By Deshotel                                           H.B. No. 3587
         76R6629 JMC-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 33.001, Government Code, is amended to
 1-5     read as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 33.001.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this chapter:
 1-7                 (1)  "Censure" means an order of denunciation issued by
 1-8     the commission under Section 1-a(8), Article V, Texas Constitution,
 1-9     or an order issued by a review tribunal under Section 1-a(9),
1-10     Article V, Texas Constitution.
1-11                 (2)  "Chairperson" means the member of the commission
1-12     selected by the members of the commission to serve as its presiding
1-13     officer.
1-14                 (3)  "Clerk" means the individual designated by the
1-15     commission to assist in:
1-16                       (A)  formal proceedings before the commission or
1-17     a special master; or
1-18                       (B)  proceedings before a special court of
1-19     review.
1-20                 (4)  "Commission" means the State Commission on
1-21     Judicial Conduct.
1-22                 (5)  "Examiner" means an individual, including an
1-23     employee or special counsel of the commission, appointed by the
1-24     commission to gather and present evidence before a special master,
 2-1     the commission, a special court of review, or a review tribunal.
 2-2                 (6)  "Formal hearing" means the public evidentiary
 2-3     phase of formal proceedings conducted before the commission or a
 2-4     special master.
 2-5                 (7)  "Formal proceedings" means the proceedings ordered
 2-6     by the commission concerning the public censure, removal, or
 2-7     retirement of a judge.
 2-8                 (8) [(2)]  "Judge" means a justice, judge, master,
 2-9     magistrate, or retired or former judge as described by Section 1-a,
2-10     [who is the subject of an investigation or proceeding under]
2-11     Article V, [Section 1-a, of the] Texas Constitution, or other
2-12     person who performs the functions of the justice, judge, master,
2-13     magistrate, or retired or former judge.
2-14                 (9)  "Review tribunal" means a panel of seven justices
2-15     of the courts of appeal selected by lot by the chief justice of the
2-16     supreme court to review a recommendation of the commission for the
2-17     removal or retirement of a judge under Section 1-a(9), Article V,
2-18     Texas Constitution.
2-19                 (10)  "Sanction" means an order issued by the
2-20     commission under Section 1-a(8), Article V, Texas Constitution,
2-21     providing for a private or public admonition, warning, or reprimand
2-22     or requiring that a person obtain additional training or education.
2-23                 (11)  "Special court of review" means a panel of three
2-24     justices of the courts of appeal selected by lot by the chief
2-25     justice of the supreme court on petition to review a sanction
2-26     issued by the commission.
2-27                 (12) [(3)]  "Special master" means a master appointed
 3-1     by the supreme court under Section 1-a, Article V, [Section 1-a, of
 3-2     the] Texas Constitution.
 3-3           (b)  For purposes of Section 1-a, Article V, [Section 1-a, of
 3-4     the] Texas Constitution, "wilful or persistent conduct that is
 3-5     clearly inconsistent with the proper performance of a judge's
 3-6     duties" includes:
 3-7                 (1)  wilful, persistent, and unjustifiable failure to
 3-8     timely execute the business of the court, considering the quantity
 3-9     and complexity of the business;
3-10                 (2)  wilful violation of a provision of the Texas penal
3-11     statutes or the Code of Judicial Conduct;
3-12                 (3)  persistent or wilful violation of the rules
3-13     promulgated by the supreme court; or
3-14                 (4)  incompetence in the performance of the duties of
3-15     the office.
3-16           (c)  The definition provided by Subsection (b) is not
3-17     exclusive.
3-18           SECTION 2.  Section 33.002(a), Government Code, is amended to
3-19     read as follows:
3-20           (a)  The State Commission on Judicial Conduct is established
3-21     under Section 1-a, Article V, [Section 1-a, of the] Texas
3-22     Constitution, and has the powers provided by that section.
3-23           SECTION 3.  Section 33.005, Government Code, is amended by
3-24     amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding Subsection (e) to read
3-25     as follows:
3-26           (b)  The report must include:
3-27                 (1)  an explanation of the role of the commission;
 4-1                 (2)  annual statistical information and examples of
 4-2     [proper and] improper judicial conduct;
 4-3                 (3)  an explanation of the commission's processes; and
 4-4                 (4)  changes the commission considers necessary in its
 4-5     rules or the applicable statutes or constitutional provisions.
