76R10609 GJH-F                           
         By Coleman                                            H.B. No. 3532
         Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3532:
         By Greenberg                                      C.S.H.B. No. 3532
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to participation in, administration of, and benefits from
 1-3     certain public retirement systems for municipal employees.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 2, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 1-6     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 1-7     Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subdivisions (b), (f), (g),
 1-8     (j), and (l) and adding Subdivisions (m) and (n) to read as
 1-9     follows:
1-10                 (b)  "Member" means each [city] employee included in
1-11     the Pension System provided for herein and becoming a member
1-12     thereof.
1-13                 (f)  "Separation from Service" or "separated from
1-14     service" means cessation of work for the city, whether caused by
1-15     death, discharge, resignation or any reason other than retirement.
1-16                 (g)  "Employee" means and includes any person eligible
1-17     under this Act whose name appears on a regular full time payroll of
1-18     any such city or Pension System and who is paid a regular salary
1-19     for his services.  Provided, that any elected official who becomes
1-20     a member of the Pension System as permitted by this amended Act
1-21     shall be considered to be and to have been an employee during the
1-22     period of any service as an elected official.
1-23                 (j)  "Previous Service" means all services and work as
1-24     an employee, other than "prior service" as herein defined, which
 2-1     preceded a [Group A] member's current period of employment.
 2-2                 (l)  "Pension Fund" or "fund" means assets consisting
 2-3     of the contributions made by the city, contributions made by any
 2-4     member [of Group A], and any income derived from investments made
 2-5     from those contributions, which are held in trust for the sole
 2-6     benefit of the members and retirees of the Pension System and their
 2-7     survivors.
 2-8                 (m)  "Effective Retirement Date" means the first day of
 2-9     the month retirement begins for a member or former member who is
2-10     eligible for retirement.  If the Pension System receives a member's
2-11     application for normal retirement before the member's separation
2-12     from service or not later than the 30th day after the date of the
2-13     member's separation from service, the effective retirement date is
2-14     the later of the first day of the month following the month of
2-15     separation or the date specified on the application.  If the
2-16     Pension System does not receive the application within 30 days
2-17     after the date of the member's separation from service, the
2-18     effective retirement date is the later of the first day of the
2-19     month after the Pension System receives the application, or the
2-20     date specified on the application.  The effective retirement date
2-21     for a person who qualifies for a service or ordinary disability
2-22     retirement is the later of the day following the person's last day
2-23     of credited service or the date the Pension System receives a
2-24     request to apply for disability retirement.
2-25                 (n)  "Military Service" of any member means service in
2-26     the armed forces of the United States or wartime service in the
2-27     armed forces of the United States or in the Allied Forces, if
 3-1     credit for military service has not been granted under any other
 3-2     federal or state system or used in any other retirement system.
 3-3           SECTION 2.  Section 3, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 3-4     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 3-5     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 3-6           Sec. 3.  PERSONS ELIGIBLE UNDER THIS ACT.  The following
 3-7     persons are eligible under this Act:
 3-8                 (a)  Any person who is now a member of any such System
 3-9     under the terms of the original Act, as amended, and who does not
3-10     make the election provided by Section 22 of this Act shall be a
3-11     Group A member. A person who becomes an employee on or after
3-12     September 1, 1999, becomes a Group A member of the Pension System
3-13     as a condition of employment except as otherwise provided by this
3-14     section or Section 4 of this Act [The disability and benefit
3-15     provisions of Sections 11 through 16 of this Act shall apply to
3-16     Group A members].
3-17                 (b)  Any person who becomes an employee [of such city]
3-18     after September 1, 1981, and before September 1, 1999, shall
3-19     automatically become a Group B member of the Pension System as a
3-20     condition of his employment except as otherwise provided by this
3-21     section or Section 4 of this Act.  A Group A member who has
3-22     terminated employment included in the Pension System, elected under
3-23     Section 16 of this Act to leave the member's contributions in the
3-24     Pension Fund, and met the minimum service requirements for
3-25     retirement at an attained age shall, if the member is reemployed in
3-26     a position included in the Pension System before September 1, 1999,
3-27     elect, not later than the 14th day after the date reemployment
 4-1     begins, whether to continue as a Group A member or become a Group B
 4-2     member.  [Except as expressly stated otherwise, the eligibility and
 4-3     benefit provisions of Sections 22 through 31, inclusive, shall
 4-4     apply to such Group B members.]
 4-5                 (c)  Elected officials in office on September 1, 1981,
 4-6     shall have the option of becoming members of the Pension System.
 4-7     Any member or former member of the Pension System who shall
 4-8     hereafter be elected to an office of said city shall have the right
 4-9     to reinstatement and shall receive credit for prior service and
4-10     previous service as an employee on the same conditions as
4-11     reemployed Group A members;  except that no elected official who
4-12     has retired or does retire from the Pension System on a service or
4-13     disability retirement pension may receive pension payments while
4-14     serving in an elective city office and such payments shall be
4-15     suspended during the term of office.  However, upon leaving office
4-16     such payments shall be restored and credit given for the period
4-17     served.  Except as otherwise provided by this Act, an [Any] elected
4-18     official who is first elected after September 1, 1981, and before
4-19     September 1, 1999, shall become a Group B member and receive credit
4-20     for all previous service.  An elected official who is first elected
4-21     on or after September 1, 1999, becomes a Group A member and is
4-22     entitled to receive credit for all previous service on the same
4-23     conditions as reemployed Group A members, except as otherwise
4-24     provided under this Act.
4-25           SECTION 3.  Section 3A(a),  Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
4-26     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
4-27     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 5-1           (a)  A person who, on or after a date determined by the
 5-2     Pension Board and before September 1, 1999, becomes a member of, or
 5-3     resumes membership in, the Pension System as an employee or elected
 5-4     official of a city to which this Act applies shall elect:
 5-5                 (1)  by submission of a signed and notarized form, to
 5-6     become a Group A member and contribute a portion of the person's
 5-7     salary to the Pension Fund as required by this Act; or
 5-8                 (2)  to become a Group B member and make no
 5-9     contributions to the Pension Fund.
5-10           SECTION 4.  Section 3B(a), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
5-11     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
5-12     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
5-13           (a)  Each member of the Pension System as an employee or
5-14     elected official of a city to which this Act applies may [shall]
5-15     make a one-time, irrevocable election on a date determined by the
5-16     Pension Board[:]
5-17                 [(1)  to retain membership in the group of which the
5-18     employee or official is currently a member;]
5-19                 [(2)  to change membership from Group A to Group B and
5-20     receive a refund of contributions, without interest, made by the
5-21     person to Group A; or]
5-22                 [(3)]  to change membership from Group B to Group A and
5-23     comply with the requirements of Subsection (b) of this section.
