By Williams                                           H.B. No. 3453
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     Relating to the administration, powers, including taxing powers,
 1-3     operations and financing of Town Center Improvement District of
 1-4     Montgomery County, Texas.
 1-6           SECTION 1.  That Section 7 of Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
 1-7     Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, as amended by Chapter 255, Acts
 1-8     of the 75th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to
 1-9     read as follows:
1-10           Sec. 7.  Additional Specific Powers and Duties.  In addition
1-11     to the general powers set forth in Section 6 of this Act, the board
1-12     may, subject to the provisions and limitations hereinafter set
1-13     forth:
1-14                 (1)  levy, assess, and apply the proceeds from [a] the
1-15     limited sales and use taxes authorized in Sections 11 and 11C of
1-16     this Act for [the district's] authorized purposes, provided that,
1-17     during each interval of three calendar years following the
1-18     commencement of collection of such tax, the board shall, consistent
1-19     with constitutional limitations and the district's authorized
1-20     powers and purposes, and in its sound discretion, endeavor to apply
1-21     an annual average of not less than 10 percent of the net proceeds
 2-1     of [such] all tax collections from the tax imposed pursuant to
 2-2     Section 11 of this Act, after deduction of the general and
 2-3     administrative costs and expenses of the district and the costs and
 2-4     expenses of levying, assessing, and collecting such taxes, toward
 2-5     mitigation of the net negative impact of development within the
 2-6     district on [adjacent] the impact area[s], including without
 2-7     limitation effects on public utilities and services, public
 2-8     transportation and traffic movement, and scenic and aesthetic
 2-9     beauty[;].  As used in this subdivision, "impact area" means and
2-10     includes:
2-11                             (i)  the corporate limits of the City of
2-12     Shenandoah, Texas, and the City of Oak Ridge North, Texas, as same
2-13     may exist from time to time;
2-14                             (ii)  the unincorporated area, whether or
2-15     not contiguous to the boundaries of the district or the impact
2-16     area, which is located within the assessment authority of any
2-17     non-profit property owners corporation or association imposing or
2-18     authorized to impose assessments on property on the basis of the
2-19     taxable value of such property on any local governmental tax or
2-20     assessment roll, and which has had for at least two consecutive tax
2-21     years a total assessed value, before exemptions and tax abatements,
2-22     of more than one hundred million dollars, and which is situated
2-23     within either two miles of any point on the boundaries of the
2-24     district or one mile from the center line of State Highway No. 242;
2-25     and
 3-1                             (iii)  such other territory, whether or not
 3-2     contiguous to the boundaries of the district or the impact area, as
 3-3     the board may by resolution designate for full or limited purposes
 3-4     or for a specified, permanent or indefinite period of time.  In
 3-5     determining compliance with this subsection, direct expenditures
 3-6     made within or for the district or the impact area shall be
 3-7     directly allocable to each, but costs or expenditures for the
 3-8     general welfare, promotion, or benefit of the combined district and
 3-9     impact area including, without limitation, debt service and capital
3-10     improvement costs or expenditures, shall be allocable between the
3-11     district and the impact area proportionate to the benefits
3-12     conferred to each, as determined in the sound discretion of the
3-13     board;
3-14                 (2)  borrow money for the corporate purposes of the
3-15     district;
3-16                 (3)  add or exclude territory in the manner provided by
3-17     Subchapter J, Chapter 49, and Section 54.016, Water Code, except
3-18     that all references therein to taxes shall mean and refer only to
3-19     ad valorem taxes, and Section 42.042, Local Government Code, and
3-20     Section 54.016, Water Code, shall apply to the district with
3-21     respect to a municipality having a population of 25,000 or less,
3-22     but shall not otherwise apply to the annexation of land restricted
3-23     primarily to commercial or business use;
3-24                 (4)  contract with any person or entity for the
3-25     accomplishment of any of the district's purposes including without
 4-1     limitation contracting for:
 4-2                       (A)  the payment, repayment, or reimbursement,
 4-3     out of tax proceeds or any other specified source of funds, of any
 4-4     costs and reasonable carrying costs incurred by that person for or
 4-5     on behalf of the district, including all or part of the costs of
 4-6     any improvement project; or
 4-7                       (B)  the use, occupancy, lease, rental,