 4-6           (c)  The commission shall distribute the report to the
 4-7     governor, lieutenant governor, [and] speaker of the house of
 4-8     representatives, and [shall cause] the editor of [report to be
 4-9     printed in] the Texas Bar Journal.
4-10           (e)  The Texas Bar Journal shall publish a report received
4-11     from the commission under Subsection (c).
4-12           SECTION 4.  Subchapter A, Chapter 33, Government Code, is
4-13     amended by adding Section 33.006 to read as follows:
4-14           Sec. 33.006.  IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY.  (a)  This section
4-15     applies to:
4-16                 (1)  the commission;
4-17                 (2)  a member of the commission;
4-18                 (3)  the executive director of the commission;
4-19                 (4)  an employee of the commission;
4-20                 (5)  a special master appointed under Section 1-a(8),
4-21     Article V, Texas Constitution; and
4-22                 (6)  special counsel for the commission.
4-23           (b)  A person to which this section applies is not liable for
4-24     an act or omission committed by the person within the scope of the
4-25     person's official duties.
4-26           (c)  The immunity from liability provided by this section is
4-27     absolute and unqualified and extends to any action at law or in
 5-1     equity.
 5-2           SECTION 5.  Section 33.021, Government Code, is amended to
 5-3     read as follows:
 5-4           Sec. 33.021.  GENERAL POWERS OF COMMISSION.  The commission
 5-5     may:
 5-6                 (1)  design and use a seal;
 5-7                 (2)  employ persons that it considers necessary to
 5-8     carry out the duties and powers of the commission [and special
 5-9     masters];
5-10                 (3)  employ special counsel as it considers necessary;
5-11                 (4)  arrange for attendance of witnesses, including
5-12     those not subject to subpoena;
5-13                 (5)  arrange for and compensate expert witnesses and
5-14     reporters; and
5-15                 (6)  pay from its available funds the reasonably
5-16     necessary expenses of carrying out its duties under the
5-17     constitution, including providing compensation to special masters.
5-18           SECTION 6.  Section 33.022, Government Code, is amended to
5-19     read as follows:
5-21     [COMPLAINANT'S AND JUDGE'S RIGHTS].  (a)  The commission may
5-22     conduct a preliminary investigation of the circumstances
5-23     surrounding an allegation or appearance of misconduct or disability
5-24     of a judge to determine if the allegation or appearance is
5-25     unfounded or frivolous.
5-26           (b)  If, after conducting a preliminary investigation under
5-27     this section, the commission determines that an allegation or
 6-1     appearance of misconduct or disability is unfounded or frivolous,
 6-2     the commission shall terminate the investigation.
 6-3           (c)  If, after conducting a preliminary investigation under
 6-4     this section, the commission does not determine that an allegation
 6-5     or appearance of misconduct or disability is unfounded or
 6-6     frivolous, the commission:
 6-7                 (1)  shall:
 6-8                       (A)  conduct a full investigation of the
 6-9     circumstances surrounding the allegation or appearance of
6-10     misconduct or disability; and
6-11                       (B)  notify the judge in writing of:
6-12                             (i)  the commencement of the investigation;
6-13     and
6-14                             (ii)  the nature of the allegation or
6-15     appearance of misconduct or disability being investigated; and
6-16                 (2)  may:
6-17                       (A)  request the judge to:
6-18                             (i)  submit a written response to the
6-19     allegation or appearance of misconduct or disability; or
6-20                             (ii)  appear informally before the
6-21     commission; or
6-22                       (B)  order the deposition of any person other
6-23     than the judge.
6-24           (d)  The commission shall serve an order issued by the
6-25     commission under Subsection (c)(2)(B) on the person who is the
6-26     subject of the deposition and the judge who is the subject of the
6-27     investigation.  The order must be served within a reasonable time
 7-1     before the date of the deposition.
 7-2           (e)  The commission may file an application in a district
 7-3     court to enforce an order issued by the commission under Subsection
 7-4     (c)(2)(B).