5-24           SECTION 5.  Section 5, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
5-25     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
5-26     Civil Statutes), is amended by amending Subsections (d) and (h) and
5-27     adding Subsections (m), (n), and (o) to read as follows:
 6-1           (d)(1)  In each odd-numbered year, the [The] Board shall
 6-2     elect from the elected members of the Board [its membership
 6-3     annually] a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary.
 6-4                 (2)  Effective July 1, 1989, or on the effective date
 6-5     of the 1989 amendment of this Act, whichever is later, the Pension
 6-6     Board may hire or contract with one (1) or more persons to perform
 6-7     administrative services for the Pension System.  The services
 6-8     include clerical services, record keeping, and the performance of
 6-9     such other related administrative functions as assigned by the
6-10     Board.  The Board shall fix and pay the compensation for persons
6-11     performing administrative services under this subdivision from the
6-12     Pension Fund.  Additionally, the Board may provide related benefits
6-13     that the Board considers proper.
6-14                 (3)  Any person employed by the Pension Board to serve
6-15     on the administrative staff who has service credits with the
6-16     Pension System at the time of the person's employment by the Board
6-17     retains the person's status in the System, and any person so
6-18     employed who does not have accrued service credits with the System
6-19     at the time of employment is a Group A member [entitled to join the
6-20     System as a Group B member].
6-21                 (4)  The Pension Board shall adopt a detailed annual
6-22     budget showing its proposed administrative expenditures under
6-23     Subdivision (2) of this subsection for the next fiscal year.
6-24           (h)  The Pension Board shall:
6-25                 (1)  adopt for the administration of the Pension Fund
6-26     written rules and guidelines not inconsistent with this Act;
6-27                 (2)  correct any defect, supply any omission, and
 7-1     reconcile any inconsistency that may appear in this Act in a manner
 7-2     and to the extent that the Board considers expedient for the
 7-3     administration of this Act for the greatest benefit of all members;
 7-4     [and]
 7-5                 (3)  establish and maintain all records necessary or
 7-6     appropriate for the proper administration of the Pension Fund; and
 7-7                 (4)  have the authority to institute, conduct, and
 7-8     maintain legal action in the name of the Board on behalf of the
 7-9     Pension System.
7-10           (m)  The Board may by resolution make the implementation of a
7-11     provision of this Act contingent on receipt of a favorable private
7-12     letter ruling or favorable determination letter from the Internal
7-13     Revenue Service if the Board determines that the action is in the
7-14     best interest of the Pension System.
7-15           (n)  After separation from service or retirement, a member is
7-16     subject to the schedule of benefits and provisions in effect at the
7-17     time of the member's separation from service, except as otherwise
7-18     provided by this Act.
7-19           (o)  A person receiving or eligible for a survivor benefit
7-20     under this Act is subject to the schedule of benefits and
7-21     provisions in effect at the time of separation from service of the
7-22     deceased participant for whom the person is claiming survivor
7-23     status, except as expressly provided otherwise in this Act.
7-24           SECTION 6.  Section 7, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
7-25     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
7-26     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:        
7-27           Sec. 7.  CONTRIBUTIONS BY MEMBERS.  Each Group A member of
 8-1     the Pension System shall make periodic contributions during
 8-2     employment [by the city] in an [the] amount determined by the Board
 8-3     and expressed as a percentage [of four percent (4%)] of salary.
 8-4     Such contributions shall be deducted by the employer [city] from
 8-5     the salary of each such member and paid to the Pension System for
 8-6     deposit in [Treasurer of] the Pension Fund [for deposit therein].
 8-7           SECTION 7.  Sections 7A(a), (b), and (c), Chapter 358, Acts
 8-8     of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g,
 8-9     Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:           
8-10           (a)  The employer [city] shall pick up the contributions
8-11     required of Group A members by Section 7 of this Act for all
8-12     salaries earned after December 31, 1987.  The city shall pay the
8-13     pick-up contributions to the Pension System from the same source of
8-14     funds that is used in paying salaries to the members.  The pickup
8-15     of contributions shall be in lieu of contributions by Group A
8-16     members.  The city may pick up these contributions by a deduction
8-17     from each Group A member's salary equal to the amount of the
8-18     member's contributions picked up by the city.  Members do not have
8-19     the option of choosing to receive the contributed amounts directly
8-20     instead of having them paid by the city to the Pension System.
8-21           (b)  Contributions picked up as provided by Subsection (a) of
8-22     this section shall be treated as employer contributions in
8-23     determining tax treatment of the amounts under the United States
8-24     Internal Revenue Code;  however, the employer [city] shall continue
8-25     to withhold federal income taxes on these picked-up contributions
8-26     until the Internal Revenue Service determines or the federal courts
8-27     rule that pursuant to  Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code
 9-1     of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 414(h)) these picked-up contributions
 9-2     are not includable as gross income of the employee until the time
 9-3     that they are distributed or made available.
 9-4           (c)  An accounting of member [Member] contributions picked up
 9-5     by the employer [city] shall be maintained [credited to the
 9-6     individual account of the member] and the contributions shall be
 9-7     treated for all other purposes as if the amount were a part of the
 9-8     member's salary and had been deducted as provided by Section 7 of
 9-9     this Act.
9-10           SECTION 8.  Section 8(b), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
9-11     Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
9-12     Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
9-13           (b)  Beginning January 1, 1983, the city shall make periodic
9-14     payments into the Pension Fund in an amount equal to the percentage
9-15     contribution rate multiplied by the salaries paid to Group A and
9-16     Group B members of the Fund.  Such contribution rate expressed as a
9-17     percentage shall be based on the results of actuarial valuations
9-18     made at least every three (3) years, with the first such actuarial
9-19     valuation to be made as of January 1, 1982.  The city's
9-20     contribution rate shall be comprised of the normal cost plus the
9-21     level percentage of salary payment required to amortize the
9-22     unfunded actuarial liability over a period of forty (40) years from
9-23     January 1, 1983, calculated on the basis of an acceptable actuarial
9-24     reserve funding method approved by the Pension Board.
9-25     Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the city's
9-26     contribution rate, when added to any contributions with respect to
9-27     a qualified governmental excess benefit arrangement maintained in
 10-1    accordance with Section 31D of this Act, may not be an amount less
 10-2    than the greater of 10 percent of the salaries paid to members or
 10-3    two times the contribution rate of Group A members.
 10-4          SECTION 9.  Section 9, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 10-5    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 10-6    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 10-7          Sec. 9.  INCREASE IN ANNUITIES.  (a)  In addition to the
 10-8    postretirement increases provided by Section [Sections] 11 [and 31]
 10-9    of this Act, the Pension Board may increase annuities payable under
10-10    this Act by an amount that does not exceed the annual increase in
10-11    the amount of premiums being paid under a group insurance program
10-12    provided for retirees of the city.
