By Longoria                                          H.C.R. No. 312
         76R17832 JHS-D                           
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 1-1           WHEREAS, Paul Koeltzow has distinguished himself as a Lone
 1-2     Star resident through his dedicated and determined efforts in
 1-3     behalf of public education, and he is indeed deserving of special
 1-4     legislative recognition for his perseverance in this endeavor; and
 1-5           WHEREAS, A retired U.S. Air Force colonel, Mr. Koeltzow comes
 1-6     from a long line of educators:  his grandmother, parents, aunt, and
 1-7     brother were all schoolteachers, as were his wife's grandmother and
 1-8     aunt; he obtained a teaching certificate from Tuscola County Normal
 1-9     College in Caro, Michigan, and attended Central Michigan University
1-10     before serving his country as a member of the U.S. Air Force; and
1-11           WHEREAS, Since his retirement from the armed forces,
1-12     Mr. Koeltzow has lobbied countless individuals in our state's
1-13     public school system regarding the benefit of Direct Instruction, a
1-14     learning system based on the use of phonics; although his interest
1-15     in this subject was originally piqued by his grandson's early
1-16     reading difficulties, he has since expanded his interest and
1-17     efforts to the national level; and
1-18           WHEREAS, On his own initiative, and without economic
1-19     compensation of any kind, Mr. Koeltzow has traveled to and lived in
1-20     Austin during the 75th and 76th legislative sessions, putting his
1-21     considerable energy and support behind the Direct Instruction
1-22     initiative; this program seeks to eliminate the so-called "whole
1-23     word" teaching approach in favor of a public school curriculum for
1-24     elementary reading, spelling, and math courses that is based on the
 2-1     scientifically proven success of the phonics method; and
 2-2           WHEREAS, Mr. Koeltzow's efforts have contributed to the
 2-3     establishment of a Direct Instruction campus in the South San
 2-4     Antonio Independent School District, and he has been nominated for
 2-5     the 1999 ADI Excellence in Education Award in response to his
 2-6     commendable and visionary crusade to promote this teaching method;
 2-7     and
 2-8           WHEREAS, Paul Koeltzow has traveled throughout the United
 2-9     States in his search for answers to the recent decline in our
2-10     educational system, devoting many hours to this noble pursuit, and
2-11     in light of his long-standing commitment, it is truly a great
2-12     pleasure to honor this patriotic and proactive American at this
2-13     time; now, therefore, be it
2-14           RESOLVED, That the 76th Legislature of the State of Texas
2-15     hereby recognize Paul Koeltzow for his noteworthy contributions to
2-16     public education in the Lone Star State and commend him for his
2-17     selfless dedication to this worthy cause; and, be it further
2-18           RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
2-19     prepared for Mr. Koeltzow as an expression of high regard by the
2-20     Texas House of Representatives and Senate.