 4-8     operation, maintenance, or management of all or part of a proposed
 4-9     or existing improvement project;
4-10                 (5)  make application for and contract with any person
4-11     or entity to receive, administer, and perform the district's duties
4-12     and obligations under any federal, state, local, or private gift,
4-13     grant, loan, conveyance, transfer, bequest, donation, or other
4-14     financial assistance arrangement relating to the investigation,
4-15     planning, analysis, study, design, acquisition, construction,
4-16     improvement, completion, implementation, or operation by the
4-17     district or others of a proposed or existing improvement project;
4-18                 (6)  make, adopt, revise, repeal, amend, promulgate,
4-19     and enforce by ordinary civil remedies reasonable rules and
4-20     regulations for the administration and operation of the district,
4-21     the use, enjoyment, availability, protection, security, and
4-22     maintenance of the district's properties and facilities, and
4-23     providing for public safety and security within the district;
4-24                 (7)  establish, revise, repeal, enforce, collect, and
4-25     apply the proceeds from user fees, concessions, admissions,
 5-1     rentals, or other similar fees or charges for the enjoyment, sale,
 5-2     rental, or other use of the district's facilities, services,
 5-3     properties, or improvement projects; however, because the district
 5-4     is created in an area that is devoted primarily to commercial and
 5-5     business activity, the district may not impose an impact fee or
 5-6     assessment on a single family residential property or a residential
 5-7     duplex, triplex, quadruplex, or condominium;
 5-8                 (8)  provide or secure the payment or repayment of the
 5-9     costs and expenses of the establishment, administration, and
5-10     operation of the district and the district's costs or share of the
5-11     costs of any improvement project, or district contractual
5-12     obligation or indebtedness, by or through a lease, installment
5-13     purchase contract, or other agreement with any person or the levy
5-14     and assessment of taxes, user fees, concessions, rentals, or other
5-15     revenues or resources of the district;
5-16                 (9)  undertake separately or jointly with other persons
5-17     or entities and pay all or part of the cost of improvement
5-18     projects, including improvement projects for improving, enhancing,
5-19     and supporting public safety and security, fire protection and
5-20     emergency medical services, and law enforcement within and adjacent
5-21     to the district and improvement projects that confer a general
5-22     benefit on the entire district and the areas adjacent thereto or a
5-23     special benefit on a definable part of the district, which may be
5-24     the entire district or any part thereof; however, the district
5-25     shall not be authorized to employ peace officers, but the district
 6-1     may contract for off duty peace officers to provide additional
 6-2     public safety and security services in connection with special
 6-3     events, holidays, periods of high traffic congestion or similar
 6-4     circumstances; [and]
 6-5                 (10)  impose, collect, and apply the proceeds from a
 6-6     hotel occupancy tax as provided by Sections 11A and 11B of this
 6-7     Act[.];
 6-8                 (11)  exercise the economic development powers and
 6-9     authority conferred by Chapter 380, Local Government Code, and
6-10     Vernon's Ann.Civ.St. Article 835s, upon a municipality having a
6-11     population of more than 100,000;
6-12                 (12)  subject and subordinate to any applicable orders,
6-13     ordinances, rules or regulations of any overlapping county or
6-14     municipality, regulate the private use of public roadways, open
6-15     spaces, parks, sidewalks and similar public areas by:
6-16                       (A)  adopting reasonable and necessary rules and
6-17     regulations for the safe and orderly use of such areas;
6-18                       (B)  requiring permits for parades,
6-19     demonstrations, celebrations, entertainment events or similar
6-20     non-governmental activities in such areas, with all or any
6-21     designated portion of the reasonable and necessary costs for such
6-22     permit application, and any additional public safety or security
6-23     services deemed necessary by the district for such activities being
6-24     chargeable to the permit applicant; and
6-25                       (C)  requiring permits or franchise agreements
 7-1     with vendors, concessionaires, exhibitors or similar private or
 7-2     commercial persons or organizations for the limited use of such
 7-3     areas upon such terms and conditions and upon payment of such
 7-4     permit or franchise fees as the district, in its sound discretion,
 7-5     may impose; and
 7-6                 (13)  employ and fix the terms of employment and
 7-7     compensation of a president, a vice president, an executive
 7-8     director, a general manager, and any other operating officers of
 7-9     the district as in the judgment of the board are necessary.