10-13          (b)  The Pension Board may distribute a supplemental payment
10-14    to all retirees, survivors, or DROP participants if:
10-15                (1)  the Pension System is fully funded;
10-16                (2)  the Pension System has met the actuarial
10-17    investment assumption for the previous fiscal year; and
10-18                (3)  the issuance of the supplemental check will not
10-19    cause the city's contribution rate to increase.
10-20          SECTION 10.  Effective September 1, 1999, Sections 11(a) and
10-21    (b), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session,
10-22    1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to
10-23    read as follows:
10-24          (a)  Any member of such Pension System who has attained fifty
10-25    (50) years of age and completed twenty-five (25) or more years of
10-26    credited service, who has attained fifty-five (55) years of age and
10-27    completed twenty (20) or more years of credited service, who has
 11-1    attained sixty (60) years of age and completed ten (10) or more
 11-2    years of credited service, or who has attained sixty-two (62) years
 11-3    of age and completed five (5) or more years of credited service
 11-4    shall be eligible for a normal retirement pension.
 11-5          (b)  The amount of the monthly pension for each Group A
 11-6    member shall equal the member's average monthly salary multiplied
 11-7    by two and one-quarter percent (2 1/4%) for each year of the
 11-8    member's first twenty (20) years of credited service and two and
 11-9    three-quarters percent (2 3/4%) for each additional year, prorated
11-10    to the nearest 12th of a year, of credited service of the member.
11-11    For purposes of this Subsection, such average salary shall be
11-12    computed by adding together the seventy-eight (78) highest biweekly
11-13    salaries paid to a member during his period of credited service and
11-14    dividing the sum by thirty-six (36).  Provided, however, that no
11-15    Group A member's pension shall be more than eighty percent (80%) of
11-16    such average salary; and no Group A member's pension shall be less
11-17    than Eight Dollars ($8) a month for each year of credited service,
11-18    or One Hundred Dollars ($100) a month total pension, whichever is
11-19    the greater amount.
11-20          SECTION 11.  Effective August 1, 2000, Sections 11(a) and
11-21    (b), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session,
11-22    1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to
11-23    read as follows:
11-24          (a)  Any member of such Pension System who has [attained
11-25    fifty (50) years of age and completed twenty-five (25) or more
11-26    years of credited service, who has attained fifty-five (55) years
11-27    of age and completed twenty (20) or more years of credited service,
 12-1    who has attained sixty (60) years of age and completed ten (10) or
 12-2    more years of credited service, or who has attained sixty-two (62)
 12-3    years of age and] completed five (5) or more years of credited
 12-4    service and attained sixty-two (62) years of age or a combination
 12-5    of years of age and years of credited service equal to the number
 12-6    70 shall be eligible for a normal retirement pension.
 12-7          (b)  The amount of the monthly pension for each Group A
 12-8    member shall equal the member's average monthly salary multiplied
 12-9    by two and one-half percent (2 1/2%) [one-quarter percent (2 1/4%)]
12-10    for each year of the member's first twenty (20) years of credited
12-11    service and three and one-quarter percent (3 1/4%) [two and
12-12    three-quarters percent (2 3/4%)] for each additional year, prorated
12-13    to the nearest 12th of a year, of credited service of the member.
12-14    For purposes of this Subsection, such average salary shall be
12-15    computed by adding together the seventy-eight (78) highest biweekly
12-16    salaries paid to a member during his period of credited service and
12-17    dividing the sum by thirty-six (36).  Provided, however, that no
12-18    Group A member's pension shall be more than eighty percent (80%) of
12-19    such average salary; and no Group A member's pension shall be less
12-20    than Eight Dollars ($8) a month for each year of credited service,
12-21    or One Hundred Dollars ($100) a month total pension, whichever is
12-22    the greater amount.
12-23          SECTION 12.  Section 11(g), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
12-24    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
12-25    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
12-26          (g)  Pensions for all [Group A] members, retirees, or their
12-27    survivors shall be adjusted annually upward by three and one-half
 13-1    percent (3 1/2%), not compounded.
 13-2          SECTION 13.  Section 12, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 13-3    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 13-4    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 13-5          Sec. 12.  DISABILITY PENSIONS.  (a)  Any [Group A] member who
 13-6    has completed five (5) [ten (10)] or more years of service and who
 13-7    becomes totally disabled for further duty shall, regardless of age,
 13-8    be retired for "ordinary disability" and shall receive a monthly
 13-9    pension computed in accordance with Section 11(b) for Group A
13-10    members and Section 24 for Group B members.
13-11          (b)  If any [Group A] member who becomes totally disabled for
13-12    further duty by reason of a personal injury sustained or a hazard
13-13    undergone as a result of, and while in the performance of, his
13-14    duties at some definite place and at some definite time on or after
13-15    the date of his becoming a [Group A] member, without serious and
13-16    willful misconduct on his part, shall be retired for "service
13-17    [accidental] disability" and shall receive a monthly pension equal
13-18    to twenty percent (20%) of his monthly salary on the date such
13-19    injury was sustained or such hazard was undergone plus, if a Group
13-20    A member, one percent (1%) of the above salary for each year of
13-21    credited service;  provided, that the total pension as so computed
13-22    will not exceed forty percent (40%) of such monthly salary, or, if
13-23    greater, a monthly pension computed in accordance with Section
13-24    11(b) for a Group A member or with Section 24 for a Group B
13-25    member[, whichever is greater].
13-26          (c)  By "totally disabled" is meant the sustaining of such
13-27    disability as completely and permanently incapacitates a member
 14-1    from performing the usual and customary duties which he has been
 14-2    performing for such city or other full time duties that could be
 14-3    performed by such member.  Before any disability pension is
 14-4    allowed, the Pension Board shall require such medical examination
 14-5    and such other evidence as it may see fit to establish such total
 14-6    disability, as above provided.