 7-5           (f)  The commission shall notify the judge in writing of the
 7-6     disposition of a full investigation conducted by the commission
 7-7     under this section  [In the conduct of an investigation the judge
 7-8     shall be informed in writing that an investigation has commenced
 7-9     and of the nature of the matters being investigated.  At the
7-10     conclusion of the investigation, the commission shall determine
7-11     whether formal proceedings under Subsection (b) shall be had.  The
7-12     complainant, if any, is entitled to appear before the commission at
7-13     any formal proceedings and give testimony regarding the matters
7-14     being investigated.  If the commission decides no further
7-15     proceedings are warranted, the chairman of the commission shall so
7-16     notify the complainant, if any, and the judge in writing].
7-17           (g) [(b)]  If after the investigation has been completed the
7-18     commission concludes that formal proceedings will be instituted,
7-19     the matter shall be entered in a docket to be kept for that purpose
7-20     and written notice of the institution of formal proceedings shall
7-21     be served on [issued to] the judge without delay.  The proceedings
7-22     shall be entitled:
7-23          "Before the State Commission on Judicial Conduct Inquiry
7-24                        Concerning a Judge, No. ____"
7-25           (h) [(c)]  The notice shall specify in ordinary and concise
7-26     language the charges against the judge and the alleged facts on
7-27     which the charges are based and the specific standards [statute or
 8-1     rule] contended to have been violated.  [The written notice may
 8-2     charge more than one violation, but each violation shall be charged
 8-3     in a separate paragraph immediately followed by a statement of the
 8-4     acts constituting the violation.]  The judge is entitled to file a
 8-5     written answer to the charges against the judge [him] not later
 8-6     than the 15th day after the notice is served on the judge [him],
 8-7     and the notice shall so advise the judge [him].
 8-8           (i) [(d)]  The notice shall be served on the judge by
 8-9     personal service of a copy of the notice by a member of the
8-10     commission or by some person designated by the chairperson
8-11     [chairman].  The person serving the notice shall promptly notify
8-12     the clerk [commission] in writing of the date on which the notice
8-13     was served.  If it appears to the chairperson [chairman] on
8-14     affidavit that, after reasonable effort during a period of 10 days,
8-15     personal service could not be had, service may be made by mailing
8-16     by registered or certified mail copies of the notice addressed to
8-17     the judge at the judge's [his] chambers or at the judge's [his]
8-18     last known residence in an [a blank] envelope marked "personal and
8-19     confidential."  The date of mailing shall be entered in the docket.
8-20           (j)  A [(e)  In the conduct of investigations and formal
8-21     proceedings, a] judge at the judge's [his] request may elect to
8-22     have any hearing open to the public or to persons designated by the
8-23     judge.  The right of a judge to an open hearing does not preclude
8-24     placing witnesses under the rule as provided by [Rule 267 of] the
8-25     Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
8-26           (k)  A judge is not entitled to a jury trial in formal
8-27     proceedings before a special master or the commission.
 9-1           SECTION 7.  Section 33.023, Government Code, is amended to
 9-2     read as follows:
 9-4     JUDGE.  (a)  In any investigation or proceeding that involves the
 9-5     involuntary retirement of a judge because of physical or mental
 9-6     incapacity to discharge the judge's [his] duty, the commission may
 9-7     order [require] the judge to submit to a physical and mental
 9-8     examination by one or more physicians selected and paid by the
 9-9     commission.
9-10           (b)  The commission shall give the judge written notice of
9-11     the examination not later than 10 days before the date of the
9-12     examination.  The notice must include the physician's name and the
9-13     date, time, and place of the examination.  The examination must be
9-14     in a city or town in which the judge permanently or temporarily
9-15     resides, or at a location in the state to which the judge consents.
9-16           (c)  Each examining physician shall file a written report of
9-17     the examination with the commission and the report shall be
9-18     received as evidence without further formality.  On request of the
9-19     judge or the judge's attorney, the commission shall give the judge
9-20     a copy of the report.  The physician's oral or deposition testimony
9-21     concerning the report may be required by the commission or by
9-22     written demand of the judge.
9-23           (d)  If a judge refuses to submit to a physical and mental
9-24     examination ordered by the commission under this section, the
9-25     commission may petition a district court for an order compelling
9-26     the judge to submit to the physical and mental examination.
