By Craddick                                          H.C.R. No. 303
         76R17638 JBR-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, A golden wedding anniversary is indeed a cause for
 1-2     celebration, and on July 8, 1999, Leland and Patsy Kelley will
 1-3     observe this significant milestone; and
 1-4           WHEREAS, Mr. Kelley and the former Patsy L. May were united
 1-5     in matrimony on July 8, 1949, and have been blessed with a family
 1-6     that includes a daughter, Sandra L.  Coke and her husband, Thomas
 1-7     V. Coke, and a son, Lee M. Kelley and his wife, Bonnie Craddick
 1-8     Kelley; in addition, they have had the pleasure of welcoming five
 1-9     grandchildren into their close-knit family:  Richard Kelley, Ty
1-10     Coke, Brady Coke, Kelley Coke, and Haley Coke; and
1-11           WHEREAS, Residents of Abilene for more than 45 years, Mr. and
1-12     Mrs. Kelley are well known for their service to and love for their
1-13     community and for their professional endeavors; Mr. Kelley is an
1-14     accomplished certified public accountant and Mrs. Kelley is an
1-15     experienced speech therapist; and
1-16           WHEREAS, For half a century, Leland and Patsy Kelley have
1-17     shared a warm and affectionate relationship filled with many happy
1-18     times and cherished family memories, and it is truly fitting that
1-19     they be recognized at this time; now, therefore, be it
1-20           RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas
1-21     hereby honor Leland and Patsy Kelley on their 50th wedding
1-22     anniversary and extend to them sincere best wishes for continued
1-23     success and happiness; and, be it further
1-24           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
 2-1     prepared for Mr. and Mrs. Kelley as an expression of high regard by
 2-2     the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.