 14-7          (d)(1)  A person retired for disability under this Act or a
 14-8    person receiving survivor benefits as a disabled child under this
 14-9    Act must file an annual report of employment activities and
14-10    earnings with the Pension Board.  The Board shall establish the
14-11    form of the report and the time for filing the report [Any Group A
14-12    member receiving a disability pension in accordance with this
14-13    section or any Group B member receiving a disability pension in
14-14    accordance with Section 25 of this Act shall, each April 1, submit
14-15    a sworn affidavit stating his earnings for the previous calendar
14-16    year, if any, obtained from any gainful occupation].  If the
14-17    earnings together with the disability pension being received by any
14-18    member exceed the monthly salary of such member at the time of his
14-19    separation from service, as adjusted annually by cost-of-living
14-20    adjustments made in the manner provided by Section 11(g) [or
14-21    Section 31] of this Act, the Pension Board shall have authority to
14-22    reduce the amount of pension.  A disability pension recipient whose
14-23    disability does not cease after the recipient reaches the date on
14-24    which the recipient is eligible to retire under Section 11(a) or
14-25    sixty-five (65) years of age may not be required to submit the
14-26    annual affidavit of employment activities and earnings [Failure to
14-27    submit an affidavit of earnings or submission of a materially false
 15-1    affidavit shall be cause for suspension of the pension upon proper
 15-2    action by the Pension Board].
 15-3                (2)  No member shall receive a disability and service
 15-4    pension at the same time.  If a member who is already eligible for
 15-5    retirement is granted a disability pension and, thereafter,
 15-6    although his disability ceases to exist, he does not return to work
 15-7    for the city, he shall be entitled to receive a service pension,
 15-8    calculated in accordance with Section 11 for Group A members and
 15-9    Section 24 for Group B members.  Such service pension shall be
15-10    based on actual service up to the time of disability.  [If a
15-11    disability does not cease before a member becomes sixty-five (65)
15-12    years of age while continuing to receive a disability pension, the
15-13    Pension System shall reclassify the pension as a service pension,
15-14    without regard to whether the person is otherwise eligible to
15-15    receive a service pension.]
15-16                (3)  When any member has been retired for disability or
15-17    a person is receiving survivor benefits as a disabled child under
15-18    this Act, he shall be subject at all times to re-examination by the
15-19    Pension Board and shall submit himself to such further examination
15-20    as the Pension Board may require.  If any such member shall refuse
15-21    to submit himself to any such examination, the Pension Board may,
15-22    within its discretion, order said payments stopped.  If such a
15-23    member who has been retired under the provisions of this Section
15-24    should thereafter recover so that in the opinion of the Pension
15-25    Board he is able to perform the usual and customary duties formerly
15-26    handled by him for said city, [and such member is reinstated or
15-27    tendered reinstatement to the position he had at the time of his
 16-1    retirement, then] the Pension Board shall order such pension
 16-2    payments stopped.
 16-3                (4)  The result of an examination, report by a
 16-4    physician, or report of employment activities and earnings shall be
 16-5    considered by the Board in determining whether the benefits shall
 16-6    be continued, increased if less than the maximum provided,
 16-7    decreased, or discontinued.  The Board may reduce, suspend, or
 16-8    entirely discontinue all benefits to a person receiving benefits
 16-9    under this Act who, after notice from the Board, fails to appear
16-10    for a required examination, fails to file a report of employment
16-11    activities and earnings, or files a materially false or misleading
16-12    report of employment activities and earnings or examination result
16-13    or report, as determined by the Board.
16-14          (e)  To apply for a disability pension, a person must be an
16-15    employee or a former employee whose separation from service
16-16    occurred not more than 30 days before the date the Pension System
16-17    receives the person's request to apply for a disability pension as
16-18    a result of a disability that arose during employment.
16-19          SECTION 14.  Effective September 1, 1999, Section 13, Chapter
16-20    358, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article
16-21    6243g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
16-22    follows:
16-24    CHILDREN.  (a)  If any [Group A or Group B] member of the Pension
16-25    System, as herein defined, shall die from any cause whatsoever
16-26    after having completed five (5) years of service with the city, or
16-27    if, while in the service of the city, any such member shall die
 17-1    from any cause directly resulting from a specific incident in
 17-2    [growing out of or in consequence of] the performance of his duty,
 17-3    or shall die after he has been retired on pension because of length
 17-4    of service or disability and shall leave a surviving spouse, or a
 17-5    qualifying child or children, or both a surviving spouse and a
 17-6    qualifying child or children, said Board shall order paid monthly
 17-7    allowances under this section. [as follows:]
 17-8          (b)  A [(a)  To the] surviving spouse of a member who dies
 17-9    after having completed five (5) years of active service with the
17-10    city but before beginning to receive retirement benefits, provided
17-11    she or he shall have married such member before the decedent
17-12    terminated employment [with the city], is entitled to a sum equal
17-13    to eighty-five percent (85%) [one-half (1/2)] of the retirement
17-14    benefits that the deceased member would have been entitled to had
17-15    she or he been totally disabled at the time of her or his
17-16    retirement or death, but the allowance payable to the surviving
17-17    spouse shall not in any event be less than Fifty Dollars ($50) a
17-18    month.
17-19          (c)  A [(b)  To the] surviving spouse of a member who dies
17-20    from a cause directly resulting from a specific incident in
17-21    [growing out of or in consequence of] the performance of duty is
17-22    entitled to [with the city,] a sum equal to one hundred percent
17-23    (100%) [eighty percent (80%)] of the deceased member's final
17-24    average salary.
17-25          (d)  A [(c)  To the] surviving spouse of a member who dies
17-26    after having begun to receive retirement benefits is entitled to[,]
17-27    a sum equal to eighty-five percent (85%) [seventy-five percent
 18-1    (75%)] of the retirement benefits being received at the time of the
 18-2    retiree's death, if the surviving spouse married the decedent
 18-3    before the decedent terminated employment [with the city].
 18-4          (e) [(d)]  If there is a surviving spouse, each dependent
 18-5    child shall receive a death benefit equal to ten percent (10%) of
 18-6    the pension the member would have received if the member had been
 18-7    disabled at the time of death, to a maximum of twenty percent (20%)
 18-8    for all dependent children, with a proportionate reduction in the
 18-9    percentage of benefit payable to the surviving spouse until no
18-10    benefit is payable to a dependent child.
18-11          (f) [(e)]  If there is no surviving spouse, each dependent
18-12    child shall receive a death benefit equal to fifty percent (50%)
18-13    [twenty percent (20%)] of what the surviving spouse benefit [the
18-14    pension the member] would have been had there been a surviving
18-15    spouse [received if the member had been disabled at the time of
18-16    death], to a maximum of one hundred percent (100%) of the benefit
18-17    [forty percent (40%)] for all dependent children.
18-18          (g) [(f)]  Benefits payable to each dependent child shall be
18-19    paid if the child is unmarried and:
18-20                (1)  is younger than twenty-one (21) [eighteen (18)]
18-21    years of age [and unmarried]; or
18-22                (2)  [is a full-time student and younger than
18-23    twenty-three (23) years of age; or]
18-24                [(3)]  is permanently and totally disabled because of
18-25    illness, injury, or retardation that began before the death of the
18-26    member and before the child reached eighteen (18) years of age.