9-27           SECTION 8.  Section 33.024, Government Code, is amended to
 10-1    read as follows:
 10-2          Sec. 33.024.  OATHS AND SUBPOENAS.  In conducting an
 10-3    investigation, [or] formal proceedings [proceeding], or proceedings
 10-4    before a special court of review, a commission member, [or the]
 10-5    special master, or member of a special court of review may:
 10-6                (1)  administer oaths;
 10-7                (2)  order and provide for inspection of books and
 10-8    records; and
 10-9                (3)  issue a subpoena for attendance of a witness or
10-10    production of papers, books, accounts, documents, and testimony
10-11    relevant to the investigation or proceeding.
10-12          SECTION 9.  Section 33.025, Government Code, is amended to
10-13    read as follows:
10-15    SUBPOENA].  (a)  The commission may file an application in a
10-16    district court or, if appropriate, with a special master or special
10-17    court of review, to enforce a subpoena issued by the commission
10-18    under this chapter [If a person other than the judge refuses to
10-19    testify or obey a subpoena issued under this chapter, the
10-20    commission or the special master may petition a district court for
10-21    an order, or the special master may issue an order, compelling the
10-22    person to attend and testify or produce writings or other material
10-23    required by the subpoena.  The order shall require the person to
10-24    appear before the court or special master at a specified time and
10-25    place to show cause for the failure to obey the subpoena.  The
10-26    court or the special master shall serve a copy of the order on the
10-27    person].
 11-1          (b)  A special master or special court of review may enforce
 11-2    by contempt a subpoena issued by the commission, the special
 11-3    master, or the special court of review [If the court or the special
 11-4    master finds that the subpoena was regularly issued, the court or
 11-5    master shall order the person to appear before the commission or
 11-6    master at a specified time and place to testify or satisfy the
 11-7    requirements of the subpoena.]
 11-8          [(c)  Failure to obey the order of the court or the special
 11-9    master shall be dealt with as contempt].
11-10          SECTION 10.  Section 33.026, Government Code, is amended to
11-11    read as follows:
11-12          Sec. 33.026.  WITNESS IMMUNITY.  (a)  In a proceeding or
11-13    deposition related to a proceeding before the commission, [or] a
11-14    special master, or a special court of review, the commission,
11-15    special [court or] master, or special court of review may compel a
11-16    person other than the judge to testify or produce evidence over the
11-17    person's claim of privilege against self-incrimination.
11-18          (b)  A person compelled to testify over a proper claim of
11-19    privilege against self-incrimination is not subject to indictment
11-20    or prosecution for a matter or transaction about which the person
11-21    truthfully testifies or produces evidence.
11-22          (c)  A special master has the same powers as a district judge
11-23    in matters of contempt and granting immunity.
11-24          SECTION 11.  Section 33.027, Government Code, is amended to
11-25    read as follows:
11-26          Sec. 33.027.  DISCOVERY [DEPOSITION].  (a)  In formal
11-27    proceedings or in a proceeding before a special court of review,
 12-1    discovery shall be conducted, to the extent practicable, in the
 12-2    manner provided by the rules applicable to civil cases generally
 12-3    [In a pending investigation or formal proceeding, the commission or
 12-4    the special master may order the deposition of any person.  The
 12-5    deposition shall be taken in the form, and is subject to
 12-6    limitations, prescribed in the order].
 12-7          (b)  On request, a special master, the commission, or a
 12-8    special court of review shall expedite the discovery in formal
 12-9    proceedings or in a proceeding before a special court of review [If
12-10    the judge and commission counsel do not stipulate the manner of
12-11    taking the deposition, the judge or counsel may petition a district
12-12    court for an order requiring the person to testify.  If the person
12-13    resides or is present in the state, the judge or counsel shall file
12-14    the petition in the county in which the person resides or is
12-15    present.  If the person does not reside or is not present in the
12-16    state, the judge or counsel shall file the petition in a county in
12-17    which the commission has an office.  The petition must be entitled
12-18    "In the Matter of Proceeding of State Commission on Judicial
12-19    Conduct No. ____ (state number)" and, without identifying the
12-20    judge, must state generally:]
12-21                [(1)  the nature of the pending matter;]
12-22                [(2)  the deponent's name and residence;]
12-23                [(3)  the directions, if any, of the commission or
12-24    special master; and]
12-25                [(4)  a request for an order requiring the person to
12-26    appear and testify before a designated officer].
