1-49     relating to the appraisal and ad valorem taxation of retail
1-50     manufactured housing inventory.
1-52           SECTION 1.  Sections 23.127(a), (e), and (h), Tax Code, are
1-53     amended to read as follows:
1-54           (a)  In this section:
1-55                 (1)  "Chief appraiser" means the chief appraiser for
1-56     the appraisal district in which a retailer's retail manufactured
1-57     housing inventory is located.
1-58                 (2)  "Collector" means the county tax
1-59     assessor-collector for the county in which a retailer's retail
1-60     manufactured housing inventory is located.
1-61                 (3)  "Declaration" means a retail manufactured housing
1-62     inventory declaration form adopted by the comptroller under this
1-63     section.
 2-1                 (4)  "Department" means the Texas Department of Housing
 2-2     and Community Affairs.
 2-3                 (5)  "HUD-code manufactured ["Manufactured] home" has
 2-4     [and "manufactured housing" have] the meaning assigned  [those
 2-5     terms] by Section 3, [the] Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act
 2-6     (Article 5221f, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
 2-7                 (6)  "Manufactured housing" means:
 2-8                       (A)  a HUD-code manufactured home as it would
 2-9     customarily be held by a retailer in the normal course of business
2-10     in a retail manufactured housing inventory; or
2-11                       (B)  a mobile home as it would  customarily be
2-12     held by a retailer in the normal course of business in a retail
2-13     manufactured housing inventory.
2-14                 (7)  "Mobile home" has the meaning assigned by Section
2-15     3, Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act (Article 5221f,
2-16     Vernon's  Texas Civil Statutes).
2-17                 (8) [(6)]  "Owner" means a retailer who owes current
2-18     year inventory taxes imposed on a retailer's retail manufactured
2-19     housing  inventory.
2-20                 (9) [(7)]  "Retail manufactured housing inventory"
2-21     means all units of manufactured housing [homes] that a retailer
2-22     holds for sale at retail.
2-23                 (10) [(8)]  "Retailer" has the meaning assigned [that
2-24     term] by Section 3, [the] Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act
2-25     (Article  5221f, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
2-26                 (11) [(9)]  "Retailer-financed sale" means the sale at
2-27     retail of a unit of manufactured housing [home] in which the
2-28     retailer  finances the purchase of the unit of manufactured housing
2-29     [home], is the sole lender in the transaction, and retains
2-30     exclusively  the right to enforce the terms of the agreement that
2-31     evidences the sale.
2-32                 (12) [(10)]  "Sales price" means the total amount of
2-33     money paid or to be paid to a retailer for the purchase of a unit
2-34     of  manufactured housing [home], excluding any amount paid for the
2-35     installation of the unit [home].
2-36                 (13) [(11)]  "Subsequent sale" means a
2-37     retailer-financed sale of a unit of manufactured housing [home]
2-38     that, at the time of  the sale, has been the subject of a
2-39     retailer-financed sale from the same retail manufactured housing
2-40     inventory in the same calendar year.
2-41                 (14) [(12)]  "Total annual sales" means the total of
2-42     the sales price for each sale from a retail manufactured housing
2-43     inventory in a 12-month period.
2-44           (e)  A retailer is presumed to be an owner of a retail
2-45     manufactured housing inventory on January 1 if, in the 12-month
2-46     period ending on December 31 of the immediately preceding year, the
2-47     retailer sold a unit of manufactured housing [home] to a person
2-48     other than a retailer.  The presumption created by this subsection
2-49     is not rebutted by the fact that a retailer does not have any units
2-50     of manufactured housing [homes] physically on hand for sale from
2-51     the  retail manufactured housing inventory on January 1.
2-52           (h)  If a retailer fails to file a declaration as required by
2-53     Subsection (f), or if, on the declaration required by Subsection
2-54     (f) a retailer reports the sale of fewer than two units of
2-55     manufactured housing [homes] in the preceding year, the chief
2-56     appraiser shall  report that fact to the department.
2-57           SECTION 2.  Sections 23.128(a), (b), (e), (f), and (g), Tax
2-58     Code, are amended to read as follows:
2-59           (a)  In this section:
2-60                 (1)  "Aggregate tax rate" means the combined tax rates
2-61     of all appropriate taxing units authorized by law to impose
2-62     property taxes on a retail manufactured housing inventory.