18-27          (h) [(g)]  Benefits for a dependent child are payable to the
 19-1    guardian of the child.  The term "guardian," as used in this
 19-2    subsection, means the person who has the primary responsibility for
 19-3    a child's care and support, for example, the surviving spouse,
 19-4    legal guardian, managing conservator, or any other person with a
 19-5    similar legal relationship to the child.
 19-6          SECTION 15.  Effective August 1, 2001, Section 13, Chapter
 19-7    358, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article
 19-8    6243g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
 19-9    follows:
19-11    CHILDREN.  (a)  If any [Group A or Group B] member of the Pension
19-12    System, as herein defined, shall die from any cause whatsoever
19-13    after having completed five (5) years of service with the city, or
19-14    if, while in the service of the city, any such member shall die
19-15    from any cause directly resulting from a specific incident in
19-16    [growing out of or in consequence of] the performance of his duty,
19-17    or shall die after he has been retired on pension because of length
19-18    of service or disability and shall leave a surviving spouse, or a
19-19    qualifying child or children, or both a surviving spouse and a
19-20    qualifying child or children, said Board shall order paid monthly
19-21    allowances under this section. [as follows:]
19-22          (b)  A [(a)  To the] surviving spouse of a member who dies
19-23    after having completed five (5) years of active service with the
19-24    city but before beginning to receive retirement benefits, provided
19-25    she or he shall have married such member before the decedent
19-26    terminated employment with the city is entitled to[,] a sum equal
19-27    to one hundred percent (100%) [one-half (1/2)] of the retirement
 20-1    benefits that the deceased member would have been entitled to had
 20-2    she or he been totally disabled at the time of her or his
 20-3    retirement or death, but the allowance payable to the surviving
 20-4    spouse shall not in any event be less than Fifty Dollars ($50) a
 20-5    month.
 20-6          (c)  A [(b)  To the] surviving spouse of a member who dies
 20-7    from a cause directly resulting from a specific incident in
 20-8    [growing out of or in consequence of] the performance of duty is
 20-9    entitled to [with the city,] a sum equal to one hundred percent
20-10    (100%) [eighty percent (80%)] of the deceased member's final
20-11    average salary.
20-12          (d)  A [(c)  To the] surviving spouse of a member who dies
20-13    after having begun to receive retirement benefits is entitled to[,]
20-14    a sum equal to one hundred percent (100%) [seventy-five percent
20-15    (75%)] of the retirement benefits being received at the time of the
20-16    retiree's death, if the surviving spouse married the decedent
20-17    before the decedent terminated employment [with the city].
20-18          (e) [(d)]  If there is a surviving spouse, each dependent
20-19    child shall receive a death benefit equal to ten percent (10%) of
20-20    the pension the member would have received if the member had been
20-21    disabled at the time of death, to a maximum of twenty percent (20%)
20-22    for all dependent children, with a proportionate reduction in the
20-23    percentage of benefit payable to the surviving spouse until no
20-24    benefit is payable to a dependent child.
20-25          (f) [(e)]  If there is no surviving spouse, each dependent
20-26    child shall receive a death benefit equal to fifty percent (50%)
20-27    [twenty percent (20%)] of what the surviving spouse benefit [the
 21-1    pension the member] would have been had there been a surviving
 21-2    spouse [received if the member had been disabled at the time of
 21-3    death], to a maximum of one hundred percent (100%) of the benefit
 21-4    [forty percent (40%)] for all dependent children.
 21-5          (g) [(f)]  Benefits payable to each dependent child shall be
 21-6    paid if the child is unmarried and:
 21-7                (1)  is younger than twenty-one (21) [eighteen (18)]
 21-8    years of age [and unmarried]; or
 21-9                (2)  [is a full-time student and younger than
21-10    twenty-three (23) years of age; or]
21-11                [(3)]  is permanently and totally disabled because of
21-12    illness, injury, or retardation that began before the death of the
21-13    member and before the child reached eighteen (18) years of age.
21-14          (h) [(g)]  Benefits for a dependent child are payable to the
21-15    guardian of the child.  The term "guardian," as used in this
21-16    subsection, means the person who has the primary responsibility for
21-17    a child's care and support, for example, the surviving spouse,
21-18    legal guardian, managing conservator, or any other person with a
21-19    similar legal relationship to the child.
21-20          SECTION 16.  Section 14, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
21-21    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
21-22    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
21-23          Sec. 14.  REFUND OF CONTRIBUTIONS.  If any member's
21-24    employment by the city is terminated for other than a service
21-25    [total and permanent] disability [arising as a result of or as a
21-26    consequence of the performance of his duties] prior to his having
21-27    completed five (5) [ten (10)] years of service with the city, he
 22-1    shall not be paid any pension whatsoever, but he shall receive the
 22-2    amount paid by him into the Pension Fund by way of salary deduction
 22-3    or other authorized contributions without interest as provided in
 22-4    Section 16 of this Act.  In the event of his death, if there are no
 22-5    widow or children to receive the allowance provided for in Section
 22-6    13 above, his beneficiary, and if none, his estate, shall receive
 22-7    the said amount.
 22-8          SECTION 17.  Section 15, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 22-9    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
22-10    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
22-11          Sec. 15.  In the computation of the years of service of an
22-12    employee who is a [Group A] member, the following rules shall
22-13    apply:
22-14                (a)  Interruptions of service of three (3) months or
22-15    less shall be treated as continuous service, but such employee
22-16    shall be required to pay into the Pension Fund any contributions
22-17    withdrawn at the time of separation plus the amount of the employee
22-18    contributions allocable to each such period of interruption.
22-19                (b)  If[, before September 1, 1981,] there were
22-20    interruptions of service of more than three (3) months, no credit
22-21    shall be allowed for the period of an interruption, except as
22-22    otherwise expressly provided in this Act [but credit shall be
22-23    allowed for previous service and prior service if (1) such employee
22-24    shall have repaid to the Pension Fund after resumption of service
22-25    all moneys theretofore withdrawn by him upon separation from
22-26    service, plus interest thereon at the rate of six percent (6%) per
22-27    annum, or (2) if such employee shall at any time have made payments
 23-1    to the Pension Fund which, under then existing provisions of law,
 23-2    entitled him to credit for previous service].
 23-3          SECTION 18.  Section 16, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 23-4    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 23-5    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 23-6          Sec. 16.  (a)  A [Group A] member who terminates employment
 23-7    with the city involuntarily due to a reduction in work force before
 23-8    becoming eligible either for a normal retirement pension or for
 23-9    vesting may, by written notice to the Pension Board, make an
23-10    irrevocable election to leave the person's contributions in the
23-11    Pension Fund for a period of one (1) year after the date of
23-12    termination.  If, during that period, the person is reemployed by
23-13    the city, all rights and service credit as a [Group A] member shall
23-14    be restored immediately without penalty.  If reemployment with the
23-15    city is not attained within one (1) year after the date of
23-16    termination, [the person ceases to be eligible for reemployment as
23-17    a Group A member, and] all of the payments made by the person into
23-18    the Pension Fund by way of salary deductions or other authorized
23-19    contributions shall be refunded to the person, without interest.
