By Alexander H.B. No. 3730 76R2325 PB-F A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Insurance 1-3 Fraud Prevention Authority. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Chapter 21, Insurance Code, is amended by adding 1-6 Subchapter G to read as follows: 1-7 SUBCHAPTER G. INSURANCE FRAUD EDUCATION AND PREVENTION 1-8 Art. 21.911. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: 1-9 (1) "Authority" means the Texas Insurance Fraud 1-10 Prevention Authority. 1-11 (2) "Board" means the board of directors of the 1-12 authority. 1-13 (3) "Fund" means the insurance fraud prevention fund 1-14 established under Article 21.928 of this code. 1-15 (4) "Insurance fraud" means any act committed by a 1-16 person with intent to defraud or deceive an insurer by preparing or 1-17 presenting to an insurer a statement that: 1-18 (A) the person knows contains false or 1-19 misleading information material to an insurance claim; and 1-20 (B) affects a person's right to receive a 1-21 payment or the amount of payment to which the person is entitled. 1-22 (5) "Insurance fraud unit" means a public entity 1-23 created to investigate and prevent insurance fraud. The term 1-24 includes the fraud unit established in the department under Article 2-1 1.10D of this code and any other fraud prevention enforcement unit 2-2 established under the jurisdiction of: 2-3 (A) the office of the attorney general; 2-4 (B) the Department of Public Safety; 2-5 (C) a county or municipal law enforcement 2-6 agency; 2-7 (D) a prosecutorial agency; or 2-8 (E) a court of this state. 2-9 (6) "Insurer" means an insurance company or other 2-10 entity that engages in the business of insurance in this state. The 2-11 term includes a self-insurer. 2-12 Art. 21.912. ESTABLISHMENT OF AUTHORITY; APPLICATION OF 2-13 SUNSET ACT. (a) The Texas Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority is 2-14 established to conduct investigations into the occurrence of 2-15 insurance fraud and to administer programs to prevent insurance 2-16 fraud in this state. 2-17 (b) The authority is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code 2-18 (Texas Sunset Act). Unless continued in existence as provided by 2-19 that chapter, the authority is abolished and this subchapter 2-20 expires September 1, 2005. 2-21 Art. 21.913. BOARD MEMBERSHIP. (a) The authority is 2-22 governed by a board of directors. The board consists of six 2-23 members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of 2-24 the senate as follows: 2-25 (1) two public members who are insurance 2-26 policyholders; 2-27 (2) two members who are representatives of domestic or 3-1 foreign insurers who write any form of insurance in this state; and 3-2 (3) two representatives of law enforcement agencies. 3-3 (b) In addition to the appointed members, the following 3-4 persons shall serve on the board as voting, ex-officio members: 3-5 (1) the director of the Department of Public Safety or 3-6 the director's designee; 3-7 (2) the attorney general or the attorney general's 3-8 designee; and 3-9 (3) the commissioner or the commissioner's designee. 3-10 (c) Appointments to the board shall be made without regard 3-11 to the race, color, handicap, sex, religion, age, or national 3-12 origin of the appointee. 3-13 Art. 21.914. MEMBERSHIP RESTRICTIONS. (a) In this article, 3-14 "Texas trade association" means a nonprofit, cooperative, and 3-15 voluntarily joined association of business or professional 3-16 competitors in this state designed to assist its members and its 3-17 industry or profession in dealing with mutual business or 3-18 professional problems and in promoting their common interest. 3-19 (b) A person is not eligible for appointment as a public 3-20 member of the board if the person or person's spouse: 3-21 (1) is registered, certified, or licensed by an 3-22 occupational regulatory agency in the field of insurance or law 3-23 enforcement; 3-24 (2) is an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a 3-25 Texas trade association in the field of insurance or law 3-26 enforcement; 3-27 (3) is employed by or participates in the management 4-1 of a business entity or other organization receiving funds from the 4-2 authority; 4-3 (4) owns or controls, directly or indirectly, more 4-4 than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or other 4-5 organization receiving funds from the authority; or 4-6 (5) uses or receives a substantial amount of tangible 4-7 goods, services, or funds from the authority, other than 4-8 reimbursement authorized by law for service on the board. 