By Olivo                                             H.C.R. No. 304
         76R16876 GMW-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, Mariachi Cultural of University High School in Waco
 1-2     recently won first place at the 1999 Bank One Tucson International
 1-3     Mariachi Conference in Tucson, Arizona, and this auspicious
 1-4     achievement provides a fitting opportunity to recognize this
 1-5     estimable ensemble; and
 1-6           WHEREAS, Established by Jose A. Nino in March 1997, the
 1-7     University High School Mariachi Cultural is a voluntary group of
 1-8     students who perform the culturally rich mariachi music while
 1-9     playing traditional instruments and wearing authentic costumes; and
1-10           WHEREAS, The award-winning members of Mariachi Cultural
1-11     include Sexton "Matt" Felan V, Ernest Galindo, Jr., Daniel Garcia,
1-12     David Garcia, Archie Hatten IV, Amy Henderson, Stephanie Johnson,
1-13     Jessica Lopez, Leticia Marquez, Kimberly Perez, Jimmie Pringle,
1-14     Cristella Rojo, John Valdez, Jeremy Ybarra, Jesse Ybarra, Jessica
1-15     Ybarra, and Pedro Zamora; and
1-16           WHEREAS, Since it debuted on April 26, 1997, at the LULAC
1-17     Bilingual Head Start Parents Recognition Banquet, Mariachi Cultural
1-18     has built a loyal following through its myriad performances; in
1-19     addition to having appeared on the international cable station
1-20     Univision, the group has performed at many notable events,
1-21     including quinceaneras, weddings, receptions, funerals,
1-22     presentations, birthday parties, special masses, and serenades; and
1-23           WHEREAS, This talented group has garnered a host of
1-24     accolades, which include receiving a superior rating in solo and
 2-1     ensemble UIL Competition in February 1998; after attending the Bank
 2-2     One Tucson International Mariachi Conference in 1998 and being
 2-3     voted one of the event's best groups, Mariachi Cultural recently
 2-4     returned to the annual event on April 21-22, 1999, and earned first
 2-5     place honors, with Mr. Nino claiming the Mariachi Director-Teacher
 2-6     of the Year award; and
 2-7           WHEREAS, Mariachi Cultural is truly an outstanding and
 2-8     accomplished ensemble, and it is indeed appropriate to pay tribute
 2-9     to it at this time; now, therefore, be it
2-10           RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas
2-11     hereby honor Mariachi Cultural of University High School and extend
2-12     to its members sincere best wishes for continued success and
2-13     happiness; and, be it further
2-14           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-15     prepared for Mariachi Cultural and director Jose A. Nino as an
2-16     expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and
2-17     Senate.