23-20    If the person is subsequently reemployed [as a Group B member], the
23-21    person shall be given credit subject to the provisions applicable
23-22    at the time of reemployment [immediately, without penalty, for all
23-23    previous service as a Group A member].  When any [Group A] member
23-24    shall leave [the] employment [of such  city] voluntarily, before
23-25    becoming eligible for a retirement or disability pension, he shall
23-26    thereupon cease to be a member of such Pension System, and shall
23-27    have refunded to him all of the eligible payments made by him into
 24-1    said Pension Fund by way of salary deductions or other authorized
 24-2    contributions, without interest, subject to this section.
 24-3          (b)  A member whose employment is terminated for a reason
 24-4    other than death or receipt of a retirement or disability pension
 24-5    after the completion of five (5) years of creditable service may
 24-6    elect, in a manner determined by the board, to receive a deferred
 24-7    retirement benefit that begins on the effective retirement date.
 24-8    The amount of monthly benefit shall be computed in the same manner
 24-9    as for a service retirement benefit, but based on average monthly
24-10    salary and creditable service as of the date of separation from
24-11    service and subject to the provisions of this Act in effect on the
24-12    date of separation from service.  [the following provisos:]
24-13                [(a)  If such member has completed twenty-five (25) or
24-14    more years of service at the time of termination of employment but
24-15    has not yet attained the age of fifty (50) years he may, by written
24-16    notice to the Pension Board, make an irrevocable election to leave
24-17    his contributions in the Pension Fund, in which event he shall,
24-18    upon reaching the age of fifty (50) years, be entitled to a pension
24-19    on the basis of the schedule of benefits for retiring Group A
24-20    members that was in effect at the time of his separation from the
24-21    service.]
24-22                [(b)  If such member has completed twenty (20) or more
24-23    years of service at the time of termination of employment but has
24-24    not yet attained the age of fifty-five (55) years he may, by
24-25    written notice to the Pension Board, make an irrevocable election
24-26    to leave his contributions in the Pension Fund, in which event he
24-27    shall, upon reaching the age of fifty-five (55) years, be entitled
 25-1    to a pension on the basis of the schedule of benefits for retiring
 25-2    Group A members that was in effect at the time of his separation
 25-3    from service.]
 25-4                [(c)  If such member has completed ten (10) or more
 25-5    years of service at the time of termination of employment but has
 25-6    not yet attained the age of sixty (60) years he may, by written
 25-7    notice to the Pension Board, make an irrevocable election to leave
 25-8    his contributions in the Pension Fund, in which event he shall,
 25-9    upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years, be entitled to a pension
25-10    on the basis of the schedule of benefits for retiring Group A
25-11    members that was in effect at the time of his separation from
25-12    service.]
25-13          (c) [(d)]  If, while still employed by the city, whether
25-14    eligible for a pension or not, a [Group A] member dies, then,
25-15    unless the provisions of Section 13 hereof are applicable, all of
25-16    his rights in the Pension Fund shall be satisfied by the refund to
25-17    his designated beneficiary, if any, or if none, to his estate, of
25-18    all the payments, if any, theretofore made by him into the Pension
25-19    Fund [by way of employee's contributions], without interest.
25-20          (d) [(e)]  The provisions of Section 13 concerning payments
25-21    to widows, widowers and children shall apply in the case of any
25-22    former [Group A] member who has made the election permitted by
25-23    Subsection [(a),] (b) of this section [or (c), above,] and who dies
25-24    before reaching the age at which he would be entitled to a pension.
25-25    If there be no surviving widow, widower or children, then all of
25-26    such member's rights in the Pension Fund shall be satisfied by the
25-27    refund to his designated beneficiary, if any, or if none, to his
 26-1    estate, of all the eligible payments theretofore made by him into
 26-2    the Pension Fund by way of employee's contributions, without
 26-3    interest.
 26-4          (e) [(f)]  It is not the intention of an [this] Amendatory
 26-5    Act to change the status of any former member of the Pension System
 26-6    whose services with the city were terminated under a previous Act,
 26-7    except as otherwise expressly provided. Refunds of contributions
 26-8    above provided  for shall be paid such departing member, his
 26-9    beneficiary or estate in a lump sum, but if, in the opinion of the
26-10    Pension Board, the funds on hand are too low to justify such lump
26-11    sum payment, said payment shall be refunded on a monthly basis in
26-12    such amounts as may be determined by the Pension Board.
26-13          (f) [(g)]  If any [Group A] member of the pension system,
26-14    after having made the election permitted by Subsection [(a),] (b)
26-15    of this section [or (c), above], at the time of separation from the
26-16    service of the city, shall be reemployed by the city before
26-17    becoming eligible to receive pension benefits, the following
26-18    provisions shall apply to the computation of the pension due such
26-19    member upon his subsequent separation from service [retirement]:
26-20                (1) [1.]  The portion of such member's pension
26-21    attributable to his period of credited service accrued prior to his
26-22    making the aforesaid election shall be calculated on the basis of
26-23    the schedule of benefits for [retiring] members that was in effect
26-24    at the time the member terminated employment attributable to that
26-25    period of credited service [said election was made].
26-26                (2) [2.]  The portion of such member's pension
26-27    attributable to his period of credited service accrued after his
 27-1    reemployment by the city shall be calculated on the basis of the
 27-2    schedule of benefits for [retiring] members that is in effect at
 27-3    the time of such subsequent separation from service [retirement].
 27-4    If a member has more than two (2) years of continuous credited
 27-5    service following the date of reemployment, any retirement,
 27-6    disability, or survivor benefit payable shall be computed under
 27-7    this subdivision for all previous  periods of credited service
 27-8    without giving effect to Subdivision (1) of this subsection.  If a
 27-9    member has two (2) years or less of continuous credited service
27-10    following the date of reemployment, any disability or survivor
27-11    benefit payable shall be computed on the basis of the schedule of
27-12    benefits in effect at the time of the member's previous separation
27-13    from service.
27-14          (g)  A retiree who is reemployed by the city and becomes a
27-15    member shall cease receiving a pension under this Act on
27-16    reemployment.  On subsequent separation, benefits payable shall be
27-17    computed as set forth in Subsections (f)(1) and (2) of this
27-18    section.