7-10           SECTION 2.  That subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), and (g)
7-11     of Section 8 of Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular
7-12     Session, 1993, as amended by Chapter 255, Acts of the 75th Texas
7-13     Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, are amended to read as follows:
7-14           (a)  The district is governed by a board of [eight] eleven
7-15     directors who shall serve for staggered terms of four years.
7-16           (b)(1)  Except as otherwise provided by [Subdivisions (2) and
7-17     (3) of] this subsection, to be qualified to serve as a director, a
7-18     person must be at least 18 years old and be:
7-19                       (A)  a resident of the district;
7-20                       (B)  an individual owner of real property in the
7-21     district;
7-22                       (C)  an individual owner, whether beneficial or
7-23     otherwise, of at least 10 percent of the outstanding stock of a
7-24     corporate owner of real property in the district or of a corporate
7-25     lessee of real property in the district with an original lease term
 8-1     of five years or more, excluding options;
 8-2                       (D)  an individual owner of at least 10 percent
 8-3     of the beneficial interest in a trust that:
 8-4                             (i)  owns real property in the district; or
 8-5                             (ii)  leases real property in the district
 8-6     under an original lease term of five years or more, excluding
 8-7     options;
 8-8                       (E)  an individual lessee of real property in the
 8-9     district under an original lease term of five years or more,
8-10     excluding options;
8-11                       (F)  an individual owner of at least 10 percent
8-12     of the outstanding interest in a general or limited partnership
8-13     that:
8-14                             (i)  owns real property in the district; or
8-15                             (ii)  leases real property in the district
8-16     under an original lease term of five years or more, excluding
8-17     options; or
8-18                       (G)  an individual agent, employee, officer, or
8-19     director of any individual, corporation, trust, or partnership that
8-20     owns or leases real property described by Paragraph (B), (C), (D),
8-21     (E), or (F) of this subdivision who is designated by such owner or
8-22     lessee to serve in that capacity; provided that not more than three
8-23     members of the board, whether elected or appointed, may at any time
8-24     be agents, employees, officers, or directors of a single
8-25     individual, corporation, trust, or partnership that owns or leases
 9-1     real property described by Paragraph (B), (C), (D), (E), or (F) of
 9-2     this subdivision, and any person filing a ballot or write in
 9-3     candidate's application or appointed to the board, in order of the
 9-4     time of filing or appointment, whose election or appointment would
 9-5     cause such limitation to be exceeded, shall be ineligible for
 9-6     election or appointment.
 9-7                 (2)  To be eligible for appointment under Subsection
 9-8     (c)(1)[(F)] or [(G)] (2) of this section, a person must be a
 9-9     resident of the city making the appointment.
9-10                 (3)  To be eligible for appointment under Subsection
9-11     (c) [(1)(H)] (3) of this section, a person must be a member of The
9-12     Woodlands Community Association, Inc.;
9-13                 (4)  To be eligible for appointment under Subsection
9-14     (c)(4) of this section, a person must be a member of the Woodlands
9-15     Association, Inc.;
9-16                 (5)  To be eligible for appointment under Subsection
9-17     (c)(5) of this section, a person must be a member of The Woodlands
9-18     Commercial Owners Association; and
9-19                 (6)  To be eligible for appointment under Subsection
9-20     (c)(6) of this section, a person must be a person described in
9-21     subdivision (b)(1) of this Subsection and a resident of any county
9-22     commissioners precinct which includes all or any portion of the
9-23     boundaries of the district or the impact area.