4-9 (c) A person may not serve as a board member or act as 4-10 general counsel to the authority if the person is required to 4-11 register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, because 4-12 of the person's activities for compensation on behalf of a 4-13 profession related to law enforcement or insurance. 4-14 Art. 21.915. TERMS; VACANCY. (a) The appointed members of 4-15 the board serve staggered six-year terms, with the terms of two 4-16 members expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year. 4-17 (b) If there is a vacancy during a term, the governor shall 4-18 appoint a replacement who meets the requirements of the vacant 4-19 office to fill the unexpired term. 4-20 Art. 21.916. GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL. (a) It is a ground for 4-21 removal from the board that a member: 4-22 (1) does not have at the time of appointment the 4-23 qualifications required by Article 21.913 or 21.914 of this code; 4-24 (2) does not maintain during service on the board the 4-25 qualifications required by Article 21.913 or 21.914 of this code; 4-26 (3) cannot, because of illness or disability, 4-27 discharge the member's duties for a substantial part of the 5-1 member's term; or 5-2 (4) is absent from more than half of the regularly 5-3 scheduled board meetings that the member is eligible to attend 5-4 during a calendar year unless the absence is excused by majority 5-5 vote of the board. 5-6 (b) The validity of an action of the board is not affected 5-7 by the fact that it is taken when a ground for removal of a board 5-8 member exists. 5-9 (c) If the executive director has knowledge that a potential 5-10 ground for removal exists, the executive director shall notify the 5-11 presiding officer of the board of the potential ground. The 5-12 presiding officer shall then notify the governor that a potential 5-13 ground for removal exists. If the potential ground for removal 5-14 involves the presiding officer, the executive director shall notify 5-15 the assistant presiding officer, who shall then notify the governor 5-16 that a potential ground for removal exists. 5-17 Art. 21.917. REIMBURSEMENT FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES. A member of 5-18 the board is entitled to reimbursement for the travel expenses 5-19 incurred by the member while conducting the business of the board, 5-20 as provided by the General Appropriations Act. 5-21 Art. 21.918. OFFICERS; MEETINGS. (a) The governor shall 5-22 designate a member of the board as the presiding officer of the 5-23 board to serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the governor. 5-24 The board shall elect from its membership a person to serve as 5-25 assistant presiding officer. 5-26 (b) The board shall conduct regular meetings at least six 5-27 times a year. The board may meet in special meetings at the call 6-1 of the presiding officer or at the call of at least four board 6-2 members. 6-3 Art. 21.919. TRAINING; CONTINUING EDUCATION. (a) Before an 6-4 appointed board member may assume the member's duties and before 6-5 the member may be confirmed by the senate, the member must complete 6-6 at least one course of a training program established by the board 6-7 under this article. 6-8 (b) The training program shall provide information to a 6-9 participant regarding: 6-10 (1) this subchapter; 6-11 (2) the programs operated by the authority; 6-12 (3) the role and functions of the authority; 6-13 (4) the rules of the board; 6-14 (5) the current budget for the authority; 6-15 (6) the results of the most recent formal audit of the 6-16 authority; 6-17 (7) the requirements of Chapters 551, 552, 2001, and 6-18 2002, Government Code; 6-19 (8) the requirements of the conflict of interest laws 6-20 and other laws relating to public officials; and 6-21 (9) any applicable ethics policies adopted by the 6-22 Texas Ethics Commission. 6-23 (c) In addition to the training course required under 6-24 Subsection (a) of this article and as required by board rule, each 6-25 appointed board member periodically shall participate in a 6-26 continuing education course prepared by the insurance fraud unit of 6-27 the department in the detection, identification, and prosecution of 7-1 insurance fraud. 7-2 Art. 21.920. PERSONNEL. The board shall employ an executive 7-3 director to manage administrative and day-to-day operations of the 7-4 authority and may employ other staff as necessary to implement this 7-5 subchapter. 