12-27          (c)  The following may not be the subject of a discovery
 13-1    request in formal proceedings or in a proceeding before a special
 13-2    court of review:
 13-3                (1)  the discussions, thought processes, or individual
 13-4    votes of members of the commission;
 13-5                (2)  the discussions or thought processes of employees
 13-6    of  the commission, including special counsel for the commission;
 13-7    or
 13-8                (3)  the identity of a complainant or informant if the
 13-9    person requests that the person's identity be kept confidential [On
13-10    the filing of the petition, the court may order the person to
13-11    appear and testify.  The clerk shall issue a subpoena for the
13-12    deposition.  The person taking the deposition shall take and return
13-13    it in the manner prescribed by law for depositions in civil
13-14    actions.]
13-15          [(d)  Failure to obey the subpoena or an order connected with
13-16    the subpoena shall be dealt with as contempt].
13-17          SECTION 12.  Section 33.028, Government Code, is amended to
13-18    read as follows:
13-19          Sec. 33.028.  PROCESS AND ORDERS.  (a)  Process issued [in an
13-20    investigation or formal proceeding] under this chapter is valid
13-21    anywhere in the state.
13-22          (b)  [On request of the commission, a commission member, or
13-23    an authorized representative of the commission, a sheriff or a
13-24    constable shall serve any process or execute lawful orders issued
13-25    by the commission.]  A peace officer [commission member], an
13-26    employee of the commission [a special master], or any other [a]
13-27    person whom the commission, a special master, or a special court of
 14-1    review designates may [also] serve process or execute a lawful
 14-2    order of the commission, the special master, or special court of
 14-3    review.
 14-4          SECTION 13.  Section 33.029, Government Code, is amended to
 14-5    read as follows:
 14-6          Sec.  33.029.  WITNESSES' EXPENSES.  A witness called to
 14-7    testify by the commission other than an officer or employee of the
 14-8    state or a political subdivision or court of the state is entitled
 14-9    to the same mileage expenses and per diem as a witness before a
14-10    state grand jury.  The commission shall pay these amounts from its
14-11    appropriated funds.
14-12          SECTION 14.  Section 33.030, Government Code, is amended to
14-13    read as follows:
14-15    OR SPECIAL COURT OF REVIEW.  (a)  On request of the commission, the
14-16    attorney general shall act as its counsel generally or in a
14-17    particular investigation or proceeding.
14-18          (b)  A state or local government body or department, an
14-19    officer or employee of a state or local government body, or an
14-20    official or agent of a state court shall cooperate with and give
14-21    reasonable assistance and information to the commission, an
14-22    authorized representative of the commission, [or] a special master,
14-23    or a special court of review concerning an investigation or
14-24    proceeding before the commission, special [or] master, or special
14-25    court of review.
14-26          SECTION 15.  Section 33.031, Government Code, is amended to
14-27    read as follows:
 15-1          Sec. 33.031.  NO AWARD OF COSTS.  Court [The commission, a
 15-2    special master, or a district court may not award] costs or
 15-3    attorney's fees may not be awarded in a proceeding under this
 15-4    chapter.
 15-5          SECTION 16.  Section 33.032, Government Code, is amended to
 15-6    read as follows:
 15-7          Sec. 33.032.  CONFIDENTIALITY OF PAPERS, RECORDS, AND
 15-8    PROCEEDINGS.  (a)  Except as provided by Section 33.034 [33.034(d)]
 15-9    and Subsections [Subsection] (c), (d), and (e) [of this section],
15-10    the papers filed with and proceedings before the commission are
15-11    confidential prior to the convening of a formal hearing.
15-12          (b)  The formal hearing [, and all papers, records,
15-13    documents,] and any [other] evidence introduced during the formal
15-14    hearing, including papers, records, documents, and pleadings filed
15-15    with the clerk, shall be public on the convening of the formal
15-16    hearing.
15-17          (c)  If the commission issues a public admonition, warning,
15-18    reprimand, or requirement that a person obtain additional training
15-19    or education, all papers, documents, evidence, and records
15-20    considered by the commission, or forwarded to the commission by its
15-21    staff, in the proceedings shall be public.