9-24           (c)  The board shall serve as provided in this Act and shall
9-25     be composed of five elected directors and six appointed directors.
 10-1    The appointed directors shall include: [(1)  On the effective date
 10-2    of this Act, the following persons shall constitute the initial
 10-3    board and shall serve as provided in this Act:]
 10-4                      [(A)  Vicki D. Armstrong;]
 10-5                      [(B)  Roger L. Galatas;]
 10-6                      [(C)  R. A. Kutsche;]
 10-7                      [(D)  Michael H. Richmond;]
 10-8                      [(E)  Bruce M. Withers, Jr.;]
 10-9                      [(F)] (1)  one individual appointed by the city
10-10    council of the City of Oak Ridge North;
10-11                      [(G)] (2)  one individual appointed by the city
10-12    council of the City of Shenandoah; [and]
10-13                      [(H)] (3)  one individual appointed by the
10-14    governing board of directors of The Woodlands Community
10-15    Association, Inc.;
10-16                (4)  one individual appointed by the governing board of
10-17    directors of The Woodlands Association;
10-18                (5)  one individual appointed by the governing board of
10-19    directors of The Woodlands Commercial Owners Association; and
10-20                (6)  one individual appointed by the commissioners
10-21    court of the county in which the majority in acreage of the
10-22    district is located.
10-23                [(2)  If one or more of the initial directors listed in
10-24    this subsection fails to qualify for office within 90 days after
10-25    the effective date of this Act, the remaining directors shall
 11-1    appoint qualified persons to fill the vacancies for the unexpired
 11-2    terms.]
 11-3          (d)  Directors shall serve until their successors have been
 11-4    elected or appointed and have qualified.
 11-5          (e)  A vacancy in the office of director shall be filled by
 11-6    appointment of a qualified individual by a majority vote on the
 11-7    remaining directors, except that if the number of directors for any
 11-8    reason is less than [five] six, on petition of a resident of or
 11-9    owner of real property in the district, the commission shall
11-10    appoint the required number of qualified individuals to fill the
11-11    vacancies.  The board may remove a director for misconduct or
11-12    failure to carry out the director's duties by unanimous vote of all
11-13    of the remaining directors.
11-14          (g)  After directors have been appointed or elected and have
11-15    qualified by executing a bond and taking the proper oath, they
11-16    shall organize or reorganize by electing a [president] chairman, a
11-17    vice-[president]chairman, a secretary, and any other officers of
11-18    the board as in the judgment of the board are necessary.
11-19          SECTION 3.  That subsections (e) and (i) of Section 11 of
11-20    Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993,
11-21    as amended by Chapter 255, Acts of the 75th Texas Legislature,
11-22    Regular Session, 1997, are amended to read as follows:
11-23          Sec. 11.  LIMITED SALES AND USE TAX.
11-24          (e)  A tax imposed under this Act or the repeal or reduction
11-25    of a tax under this Act takes effect on [October 1] the first day
 12-1    of the [after the expiration of the first complete] calendar
 12-2    quarter occurring after the date on which the comptroller receives
 12-3    the notice required by Subsection (b), Section 323.405, Tax Code,
 12-4    or Subsection (i) of this section.
 12-5          (i)  Within 10 days after the annexation or exclusion of
 12-6    territory by the district [or the annexation of all or part of the
 12-7    territory of the district by a municipality requiring a reduction
 12-8    of the district's sales and use tax, as provided in Subsection (h)
 12-9    of this section], the board shall send to the comptroller by United
12-10    States certified or registered mail certified copies of all
12-11    resolutions[,] or orders[, or ordinances] pertaining to such
12-12    events.