7-6 Art. 21.921. SEPARATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES. The board 7-7 shall develop and implement policies that clearly separate the 7-8 policymaking responsibilities of the board and the management 7-9 responsibilities of the executive director and the staff of the 7-10 board. 7-11 Art. 21.922. QUALIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF CONDUCT. The 7-12 executive director or the executive director's designee shall 7-13 provide to members of the board and to board employees, as often as 7-14 necessary, information regarding the requirements for office or 7-15 employment under this subchapter, including information regarding a 7-16 person's responsibilities under applicable laws relating to 7-17 standards of conduct for state officers or employees. 7-18 Art. 21.923. CAREER LADDER PROGRAM; PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS. 7-19 (a) The executive director or the executive director's designee 7-20 shall develop an intra-agency career ladder program that addresses 7-21 opportunities for mobility and advancement of employees within the 7-22 authority. The program must require intra-agency posting of all 7-23 positions concurrently with any public posting. 7-24 (b) The executive director or the executive director's 7-25 designee shall develop a system of annual performance evaluations 7-26 based on documented employee performance. All decisions regarding 7-27 merit pay for an authority employee must be based on that system. 8-1 Art. 21.924. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY POLICY. (a) The 8-2 board or the board's designee shall prepare and maintain a written 8-3 policy statement that implements a program of equal employment 8-4 opportunity to ensure that all personnel decisions are made without 8-5 regard to race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national 8-6 origin. 8-7 (b) The policy statement must include: 8-8 (1) personnel policies, including policies relating to 8-9 recruitment, evaluation, selection, training, and promotion of 8-10 personnel, that show the intent of the board to avoid the unlawful 8-11 employment practices described by Chapter 21, Labor Code; and 8-12 (2) an analysis of the extent to which the composition 8-13 of the authority's personnel is in accordance with state and 8-14 federal law and a description of reasonable methods to achieve 8-15 compliance with state and federal law. 8-16 (c) The policy statement must be: 8-17 (1) updated annually; 8-18 (2) reviewed by the Commission on Human Rights for 8-19 compliance with Subsection (b)(1); and 8-20 (3) filed with the governor's office. 8-21 Art. 21.925. RULES. The board shall adopt rules as 8-22 necessary to implement this subchapter. 8-23 Art. 21.926. DONATIONS. The authority may solicit and 8-24 accept gifts and grants. 8-25 Art. 21.927. PLAN OF OPERATION. (a) The authority shall 8-26 develop and implement a plan of operation. 8-27 (b) The plan of operation must include: 9-1 (1) an assessment of the scope of the problem of 9-2 insurance fraud and the economic impact of that fraud on consumers 9-3 of insurance products, including an assessment of areas of the 9-4 state in which the problem is greatest, if any; 9-5 (2) an analysis of various methods of combating the 9-6 problems of insurance fraud; 9-7 (3) a plan for the development and operation of the 9-8 grant program established under Article 21.928 of this code to 9-9 provide financial support to combat insurance fraud; and 9-10 (4) an estimate of the funds required to implement the 9-11 plan of operation. 9-12 Art. 21.928. FUND; GRANT PROGRAM. (a) The insurance fraud 9-13 prevention fund is a fund outside the state treasury. The 9-14 comptroller is the custodian of the fund and may invest the money 9-15 in the fund in the manner in which money in the state treasury is 9-16 invested. 