By Delisi H.C.R. No. 234 76R12625 JLZ-F HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 1-1 WHEREAS, Managed care plans, including for-profit, nonprofit, 1-2 individual practice, and group practice health maintenance 1-3 organization (HMO) models, continue to play an important role in 1-4 health care insurance in Texas; and 1-5 WHEREAS, The State of Texas has a vested interest in various 1-6 outcomes and measures surrounding these entities as it continues to 1-7 enroll its Medicaid population in such plans, and our children's 1-8 health insurance initiatives support managed care models; and 1-9 WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature continues to face 1-10 consideration of mandating benefits and regulating managed care 1-11 plans without regard for various models for managed care plans, 1-12 while there may be differences in consumer satisfaction or health 1-13 outcomes between different HMO models; and 1-14 WHEREAS, Given the State of Texas' continued support of 1-15 managed care plans, Texas employers' continued reliance on such 1-16 plans, and the Texas Legislature's continued obligation to pass 1-17 laws regulating the industry, it is important to determine whether 1-18 significant differences exist in the quality and health care 1-19 outcomes between the various types of managed care plans; now, 1-20 therefore, be it 1-21 RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas 1-22 hereby direct the Texas Department of Insurance and the Office of 1-23 Public Insurance Counsel, within their existing resources, to 1-24 perform a study comparing for-profit HMOs and nonprofit HMOs, as 2-1 well as individual practice association (IPA) and group medical 2-2 practice HMOs, with regard to quality indicators, customer 2-3 satisfaction, and financial measures; and, be it further 2-4 RESOLVED, That the study shall have two focuses: (1) a 2-5 comparison of nonprofit and for-profit HMOs, and (2) a comparison 2-6 of IPA and group medical practice HMOs, each comparison using 2-7 Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS) Scores, 2-8 consumer satisfaction surveys, consumer complaint ratios, premium 2-9 rates, expense ratios, administrative costs, and financial solvency 2-10 issues, in addition to other outcomes and measures deemed relevant 2-11 by the Texas Department of Insurance; and, be it further 2-12 RESOLVED, That the study shall include participation of the 2-13 commissioner of insurance, three representatives from the business 2-14 community, three representatives of hospitals, three 2-15 representatives who are physicians involved in direct patient care, 2-16 and three representatives who are consumers not professionally 2-17 involved in the purchase, provision, administration, or review of 2-18 health care or health care insurance; and, be it further 2-19 RESOLVED, That the Texas Department of Insurance shall 2-20 present the results of the study to the Texas Legislature not later 2-21 than December 1, 2000; and, be it further 2-22 RESOLVED, That the secretary of state forward an official 2-23 copy of this resolution to the commissioner of insurance.