1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of a student endowment scholarship and
 1-3     internship  program.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Chapter 56, Education Code, is amended by adding
 1-6     Subchapter M to read as follows:
 1-7                      SUBCHAPTER M.  STUDENT ENDOWMENT
 1-9           Sec. 56.241.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "general
1-10     academic teaching institution" has the meaning assigned by Section
1-11     61.003.
1-13     PROGRAM.  The Student Endowment Scholarship and Internship Program
1-14     is an optional state grant program for all general academic
1-15     teaching institutions.
1-16           Sec. 56.243.  ELECTION TO PARTICIPATE.  Not later than
1-17     September 1, 2004, a general academic teaching institution may
1-18     elect to participate in the Student Endowment Scholarship and
1-19     Internship Program.  For the institution to make the election, the
1-20     student government of the institution must determine by official
1-21     action that the program would benefit the institution.  If the
1-22     student government determines that the program would benefit the
1-23     institution, in a general election called for that purpose a
1-24     majority of the students of the institution voting in the election
 2-1     must approve an additional fee and the potential matching grant
 2-2     from the state.  If the majority approves the additional fee and
 2-3     potential matching grant from the state, the governing board of the
 2-4     institution shall impose and decide the structure of the additional
 2-5     fee.
 2-6           Sec. 56.244.  TYPES OF SCHOLARSHIPS; INTERNSHIP.  A general
 2-7     academic teaching institution shall provide financial assistance
 2-8     under this subchapter through scholarships based on leadership,
 2-9     financial need, and academic achievement and through an internship
2-10     program.
2-11           Sec. 56.245.  ELIGIBILITY.  (a)  With the assistance of an
2-12     advisory committee established by the governing board, the
2-13     governing board of the general academic teaching institution shall:
2-14                 (1)  determine the eligibility requirements for
2-15     scholarships or internship funding; and
2-16                 (2)  select students to receive the scholarships or
2-17     internship funding.
2-18           (b)  A student is not eligible for a student endowment
2-19     scholarship or student endowment internship funding if the student
2-20     is on disciplinary or academic probation or if the student is not
2-21     enrolled at the institution.
2-22           (c)  The institution may provide financial assistance under
2-23     this subchapter to students in any field or major designated by the
2-24     institution.
2-26     (a)  During the five-year period during which the institution may
2-27     receive state matching funds, the amount of student endowment
 3-1     scholarship funding for an internship may not exceed $500 per
 3-2     semester or summer session.
 3-3           (b)  The amount of a student endowment scholarship may not
 3-4     exceed the amount of tuition and required fees that a student would
 3-5     be charged by the institution.
 3-6           (c)  The amount of student endowment internship funding may
 3-7     not exceed the amount of tuition and required fees that a student
 3-8     would be charged by the institution during the student's period of
 3-9     internship.
3-10           (d)  On receipt of a scholarship or internship funding under
3-11     this subchapter, a student must comply with any applicable
3-12     conditions of the scholarship or internship funding.
3-13           Sec. 56.247.  STUDENT ENDOWMENT FUND.  (a)  Each institution
3-14     shall establish a student endowment fund consisting of the revenue
3-15     from the additional student fee, the state matching funds
3-16     appropriated for the purpose, and the interest and other income
3-17     from investment of the fund.  The fund shall be invested by the
3-18     governing board in accordance with the policies governing
3-19     investment of other funds held and invested by the board on behalf
3-20     of the institution.
3-21           (b)  Scholarships and internships shall be paid from the
3-22     fund, subject to the requirements of this section and Section
3-23     56.246.
3-24           (c)  Scholarships and internships may be paid from both the
3-25     income and the principal of the fund, except that after the
3-26     five-year period during which state matching funds are payable, for
3-27     any year not more than five percent of the principal of the fund
 4-1     may be expended for scholarships and internships.
 4-2           (d)  For purposes of this section, five percent of the
 4-3     capital gains for any year from investment of the fund is
 4-4     considered income.
 4-5           SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
 4-6           SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
 4-7     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 4-8     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 4-9     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
4-10     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
         _______________________________     _______________________________
             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.B. No. 3447 was passed by the House on May
         14, 1999, by a non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House
               I certify that H.B. No. 3447 was passed by the Senate on May
         26, 1999, by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays 0.
                                                 Secretary of the Senate
         APPROVED:  _____________________