12-13          SECTION 4.  That Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd Legislature,
12-14    Regular Session, 1993, as amended by Chapter 255, Acts of the 75th
12-15    Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended by the
12-16    addition of Section 11C to read as follows:
12-17          Sec. 11C.  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ZONES.  (a)  As used in this
12-18    section:
12-19                (1)  "Economic development zone" or "zone" means an
12-20    economic development zone created by the district pursuant to this
12-21    section.
12-22                (2)  "Governing body" means the board of directors of a
12-23    zone.
12-24                (3)  "Initial development" means the first buildings,
12-25    structures, and improvements on a parcel or tract included within a
 13-1    zone, excluding streets, utilities, and offsite facilities and
 13-2    services.
 13-3                (4)  "Substantial redevelopment" shall not include
 13-4    improvements, modifications, or rehabilitation of buildings,
 13-5    improvements, and facilities which have been in existence less than
 13-6    10 years, but may include expansions, enlargements, replacements,
 13-7    and relocations of any buildings, improvements, and facilities
 13-8    within a zone;
 13-9          (b)  The board, on its own motion, or upon receipt of a
13-10    petition signed by the owners of all real property within a defined
13-11    area of the district, may by resolution create, designate,
13-12    describe, assign a name to and appoint the governing body for an
13-13    economic development zone within the district to promote initial
13-14    development or substantial redevelopment of the area, if the board
13-15    finds that the creation of a zone will further the public purposes
13-16    of:
13-17                (1)  development and diversification of the economy of
13-18    the district and the state;
13-19                (2)  the elimination of unemployment or underemployment
13-20    in the district and the state;
13-21                (3)  the development or expansion of transportation or
13-22    commerce in the district and the state; or
13-23                (4)  promoting and stimulating business, commercial and
13-24    economic activity in the district and the state.
13-25          (c)  Before designating an economic development zone, the
 14-1    board must prepare a preliminary financing plan for such zone which
 14-2    includes:
 14-3                (1)  estimated project costs, including administrative
 14-4    expenses;
 14-5                (2)  a list of the kind, number and location of all
 14-6    proposed improvement projects in the zone;
 14-7                (3)  the estimated amount of bonded indebtedness to be
 14-8    incurred;
 14-9                (4)  a description of the methods of financing and
14-10    expected sources of revenue to pay for the costs of proposed
14-11    improvement projects; and
14-12                (5)  the projected duration of the zone.
14-13          (d)  Before designating an economic development zone on its
14-14    own motion or, if ad valorem taxes are to be used, in whole or in
14-15    part, in payment of improvement project costs within the economic
14-16    development zone to be designated in response to a landowner
14-17    petition, the board shall call and conduct a public hearing in the
14-18    same general procedural manner as provided by Section 311.003, Tax
14-19    Code, for reinvestment zones designated by a municipality.
14-20          (e)  An economic development zone may not be created if more
14-21    than 10% of the property in the proposed zone, excluding property
14-22    that is publicly owned, is used or planned for use for residential
14-23    purposes.  Property is used for residential purposes if it is
14-24    occupied by a house having fewer than five living units.
14-25          (f)  A resolution designating an area as an economic
 15-1    development zone must:
 15-2                (1)  describe the boundaries of the zone sufficiently
 15-3    to identify with reasonable certainty the territory included;
 15-4                (2)  provide an effective date for the zone;
 15-5                (3)  provide a date for termination of the zone;
 15-6                (4)  assign a name to the zone for identification;
 15-7                (5)  adopt a preliminary financing plan for the zone;
 15-8                (6)  establish a tax increment fund for the zone; and
 15-9                (7)  appoint the governing body for the zone or
15-10    authorize the board to serve ex-officio as the governing body of
15-11    the zone.
15-12          (g)  Members of the governing body shall be appointed for a
15-13    term of two years, except for the initial members of the governing
15-14    body, some of whose terms may be limited to one year in order to
15-15    achieve staggered terms of office.  Any vacancy on the governing
15-16    body of the zone shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired
15-17    term by the district.
