By West                                               H.C.R. No. 75
         76R2811 WMS-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, Sam A. Ballew is retiring from his position with
 1-2     Southwestern Bell Telephone Company in February 1999, bringing to a
 1-3     close a remarkable career with that organization that has spanned
 1-4     half a century; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, Mr. Ballew joined Southwestern Bell on November 29,
 1-6     1948, as a lineman in Fort Worth, and in January of the following
 1-7     year he transferred to Odessa, where he assisted area customers as
 1-8     an installer and repairman; and
 1-9           WHEREAS, In 1951 Mr. Ballew joined the U.S. armed forces, and
1-10     he served his country with distinction for two years during the
1-11     Korean Conflict; and
1-12           WHEREAS, He returned to his job with Southwestern Bell in
1-13     March 1953, and although he was beset by major illness on several
1-14     occasions this exemplary employee remained steadfast in his desire
1-15     to serve the company for 50 years; and
1-16           WHEREAS, Mr. Ballew's determination to fulfill his goal of
1-17     serving Southwestern Bell and its customers for half a century is a
1-18     source of tremendous pride to his wife and children; and
1-19           WHEREAS, Throughout the course of his career, Mr. Ballew has
1-20     set high standards of professionalism and dedication to duty to
1-21     which all can aspire, and as he begins his well deserved
1-22     retirement, he can indeed look back on his many achievements with
1-23     tremendous satisfaction; now, therefore, be it
1-24           RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas
 2-1     hereby honor Sam A. Ballew on his remarkable record of service with
 2-2     Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and extend to him sincere best
 2-3     wishes for a happy and rewarding retirement; and, be it further
 2-4           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-5     prepared for Mr. Ballew as an expression of high regard by the
 2-6     Legislature of the State of Texas.