9-17 (b) The comptroller shall deposit to the credit of the fund 9-18 any gift or grant of money accepted by the authority and money 9-19 collected under Article 21.929 of this code. The comptroller shall 9-20 make payments from the fund at the request of the authority, except 9-21 that a payment may not exceed the amount in the fund. 9-22 (c) Interest or income on amounts deposited in the fund 9-23 shall be credited to the fund. 9-24 (d) Money credited to the fund shall be used by the 9-25 authority to: 9-26 (1) pay administrative costs incurred by the 9-27 authority; 10-1 (2) provide financial support in the form of grants 10-2 to: 10-3 (A) law enforcement agencies to support 10-4 insurance fraud enforcement units; 10-5 (B) state agencies to support insurance fraud 10-6 enforcement units; and 10-7 (C) law enforcement agencies, local and state 10-8 prosecutors, judicial agencies, and neighborhood, community, 10-9 business, and nonprofit organizations for programs designed to 10-10 reduce insurance fraud; 10-11 (3) conduct educational programs designed to inform 10-12 the public of methods of preventing insurance fraud and 10-13 understanding when and what types of fraud are being perpetrated; 10-14 (4) support the insurance fraud tips program conducted 10-15 by the department under Article 21.932 of this code; and 10-16 (5) conduct independent examinations of insurance 10-17 fraud and deceit or intentional misrepresentation of any kind in 10-18 the insurance process and to publish information and reports on 10-19 those examinations. 10-20 (e) In any fiscal year, the amount of administrative and 10-21 public awareness expenses of the authority, including salaries, 10-22 travel and marketing expenses, and other overhead expenses, may not 10-23 exceed eight percent of the total expenditures of the authority. 10-24 Art. 21.929. ASSESSMENT ON INSURERS. (a) This article 10-25 applies to an insurer who writes the following coverage in this 10-26 state: 10-27 (1) property and casualty insurance coverage; 11-1 (2) accident and health insurance coverage; 11-2 (3) credit accident and health insurance coverage; and 11-3 (4) health insurance coverage written under life, 11-4 annuity, and accident lines. 11-5 (b) Not later than February 1 of each year, each insurer 11-6 subject to this article shall pay into the fund in trust an amount 11-7 equal to the product obtained by multiplying the base amount of 11-8 $12.5 million by a fraction, the numerator of which is the earned 11-9 premium for the coverages listed in Subsection (a) of this article 11-10 written by that insurer during the preceding calendar year, and the 11-11 denominator of which is the earned premium for those coverages 11-12 written by all insurers during the same period. 11-13 (c) Workers' compensation insurance coverage written in this 11-14 state may not be considered in determining the assessment under 11-15 Subsection (b) of this article. 11-16 (d) The total assessment for accident and health insurance 11-17 coverage described under Subsections (a)(2) and (3) of this article 11-18 may not exceed 10 percent of the total assessment authorized by 11-19 this article. If the total assessment for that coverage exceeds 10 11-20 percent, the insurers writing that coverage shall share the limited 11-21 assessment in the same proportion as they would otherwise have 11-22 shared the assessment for that coverage without the limit. Any 11-23 deficiency in the total assessment caused by the application of the 11-24 limit imposed under this subsection shall be shared by all other 11-25 insurers being assessed in the same proportions as those insurers 11-26 are sharing the remainder of the assessment. 11-27 (e) The authority may recommend that the legislature vary 12-1 the base amount established under Subsection (b) of this article if 12-2 the authority demonstrates a need to conduct more effective 12-3 programs and that distribution of money under the grant program 12-4 established under Article 21.928 of this code is reasonable. 12-5 (f) The authority shall notify the department of any insurer 12-6 who fails to pay the assessment required by this article. Failure 12-7 to pay the assessment constitutes grounds for revocation or 12-8 suspension of the insurer's certificate of authority. 12-9 Art. 21.930. AUDIT. (a) The board shall periodically audit 12-10 the plans and programs that are funded in whole or in part by the 12-11 authority to evaluate the effectiveness of those plans and 12-12 programs. 12-13 (b) The board shall withdraw funding from a plan or program 12-14 if the authority determines that the plan or program is ineffective 12-15 or does not need financial support from the authority. 12-16 Art. 21.931. ANNUAL REPORT. (a) Not later than April 1 of 12-17 each year, the authority shall issue a written report regarding its 12-18 activities during the preceding calendar year and shall provide 12-19 copies of the report to the lieutenant governor and the speaker of 12-20 the house of representatives. 