15-18          (h)  A member of a governing body must be a member of the
15-19    board or must be at least 18 years of age, a citizen of the state,
15-20    and a person described in Subsection 2(b) of this Act.  Each member
15-21    must qualify for office by subscribing to the constitutional oath
15-22    of office for public officers and furnishing a fidelity bond issued
15-23    by a responsible surety in the amount of $10,000 in favor of the
15-24    zone to secure faithful performance of the member's duties.
15-25          (i)  Following appointment and qualification, the governing
 16-1    body of the zone shall meet and organize by electing a president, a
 16-2    vice president, a secretary/treasurer and such other officers as
 16-3    the governing body of the zone may deem appropriate.
 16-4          (j)  The boundaries of an economic development zone may be
 16-5    reduced or enlarged in the same general manner as provided herein
 16-6    for creation of a zone.
 16-7          (k)  A zone created by the district pursuant to this section
 16-8    shall constitute a body politic and corporate and a political
 16-9    subdivision of the state, separate and apart from the district.
16-10    The district and the zone shall have the same power and authority
16-11    to carry out this section as are conferred upon a municipality with
16-12    respect to a reinvestment zone under Section 311.008, Tax Code.  In
16-13    addition to the powers herein granted to the governing body, the
16-14    board may by order delegate, subject in whole or in part to final
16-15    approval by the board of the district, any powers and duties
16-16    relating to the financing and implementation of the project plan
16-17    for the zone, including, without limitation, the power and
16-18    authority to:
16-19                (1)  issue tax increment bonds or notes for and in the
16-20    name of the zone in the same manner as provided for a municipality
16-21    in Section 311.010, Tax Code, except that tax increment bonds or
16-22    notes of the zone shall mature in not more than 30 years;
16-23                (2)  pledge irrevocably all or part of the tax
16-24    increment fund for the zone, as provided for a municipality in
16-25    Section 311.015, Tax Code; and
 17-1                (3)  levy, assess and collect ad valorem taxes,
 17-2    assessments and other charges within the zone, as provided for
 17-3    municipal management districts in Chapter 375, Local Government
 17-4    Code, as well as the incremental sales and use tax authorized by
 17-5    this section, but only if such ad valorem tax or incremental sales
 17-6    and use tax has been approved by the qualified voters of the
 17-7    district.
 17-8          (l)  The board and the governing body each may enter into
 17-9    such agreements as may be considered necessary or convenient to
17-10    implement a project plan and economic development zone financing
17-11    plan and achieve their purposes.  An agreement may provide for the
17-12    regulation or restriction of the use of land by imposing
17-13    conditions, restrictions, or covenants that run with the land.  An
17-14    agreement may dedicate revenue from the tax increment fund to pay
17-15    project costs and may provide that a restriction adopted by the
17-16    governing body continues in effect after the termination of the
17-17    zone.  The district and the zone may enter into agreements whereby
17-18    the district will provide administration, management, investment,
17-19    accounting, and other services for the zone in consideration for
17-20    the benefits to inure to the district through implementation of the
17-21    project plan for the zone.
17-22          (m)  Subject to approval by resolution of the board, the
17-23    governing body shall prepare and adopt, and may thereafter amend, a
17-24    project plan and an economic development zone financing plan for
17-25    the zone containing generally the information and estimates
 18-1    described in Section 311.011, Tax Code, with respect to
 18-2    reinvestment zones, together with an estimate of total and
 18-3    incremental sales and use taxes to be derived from the zone.  If a
 18-4    plan amendment reduces or increases the geographic area of the
 18-5    zone, increases the amount of bonded indebtedness to be incurred,
 18-6    creates or changes a tax increment to be contributed by a taxing
 18-7    unit, or increases the total estimated project costs, such
 18-8    amendment may be adopted only after a public hearing meeting the
 18-9    procedural requirements of this section has been held.