2-63                 (2)  "Appropriate taxing unit" means a taxing unit,
2-64     including the county, authorized by law to impose property taxes on
2-65     a retail manufactured housing inventory.
2-66                 (3)  "Chief appraiser," "collector," "declaration,"
2-67     ["manufactured home,"] "manufactured housing," "owner," "retail
2-68     manufactured housing inventory," "retailer," "sales price,"
2-69     "subsequent sale," and "total annual sales" have the meanings
 3-1     assigned [those terms] by Section 23.127.
 3-2                 (4)  "Statement" means the retail manufactured housing
 3-3     inventory tax statement filed on a form adopted by the comptroller
 3-4     under this section.
 3-5                 (5)  "Unit property tax factor" means a number equal to
 3-6     one-twelfth of the preceding year's aggregate ad valorem tax rate
 3-7     at the location at which a retail manufactured housing inventory is
 3-8     located on January 1 of the current year.
 3-9           (b)  Except for a unit of manufactured housing [home] sold to
3-10     a retailer or a unit of manufactured housing [home] that  is the
3-11     subject of a subsequent sale, a retailer or a person who has agreed
3-12     by contract to pay the retailer's current year property taxes
3-13     imposed on the retailer's manufactured housing inventory shall
3-14     assign a unit property tax to each unit of manufactured housing
3-15     [home] sold from a retail manufactured housing inventory.  The unit
3-16     property tax of each unit of manufactured housing [home] is
3-17     determined by multiplying the sales price of the unit [manufactured
3-18     home] by the unit property tax factor.  On or before the 10th day
3-19     of each month the retailer shall, together with the statement filed
3-20     by the retailer as provided by this section, deposit with the
3-21     collector an amount equal to the total of the unit property tax
3-22     assigned to all units of manufactured housing [homes] sold from the
3-23     retail manufactured housing inventory in the preceding month to
3-24     which a unit property tax was assigned.  The collector shall
3-25     deposit the money to the credit of the retailer's escrow account
3-26     for prepayment of property taxes as provided by this section.  An
3-27     escrow account required by this section is used to pay property
3-28     taxes imposed on the retail manufactured housing inventory, and the
3-29     retailer shall fund the escrow account as provided by this
3-30     subsection.
3-31           (e)  The comptroller by rule shall adopt a form entitled
3-32     "Retail Manufactured Housing Inventory Tax Statement."   A retailer
3-33     shall complete the form with respect to each unit of manufactured
3-34     housing [home] sold.  A retailer may not use another form for that
3-35     purpose.  The statement shall include:
3-36                 (1)  a description of the unit of manufactured housing
3-37     [home] sold, including any unique identification or serial number
3-38     affixed to  the unit [manufactured home] by the manufacturer;
3-39                 (2)  the sales price of the unit of manufactured
3-40     housing [home];
3-41                 (3)  any unit property tax of the unit of manufactured
3-42     housing [home];
3-43                 (4)  the reason a unit property tax is not assigned if
3-44     that is the case; and
3-45                 (5)  any other information the comptroller considers
3-46     appropriate.
3-47           (f)  On or before the 10th day of each month, a retailer
3-48     shall file with the collector the statement covering the sale of
3-49     each unit of manufactured housing [home] sold by the retailer in
3-50     the preceding month.  A retailer shall file a copy of the statement
3-51     with the chief appraiser and retain documentation relating to the
3-52     disposition of each unit of manufactured housing [home] sold.  A
3-53     chief appraiser or collector may examine documents held by a
3-54     retailer as required by this subsection in the same manner, and
3-55     subject to the same conditions, as in Section 23.127(g).
3-56           (g)  Subsection (f) applies to a retailer regardless of
3-57     whether the retailer owes retail manufactured housing inventory tax
3-58     for the current year.  A retailer who does not owe any retail
3-59     manufactured housing inventory tax for the current year because the
3-60     retailer was not in business on January 1 may not assign a unit
3-61     property tax to a unit of manufactured housing [home] sold by the
3-62     retailer or remit money with the statement unless under the terms
3-63     of a contract as provided by Subsection (k).
3-64           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2000, and
3-65     applies only to an ad valorem tax year that begins on or after that
3-66     date.
3-67           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
3-68     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
3-69     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 4-1     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 4-2     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
 4-3                                  * * * * *