12-21 (b) The report must include an analysis of each grant made 12-22 by the authority under Article 21.928 of this code, and the results 12-23 of the grant, based on: 12-24 (1) the effectiveness of the operation funded through 12-25 the grant in reducing insurance fraud; and 12-26 (2) any resulting arrests and prosecutions for 12-27 insurance fraud. 13-1 Art. 21.932. INSURANCE FRAUD TIPS PROGRAM. (a) The 13-2 authority shall develop a statewide insurance fraud tips program to 13-3 be administered by the department. The department shall implement 13-4 rules adopted by the board to administer the program. 13-5 (b) The department shall provide a system of statewide 13-6 access to the program to persons who wish to provide information or 13-7 furnish evidence concerning suspected, anticipated, or completed 13-8 fraudulent insurance acts. The system may include operation of a 13-9 toll-free telephone number. 13-10 (c) The department's fraud unit may initiate an 13-11 investigation of a report received through the statewide access 13-12 system. 13-13 (d) Except as provided by order of a court, the department 13-14 may not disclose the identity of any person who uses the insurance 13-15 fraud tips program to provide information or evidence. 13-16 (e) A person who uses the insurance fraud tips program in 13-17 good faith to provide information or evidence to the department is 13-18 not liable for damages arising from the provision of the 13-19 information or evidence. 13-20 (f) Except as provided by Subsection (g) of this article, 13-21 information acquired by the department through the insurance fraud 13-22 tips program established under this article is privileged and 13-23 confidential and may not be maintained as part of a public record. 13-24 (g) The department, on receiving information or evidence 13-25 under this article, shall provide the information or evidence and 13-26 the results of any related investigation to an appropriate law 13-27 enforcement authority or insurance fraud unit and to the affected 14-1 insurer. 14-2 SECTION 2. (a) In this section, "insurance fraud rate" 14-3 means the best estimate of the scope of insurance fraud and the 14-4 monetary impact of that fraud on this state, as determined from 14-5 uniform crime statistics or any other study determined to be 14-6 acceptable by the commissioner of insurance. 14-7 (b) The Texas Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority shall 14-8 determine a base insurance fraud rate not later than March 1, 2000, 14-9 and shall report the rate to the lieutenant governor and the 14-10 speaker of the house of representatives not later than March 31, 14-11 2000. 14-12 (c) Not later than October 1, 2002, the Texas Insurance 14-13 Fraud Prevention Authority shall determine the insurance fraud rate 14-14 using all available information and shall report the rate to the 14-15 lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of 14-16 representatives. If that rate is equal to or larger than the base 14-17 insurance fraud rate, the authority is abolished, and contracts 14-18 entered into by the authority terminate, effective November 30, 14-19 2002. If that rate is smaller than the rate initially established, 14-20 the authority shall continue in operation subject to sunset review. 14-21 (d) If the authority is abolished under Subsection (c) of 14-22 this section with unencumbered money remaining in the insurance 14-23 fraud prevention fund, the comptroller shall, after deducting 14-24 administrative costs for liquidation, return the remainder to each 14-25 insurer assessed under Article 21.929, Insurance Code, as added by 14-26 this Act, in the preceding calendar year in a share proportionate 14-27 to the assessment paid by that insurer for that year. 15-1 SECTION 3. In making initial appointments to the Texas 15-2 Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority, the governor shall appoint 15-3 two members for terms expiring February 1, 2003, two members for 15-4 terms expiring February 1, 2005, and two members for terms expiring 15-5 February 1, 2007. 15-6 SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 1999. 15-7 SECTION 5. The importance of this legislation and the 15-8 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 15-9 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 15-10 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 15-11 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.