18-10          (n)  If the financing plan adopted by the governing body of
18-11    the zone uses ad valorem taxes, in whole or in part, for payment of
18-12    project costs, then the provisions of Sections 311.012 and 311.013,
18-13    Tax Code, relative to a city or municipality, or its governing
18-14    body, shall apply to the zone and the governing body of the zone.
18-15          (o)  If approved at an election by a majority of the
18-16    qualified voters voting in such election, the district may adopt or
18-17    repeal for the use and benefit of one or more economic development
18-18    zones previously or thereafter created by the district, an
18-19    incremental sales and use tax of not more than one percent (1%).
18-20    An election for the purpose of permitting voting for or against the
18-21    adoption or repeal of the maximum rate of incremental sales and use
18-22    tax specified by the board in the election proposition may be
18-23    called and held by the board in general conformity with the
18-24    procedural requirements of Section 11 of this Act for adoption of
18-25    the limited sales and use tax therein authorized.  After adoption
 19-1    at an election, and if and to the extent authorized by delegation
 19-2    by the district to a zone, the governing body may levy, assess, and
 19-3    collect all or any portion of such incremental sales and use tax,
 19-4    in increments of not less than one-eighth percent, within and for
 19-5    the benefit of the zone, by order of the governing body, and such
 19-6    incremental sales and use tax shall be in addition to the limited
 19-7    sales and use tax authorized and levied, assessed, and collected by
 19-8    the district within and for the entire district pursuant to Section
 19-9    11 of this Act.  Such incremental sales and use tax shall become
19-10    effective on the first day of the calendar quarter following
19-11    written notice to the comptroller of the imposition of same and
19-12    shall be paid into the tax increment fund for such zone.
19-13          (p)  Section 311.002 and Sections 311.014 through 311.017,
19-14    Tax Code, shall apply to the district, except that:
19-15                (1)  references therein to a municipality shall mean
19-16    and refer to the district and the zone;
19-17                (2)  references therein to an ordinance shall mean and
19-18    refer to an order;
19-19                (3)  references therein to a reinvestment zone shall
19-20    mean and refer to an economic development zone;
19-21                (4)  references therein to an agreement made under
19-22    Section 311.010(b) therein shall mean and refer to an agreement
19-23    made under subsection (k) of this section;
19-24                (5)  development or redevelopment shall mean and
19-25    include initial development or substantial redevelopment; and
 20-1                (6)  Section 311.016, Tax Code, shall apply only if ad
 20-2    valorem taxes are used, in whole or in part, in payment of project
 20-3    costs of a zone."
 20-4          SECTION 5.  That Section 12A of Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
 20-5    Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, as amended by Chapter 255, Acts
 20-6    of the 75th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to
 20-7    read as follows:
 20-8          Sec. 12A.  BONDS.  (a)  The board of the district may issue
 20-9    bonds of the district in the manner provided by Subchapter J,
20-10    Chapter 375, Local Government Code.  Sections 375.207 and 375.208,
20-11    Local Government Code, do not apply to bonds issued by the district
20-12    under this [section] Act.
20-13          (b)  If the district issues bonds for the primary purpose of
20-14    providing water, sewage, or drainage facilities, the district must
20-15    obtain the commission's approval in the manner provided by Chapter
20-16    49, Water Code.
20-17          (c)  In addition to the sources of money described by
20-18    Subchapter J, Chapter 375, Local Government Code, the bonds of the
20-19    district may be secured and made payable, wholly or partly, by a
20-20    pledge of any part of the net proceeds the district receives from:
20-21                (1)  a specified portion, but not more than one-half
20-22    percent, of the sales and use tax authorized by Section 11 of this
20-23    Act; and
20-24                (2)  the hotel occupancy tax authorized by Section 11A
20-25    of this Act[; and].
 21-1                [(3)  repayments the district receives from a
 21-2    municipality because of a required reduction of the district's
 21-3    sales and use tax.]