15-22          (d)  The disciplinary record of a judge, including any
15-23    private sanctions, is admissible in a subsequent proceeding before
15-24    the commission, a special master, a special court of review, or a
15-25    review tribunal.
15-26          (e)  On the filing of a written request by a judge, the
15-27    commission may release to the person designated in the request,
 16-1    including the judge, the number, nature, and disposition of a
 16-2    complaint filed against the judge with the commission, except that
 16-3    the commission may refuse to release the identity of a complainant.
 16-4          SECTION 17.  Section 33.033, Government Code, is amended to
 16-5    read as follows:
 16-6          Sec. 33.033.  NOTIFICATION TO COMPLAINANT.  (a)  The
 16-7    commission shall promptly notify a complainant [of judicial
 16-8    conduct] of the disposition of the complaint.
 16-9          (b)  The communication shall inform the complainant that:
16-10                (1)  the complaint [has no basis and] has been
16-11    dismissed;
16-12                (2)  appropriate action has been taken, the nature of
16-13    which will not be disclosed unless disclosure is authorized under
16-14    Section 33.032; [or]
16-15                (3)  a public sanction has been issued by the
16-16    commission; or
16-17                (4)  formal proceedings have been instituted.
16-18          (c)  The communication may not contain the name of a judge
16-19    unless a public sanction has been issued by the commission or
16-20    formal proceedings have been instituted.
16-21          (d)  If a public sanction has been issued by the commission,
16-22    the communication must include a copy of the public sanction.
16-23          SECTION 18.  Sections 33.034(a), (d), (e), (f), and (h),
16-24    Government Code, are amended to read as follows:
16-25          (a)  A judge who receives from the commission any type of
16-26    sanction is entitled to a review of the commission's decision as
16-27    provided by this section.  This section does not apply to a
 17-1    decision by the commission to institute formal [removal]
 17-2    proceedings.
 17-3          (d)  Within 15 days after the appointment of the court of
 17-4    review, the commission shall file with the clerk [the petitioner
 17-5    and each justice on the court] a charging document that includes a
 17-6    copy of the sanction issued and any additional charges to be
 17-7    considered in the de novo proceeding [containing the commission's
 17-8    specific findings against the judge and the papers, documents,
 17-9    records, and evidence on which the commission based its decision].
17-10    The charging document is [Those documents are] public on its [on
17-11    their] filing with the clerk [court].  On receipt of the filing of
17-12    the charging document, the clerk shall send the charging document
17-13    to the judge who is the subject of the document and to each justice
17-14    on the court of review.
17-15          (e)  The review by the court under this section is by trial
17-16    de novo as that term is used in the appeal of cases from justice to
17-17    county court.  Any hearings of the court shall be public and shall
17-18    be held at the location [or locations] determined by the court.
17-19    Any evidence introduced during a hearing, including papers,
17-20    records, documents, and pleadings filed with the clerk in the
17-21    proceedings, is public.
17-22          (f)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, the
17-23    procedure for the review is governed to the extent practicable by
17-24    the rules of law, evidence, and procedure that apply to the trial
17-25    of civil actions generally.
17-26          (h)  Within 30 days after the date on which the charging
17-27    document is filed with the clerk [court], the court shall conduct a
 18-1    hearing on the charging document.  The court may, if good cause is
 18-2    shown, grant one or more continuances not to exceed a total of 30
 18-3    days  [The commission may employ a special counsel to represent the
 18-4    commission at the hearing].  Within 60 days after the hearing, the
 18-5    court, in its discretion, shall issue a decision as to the proper
 18-6    disposition of the appeal.
 18-7          SECTION 19.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
 18-8    this section, the change in law made by this Act applies only to an
 18-9    investigation or proceeding under Chapter 33, Government Code, as
18-10    amended by this Act, instituted on or after the effective date of
18-11    this Act.
18-12          (b)  The change in law made by Section 4 of this Act applies
18-13    only to a cause of action that accrues on or after the effective
18-14    date of this Act.  An action that accrued before the effective date
18-15    of this Act is governed by the law applicable to the action
18-16    immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
18-17    continued in effect for that purpose.
18-18          SECTION 20.  The importance of this legislation and the
18-19    crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
18-20    emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
18-21    constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
18-22    days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
18-23    and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
18-24    passage, and it is so enacted.