27-19          SECTION 19.  Section 20, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
27-20    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
27-21    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
27-23    No portion of any such Pension Fund, either before or after its
27-24    order of disbursement by said Pension Board, and no amounts due or
27-25    to become due any beneficiary or pensioner, under this Act, shall
27-26    ever be held, seized, taken, subjected to, detained, or levied upon
27-27    by virtue of any execution, attachment, garnishment, injunction, or
 28-1    other writ, and no order or decree, or any process or proceeding
 28-2    whatsoever, shall issue out of or by any court of this state for
 28-3    the payment or satisfaction in whole or in part out of said Pension
 28-4    Fund, of any debt, damage, claim, demand, or judgment against any
 28-5    such members, pensioners, dependents, or any person whomsoever, nor
 28-6    shall such Pension or any part thereof, or any claim thereto, be
 28-7    directly or indirectly assigned or transferred and any attempt to
 28-8    transfer or assign the same or any part thereof, or any claim
 28-9    thereto, shall be void.  Said Fund shall be sacredly held, kept,
28-10    and disbursed for the purposes provided by this Act and for no
28-11    other purpose whatsoever, except that the pensioner, survivor, or
28-12    dependent, at his discretion, may have deducted from his pension an
28-13    amount required by law or a voluntary amount authorized by law and
28-14    the board [the monthly premium cost of the city's group
28-15    hospitalization and life insurance plan].
28-16          SECTION 20.  Section 21, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
28-17    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
28-18    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
28-19          Sec. 21.  MEMBERS IN MILITARY SERVICE.  (a)  Members of the
28-20    Pension System engaged in active military service shall not be
28-21    required to make the [monthly] payments into the Pension Fund
28-22    provided for in this Act, nor shall they lose credit for any
28-23    previous years of service with the city as a result of such
28-24    military service.  Furthermore, the city shall not be required to
28-25    make any [monthly] payments into the Pension Fund for such member
28-26    while he is engaged in the military service.
28-27          (b)  A member shall receive credited service for military
 29-1    service if:
 29-2                (1)  the member is employed in a position in the city
 29-3    covered by the pension system immediately before the military
 29-4    service and leaves the position to enter the armed forces of the
 29-5    United States;
 29-6                (2)  the member's discharge from military service is
 29-7    other than dishonorable;
 29-8                (3)  the member applies for reemployment within a
 29-9    period established by the board, not later than ninety (90) days
29-10    after the date of discharge unless the period is extended by the
29-11    board, and is reemployed by the city;
29-12                (4)  the member makes the required employee
29-13    contributions, if any, and the city makes the required employer
29-14    contributions for the employee's membership for each month of
29-15    service credit during the military service, based on the employee's
29-16    rate of monthly compensation as of the date the employee left the
29-17    employee's position, plus six (6) percent interest on the
29-18    contributions from the date due until the payment is made to the
29-19    fund, with the payments beginning on the date of reemployment and
29-20    completed in the lesser of a period of three times the period of
29-21    the person's military service or before the fifth anniversary of
29-22    reemployment;
29-23                (5)  the period of service claimed under this
29-24    subsection does not exceed five (5) years; and
29-25                (6)  the period of service claimed is in the group in
29-26    which the person was a member immediately before military service.
29-27          (c)  Any member who has military service and who is not
 30-1    eligible to claim the service under Subsection (b) may receive
 30-2    credited service for the military service on proper action by the
 30-3    board, if:
 30-4                (1)  the member has completed a minimum of five (5)
 30-5    years of credited service;
 30-6                (2)  the military service, not to exceed a total of
 30-7    sixty (60) months, is claimed only as service earned in the group
 30-8    in which the member belongs at the time the member claims the
 30-9    service;
30-10                (3)  the member obtains, at the member's cost, a report
30-11    approved by the board of the actuarially determined cost of the
30-12    service for which the member requests credit with service time
30-13    expressed as a number of whole months; and
30-14                (4)  the member pays the actuarially determined cost of
30-15    the service under Subsection (c)(3) of this section, plus all
30-16    administrative costs associated with crediting the service, plus
30-17    six (6) percent interest from the due date of the amounts until
30-18    payment is made to the fund, with the payments made before the
30-19    fifth anniversary of the date the claim for service is made.  [Any
30-20    member who engages in active military service shall, if he returns
30-21    to employment by the city within three (3) months after termination
30-22    of such service, receive credit for his time in such service and
30-23    shall immediately at the beginning of his first full pay period
30-24    begin repaying to the Pension Fund the equivalent of all monthly
30-25    contributions for the total number of months elapsed since he went
30-26    into such service, such repayment to be completed within
30-27    twenty-four (24) months of reemployment, and the city shall pay
 31-1    into the Fund one and one-half (1 1/2) times such amount.  Credit
 31-2    for military service shall be limited to twenty-four (24) months,
 31-3    unless such period is extended by the Pension Board.]
 31-4          SECTION 21.  Section 22(a), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 31-5    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 31-6    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 31-7          (a)  Any employee initially hired or reemployed after
 31-8    September 1, 1981, and before September 1, 1999, shall become a
 31-9    Group B member, except as otherwise provided by this Act.  On or
31-10    after September 1, 1981, any Group A member may irrevocably elect
31-11    to become a Group B member effective January 1, 1982, by filing an
31-12    election form with the Board.  Such election must be made prior to
31-13    December 1, 1981.  A Group A member who makes such an election
31-14    shall be refunded his or her accumulated contributions without
31-15    interest and shall not be required to make further contributions as
31-16    a Group B member.  Such refund shall be made by March 1, 1982.
31-17    Upon the effective date of the election, all rights as a Group A
31-18    member shall be extinguished;  however, pensions and benefits shall
31-19    be based on total credited service as a Group A and Group B member.
31-20    Any former Group A member who was entitled to purchase service
31-21    credit for previous employment under the provisions of this Act in
31-22    effect prior to the date of this amendment and who becomes a Group
31-23    B member may purchase such service credit at any time after
31-24    September 1, 1981, by paying into the fund an amount equal to six
31-25    percent (6%) interest on any contributions previously withdrawn for
31-26    the period from the date of withdrawal to the date of purchase.
31-27          SECTION 22.  Effective August 1, 2000, Section 24, Chapter
 32-1    358, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article
 32-2    6243g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
 32-3    follows:
 32-4          Sec. 24.  AMOUNT OF PENSION.  The amount of the normal
 32-5    pension payable to a retired Group B member shall equal the
 32-6    member's average monthly salary multiplied by one and
 32-7    three-quarters percent (1 3/4%) [one and one-half percent (1 1/2%)]
 32-8    for each of the member's first ten (10) years of credited service,
 32-9    two percent (2%) [one and three-quarters percent (1 3/4%)] for each
32-10    of the next ten (10) years of credited service, and two and
32-11    one-half percent (2 1/2%) [(2%)] for each additional year, taken to
32-12    the nearest twelfth (12th) of a year, in the period of credited
32-13    service.  The normal pension of a retired Group B member may not
32-14    exceed eighty percent (80%) of the member's average monthly salary
32-15    computed under this section.  Average monthly salary shall be the
32-16    average of the seventy-eight (78) highest biweekly salaries during
32-17    a member's period of credited service.