 21-4          SECTION 6.  That Section 13 of Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
 21-5    Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, as amended by Chapter 255, Acts
 21-6    of the 75th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, is amended to
 21-7    read as follows:
 21-8          Sec. 13.  CONTRACTS WITH DISTRICT.  The district is
 21-9    authorized to contract with a city, county, other political
21-10    subdivision, corporation, or other persons to carry out the
21-11    purposes of this Act on such terms and conditions and for such
21-12    period of time as the board may determine.  A state agency, city,
21-13    county, other political subdivision, corporation, individual, or
21-14    other entity may contract with the district to carry out the
21-15    purposes of this Act without any further authorization,
21-16    notwithstanding any other law or charter provision to the contrary.
21-17    In particular, the district and a municipality situated in whole or
21-18    in part within the boundaries or impact area of the district may
21-19    enter into and carry out interlocal agreements, with such terms and
21-20    conditions as the parties may deem advisable, for the
21-21    accomplishment of improvement projects or the provision of
21-22    facilities, services, or equipment by the district within or for
21-23    the benefit of the municipality, and notwithstanding any provision
21-24    of law to the contrary, payment for such improvement projects,
21-25    facilities, services, or equipment may be made or pledged by the
 22-1    municipality to the district out of any funds collected by the
 22-2    municipality pursuant to Chapter 351, Tax Code, or any other
 22-3    lawfully available funds.
 22-4          SECTION 7.  REPEAL. Subsection (d) of Section 8 and
 22-5    subsection (h) of Section 11 of Chapter 289, Acts of the 73rd
 22-6    Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, as amended by Chapter 255, Acts
 22-7    of the 75th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 1997, are repealed.
 22-8          SECTION 8.  TERMS OF OFFICE.  The additional directors
 22-9    authorized by this Act shall be appointed and qualified as soon as
22-10    practicable after the effective date of this Act.  One of the
22-11    additional directors shall serve for a term ending on the first
22-12    Saturday in May, 2000, and the remaining two additional directors
22-13    shall serve for a term ending on the first Saturday in May, 2002,
22-14    as determined by the board by lot or by mutual agreement.  Nothing
22-15    in this Act shall be deemed or construed to affect the terms of
22-16    office of the existing directors.
22-17          SECTION 9.  NOTICE AND CONSENT. The legislature finds that
22-18    the proper and legal notice of the intention to introduce this Act,
22-19    setting forth the general substance of this Act, has been published
22-20    as provided by law, and the notice and a copy of this Act have been
22-21    furnished to all persons, agencies, officials, or entities to which
22-22    they are required to be furnished by the constitution and laws of
22-23    this state, including the governor, who has submitted the notice
22-24    and Act to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission.  The
22-25    legislature further finds that, to the extent required, the Texas
 23-1    Natural Resource Conservation Commission has filed its
 23-2    recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, lieutenant
 23-3    governor, and speaker of the house of representatives within the
 23-4    required time.  All requirements of the constitution and laws of
 23-5    this state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with
 23-6    respect to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act have
 23-7    been fulfilled and accomplished.  This Act shall take effect and be
 23-8    in force from and after its passage, notwithstanding the general
 23-9    law relating to consent by political subdivisions to the creation
23-10    of conservation and reclamation districts and to the inclusion of
23-11    land in such districts.
23-12          SECTION 10.  SEVERABILITY.  The provisions of this Act are
23-13    severable.  If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, section,
23-14    provision, or part of this Act is held invalid or unconstitutional,
23-15    it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions, and it
23-16    is declared to be the legislative intent that this Act would have
23-17    been passed as to the remaining portions regardless of the
23-18    invalidity of any part.
23-19          SECTION 11.  EMERGENCY.  The importance of this legislation
23-20    and the crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
23-21    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
23-22    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
23-23    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
23-24    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
23-25    passage, and it is so enacted.