32-18          SECTION 23.  Section 30, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
32-19    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
32-20    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
32-21          Sec. 30.  Any Group B member who separates from service
32-22    [terminates employment] before completing five (5) years of
32-23    credited service shall have all service credit canceled at the time
32-24    of separation [termination].  However, if such member is reemployed
32-25    by the city within one (1) year of the date of separation
32-26    [termination], then all credit for previous service shall be
32-27    restored.  Further, any member who is reemployed by the city more
 33-1    than one (1) year from the date of separation [termination] shall
 33-2    receive credit for one (1) year of previous [prior] service for
 33-3    each full year of subsequent service.
 33-4          SECTION 24.  Section 31A(a), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 33-5    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 33-6    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
 33-7          (a)  The Pension Board may pay a member or other beneficiary,
 33-8    in lieu of any other benefit payable under this Act and
 33-9    notwithstanding anything in this Act to the contrary, in a lump sum
33-10    the present value as a lump sum of any benefit payable to a Group A
33-11    or Group B member that is less than $10,000.  If the lump sum
33-12    present value of the benefit is at least $3,500 but less than
33-13    $10,000, the Board may make a lump sum payment only on written
33-14    request by the member or other beneficiary.  The Board shall make
33-15    any payments under this subsection as soon as practicable after
33-16    eligibility under this section has been determined by the Board [a
33-17    member's termination of employment, death, divorce, or  election to
33-18    receive a previously deferred pension].
33-19          SECTION 25.  Sections 31B(a), (c), (d), (e), and (h), Chapter
33-20    358, Acts of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article
33-21    6243g, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as
33-22    follows:
33-23          (a)  In this section:
33-24                (1)  "DROP" means the deferred retirement option plan
33-25    established under this Act.
33-26                (2)  "DROP benefit" means a member's total DROP account
33-27    balance at the time the member terminates active service.
 34-1                (3)  "DROP member" means a Pension System member who is
 34-2    participating in the DROP.
 34-3                (4)  "DROP entry date" means the date a member ceases
 34-4    to earn service credit and begins earning credit for the member's
 34-5    DROP account.
 34-6                (5)  "DROP election date" means the date the pension
 34-7    system receives a member's election to participate in the DROP in
 34-8    the manner and form determined by the pension system and approved
 34-9    by the board.
34-10          (c)  A member who is eligible to receive a normal retirement
34-11    pension under this Act and who is [remains] in active service with
34-12    the city, or a person who is eligible to receive a normal
34-13    retirement pension under this Act and who has been separated from
34-14    service within the last thirty (30) days and has not otherwise
34-15    applied for a benefit, may file with the Pension System an election
34-16    to participate in the DROP and receive a DROP benefit.  The period
34-17    of a member's DROP participation, unless revoked as provided under
34-18    this section, ceases when the member terminates employment.  A
34-19    member's DROP entry date, subject to approval by the board, is the
34-20    later of the date the member is eligible to participate in the
34-21    DROP, the DROP entry date requested by the member, or October 1,
34-22    1997.  An [Except as otherwise provided by this section, an]
34-23    election to participate in the DROP is irrevocable, except that any
34-24    active member who elected to participate in the DROP before
34-25    September 1, 1999, may make a one-time revocation of an election,
34-26    in a manner determined by the board.  The effective date of a
34-27    member's participation in the DROP is the first day of the first
 35-1    month following the month in which the Board approves the member's
 35-2    DROP election.
 35-3          (d)  Credits to a member's DROP account consist of:
 35-4                (1)  a monthly amount equal to the member's normal
 35-5    accrued monthly retirement based on the member's credited service
 35-6    and average monthly salary as of the DROP entry date and the
 35-7    provisions of this Act applicable on the DROP election date
 35-8    [benefit on the effective date of the member's participation in the
 35-9    DROP], adjusted for cost-of-living adjustments that would apply if
35-10    the member's DROP entry date had been the person's date of
35-11    eligibility for a normal retirement benefit [occur on or after the
35-12    effective date of the DROP and that otherwise would apply to the
35-13    benefit];
35-14                (2)  a Group [Plan] A member's regular biweekly
35-15    contributions; and
35-16                (3)  interest on the member's DROP account balance
35-17    computed at a rate determined by the Board and compounded at
35-18    intervals designated by the Board, but at least once in each
35-19    thirteen-month period.
35-20          (e)  The accumulation period for credits [Credits] to a
35-21    member's DROP account includes each month beginning with [begin on
35-22    the effective date of] the member's [participation in the] DROP
35-23    entry date through the date [and continue until] the DROP member
35-24    terminates active service with the city.  Amounts are creditable
35-25    for partial crediting periods.  Credits may not be made to a
35-26    member's DROP account for a period that occurs after the member
35-27    terminates active service with the city, except that interest at a
 36-1    rate determined by the board may be paid on the amount remaining in
 36-2    a person's DROP account after the person terminates active service.
 36-3          (h)  A DROP member is ineligible for disability benefits
 36-4    provided by this Act, except that a DROP member who incurs a
 36-5    service [an on-duty, service-related] disability may revoke the
 36-6    member's DROP election.
 36-7          SECTION 26.  Section 31C(e), Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
 36-8    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
 36-9    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
36-10          (e)  Accrued benefits under this Act become 100 percent
36-11    vested for a member on the date the member has completed five (5)
36-12    years of credited service, except as otherwise provided by law.
36-13          SECTION 27.  Section 33, Chapter 358, Acts of the 48th
36-14    Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g, Vernon's Texas
36-15    Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
36-17    The terms of this Act shall not apply to any city operating a
36-18    municipal employees pension program under the terms and provisions
36-19    of its charter, unless a city's municipal employees are already
36-20    covered by this Act.
36-21          SECTION 28.  Sections 25, 26, 27, and 31, Chapter 358, Acts
36-22    of the 48th Legislature, Regular Session, 1943 (Article 6243g,
36-23    Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), are repealed.
36-24          SECTION 29.  Except as otherwise expressly provided by this
36-25    Act, this Act takes effect September 1, 1999.
36-26          SECTION 30.  The importance of this legislation and the
36-27    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 37-1    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 37-2    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 37-3    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.